From man to god

Chapter 072 Refined Soldier

Two months have passed.

A few months before the intersection of military bases, there have been a huge transformation - strong walls, towering sentry towers, soldiers patrolling from time to time, and a set of advanced computer-controlled inspection procedures at entrances and exits. Each soldier can pass the verification with the help of a soldier's card. Once an outsider enters, the alarm connecting the base will sound immediately. Up. If it is determined to be the enemy, the automatic aiming machine guns installed on both sides will fire bullets in an instant, destroying every foreign invader.

In addition, if the enemy can continue to go deep, after the intrusion sensing system detects, there will be other measures such as air defense *, air space * and other measures to defend the whole military base, and the quickly responding marines can shoulder the heavy responsibility of the defense base. Compared with Huo Xiu's degree of resistance before he became a commander, it is like an earth embryo house and a reinforced concrete poured fortress, which is not the same.

And controlling this whole program is naturally a new type of artificial intelligence - Eve.

Huo Xiu made a correct choice at the beginning. Although Eve II only has 70% of the functions of the main body, even so, she is still several times stronger than ordinary AI. The main brain of this whole set of software and hardware control base operation was designed, piloted by her, and invested until the final investment.

But now we have to turn our eyes to the sea more than ten kilometers away from the base - a fierce battle is taking place on the usually deserted beach.

On the two transport ships one kilometer away from the coast, the attacking Red side was ready to land. The gate of the transport ship slowly opened, and amphibious chariots ran out of its "big belly". The chariots with the Marine Corps logo gradually leaned to the coast and prepared to land on the beach.

The blue side in charge of defense is ready near the coast. Green chariots are hidden in the woods. A group of soldiers with camouflage on their faces relax and push away the safety of assault rifles - with a "boom", the loud sound of empty bullets is the prelude to the battle.

When the group of marines in three-color camouflage uniform landed, several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft rose from the sky behind them and observed the ground in front of them in a safe air. The sensitive "eye" transmitted all kinds of data from the ground back to the warship, and the members of the Third Squadron of the Air Force quickly reported the information to Marine Corps Commander.

However, it is obvious that the blue side's concealment skills are very superb. Although a small team was found, the brigade still arrived safely in the designated area. When the group of swarming marines were found, a battle officially began.

In the air, the door of a slow-flying troop carrier ship opened. Huo Xiu sat on it and observed the battle below. From time to time, the orders issued by the commanders of both sides sounded in the communicator. Sometimes he nodded and sometimes he frowned, but it was obvious that the performance of this group of people did not satisfy Huo Xiu.

"The soldiers trained for four months let you do several military exercises in a row. I really don't know what you think to train soldiers."

Huo Xiu turned his eyes from the ground to Major General Roger Eaton beside him and said, "It's better to let the soldiers feel the real battle and stimulate them to a certain extent than the intensive training without any purpose every day. Look, after a few practices, their performance is unsatisfactory. But real combat skills can be mastered better than usual.

"I feel that the momentum of your speech is becoming more and more like an old man." Roger smiled and said, "But I don't care. I'm just an officer watching the exercise. These are all your soldiers. It's up to you to decide how to train."

Huo Xiu just smiled. The battle below became more and more fierce. The addition of a special force made the situation change rapidly on the battlefield. Through a special thermal sensor camera, Huo Xiu found traces of biological activity in the ocean. After accurate scanning, it was a special team sent by the Blue side.

"Only you can teach this move, right?" Roger raised his chin and looked at several blue soldiers in the ocean who were preparing to quietly land on the transport ship. "Once the commander of the Marines is captured, the battle is almost the same."

"I hope so." Huo Xiu looked down and said, "It's good to have this awareness, but there are serious limitations. The real battle will not put two lonely transport ships there."

"Don't plan to continue to buy warships." Roger reminded him, "Look at the military expenditure in the past few months. Although it is said that you paid out of your own pocket, I'm afraid that only the rich young master of the Huo family can do such a thing with the three billion military expenditure list."

Huo Xiu could only smile bitterly about this. A poor base was stunned to let him pile up equipment piece by piece with money in four months, creating this excellent team now. It can be imagined that he can't play without 230 billion.

"I will earn it back." Huo Xiu said something inexplicable. Roger didn't say anything more - in fact, he didn't understand the thinking of such a genius. Anyway, he let him toss around here. In short, no one will care about him without an armed coup or something like that.

Half an hour later, the battle ended. In this flag-grabbing game, the blue side successfully held its position, but the price was also not small - although the marines were only 600, they still performed vigorous in the face of more than 1,000 armored battalions, worthy of the elite selected by Huo Xiu.

After the team gathered, dozens of officers stood in front of Huo Xiu and Roger to report on the various situations encountered in the battle, but it was mainly a summary of the victorious side - this time it was Lieutenant Zhao Yong of the armored battalion who made a speech. In the defensive battle, his command ability was fully exerted.

"Wentic defensive battles, blue warriors." Roger told them that getting the praise of a major general really made many people heroic, especially under Huo Xiu's high requirements, the general's praise was a reassuring - because except for the scene four months ago, Huo Xiu had never praised a person in public, which made many officers secretly guess whether he had done something wrong. And so on.

"The Red side is also excellent, but you take the defense of the headquarters lightly." Roger said to the somewhat frustrated Red officer, "But I also found that there was also a second lieutenant who fought particularly 'brave', that is, you. Second Lieutenant, what's your name?

A second lieutenant who was stained with a lot of mud strode forward and said loudly, "Reporter, my name is Nikolay Yevnievich Marikov."

Huo Xiu looked at the marine second lieutenant ordered by Roger. He was a man with a bald head, tall, rude and loud voice. He has also seen the other party's personal combat ability, which is excellent, and his coordination and organization ability is equally good. I heard that this person served in the Marine Corps and later became a second lieutenant. He is a relatively "active" figure in the barracks. How active is he? Once he wanted to fight one-on-one with Ryan, but the result was obvious - he was overconfident, and the captain of the Velociraptors was not so easy to provoke.

But it has to be admitted that he is indeed excellent and is also on Huo Xiu's preparatory promotion list, but he has never been able to remember Marikov's long Russian name - on the contrary, Anne can recite it all at once, probably because of a similar race. They once used Russian After talking to each other, this kind of thing listed as the dialect of the alliance made Huo Xiu confused when he heard it.

"You are really a good soldier." Roger took a few steps forward and looked at Marikov, who was a little nervous. "It's commendable to dare to lead a team to the other party's command center."

Marikov just smiled. He, a person who is used to being straightforward, now doesn't know what to say when facing a general.

"Second Lieutenant, thank the general for your praise." Annie reminded him.

"Thank you——"

"But have you ever thought that sometimes you will lose the lives of your teammates because of your heroic behavior?" Roger interrupted him.

Marikov was silent. Just when Huo Xiu thought he had nothing to say, he suddenly shouted, "General, Officer Huo said, 'Your life belongs to the soldiers under your command. Since your life is no longer your own, if the situation requires you to sacrifice, you can't be afraid of death. In the face of a high-value target, in order to reduce more casualties of your teammates, the immediate visual loss can be ignored.

This time it's Roger's turn to have nothing to say. He knows that Marikov's words are right or wrong, but many times soldiers have to make such sacrifices - helpless, but it is also this that reflects their most selfless feelings. Roger doesn't want to make any comments on it, but Marikov is indeed a good name. Soldier.

"You are quite familiar with my words." Huo Xiu stood in front of him and stared at him.

Marikov was as nervous as a general when facing Huo Xiu. It seemed that his eyes could see through everything, but he couldn't guess whether his words were praise or anger. The only thing he could do was to stand up straight to meet Huo Xiu's eyes and said, "Reporter, I just think your theory is in many ways. All have been correctly confirmed.

"Nikolai...Marikov, right?" Huo Xiu read his name and said, "Don't be nervous. Your performance is really good, but your tactics have been guarded by Lieutenant Zhao Yong. Learn well in the future."

"Thank you, sir!" Marikov's voice was excited this time.

Huo Xiu walked to the officer team and said, "Organize the team and return to the base, return to the base to dissolve freely, and change to free activities in the base in the afternoon and evening."

"Yes, sir."

It can be seen that the soldiers smiled on their tired faces, and the relaxed training can better give full play to their interest in everything, and the march is no exception.

Roger also walked behind with Ho Xiu.

"I have nothing to say about your training here." Roger said as he walked, "I'll go back to the headquarters tomorrow. I don't care what you want to do recently, but be sure to make the noise smaller, and then stand high in morality. Don't let others hold your braids."

Huo Xiu smiled, and Roger was able to guess some of his plans from the frequent exercises.

"I will pay attention."

But that's true. He plans to clean up the underground forces in the 16th city in the next few days, the first step of implementing the joint plan.