Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 001 Gu Chen's enlightenment

The war turned into a rebellion, and Gu Chen was furious. He personally led 200,000 praiguards and 100,000 national defenders, with a total of 300,000 troops to fight against the rebels.

This battle has lasted for more than a year. In terms of combat effectiveness and judgment, the battle is not an ancient enemy, and the defeat was captured.

The former brotherhood has disappeared at this moment. Gu Chen ordered to punish the battle of "five horses to divide the corpses.

Guan Qi, the general of Zhennan, and Zhang Yuan, the general of the protection of the country, pleaded for mercy, and were all refuted by Gu Chen.

In the end, Cheng Zhan was dismembered by five horses, his head was buried in Pandu, and his limbs were ordered by Gu Chen to be buried in all directions of Panguo.

During the civil war between Gu Chen and the Cheng War, the State of Zhao sent troops to raid several times. After defeating the Cheng War, Gu Chen personally marched and led a large army of 500,000 to fight against the State of Zhao. However, all the cities that resisted were slaughtered.

After two years of expedition, it broke through nine big cities and more than 50 small cities in the State of Zhao, accounting for two-thirds of the land of the State of Zhao.

In the summer of the third year, Gu Chen captured the last big city of the State of Zhao, which was slaughtered again. The royal family of the State of Zhao was killed to the end, and the emperor Chen and the crown prince who fled to the State of Zhao were also killed.

Gu Chen, from the hands of Emperor Zhao, got the general Zhang Yuan of the Protectorate to contact the State of Zhao to provide evidence of military action. General Zhang Yuan, the Protector of the country, was beaten into the heavenly prison. In the autumn of the same year, the queen Zhang Xiao pleaded for mercy and was also beaten into the cold palace.

In the winter of the same year, Gu Chen married the former imperial concubine of the State of Zhao and entered the palace. He threatened, "In life, the greatest pleasure is to turn other people's land into his own land, and other people's woman into his own woman..."

The former brothers, Gu Zhou, Cheng Zhan and Zhang Yuan have all died, leaving only Guan Qi and Sima Yan.

Sima Yan, the general of Zhenxi, expressed his congratulations. Gu Chen was overjoyed and made Sima Yan the king of Pingxi, giving 300,000 soldiers, plus 100,000 soldiers in the west of the Zhenxi, a total of 400,000 crusade against Weiguo.

Guan Qi, the general of Zhennan, married the imperial concubine of the State of Zhao. Originally, he was angry because of Zhang Yuan's death. At this moment, he was even worse. He scolded Gu Chen, forgot the righteousness of his brother, scolded the sky ruthlessly and had no eyes. He died in the general's mansion

When Guan Qi's sword pierced his heart, Gu Chen appeared in front of him. At the end of his life, he saw Gu Chen. The memory of his childhood floated in Guan Qi's mind, and he couldn't help crying. He looked at Gu Chen and cried silently.

Gu Chen asked, "You are the general of Zhennan. In the southern waters, you can cover the sky with one hand and enjoy the glory and wealth. Why can't you see the world and want to die?"

Guan Qi said with a long hatred and said, "If you don't want to live on the same day of the same year and the same month, you just want to die on the same day of the same month of the same year. The sky is ruthless, and my brothers are all dead. How can I live alone?"

End up with hatred.

In Guan Qi's view, the brother Gu Chen was already dead when he was killed.

Guan Qi's death failed to change Gu Chen at all. For Guan Qi, the brother's affection is more important than heaven and earth. For Gu Chen, it is already lighter than clear water. His journey has just begun to be ruthless, and the spring and autumn alternate several times...

Suddenly, thirty years have passed.

In the past 30 years, Guchen has conquered from the east to the west, conquered the north in the south, and destroyed countless countries. Panguo has changed from a small country with a radius of hundreds of miles to a super empire with a radius of thousands of miles, from the eastern grassland in the east, to the boundless black water river in the west, With a wide range of fields, it is second to none in the whole mortal country and dominates one side.

Since ancient times, there has never been a single person who can be completely unified.

Today, a huge empire rose and dominated this area, "Pangu Emperor,

The reputation of

has spread to every corner of this area, and even to more distant places.

Six teenagers who used to be in Gujia Village, now only Gu Chen and Sima Yan are left, one is the emperor of the Dapan Empire, and the other is the King of Pingxi who is under one person and above ten thousand people in the Dapan Empire.

The other four people, Gu Zhou died in the battlefield, and the rebellion was dismembered by five horses. Zhang Yuan asked the enemy, and Guan Qi hated heaven for suicide...

Thousands of miles away, it was unified by the Pan Kingdom, but the world was not peaceful. The back vein of the royal family that was destroyed by the country rose up everywhere in an attempt to subvert the regime and restore the rivers and mountains. However, in front of the powerful Dapan Empire, it was tantamount to shaking the pestle and the

The territory was unified. Although there were some small rebellions, there was no big war. After the war, the economy slowly recovered.

The originally chaotic land has had a unified order since then.

As the economy of the Dapan Empire is getting better and better, the people have a stable environment. Pangu Emperor, this iron-blooded emperor, no matter what bloodthirsty means he had in the past, has been praised by all the people at this moment.

After failing again and again, those forces gradually understood that with the Pangu Emperor, the Pan Empire was as strong as a rock, and it was difficult for them to shake at all. Therefore, the rebellion gradually became less and less until it was stabilized.

It's been another ten years.

When Gu Chen first arrived at Gujia Village, Gu Chen was only ten years old and Sima Yan was nine years old. Now more than 50 years have passed, and Sima Yan has changed from a nine-year-old boy to an old man full of huājia this year, ushering in the end of his life.

Before Sima Yan's death, he passed on his last words to his three sons: "On the day of Pan Emperor is alive, the Dapan Empire is as strong as a rock. You can't act rashly. The Pan Emperor is like the sky, can't disobey, and it can live smoothly. When the Pan Emperor dies, there Collapse, Panhuang is one year older than me. After I went there, Panhuang didn't have much time. You have to speed up your time and accumulate strength. When the world is in chaos, you can take advantage of the situation. There are many soldiers in our Sima family, and then the world will belong to our Ma family..."

Sima Yan's life was at the end of his life. Before his life, he faintly saw a man about 20 years old appearing in front of him.

"I'm a little familiar with this person's appearance!" Sima Yan's consciousness that was about to disappear suddenly moved, and his thoughts suddenly returned to many years ago. The small village called "Gujia Village, under the witness of "Uncle Gu", there are six teenagers who have become friends of eight worshipers. They do not want to be born on the same day of the same year, but to die on the same day of the

Sima Yan's eyes gradually closed, but two lines of tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes.

Sima Yan's heart was also bitter. From the two lines of tears at Sima Yan's deathbed, Gu Chen felt the bitterness in his heart.

In the past 50 years, Gu Chen watched the life changes of the six teenagers in the Gu family, and all he felt was one word: bitter. From thousands of mortals, Gu Chen also felt one word: bitter!

All sentient beings are suffering! This is the greatest experience of Gu Chen's 50 years of practice in the world.

Because of ignorance, mortals have the joy that monks can't adjourn, and mortals have pain that monks can't understand because they are powerless.

The interweaving of joy and pain is the life of mortals!

After Sima Yan's death, several years later, "Pangu Emperor, Gu Chen's soul finally returned to immortality, 71 years old.

As Sima Yan expected, after the death of Gu Chen, the world was in chaos. In the past, the royal family took advantage of the situation, and the world was in chaos.

On the night before Gu Chen's death, Gu Chen appeared in front of Gu Chen.

When Gu Chen, who had been flooded for a breath, saw Gu Chen, his eyes gushed out of shock.

At this time, Gu Chen is already an old man, but Gu Chen is still a young man about 20 years old.

With Gu Chen's mana, for mortals, it is simply endless and boundless. Whoever Gu Chen wants to see can see, and whoever he wants to see, he can't see.

Gu Chen saw that the left and right maids of honor did not see Gu Chen, and also saw that Gu Chen was as good as before. He knew in his heart that Gu Chen was an extraordinary person, and the doubts in his heart many years ago were also cleared.

Calling back the maid of honor, Gu Chen said, "Uncle Gu, I knew you were very human. Sure enough, save me... Uncle Gu, save me..."

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "Your longevity is over, and the immortals can't be saved!"

Gu Chen burst into tears and said, "I have the achievements of my life to unify the world. If I die, the world will fall apart. The achievements of the unification of the world will be destroyed once. Please give me life!"

Gu Chen said, "How long do you want to live?"

"500 years" Gu Chen paused for a moment, and then said, "A thousand years, no, immortal, I want to live forever. As long as you give me time, I can stabilize the world forever, let the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is prosperous..."

Gu Chen shook his head and smiled and said, "My longevity is only a thousand years old. If you want to live immortality, how can it be possible? Gu Chen, do you remember your former brother?" Brother? Who?" Gu Chen was puzzled.

Gu Chen said, "Gujia Village, outside the Valley of Death, several brothers who worshipped in front of me."

Gu Chen was stunned. His thoughts followed Gu Chen's words. Back to many years ago, no one mentioned it. He had forgotten that period of time. "I hardly remember their names anymore!"

Gu Chen fell into silence.

Gu Chen said, "It's been so long that you are about to forget the past. In fact, I have given you your life expectancy. As early as you entered Death Valley at the age of ten, you would have died. If you hadn't met me, you would have become the lion's food."

After a pause, Gu Chen said again, "The world is so big that it is beyond your imagination. You can never really achieve the unification of the world, and what about the unification of the world? All sentient beings are suffering. You are the king and the emperor, and there are countless ordinary people. Like you in the past, those who have been bullied as good will not end well, and those who are evil can be free from justice. This can not only be solved by unification of the world,..."

, "Hahahaha" Gu Chen smiled, which seemed to be a wry smile and a smile: "As long as you live in this heaven and earth, you will be bound by heaven and earth. However, this heaven and earth do not distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, but live and death, and distinguish between noble and lowly. This is the You can't change the whole world. This is an imperfect system, an imperfect way.

I don't know if anyone has thought about improving this system and the way of heaven and earth since ancient times, but after the ancient times, we must establish the way. If you want to establish the way first, you must break the way first!"