Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 093 Hit King Jinpeng

A shadow crossed the void. With a flash, Gu Chen crossed a thousand-foot distance and rushed to the huge body of King Jinpeng.

The distance of Gu Chen's teleportation in the void is as long as 2,000 miles. At this moment, although it is impossible to use teleportation within ten thousand feet beside King Jinpeng, the distance of thousands of feet is almost the same as teleportation for Gu Chen, which is flashed.

"Gu Chen, die for me - hundreds of millions of gold!" King Jinpeng shouted heavily, and his retreating body suddenly stopped. The two huge wings of more than 2,000 feet trembled. In an instant, countless golden feathers burst out of King Jinpeng, dense, like a rain coming, with hundreds of millions of roots.

Each golden long Ling shoots a golden light, just like a handle of a magic weapon, and its attack power is as strong as the top-grade fairy treasure.

Hundreds of millions of golden longlings are bombarded, like hundreds of millions of top-quality immortal treasures, and the attack power is strong. Unless they are the great immortals of the Taoist period, they can resist with great mana. The strong crossing the Taoist period, unless they are defended with the help of the supreme fairy treasure, they will be Nothingness, it will end up to death and death.

Billions of Jinangzhan is a great trick of King Jinpeng. Even Wu Xing, Shenghuang Jiyao and Master Duchan, who are more powerful than King Jinpeng, can't catch the attack of King Jinpeng's "billiongzhan" without a strong defense of supreme immortal treasure.

When he used hundreds of millions of Jin Gongzhan, the closer the distance he cut out, the stronger the attack power was. Seeing that Gu Chen did not retreat, he rushed to him quickly. King Jinpeng's eyes were full of joy.

From the body of King Jinpeng, there is also a golden blade nearly 2,000 feet away, which has been cut to a hundred feet in front of Gu Chen, dense and covering the world, like a rain coming, and the whole void in front of it has formed a golden curtain.

In the face of the hundreds of millions of golden dragons of the King of Jinpeng, Gu Chen's eyes were not afraid at all, and there was no trace of retreat. He patted his left palm forward, and a red light burst out of Gu Chen's palm, and instantly turned into a palm seal of a thousand-foot-sized red flame, The original fire seal.

The original fire seal burst into dazzling red light covering half of the sky.

Originally, King Jinpeng's hundreds of millions of golden eyes shone, blocking the sight of most of the strong demons and the red light of the original fire seal. In the whole sky, there was only one gold, one red light left, blocking the whole sky.

The strong demon clan only saw the King Jinpeng in the same direction as them, but Gu Chen disappeared after the golden red light, and no one could see it.

Billions of Jin gangshan and the original fire seal are infinitely powerful. They not only block the sight of the strong of the demon clan, but also cut off Gu Chen's consciousness after Jin gang's red light and completely disappeared in front of all the strong people of the demon clan, and even the divine consciousness could not be explored.

chi chi chi......

The sound of countless items burning violently suddenly sounded.

King Jinpeng's golden long feathers, although extremely hard and explosive, the attack power is comparable to the top-grade fairy treasure, but after all it is not the top-grade fairy treasure, but just a pile of feathers, which were burned by the original fire and turned into ashes.

All the golden blades are transformed by the feathers of King Jinpeng. After turning into golden blades to attack the enemy, King Jinpeng can also take back the feathers.

Therefore, every time a feather is burned, King Jinpeng loses one. King Jinpeng's feathers do not grow instantly and take a certain amount of time. If all the feathers are burned, King Jinpeng will become a hairless bird.

When the fire of the origin is the flame of the five elements, everything in the five elements can be burned. King Jinpeng obviously did not leave the five elements. As soon as the golden blade encountered the fire of the wood source, it was immediately burned to ashes.

However, King Jinpeng's body is extremely huge, and his wings are open, reaching five or six thousand feet. I don't know how many feathers there are on his body. They come densely and burst, and the speed is extremely fast. Although many golden blades transformed by feathers have been burned into ashes by the original fire.

However, when the "source fire seal, a large amount of consumption, began to disperse, more golden blades penetrated the "source fire seal" with a burning flame, and continued to cut down to Gu Chen.

Even if the feathers of King Jinpeng are not as hard as the top-quality magic weapon, they are almost the same. It is obviously impossible for the original fire to burn the golden blade into ashes in an instant.

Gu Chen's palm "source fire seal" burned at least 100,000 feathers on King Jinpeng, but for hundreds of millions of Jingangli blades, 100,000 feathers are not much, and the remaining Jingungli blades are not few, still dense, cutting towards Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, snorted softly, and the other five arms patted forward at the same time.


Five red light burst out of the palm and turned into five thousand-foot-sized red flame giant palms. The five "source fire seals" formed a huge flame wall and bombarded forward.

At the same time, Gu Chen previously hit his arm and grabbed the void in his chest. A pure white flame gushed out of the God of War, which was the fire of pure sun.

The pure sun cremated into a pure white flame dragon, surging out.

"Miscellaneous-haired bird, I will burn your feathers and turn you into a hairless bird."

Gu Chen shouted loudly, and the palm of the palm controlling the pure sun fire patted forward. The fire dragon collapsed into a huge flame palm, appeared in front of Gu Chen, followed the back of the five original fire seals, and pushed forward.

The original fire seal blocked the sight of the powerful people of the demon clan, including King Jinpeng, did not know that behind the red flame wall, there was a flame palm composed of pure sun fire.

The fire of pure sun is a flame beyond the five elements. Compared with the fire of the origin, it is ten times more domineering and a hundred times, which can burn everything in the world.

"The fire of origin? You actually have the "source of fire?"

King Jinpeng's voice was shocked, and then turned cold. He said in a cold voice, "What about the fire of the origin?

The emperor's feathers are hundreds of millions, endless. How many feathers can the original fire burn in a short period of time? However, you only need to kill the emperor's "billions of gold dragonfaction" in your fingers. You actually have the origin of the three five elements. Let's die for the emperor! After death, all three sources belong to the emperor.

King Jinpeng's voice changed from a cold voice to a roar. With the explosion of the voice, more feathers of King Jinpeng burst out and turned into countless golden blades, continuing to cut off Gu Chen.




Countless golden blades were burned to ashes by the fire of the source.

However, more golden blades rushed through the flame wall formed by the original fire and directly rushed into the huge palm seal transformed by the pure yang fire.

The flame palm transformed by the pure sun fire is thousands of feet in size, but Gu Chen's body is only less than one foot. Standing behind the flame palm, if the golden blade wants to attack Gu Chen, it is bound to pass through the flame palm transformed by the pure sun fire first.

As soon as Jingang's sharp blade shot into the fire of pure yang, it didn't even make a sound. In an instant, it turned into nothingness and was burned to ashes by the fire of pure yang.

Countless golden blades shot through the original fire, but they were burned without a trace by the fire of pure sun.

Soon, it passed by in a flash. King Jinpeng was surprised. Why didn't he hear Gu Chen's screams? Hundreds of millions of golden blades passed through the fire of origin, but it seemed that he did not attack Gu Chen.

The whole circle is in the "domain" of King Jinpeng. In the domain, it is impossible for Gu Chen to use teleportation to escape.

King Jinpeng was puzzled.

After a flick of an eye, the five original fire seals burned five or six million golden longs, consumed them, and the red flames gradually annihilated and disappeared.

Located in the five "source fire seals, the pure white flame giant palms after them are exposed in front of King Jinpeng.

Without the obstruction of the original fire, a pure yang smell spread out of the giant palm of the flame.

"What pure sun fire." King Jin Peng roared fiercely: "You have so many pure sun fires... Ah, my feathers!" In the fierce roar of King Jinpeng, there were many sharp blades of Jin Qiang in the void, which were still in an instant, shot back, and returned to the [body] of King Jinpeng, turned back into feathers, and appeared outside the body of King Jinpeng.

However, 70% or 80% of the Jin Gang's sharp blades just burst out have been shot into the fire of pure sun and burned to nothingness.

At this moment, the feathers on King Jinpeng's body are more than half less than when he was just transformed. In some places, even without feathers, baldness appeared one after another.

It seems that King Jinpeng is extremely embarrassed.

The pure sun fire in the void was instantly taken back by Gu Chen's order of the God of War. At the same time as the King of Jinpeng took back the sharp blade of Jin, the shadow in the void flashed, and Gu Chen continued to rush to the King of Jinpeng.

King Jinpeng did not dare to use hundreds of millions of gold to deal with Gu Chen. He directly stretched out two golden giant claws of incomparable immortal treasures and grabbed Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's six arms moved and patted at the same time. In an instant, six palms burst out from the palm of his hand and turned into six giant palms.

Three greens and three silvers, three "source wood seals" and three "source watermarks" are extremely heavy palm seals.

Two of the palm seals hit the two giant claws of King Jinpeng, and the other three palm seals sealed the other three directions of King Jinpeng. The last palm seal fell from the sky and went straight to King Jinpeng.



The two palm prints hit together with the giant claws of the King of Jinpeng, and instantly dispersed, turned into the tree of the origin and the water of the source, and continued to attack the King of Jinpeng.

King Jinpeng's wings flapped and was about to resist. His back shook, and the "source watermark" in the sky suddenly hit King Jinpeng's back.


The extremely heavy "source watermark, pressed on the body of the King of Jinpeng, immediately made the King of Jinpeng fall from the void and hit a huge suspended ground with a radius of dozens of miles.

Gu Chen's figure flashed, followed him down, and stepped on the back of King Jinpeng.

"The hairy bird, let you be arrogant, make you arrogant, let you play the idea of Xiaobai, I will kill you, you hairy bird, I will burn up your bird feathers."

Gu Chen shouted as he shouted and patted his six arms together.

"The original wood seal, the original watermark, the original fire seal, the God of War's Star Fist, all bombarded out, all bombarded on the King of Jinpeng.

In an instant, King Jinpeng fell into deep water and fire. The golden light exploded in the void, all of which were the feathers of King Jinpeng's blown down. With the sound, the falling feathers were burned into ashes by the fire of the origin.