From man to god

Chapter 029 Discover the enemy

After the spacecraft takes off, it accelerates all the way from the town, crosses most of the desert, and rushes directly to the northern region according to the map. At the same time, the other five teams were also on their way after receiving Huo Xiu's order.

"shir, there is a hilly terrain ahead." A troop carrier ship at the front sent back the communication, "Please instruct the next step."

Huo Xiu took over the communication and said, "Keep moving forward and describe all the scenes you saw to me."

"I understand, sir."

The spacecraft continued to move forward. Except for the same yellow sand below, the whole desert could hardly survive. Not to mention sending troops to search in this area, even the bandits, it was difficult for Huo Xiu to imagine how they could have the courage to live here.

"Shir, there is a sandstorm ahead!" The pilot of the spaceship who explored the way said loudly in the communication channel, "Oh no, we can't see anything. Now we are trying to lower the flight altitude..."

The communication was suddenly disconnected, leaving only continuous electrostatic noise. Huo Xiu really experienced the strange weather here this time.

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu grabbed the caller and said, "Please answer! Do you hear me? Please answer!"

After shouting several times, Huo Xiu shook his head and hung up the communication.

"They may be in trouble." Huo Xiu said to the others, "Let's continue to move forward and see what happened."

The spacecraft continued to move forward, chasing the place where the first spacecraft finally disappeared. About ten minutes later, the pilot's voice came: "Shir, look outside!"

Huo Xiu came to the porthole and stared at the outside world.

"Oh, this is not a good omen!" He said this, and outside the porthole, there was the whole hazy earthy-yellow world, just like the Creator deliberately coloring the air map. What swept over was a surprising and dark doomsday scene. Before they could react, the spacecraft fell head-on into the sandstorm.

"Lower the altitude and make an emergency landing!" Huo Xiu shouted that if he continued to fly at this time, it would definitely be a desperate act.

"I understand, I'm trying..."

The swaying spaceship is like a sail swaying around in the waves, and the scene in the cabin is even more embarrassing. All kinds of fixed objects jump around and hit people from time to time. But at least everyone sitting on the seat and fastening their seat belts is safe and sound.

"Damn it, I suddenly love this military safety seat!" Although it was very uncomfortable, Huo Xiu still made a joke. He is firmly fixed and will stay in the seat unless the spacecraft disintegrates. Compared with civilian facilities, military goods naturally have strict requirements in this regard.

It seemed to be a fierce impact. Huo Xiu only felt a violent shock. The internal organs seemed to be suddenly twisted into a ball, and there was black vision in his eyes. He blinked and tried his best to see the current situation. After about three seconds, the spacecraft calmed down.

In addition to the continuous "pattering" sound from outside, there was silence in the cabin.

"Hey, is anyone hurt?" Huo Xiu shouted as he tried to untie the seat belt on his body. This silence made him feel very bad.

"Anne, it's okay." Annie replied.

"Song Shifei, it's okay."

"Lane, I'm caught by the fixing frame..." Ryan shouted, "Give me ten seconds, Sam, lower your head, I'm going to open the fixing frame!"

Huo Xiu counted the people who reported the number. Fortunately, everyone was safe and sound.

Waited quietly for a few seconds, Huo Xiu, who was groping, was pulled by his arm and then helped him up. At the same time, the emergency lights in the spacecraft lit up, and he glanced at the people who helped him up. Although they were all wearing helmets, the word "Lane" printed on his chest showed his identity.

"Open the hatch!" Huo Xiu ordered several soldiers who had resumed their operations to wear exoskeleton armor, and there was no problem doing heavy work.

The sound of the hatch being twisted by several soldiers was extremely harsh.

"Annie, put your head down." Huo Xiu pulled Anne over, protected her head with one hand, and drilled out of the broken exit with others. After leaving the spacecraft, he encountered a layer of sand in front of him, and several people next to him kept peeling out the soil. In less than a minute, they dug an exit.

When he stood on the ground again and looked left and right at the area visited by the wind and sand, he could hardly tell that the thing in front of him was a troop carrier - if he hadn't climbed out of it, he might think it was an attachment that some aircraft had fallen off.

The terrible sandstorm only lasted for a few minutes, but almost everyone was buried under the soil.

"shir, there is a landing craft over there!" A soldier ran over. Huo Xiu followed his eyes and looked forward. Sure enough, a small part of the landing spaceship was exposed, but like them, all the people were buried in the sand.

"Come on, get them out!"

Huo Xiu ran out. Five armored soldiers followed step by step, which seemed a little difficult, but also arrived at the place where the landing spacecraft was buried in the wind and sand at the same time. Ryan walked around and then pointed to an area for everyone to dig.

A soldier looked at Huo Xiu, who raised his sleeves and was ready to dig, and hurriedly said, "Shir, you don't have to do it yourself. Our speed will be very fast."

"Okay, you guys." Huo Xiu pulled down his sleeve and knew that this was a euphemism for them. Naturally, he did not have an advantage by his own strength.

A minute later, another group of team members also climbed out. Because everyone was wearing armor, it was basically fine, but they encountered some trouble in the process of opening the door. But even if there is no one to help them, they can escape within ten minutes with their own ability.

"Report, sir, except for the second team, the number of people is now complete." After everyone came out, Ryan, the captain of the first team, reported.

"Collect equipment and drinking water, and then get ready to go." Huo Xiu said, "This place should not stay for a long time. Let's find the Gobi Desert."

"We are very close!" Annie pointed ahead, and there were already huge stone peaks standing alone at the other end, red and continuous.

"Sam, look at this direction!" Huo Xiu called a soldier and pointed to the area, "Do you think it's an illusion caused by a mirage?"

"No, it's true." The soldier named Sam said for sure.

"Okay, come back to the team." Huo Xiu nodded, "After everyone collects the usable items, we will look for the second team."

Fortunately, they were looking for the right direction. When the storm disappeared and everything became clear, the troop transport spacecraft on the second team was only about four or five hundred meters away from them. As before, after digging out everyone, they did not suffer much loss.

But the spacecraft fell into the sand. If it relies on manpower alone, I'm afraid it can't take off again. They can only wait until the search and rescue personnel lift the small spacecraft trapped in the sand with a large transport spacecraft. But now is not the time to consider these, they must find a place to shelter from the wind and sand.

The hot sun scorched the earth, and the temperature in the desert area rose sharply to more than 40 degrees Celsius. The hot sand had a high temperature of at least 50 degrees. After falling into the sand, the only thing I felt was unbearable sultry, as if stepping on a charcoal fire.

Among the 17 people, except for 14 soldiers wearing armor that can adjust the temperature, Huo Xiu, Anne and Song Shifei were just a simple military uniform. After walking for a few minutes, the sweat that kept coming out almost soaked their clothes. The harsh environment was extremely timeless.

Huo Xiu insisted. Fortunately, after training in this area before, he can still adapt to this harsh environment. Annie next to him followed him slowly, her face blushing a little, but it was nothing serious. Huo Xiu didn't worry much about her. After all, he was a specially trained soldier.

When they left the desert and entered the barren Gobi beach in front of them, the heat finally eased a lot. The cracked land under their feet was very strong, but the high temperature still surrounded them all the time, like baking food. At this time, a soldier who was exploring the way in front ran back.

"Shir, there is a highland about three kilometers ahead. We can try to connect satellite signals at the top of the mountain and camp at the foot of the mountain."

Huo Xiu glanced at the weak communicator and said, "The team continues to move forward, and the reconnaissance team continues to disperse, but pay attention to the contact between them."

Only by contacting their other five teams to find them can they escape from this vast desert, otherwise, it will eventually become their grave.

Challenging nature is not a simple thing. At least now Huo Xiu has drunk all the fresh water he carries, but he still can't expel the hunger that is about to reach the extreme.

"This damn place is really terrible." Huo Xiu handed the water bag to Anne, "Drink more. The premise of doing anything here is to keep the human body hydrated."

They walked all the way, and the soldiers who explored the way took turns. About half an hour later, they came to the high ground. The crowd temporarily hid in the shade at the foot of the mountain. The remaining soldiers planned to carry their equipment and climb from the other direction to the top of the mountain to establish a temporary communication station.

At the foot of the mountain, Huo Xiu walked around the area. According to the judgment of the dry riverbed, he went up the direction of the former water flow. Finally, relying on experience, he found a water source in a crack at the foot of the mountain.

"Come here, there's water!" Huo Xiu shouted to the crowd. He stood in front of the mountain wall, reached out and touched the sticky water stains on the stone wall, took a water bag underneath for a while, and collected about one-third of the water.

"Don't worry about drinking! The water here flows out of the rocks and has been naturally filtered without impurities and pollution.

Huo Xiu is glad that the knowledge he has learned before has not been lost, and now it has all come in handy.

" Sir, something abnormal has been found!" At this time, a radio communication came from a team member on a communication mission on the top of the mountain.

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu asked.

"There is a small group of unidentified armed men coming towards us, about 13 people, carrying assault rifles, rocket launchers and other weapons, which are somewhat threatening."

"Received, be careful to hide, and find suitable locations to establish observation points and sniper points." Huo Xiu ordered, and then clicked five special forces around him, "You go around this hillside, go to their left wing, take more rockets, and wait for orders."