From man to god

Chapter 009 Quality of the Commander

When Huo Xiu ran to the playground, the soldiers were already gathering.

Seeing him coming, several soldiers stood and saluted him. Huo Xiu had no choice but to return a gift and then said, "On the training ground, I am on the same level as you. Remember, the sergeant is our leader.

Huo Xiu's words are true. The sergeant's chief has always been the head of soldiers, not to mention this top sergeant's commander. The sergeant is responsible for the soldiers. They are the real leaders, managers, educators and leaders of soldiers. Officers, on the other hand, are independent and do not participate in military training. Officers are often only responsible for issuing orders and thinking about which strategy to use.

"I understand, sir." They answered.

Huo Xiu then joined the team.

The sergeant appeared on time at 0530. He took the handheld computer and looked down. Behind him stood two Army third-level sergeants. The whole team was silent. Huo Xiu stood for a while and couldn't help looking around secretly. He found that the physical quality of the male soldiers was generally good, but the female soldiers were relatively slender. In society, they were said to be slim, but this was not needed in the barracks.

But he dare not underestimate them. Those who can be sentenced to death and secretly used by the military at the pressure of public opinion are generally not simple roles.

"New recruits!" Sergeant Dunbar began to speak, "You must know that the transfer of you here will not be ordinary training. I have been a soldier for more than 30 years and have never trained ordinary soldiers. Now I can clearly tell you that a new military exoskeleton armor needs to be tested, and you are honored to be listed. But don't be happy too early. Your grades determine everything.

At this point, the soldiers couldn't help whispering. Although each one has been "transformed", individual armor is still the highest level of glory for soldiers. In the Allies, a set of active PA-04 armor costs nearly five million star coins, which is equivalent to one *, but a one-time * is more strategic than special forces that can effectively fight many times.

However, the cost restricts the military's ability to manufacture a large number of armors, which can only be provided in a limited way. Who can use it? Nature is the best. Therefore, these people can only be selected from the special forces. With their excellent combat skills and armor help, they are simply like adding wings.

"So," Sergeant Dunbar looked at the crowd, "I am responsible for torturing you, taking you to hell, and then making each of you qualified to wear the most advanced armor of the military."

"This is the end of the nonsense." The sergeant pointed to a transporter next to him, and two army sergeants stood next to him. "You quickly put on your equipment one by one, and then start a morning exercise that weighs 20 kilograms and runs five kilometers. The first platoon soldier, you are the first, GO! GO! GO!"

Soon it was Huo Xiu's turn. He picked up a special backpack weighing 20 kilograms, and then grabbed an F-A06 assault rifle. When the heavy object was carried on his shoulder, his face changed, and he was not so comfortable walking a few steps. It would be strange if he ran five kilometers on his back and didn't lie down.

He couldn't help thinking too much. The team ran out and he quickly followed. The sergeant followed them and stared at them, but his eyes stayed on the slow Huo Xiu for a long time. Unlike others, Huo Xiu has tried his best to make himself run faster, but the weight on his body makes it difficult for him to walk.

The further forward you run, the farther the army will be from him. The male soldier can understand that after all, he has a strong physique and has been more or less trained before, but the female soldier was also beyond Huo Xiu's expectation. Soon he fell to the end of the team and barely followed with the last trace of tenacity.

"Daw, how long will it take?" Huo Xiu gasped and couldn't help complaining.

"Run your step, if you dare to slow down..." The words behind the sergeant could not be finished, because Huo Xiu accidentally slowed down. He suddenly pulled out a black electric rod hanging on his belt and poked Huo Xiu's buttocks, which made him jump and shout.

"Accelerate!" The sergeant said without mercy, "There are still three kilometers left. If you think you have the ability to exhaust the electricity of the electric stick in my hand, just try it!"

Huo Xiu no longer wants to try the feeling just now. He tried his best to carry 20 kilograms of weight and run this long road that he had never met in his life... But despite this, he still received a lot of lessons from the sergeant. By the time he was close to the end, he could no longer feel whether his legs were still growing on his body.

Huo Xiu immediately threw down the heavy objects on his body and glanced at the soldiers. Each of them blushed and gasped. Obviously, they consumed too much. This made him a little relieved. If everyone was expressionless and lively, he would never be able to keep up with them. But now, he still has a chance to catch up with this gap.

Sergeant Dunbar recorded on his computer again. Huo Xiu was curious, but he has no energy to think about this now. He needs water, gasp and rest.

"In terms of heavy-bearing running, your performance is unsatisfactory." The sergeant's evaluation is not very good, "It needs to be strengthened."

No one in the team spoke. Huo Xiu just wanted to complain a few words, but the sergeant spoke again.

"Now stuff that damn complaint into my stomach!" The sergeant said to them, "Get out of the canteen and eat as much as you can. The training later will not be easy."

Huo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. If he was still training, he promised to fall down immediately. However, he was still the last one to run to the canteen. After receiving the breakfast and finding a seat to sit down, the others had eliminated nearly half of the food, and he couldn't help speeding up.

"If you want to be relaxed, you must break out at a beastly speed." The sergeant sat next to him and stuffed a multi-layer sandwich into his mouth. His mouth did not move a few times. The sandwich had been destroyed by him. Huo Xiu looked at him and bit a few small pieces of bread that had not been eaten up in his hand and was stunned.

When everyone was almost ready to eat, the sergeant stood up and shouted to them, "Focus outside and give you ten seconds!"

Huo Xiu didn't care about anything else, threw away the things in his hand and ran out.

"Run and walk!" The sergeant shouted, "Keep up with me!"

He led the team for a short distance to a jungle training area surrounded by trees, surrounded by several instructors, with mud-stained and thick logs on the ground. The sergeant ordered the team to stop, then pointed to the assault rifle next to it and said, "Take your equipment in order."

Huo Xiu got a camouflage-painted F-A06 assault rifle and carried it on his back.

"Armed training is now divided into groups of seven people, a total of seven groups." The sergeant ordered, "Each group is responsible for a log. Your task is to carry it from here to the shore, then throw it into the pool and launch an armed crossing of 1,000 meters across the river!"

"If the team can't complete the task, the dinner will be cancelled." The sergeant gave the punishment conditions, and he pointed to the front, "Start now!"

"Report, what about my mission?" Huo Xiu watched the seven teams go on their own missions, but the arrangement of seven people in each team was full, and there was no share for him.

"Do you want a mission?" The sergeant suddenly looked at him with a smile. Huo Xiu immediately felt that things were wrong, but he still answered loudly, "Yes, sir, I'm here to train."

"Well, that's good." The sergeant nodded and pointed to the team that had begun to train. "You can also see the ability of these seven teams. If you are a commander responsible for your subordinates, you must try your best to win for them from now on, all the victory!"

Huo Xiu remembered that he was a commander, not a soldier.

But what should I do? He glanced at the seven teams that had carried the wood. The six teams were all men. Their pressure was obviously not so great, but the only women's team was women. The burden on their shoulders was not easy. Huo Xiu ran over and joined them.

The sergeant didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

For some reason, he carried the log on his shoulder. He didn't know where the military department cut the logs. It was estimated to be genetically hybrid - because it looked much heavier than moving it. Eight people originally thought it was not too difficult, but now they have far exceeded this limit and reluctantly carried it.

Moreover, difficulties come one after another. As soon as they walk more than ten meters away, when they are close to the waterfront, the area is full of soft mud. As long as people go up, the military boots will inevitably fall into the soil. The body balance is difficult to control, and the inertia of losing balance and falling down will cause the whole team to suffer.

"Are you okay?" Huo Xiu asked that the seven female soldiers were obviously a little shaky.

"No problem, sir."

They reluctantly answered. Huo Xiu frowned. He had to figure it out, but what could he do? The sergeant said that he must shoulder the responsibility of the commander, but the problem now is that even with his help, this group of female soldiers will not help. He is sure that he will not be able to complete the task if it goes on like this.

A team of seven people?

"Do it!" He suddenly scolded, "Stop, throw away the wood, and stop it all!"

All seven teams stopped.

"Listen, we have to complete all the tasks." Huo Xiu stood up and gasped, "But the manpower distribution is not even at all, and the team needs to be rearranged!"

"Reassign manpower according to my instructions."

Huo Xiu should have thought of this a long time ago. Inertial thinking made them become a sergeant. He only said that the team of seven people did not specify that it must be a seven-person team. According to this project with particularly strict physical requirements, it is obvious that female soldiers cannot be completed alone.

But after disbanding the team, Huo Xiu integrated each female soldier into the other six teams, so that the number of people was averaged, and he also joined a relatively weak pair, leading the front with a formation of eight people. After adjustment, although it took some time, the overall efficiency is much higher.

Huo Xiu doesn't want anything now. He just desperately wants to complete the task - not only himself, but also because he is the commander, and he is responsible for this team.

The responsibility made him persevere.

Sometimes he really doubts whether he can complete it as a novice. He wants to ask questions, but no one will answer him. The sergeant will only talk to him with an electric baton shining with lightning. Thinking of this, Huo Xiu searched around for the sergeant's figure, but found that he was already at the end line on the other side. He glanced at the waterfront again and found something wrong.

"Reference?" He said something inexplicable.

"Slow down the team." He ordered, "Adjust your direction and follow me up!"

The six teams behind slowed down, and some people were hesitating, but soon they also turned to follow the front team, and executing orders was still the first criterion for them.

"We were fooled." Huo Xiu felt it necessary to explain, "Look, the sergeant is only waiting for us in a fixed position, and the speed of the water flow is far faster than it seems. Don't forget that we still have wood! If we jump from here, we will only land about 100 meters to 300 meters below! And it's almost muddy over there, and we'll be doomed!"

When he said this, everyone stared at the seemingly calm water and quickly found abnormalities based on other references, such as floating dead leaves and other objects. The speed of the water flow is not static, even faster than expected. If they jump directly, they can only land below.

Although the expression of this group of people has not changed, everyone began to rise from obedience to the commander to respect for him and affirmation of Huo Xiu's ability.

"shir, how far are we going?" At this time, a female soldier behind him asked.

"Go in the opposite direction of the current first!" Huo Xiu replied, "Let me calculate."

He is calculating quickly. According to the visual distance, he builds a right triangle, estimates the speed of the water flow according to the approximate speed of the water surface reference, and then asks everyone, "Is it okay to reach the other side within 15 minutes?"

"No problem!" The other leading soldiers shouted.

"That's okay. Just run now!"

Huo Xiu led six teams to change direction and completely deviate from the expected route. They went retrograde along the opposite direction of the current on the shore. After walking for about a long distance, Huo Xiu felt it was enough to stop everyone and said, "Okay, now you can jump!"

They rolled the wood into the water and was immediately washed down by the rapid water. The soldiers jumped into the water one after another, grabbed the logs that were the key to the success or failure of the mission, and swam to the other side together. Huo Xiu took a few breaths and looked at his hard-working companions beside him. He held the logs and was lazy for a few minutes.

But this does not affect their efficiency. They swim forward and are washed down by the current. When they are close to the river bank, they are only five meters away from where the sergeant is standing! If they jump down at a loss just now, I'm afraid they will land more than 200 meters below, and the terrain there is even worse. Whether they can reach it or not depends on God's will. But now, everyone stepped on the mud and crossed the finish line.

Without cheering, the first thing everyone did when they threw down the wood was to squat on the ground and vomit.

The consequences of eating too much just now. After a vigorous exercise, almost everyone couldn't help spitting out the extra food in his stomach. Except for Huo Xiu, who was sitting on the ground, he looked at the group of people and giggled. Maybe it was not a bad thing to eat slowly, at least now he just had a stomachache.

The sergeant came over, looked down at Huo Xiu with a muddy face, and said with praise, "Well done, warrant officer!"