From man to god

Chapter 029 Discovering the Enemy

"Follow me for the rest!"

They immediately set out according to their respective arrangements.

"Gun, gun!"

Huo Xiu took over the assault rifle handed over by a team member, which looks similar to the experimental assault rifle he used a few years ago, but now it is officially put into production and named the "F-A08" assault rifle. It uses 7.62mm ordinary bullets, or special bullets; the tactical guide rail is equipped with a "holographic-optical" combined scope, and the front end of the barrel has a special 40mm diameter grenade launcher, using special ammunition.

Huo Xiu led people to the front of the group of people and hid behind a few raised rocks. Annie hid beside him, skillfully loaded an F-S06D sniper rifle in her hand, then calibrated the scope, half knelt on the ground and set up a sniper rifle.

"520 meters away, 13 targets." Annie reported the data and adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle to find the best time to shoot.

"Soong Shifei, you fill in the gun grenades." Huo Xiu said to Song Shifei on the other side, "Waitate to the order to act."

"I understand, sir." Song Shifei loaded the grenade drum on the launcher.

Huo Xiu held a gun and pushed the 4x magnified optical scope onto the tactical guide rail, which was on the same plane as the holographic sight to obtain a fourfold magnification holographic aiming mode. He put his chin against the butt of the gun and observed more than a dozen unidentified armed men.

"sir, they have entered the range. Do they shoot?" The team member at the top of the mountain asked.

"Wait." Huo Xiu said, "Look carefully, I'm afraid this group of people are not enemies."

"It should be a mercenary." Anne added, "The military uniforms on them are messy and the weapons in their hands are different, but the same thing is that they use high-end goods that can be found on the market, and only mercenaries will do it."

"Good analysis." Huo Xiu said approvingly that he looked away from the scope and said on the communication channel, "Say hello to the team members on the top of the mountain."

"Other team members are on standby and ready to fight!"

"I understand!"

A team member on the top of the mountain stood up and waved his hands in the direction of the group of people. About a few seconds later, everyone on the other side stopped.

Huo Xiu, who saw this scene, held his breath, and the aim of the scope was also placed on them. If there was an accident, he could only open fire to destroy this group of people, whether they were the enemy or not.

But more than ten seconds later, all of them put the gun on their backs, raised their hands, and made a posture without weapons in their hands.

"Let them come here." Huo Xiu ordered.

The team members on the top of the mountain continued to gesture, and the group of people thought for a while and finally decided to come over.

A few minutes later, the two groups met at the foot of the mountain.

However, vigilance is still reflected in both sides. On Huo Xiu's side, three soldiers stood in front of him, and the other party's hand was inadvertently placed next to the pistol on his thigh.

"Relax, brothers, they are all regular troops of the alliance, not the pirates we are looking for!"

When the words fell, a man with a black beard and a square scarf around his neck came out of the crowd. He looked at Huo Xiu coming out of the crowd.

"What's your last name?" Huo Xiu asked him.

"Hock." He only gave one surname, but it is difficult for this kind of person to trust others. After saying that, Hawk looked at more than a dozen armored soldiers in the team, "I didn't expect that the military headquarters moved so fast. This has sent special forces here!"

"This is also the order from the superior. Let's just carry it out." Huo Xiu smiled with a lukewarm smile, "Mr. Hawke led the team here, must also be for the pirates?"

"Of course, Mr. Captain." Hawke nodded as a matter of course, "We are all security personnel who collect money. For that poor salary, as long as someone makes a price, we can only do what the employer asks us to do, although this will offend people."

"It's so hot here that you can still go deep here. It's really dedicated." Huo Xiu said that he naturally understood the meaning of Hawke's words. The man wanted to say that he was not malicious and did not want to be against the military department, but since the employer asked them to do so, he had no choice.

What both sides said shows that they go separately and are not the same.

"Hey, it's natural to be dedicated to our business!" Hawk smiled for the first time, "This is not a good place to chat. Let's leave first. If you want to go to the front, I can remind you that we just came there and didn't find anything.

"Thank you." Huo Xiu said to him, "We have nothing in this direction."

The two sides only talked a few words and maintained their own vigilance. Naturally, it is impossible to know more about anything. What's more, a group of mercenaries and the regular troops of the alliance can't go together. After a few words, they separated again, and the group of people still walked forward.

"What a strange guy." Song Shifei looked at their distant backs, "Does this group of people come in directly without using spaceships?"

"It's not surprising. They look relaxed and have sufficient supplies on their bodies. They must have just come out, and there should be their strongholds nearby." Huo Xiu said, "Now we should also speed up our movements and can't let this group of people complete the task in front of us first."

The team members searched for the signal at the communication station established on the top of the mountain and contacted the remaining five teams that arrived. After waiting for 20 minutes, five troop carriers and three landing spacecraft arrived over this position. Huo Xiu, who endured the heat and heat, was finally able to sit in the relatively cool spacecraft.

As soon as he sat down, he said to Anne, "Anne, bring me the map and print it out."

"Shir, our next flight plan?" A driver asked.

"Fly according to the original route." Huo Xiu said without raising his head, "Disperse and be careful of the mercenary strongholds that may exist nearby."

And he compared the map and drew a few lines from the direction of the group of people.

"Have you found anything?" Annie sat over.

"No." Huo Xiu said, "If you want to find the right place in such a large area, you can only use some geometry and probability."

Huo Xiu looked at the map again and said, "Listen, everyone. Now the task has changed."

"Each spacecraft is now scattered, each responsible for one direction, and inform me immediately after finding the mercenary gathering area."

"Repeat, each spacecraft is now dispersed, each responsible for one direction, and inform me immediately after finding the mercenary gathering area."

"Yes, sir."

The spacecraft began to disperse, and Huo Xiu's ship still followed a landing spacecraft as fire support for the troop carrier.

The boring search for the task began. Huo Xiu had nothing to do but wait at this time. "Anne, do you have any information about the base?"

She held a military folding computer. After it was fully unfolded, it was about 14 inches in size, showing the information shared with the base. It is reported that most of the troops are still patrolling around the desert, and a small number of them work with the National Security Agency to collect any information that local residents can provide.

But there is no team like them that is carrying out targeted tasks.

"Shir, we found a security company's camp." A spacecraft pilot reported, "There are a large number of them, and the spacecraft and ground troops are searching around at the same time, which is very targeted. It seems that they should receive some useful information."

"Give me the pictures you took." Huo Xiu said.

A few seconds later, Anne received these pictures on her computer.

"Match with satellite maps?" She asked.

Huo Xiu nodded and immediately began to operate. In terms of tacit understanding, I'm afraid only Anne, who has been by Huo Xiu's side all year round, can best guess his intentions and ideas.

"Mark 50 kilometers of their area as a detected area." Huo Xiu looked at it a few times and said to Annie, "In addition, let our spacecraft return."

"Yes, sir." Annie nodded and said, "Sure enough, we are still efficient. Those mercenaries have done a lot of work for us."

"Hey, just do this kind of thing once." Huo Xiu said with a smile that everything should be flexible, but you can't follow the dead routine.

"Anne, get out the groundwater flow map made by the old expert, compare it with the map obtained now, and mark it with a red line."

"I understand."

Five minutes later, the spacecraft returned one after another, and the busy Annie raised her head from the computer screen and said, "It's done, sir."

Huo Xiu took over the computer and looked at the virtual groundwater flow map. He squeaked and said, "It's really like a river. Not to mention others, even I can hardly believe that the groundwater will maintain this distribution pattern under the desert. It's so strange."

"Is these still useful?" Song Shifei couldn't help asking, you know, it was he who took a group of people all the way to find the old expert. If the data is completely wrong, the responsibility will be piled on him, especially at this particularly precious moment.

"It's okay." Huo Xiu still remained cheerful. "Whapped or not, half of the day is doomed. We can only rely on limited clues to find the rest."

After saying that, he pointed to one of the areas and said, "According to probability, I think it is most likely that there are enemies in this area."

Anne took a look at him and then reported the data: "It is more than 150 kilometers away from us, and it is still the terrain of the Gobi Desert, about 300 meters above sea level."

Huo Xiu was thinking. Annie did not disturb him, but continued to say on all communication channels: "All units report the fuel use of the spacecraft."

"The first team report is expected to be used for four hours."

"The second team reported that it is expected to be used for five hours."


"Shir, the fuel of our spacecraft is still enough." Anne reported the result to the thoughtful Ho Xiu, waiting for his decision.

"Start from this position." Huo Xiu pointed to the place just now, "and inform the unit carrying the communication equipment to prepare wireless signal detectors and single photon detectors."

"Yes, sir." After Anne issued the order, the received unit received a response.

The spacecraft flew at a slower speed and took about 20 minutes to reach the area designated by Huo Xiu, while the signal detector began to work.

In today's world, communication methods are usually mixed with electromagnetic wave communication and quantum communication. The former has been used by human beings for hundreds of years, and it is common, low-cost and easy to use; while the latter is the product of the vigorous development of the alliance space era, using quantum entanglement effect for ultra-distance communication and confidentiality. The degree is high, correspondingly, and the cost is also higher than that of electromagnetic wave communication.

Huo Xiu let the two detectors work at the same time. The wireless signal detector is used to deal with electromagnetic wave signals, and the single photon detector is used to deal with quantum signals.

They rotated in this area for more than ten minutes, and finally a single photon detector intercepted the effective signal.

" Sir, do you need to decipher it?" A soldier asked.

"No, change a location and continue to collect signals." Huo Xiu said that he didn't want to waste time deciphering extremely encrypted quantum signals.

After being targeted, they collected some signals around, but without further deciphering, it is difficult to identify where they were sent.

However, Huo Xiu seems to have made up his mind.