Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 094 Heavenly Emperor Seal

Chapter 6 Chapter 094 Heavenly Emperor Yin Guchen slapped him and patted a 'source watermark', which was thousands of feet in size, like a 'source watermark' like mercury, and slapped heavily on King Jinpeng's head.


King Jinpeng's head hit the ground heavily, hitting the ground into a huge deep pit of hundreds of feet in size. The feathers on his head fell off, and there were also many wounds. The blood soared the 'source watermark' and scattered, turned into a large amount of 'source water', pouring into the deep pit of the ground, The water of the source submerged King Jinpeng's head and pressed King Jinpeng's head into a deep pit. No matter how Jinpeng King's head struggled, it could not be lifted.


Gu Chen punched out, and the fist burst out of his fist. In an instant, it turned into a thousand feet in size. The 'God of War Star Fist' bombarded heavily on one of the wings of King Jinpeng. The sound of the sky exploded, like thunder. Countless golden lights shone in the void. In an instant, I Out, he shot in all directions.

A huge fist print appeared on the ground, and King Jinpeng's wings were bleeding, and he was directly bombarded into the deep pit.


Gu Chen patted a blue palm to the other wing, which turned into a thousand-foot palm seal in an instant - 'the original wood seal'.

The 'source wood seal' heavily patted on the wings of King Jinpeng. The golden light exploded, and most of the feathers on the wings were shot down. The 'source wood seal' dispersed and turned into countless 'woods of origin'. It continued to hit down from the sky and bombarded King Jinpeng's wings into the deep pit of

Gu Chen's body jumped into the air, and the remaining three arms slapped down at the same time. Three red palms burst out and turned into three red palm prints the size of thousands of feet.


Three explosions, three 'source fire seals' hit King Jinpeng's back and tail at the same time, not only hit King Jinpeng's whole body into the deep pit under the ground, the 'source fire seal' collapsed, and turned into an endless 'source fire', forming a sea of fire, covering King Jinpeng's whole body. Medium.


Even with the immortal power to protect the body, King Jinpeng's feathers still began to burn. In an instant, King Jinpeng's whole body was dark, like the ink carbon that had just come out of the kiln, and the air was filled with a smell of burning.

After three 'source fire seals', Gu Chen's body stepped on King Jinpeng's body again. His six arms moved together, or turned into fists, or palms. The King of Jinpeng, who stepped on his feet, roared and made the King of Jinpeng cry in pain, and his cry was sad.

"I'll burn up your hair, and I'll kill you!" Gu Chen stepped on the back of King Jinpeng. Every time a wave of palms and fists came out, he shouted loudly. The voice came out from afar. Even if it was thousands of miles away, it was clear to the ears.

Not only the strong man in the demon clan, but also the demon cultivation in the secret realm of the fate spring in the heavenly court were shaken by the war between Gu Chen and the King of Jinpeng. They ran out of the palaces in the heavenly court and watched from afar.

At this moment, whether it is the strong demon clan who crossed the secret world or the demon monks who crossed the secret realm of the spring of life, they opened their mouths one by one, their eyes were bigger than the bronze bell, and they were stunned, which could just form the expression of the strong demon clan and the life spring monk.

King Jinpeng, known as the strongest of the demon clan, was actually trampled on the ground by Gu Chen!

What's more ironic is that before the war, King Jinpeng became the demon emperor of the demon clan, threatening to destroy the witch clan first, then the human race, unify the ancient wilderness, and control the world.

Before he could unfold all the hegemonic ambitions of King Jinpeng, he had been trampled under the feet of Gu Chen, severely abused and beaten like a dog.

The strong people of the demon clan watched from afar that King Jinpeng was trampled on by Gu Chen, but no one came to help them. The strength of the two exceeded the number of demons in the heavenly court. No one could intervene in the battle between King Jinpeng and Gu Chen.

The only god king who can intervene has long been seriously injured, and the huge wound under the ribs is still bleeding and can't stop.

As for the Jade Whale King, his strength is more than twice as weak as that of the King Shen Jiao, and there is little threat to Gu Chen. What's more, it is still unknown whether the Jade Whale King is willing to save King Jinpeng.


Great hatred!

King Jinpeng's mood at this moment, how can he hate it?

He successfully sacrificed the 'Heavenly Emperor Seal', basically mastered the power of the 'Heavenly Emperor Seal', surrendered to the powerful people of the demon clan, and achieved the throne of the Demon Emperor of Heaven. It was the moment of grand spirit and complacent, and he did not pay attention to Gu Chen at all.

However, it was Gu Chen who was not seen by him that he stepped on the ground at this moment, abused him fiercely, destroyed his dignity, smashed all his enthusiasm, and turned all his pride into ridicule and sarcasm.


King Jinpeng gave a harsh cry, and his voice penetrated the 'water of origin', and only heard him shouting loudly: "Heaven-Emperor-print--!"

Suptly, King Jinpeng's body, the light burst, shot out a soft dazzling white light, a square jade seal appeared from King Jinpeng's body, quickly getting bigger... and bigger again...

In the blink of an eye, the four-square jade seal turned into a square size, covering the body of King Jinpeng.

Gu Chen's body was pushed away by this square jade seal, allowing Gu Chen's 'source wood seal', 'source watermark', 'source fire seal' and 'God of War Star Fist' hit on this square jade seal, and could not move it at all.

This square jade seal is the most precious treasure of the demon clan and town - the seal of the emperor of heaven.

King Jinpeng was beaten by Gu Chen. With his own strength, he could not compete with Gu Chen at all. Finally, he used the seal of the demon clan to release the powerful power left by the previous demon emperor stored in the seal of the emperor.

On that day, the emperor's seal soared to a radius of ten thousand feet, and stopped to continue to soar. However, the soft dazzling white light, which changed rapidly, turned into countless dazzling white mangos, and burst into four directions in an instant.


The sound of countless cloth tearing sounded, and in an instant, the whole void was cut into countless pieces by the seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

Gu Chen happened to be near the seal of the Emperor of Heaven and was directly attacked by the dazzling white mango.

"What a powerful force..."

Gu Chen was shocked. This dazzling white light made him feel an extremely deadly smell of terror.

In the dazzling white mango, the power of the law contained is far more than the claw of the god previously captured by the King of Jinpeng, which is a hundred times better than the 'Five elements of Origin Seal' and 'God of War Star Fist' used by Gu Chen.

Even the 'God of War Star Fist', which combines sixty-six punches, is not worth mentioning in front of this dazzling power.

The power contained in this dazzling white mango is enough to kill any strong person below the later stage of the void, and Gu Chen is also in the range of the second kill.

When the fatal danger came, Gu Chen's body burst out, flashed thousands of feet, and retreated quickly.

However, the dazzling white light that broke out of the Heavenly Emperor's Seal was faster, like a teleportation, and flashed in front of Gu Chen in an instant.

"Taixu Xianding--"

"Ruyi Linglong Pagoda--"

At the critical moment of life and death, a golden light flashed in Gu Chen's heart, and the Ruyi exquisite pagoda appeared beside him in an instant.

At the same time, an ancient and vicissitudes of a huge tripod surrounded Gu Chen in an instant.


I only heard a loud noise, and the dazzling white mango emitted by the Emperor of Heaven's seal was cut on the Taixu fairy tripod.

The Taixu Immortal Tripod is worthy of being one of the strongest supreme immortal treasures. The blow of such a terrible force has not been able to leave a trace of mark on the Taixu Immortal Tripod.

However, the huge shock force made Gu Chen's violent shock, almost even the pure yang fairy power in his body was scattered. Needless to say, the protective cover outside the body was broken in an instant.

The Taixu fairy tripod was shot out, as fast as a meteor flashing.

However, Gu Chen had already calculated that the Taixu fairy tripod was repulsed. Ruyi Linglong pagoda was blocking the direction of Taixu fairy tripod's explosion. The third-floor tower door opened. Ruyi Linglong pagoda, with Gu Chen's body, shot directly into the Ruyi Linglong pagoda.


With a loud noise, the tower door closed.

Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Emperor's seal is, it is impossible to break the defense of the two supreme fairy treasures, the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda and the Taixu Fairy Tripod.

As soon as the tower door was closed, the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda was shocked. Obviously, the dazzling white man awn from the seal of Heaven Emperor was cut on top of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. The material of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda may be slightly worse than that of the Taixu Fairy Tripod.

However, the power that the monk can bear in the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda is much higher than that in the Taixu Fairy Tripod.

The space in the Taixu fairy tripod is too small. After being attacked, the huge shock power has nowhere to spread, and it will still attack the people in the tripod.

Inside the Ruyi Linglong pagoda, it is a small world, which has become an independent space. No matter how fierce the attack outside is, it spreads to the independent space. The power has been greatly reduced, and it can't pose a threat to the monks in the tower at all.

Although the Taixu fairy tripod is extremely defensive, after all, it is just an alchemy tripod. In fact, it is not a defensive fairy treasure at all. It is just because the material of the Taixu fairy tripod is too strong and indestructible, Gu Chen is often used as a defensive fairy treasure.

Under the control of Gu Chen's pure yang fairy power, the Ruyi Linglong pagoda flew away like lightning, leaving five or six hundred miles away from King Jinpeng. Seeing that King Jin Peng did not catch up, Gu Chen stopped.

As soon as the tower door was opened, Gu Chen walked out of the pagoda. Ruyi Linglong pagoda turned into a golden light and took back the middle of the eyebrows. The Taixu fairy tripod outside the body slowly shrank and became the size of Gu Chen's body. It merged with Gu Chen's body and continued to protect the body

In the distance, the dazzling white light shot by the Emperor of Heaven's seal gradually weakened, and finally disappeared. The Emperor of Heaven's seal shrank sharply, and finally turned into an inch-sized square seal.

King Jinpeng has turned into a human form, the golden robe on his body has been completely tattered, and his body is also covered with blood. However, he was not embarrassed at all. The seal of the Emperor of Heaven was held in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, King Jinpeng held the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, exuding a shocking power, and it seems that he has really become the master of heaven and earth.