From man to god

Chapter 010 Genius

After a day of training and returning to the dormitory, Huo Xiu couldn't remember how he came back. But now he no longer cares about these - he lies on **, with his eyes closed and doesn't even want to move half of his fingers. The first day of training made him really see what the devil is.

He had a dream. In his dream, he became a fleet commander, a hero, and the focus of attention. His parents and sister were proud, and he proved himself. But when the dream changed, he saw vague faces. He didn't know them at all and couldn't name them. This made him feel scared, and the pressure came entirely from the group of unknown soldiers.

A alarm woke him up, and when he opened his eyes, everything was as usual.

He followed the sound source, picked up the handheld computer on the head of the bed, and displayed two unread messages.

Unread file one

From: Sergeant Sean Dunbar

Time: Alliance 323, 2130 on August 03

Top: Training Arrangement

/Start reading/

Brigadier Huo Xiu, training was suspended on August 4.

/End of file/

Unread file II

From: Ethan Eaton*

Time: 323, August 03, 2200

Theme: No

/Start reading/

Ho Xiu, from now on, Roger will be in charge of all your commander courses. In addition, the credits of the school curriculum are all judged by the results of the simulated command game. If you want to graduate from the military academy and get better results than others, you must defeat others. I believe in you, the future general.

/End of file/

Click "ENTER" to exit

Both are good news. The sergeant may understand Huo Xiu's current state. Even if he gets up the next day, he will definitely not be able to continue any form of training. The second news is a little strange, but the effect is that he doesn't need to attend the boring and insignificant courses of the school.

"And games?" He turned over and saw the virtual cabin next to him. He should be talking about this guy. I just decided to go in and have a look now.

But when he got up from **, he felt like a zombie - whether he raised his head or raised his legs, the soreness always made him restless. Finally, he came to the hall by holding the wall, took two pills he took last night and swallowed them. This drug is specially designed for muscle soreness and fatigue caused by new recruits during training. In his case, he can basically recover in a day.

He then got into the simulation module. In the prompt popping up on the display interface, he took out the soldier card on his neck, brushed it at the designated position, and then the system authentication was successful. He followed the prompts for a while and finally figured out how to use the virtual network device accessed by nerve endings.

He put the line on himself, closed his eyes and relaxed. A few seconds later, he entered a virtual and wonderful world.

He appeared in a hall, but his body was not his own. According to his usual habit of playing games, he turned out his personal information. His name is still Huo Xiu, but the number is very high, which is a number "5". He estimates that it should be because the system has been refreshed.

After a few laps, he found that this is different from the traditional folk virtual game, which is a targeted, monotonous space training game for military purposes. It is mainly to command the fleet and fight against computers or players. Most of the data and scenes come from reality.

He has heard of this, and the military has not developed these virtual games for a year or two, mainly to simulate interstellar wars that are impossible in peacetime, or large-scale battles to test the commander's strength, etc., but it is still the first time to really use them. .

Let's not talk about the picture of the game scene. Anyway, no one cares about this. The army focuses on practicality and can simulate a real war.

There is only one area, which is currently at war, and he joined with curiosity.

It was dark around. He suddenly came to a galaxy, and only an orange bright spot in the distance was shining. He guessed that it was probably a star. There are about a dozen planets around, moving around the stars in their own orbits. There is a long meteorite belt in the galaxy, but what attracts more attention is the various alliance warships that shuttle between the planets.

He joined the game with the perception of observers, and there were many people online, perhaps because of the night. But they are all watching the three-dimensional war game. Huo Xiu glanced at the online personnel list. He is the only warrant in this "galaxy". Everyone else is already a school officer, and no matter how bad it is, he is also a lieutenant.

The observer has a very fast speed - beyond the speed of light. He watched the game that everyone was simulating. After a while, he changed his direction and observed from different places and positions. Sometimes he would watch the warships fighting fiercely above his own definition, but he couldn't see how they were manipulated.

But it doesn't matter. He can see the strategy they use. Most of the time, humans fight against computers. They set up obstacles on some roads - such as floating bombs, casting net mines in dark areas, and even setting up nuclear weapons near the planet to force the spacecraft into a gravity trap after detonation. The spacecraft that has lost power will be slowly attracted by the gravity of the planet until it is completely Falling on the surface of the planet.

He is still more accustomed to observing the battles between the two sides, especially between humans. He analyzed their strategies and tactics in his own language, and watched their opponents attack and cheat each other. He could quickly distinguish which player was more strategic and better at it.

He watched several battles in a row, and four hours passed unconsciously. But he also began to feel that the game became boring, especially after he understood the mode. In the confrontation between players and computers, mechanical routines and thinking modes always lack flexibility, and the difficulty is only distinguished by the speed of the computer. And those people have completely fallen into the process of confrontation with computer thinking. They are so proficient in fighting with computers that they also imitate computer methods when confronting human beings. Their command has become mechanical and rigid, and have completely lost their flexible and response strategies for the ever-changing battlefield.

When the "commanders" ended the battle and retreated to the lounge just now, Huo Xiu also withdrew and walked towards the crowd.

"Hi!" He greeted a "lieutenant colonel" who had just won. He ignored him, but he continued, "I want to have a fight with you."

"What?" The lieutenant colonel was surprised. He stared at Huo Xiu's shoulder with strange eyes and curled his lips, "What are you? If you haven't even passed the entry level, do you have the courage to challenge me?"

"Children who don't know whether they are alive or dead." Another person said.

"There are always some guys who are low-sighted and self-righteous."

Huo Xiu looked at the other party quietly with a smile on his face, "You dare not play a game with me."

"Just kidding!" Everyone laughed, and the lieutenant colonel stood up, stared at him, and said word by word, "You know, defeating you is as simple as a living person breathing air."

"It's even simpler!" Some people are making a fuss, and they are all ridiculing Huo Xiu, treating him as a bold or dead boy. But no one recognized him.

"I know." Huo Xiu turned around and left, "You've said so much. You're just afraid of losing and don't have the courage to play with me!"

"Hight!" The man shouted at him, "Isn't it just a game? Now follow me and let me teach you what it is!"

When Huo Xiu turned around, the smile at the corners of his mouth flashed away.

They rejoined the game.

Huo Xiu found himself on the flagship, surrounded by busy virtual soldiers. He turned around and saw the captain's seat. He sat on it and took up the operation tips. He began to learn step by step. He has six warships on his side, the same as the other side.

At the beginning of the battle, he was unfamiliar with everything, but Fortunately, the operation of the warship was not as complicated as the real environment. You just need to send your instructions here, and those hard-working computer soldiers will do everything. When he gradually became familiar with it, the game had come to an end. His flagship was destroyed by the enemy. At the end of the game, he lost, but he gradually became familiar with the operation.

"That's enough," the lieutenant colonel looked at him with disdain. "Scrim?"

"Two wins in three games." He said.

"Don't take an inch!" Lieutenant Colonel strode over and stared at Huo Xiu, but Huo Xiu still had that "you dare not play" expression.

"Okay, I'll let you lose happily!"

They started the game again, but this time Huo Xiu is familiar with it. The other party's operation method imitates the computer to a certain extent. He admits that this is a wonderful trick, at least it is difficult for people who are unfamiliar with the battlefield, but when he was observing just now, he has understood the method of cracking it.

He played a small trick, played the other party once, and then began to deploy his planned strategy. He made a lot of tricks without routines - these can't be found in books at all, and will naturally impact the group of opponents whose minds are full of dead routines. After this game, he won with difficulty.

The peripheral observers have stopped joking. They got serious and tried to analyze the tactical strategy just used by Huo Xiu. In the last game, none of the observers spoke. In the silent space battle, the lieutenant colonel was beaten by Huo Xiu and easily won.

When Huo Xiu reappeared in the hall, everyone looked like a ghost, including the lieutenant colonel. He was a little angry at this moment, but if he lost, he was defeated. He shook his hand and said, "Children's tricks are not a strategy at all. They can't get on the stage."

He fled, and no one dared to comment on Huo Xiu. They all disappeared and Huo Xiu won, but no one congratulated him. Huo Xiu stood for a while and understood that whether it was real or virtual, it was just a game. The difference was the difficulty problem. As long as he mastered the trick, he could defeat everything like defeating this group of people.

Thinking of this, he smiled. After coming out of the virtual network, it was late at night. He lay tiredly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

But what no one noticed was that the last person in the hall didn't go offline until a long time after others left. He appeared in the real world, immediately turned on the computer, quickly played the video just now, and then pressed the holographic communicator and dialed a person's number.

"General, what's the matter?" A major appeared in front of him.

"Let me check the information of this group of people." He sent the people who fought with Huo Xiu just now.

Ten minutes later, the major's message came back.

"Shir, they are juniors and seniors of the ASC Military Academy, and several of them are top students, including the 'lieutenant colonel'." The major explained, "Huo Xiu's game device is connected to the network of the designated military academy, so he can fight against that group of senior students."

"Well, it's okay. Let's have a rest."

Roger leaned back on the seat and stared at the video of the battle, still looking incredible.

"Just watched it for four hours and defeated the old fried dough sticks? Tut... It's really interesting. It seems that you have really found a baby.