Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 002 Du Xu Shang

After the death of Gu Chen, the world was in chaos, and the heroes rose together.

However, Gu Chen has realized in his heart that "the existence of the Tao, the common things in the world have nothing to do with him.

After sixty years, Gu Chen entered the secular world and watched the life and death of all people. From the initial Gujia Village suffered from the Qinglong Village, to the suffering of war and chaos, and the six teenagers who worshipped in the past died one after another, the suffering of a lifetime!

In the end, Gu Chen saw a big "suffering, words, all sentient beings are suffering!

Those who are good will not end well, and those who will be evil will be free from justice...

As the saying is, the way of heaven is ruthless, and it is true.

Since ancient times, the monks in the whole world of cultivation, including the three races of people, witches and demons, have realized the "the ruthlessness of heaven" when they stepped into Duxu and realized the general trend of "the ruthlessness of heaven" and regard all sentient beings as ants.

Although the strong man who finally stepped into Duxu understood the "Tao" and the "law of heaven and earth", the direction of the Taoist heart is divided into two directions.

Some immortals believe that since the way of heaven is ruthless, the cultivation of immortals is to practice Taoism, and they should also have a ruthless heart. They regard all sentient beings like ants, and the Taoist heart breaks all the shackles, pointing straight to immortality and the peak of monasticism.

Another part of the immortals believe that the way of heaven is merciless and affectionate. All races in the world practice Taoism because of wisdom, and are derived from it because of love. Although the way of heaven is ruthless, the immortals understand the way of heaven, but it can be used for love. The way of heaven is ruthless. The Taoist heart

Although the Taoist heart of the immortals completely points to two different directions, in fact, it still follows the same principle, that is, to conforms to the way of heaven. Practice is to understand the law, and the purpose is the same. Step into the peak of monasticism and pursue immortality, but the concept in the heart is by no means the same

One cares only about oneself, and the other cares about all sentient beings.

The "Tao" that Gu Chen understood is completely different from the first kind of monk who only cares about himself. It has similarities with the second kind of monk who think about all sentient beings, but the fundamental point is very different.

Whether it is the first or the second, it always conforms to the way of heaven. Although the cultivation of immortals fights against the heaven, in fact, the road is the same as the way of heaven.

Although Gu Chen's "Tao" is to mind all sentient beings, it directly points out that "the root of Tao, all sentient beings are suffering. The most fundamental reason is heaven and earth, and it is "Tao" because the current rules of heaven and earth are a wrong rule of heaven and earth, regardless of good and evil, do not distinguish To understand the way of heaven to universalize all sentient beings, but to completely change the system, to [revolutionize] life to break the way...,

Breaking the way of heaven, since the ages, immortals have never heard of such a Taoist heart, which is not only a struggle against the sky, but also the opposite path.

However, it is easy to say the opposite way, but it is difficult to do. If you want to break the way, you must first understand the way, understand the way. If you want to understand the Tao, you must first understand the Tao.

In this way, things seem to be back to the original point~


If you don't understand the Tao, you don't understand the rules of heaven and earth, and don't understand the Tao, what is it? Where did it start?

I don't even know the goal. Where to start?

The road is invisible and traceless, infinite and gapless, everywhere, this day, this place, this starry sky,

This mountain 11, Heyue, are all the way of heaven, and people live in the way of heaven. How can they break it?

If you want to break it, you must have it. If you want it, you must understand it first...


After 60 years of entering the world, Gu Chen finally touched the traces of the Tao, but there is still a layer of diaphragm that has been "understanding the Tao". As long as you break through this diaphragm, you can step into the fairy path and become a strong man who crosses the secret realm of the void. If you can

As the saying goes, as big a dream, you can go as far as you want, and as big a heart, you can do as much as you want...

Although Gu Chen, like other monks who stepped into the secret realm of the void, understood the way of heaven and the law, different Taoist hearts doomed his path, different from other immortals, destined his achievements, and was beyond the reach of other immortal practitioners.

Gu Chen put aside the secular world in his heart, but people are still on the earth, stepping on the earth, thinking about the bits and pieces he has seen in the past 60 years, Gu Chen, Gu Zhou, Cheng Zhan, Zhang Yuan, Guan Qi, Sima Yan's six different personalities, different fates, as well as the different life changes, mood Thousands of people I have seen...

Thousands of thoughts in his mind, he strode under his feet and ran forward. Gu Chen sealed his mana cultivation. Without flying freely in the air, he walked forward like this...

A few days later, there was a water ahead, almost boundless.

Gu Chen's eyes can be seen thousands of miles away, and mortals can't see the head, but Gu Chen can see that more than a thousand miles away is another piece of land. This water, known as the sea of mortals, is actually a big river, the Heishui River, the largest river in the northern wilderness.

The Heishui River is more than thousands of miles wide. From the river bank, you can only see the waves rushing from the sky to the bank, and there is no sign of the river flowing underwater at all. It is no exaggeration that mortals living by the river call it the sea.

The same thing. Mortals call it the sea, but in the eyes of monks, it is a big river, looking at the torrent of water,

Gu Chen touched his heart and walked up to the Black Water River.

The black side of the Blackwater River was not calm. The waves rushed to the shore, as if there was an invisible big hand, constantly patting the water on the shore, containing an invisible force. However, as soon as Gu Chen stepped into the water, the invisible force did not hold him up, and his foot directly stepped directly to the bottom of the water.

Gu Chen was very curious. At this moment, the way he realized was like the water surface of the Black Water River. It seemed that the water surface was patted with an arm, but this arm was invisible and traceless, which was similar to the "Tao" in his heart.

I touched the existence of Tao, but I always feel that I can't grasp it, just like the invisible force on the surface of the water.

Gu Chenxin said, "If I can feel the invisible power on the water, I can walk on the water with that invisible power without the space fairy treasure "Kowloon Floating Gate" without falling into the water. To this level, I should be able to understand the power of "Tao."

Thinking of this, Gu Chen raised his foot again and stepped on the water.

Chinese education...,


As soon as the water splashed, Gu Chen stepped through the water again and stepped on the underwater ground.

Gu Chen was not discouraged. He walked along the river, stepped on the water, and walked south like this.

The world is as weak as water. If you want to step on the water, it would not be easy to talk about it if you don't understand the law.

For several days in a row, Gu Chen was by the Heishui River, stepping on the river. Every time he stepped into the bottom of the water. On the way, many mortals saw it and pointed out. Some mortals saw Gu Chen walking in the water, and there was a look in their eyes looking at the madman.

Regardless of the ridicule of mortals, Gu Chen walked all the way along the Heishui River. After more than a month, Gu Chen walked thousands of miles away, but still did not master the invisible force on the surface of the water and continued to walk on the bottom of the water.

On this day, Gu Chen continued to walk along the river, stepping on the river. This is a mountainous area where few mortals live. After walking for more than half an hour, a house appeared at the foot of the river in front of him.

Ten feet outside the house is the Heishui River. There is a small boat by the river. There is an old man sitting in the boat, fishing in the river.

Gu Chen stepped on the river by the river. Seeing that he was strong, the old man said, "Brother, let the dry land go, but step on the wet river. Why?"

Gu Chen is more than a hundred years old, much older than the old man, but his appearance still looks like about 20 at the moment he stepped into Duxu.

Seeing that the old man was not mocking, Gu Chen didn't care about his name. He said, "Old man, I want to walk on the water like on land. Do you think it's okay?"

The old man thought for a moment and said, "The little brother wants to walk on the water, but it's a good idea, but the buoyancy of the water is too small, and the contact surface between people and water is too small to float the human body, unless..."

The old man stamped his feet and then said, "The soles of your feet are as big as this boat. The buoyancy of the water is enough to float you up, and you can really walk on the water."

The old man's words brightened Gu Chen's heart, laughed, bowed to the old man, and said, "So that's it. Thank you for your advice..."

After saying that, [body] the pure yang qi gushed out from the feet, forming two boat-like mana shields, separating the body from the water.

Gu Chen stepped on the water. As the old man said, the buoyancy of the water floated him on the water, and he could walk on the water.

, "Hahahaha" Gu Chen laughed and stepped forward. The mana cover was like two canoes floating on the surface of the water. Gu Chen stepped on the water and ran to the center of the river.

The old man's eyes kept on each other, and he was so scared that he almost turned into the river. He immediately knelt in the boat and bowed down to Gu Chen: "The immortals forgive sins, the immortals forgive sins..."

Gu Chen ignored the old man's words and ran to the center of the river. As soon as he adapted to the buoyancy of the river, he walked on the surface of the water faster than on land. In less than a day, Gu Chen walked six or seven hundred miles away and came to the center of the Heishui River.

Gu Chen stepped on the surface of the water, felt the fluctuation of the river under his feet, and could clearly feel the existence of the invisible force.

When walking by the river, I stepped into the river at once, and I couldn't feel the invisible force at all. Now I can clearly feel it. Then, one day, I can completely master this power.

Gu Chen stepped on the rolling river in the river of the Heishui River, and kept walking to the south, towards the source of the Heishui River...

As time goes by day, Gu Chen is feeling the invisible power of the water under his feet all the time.

Following that force, the hood condensed by Gu Chen's mana is getting smaller and smaller.

A month later, the mana cover under Gu Chen's feet had completely disappeared, but with his mastery of the invisible power, Gu Chen also stood on the river surface of the Heishui River with only his feet.