From man to god

Chapter 073 Implementation Plan

This seems to be an ordinary day.

A black high-end suspension car slowly drove out of the garage of a house on the outskirts of the city, and the driver next to him opened the door for Huo Tianqi and Huo Sixin, who went out on time.

Two people sit in the back seat.

"Sister, Brother Xiu said that he was ready. Let's implement the first step plan now." Huo Tianqi said to Huo Sixin beside him.

"Well, I understand." Huo Sixin nodded and said, "The result will come out today."

"That's all." Huo Tianqi didn't say anything more. When the car drove to the door of the Urban Planning and Construction Bureau building, Huo Sixin pushed the door and walked out, and the suspension car drove away from here.

Huo Sixin, who was holding a handbag, wore a set of black professional clothes. Knee-length skirts and appropriately sized high heels have made her the focus of attention of many people, but everyone who passes by her will humbly say hello. For nothing else, the name of "deputy director" alone is what they must respect.

Yes, although she is very young, the level of "Deputy Director" is still a position for the Huo family that is no different from ordinary small employees, and she is also distressed by this. She must take a higher position to implement their plan to develop the port occupied by the gang.

Only the director of the Planning Bureau has the final decision, and the deputy director is only to make comments.

She came to her office, and the induction door automatically slid open to both sides. She walked in with elegant steps, put her handbag on her desk, and found two private documents on the table at first sight. At this time, her pretty face showed a satisfied smile.

She sat in a swivel chair, turned to face the streets and buildings outside the floor, picked up the communicator on the table, dialed a number, and after a few seconds, the communication was connected, and her voice became sweet in an instant: "Brother, the two deputy bureaus have agreed not to interfere in this matter."

"Okay, wait for my message."

She hung up the communication and looked out of the window at the world.

At the same time, Ma Yan, the director of the Planning Bureau, is driving on the highway. Although it has exceeded the working hours, the driver still seems not slow. He understands that in the whole Planning Bureau, no one dares to talk with the director's braids, and there will be no such ignorant person.

But at this time, the driver found that two cars appeared in the left and right lanes at the same time, and they did not intend to overtake. They just drove side by side. After a few seconds, a car on the right hand side drove to the front, blocking in front of Director Ma's special car, and another car was replaced by.

"I'm sick!" The driver honked his horn and did not think of the coming crisis at all.

At this time, a man stood up from the viewing window of the roof of the car in front of him, and the driver's pupil contracted sharply at that moment - the man held a black gun grenade launcher in his hand and pointed at the car he was driving, while the window of the car next to him rolled down and motioned him to stop.

How dare the driver disothe and stop the car immediately.

Director Ma was still squinting, recalling the ecstasy of lying on a woman last night and knew nothing about the outside world. Until the heavy closing sound of the car door, he opened his eyes and found that there was a serious man sitting beside him.

"Drive!" The man said to the driver in a commanding tone.

The car continues to drive.

"Who are you?" Ma Yan asked vigilantly. He already felt bad, and his other hand quietly touched his pocket in an attempt to find the communicator.

"When talking to others, don't make small moves." The man said, and Ma Yan's action also stopped, " Director Ma, I'm glad to meet you at this time."

"Now that you know my identity, what do you want to do?" Ma Yan tried to put on a majestic appearance, but with a big belly, he couldn't gather the momentum of the man beside him without anger.

"It's still ten minutes' drive from the Planning Bureau." The man said lightly, "Now you have two choices. First, obediently, resign your position as director of director of the Planning Bureau, give it to others, and take the hundreds of millions of dollars you have embezzled in recent years, as well as the three women and two children you have taken care of outside to leave the city..."

"What about the second one?" Ma Yan had a premonition that something was wrong.

"Second?" The man looked at Ma Yan with a smile, "Let me choose for you." However, I seriously don't recommend this option, because it will make your heart beat faster.

"Do you want to threaten me?" Ma Yan asked.

"It's not a threat, I just want to do a multiple choice question with you."

"Impossible!" Ma Yan said, "There are a lot of people who want to touch me, and some have guns on my head, but I advise you - young people, those people didn't end up well in the end."

"I appreciate your teaching." The man's smile became serious, "but it's a pity that you chose the second option."

Ma Yan worried for a few minutes, but the man beside him did not move. He asked contemptuously, "What will you do?"

"Don't worry, there are still three minutes' drive."

Three minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the Planning Bureau, and the door was immediately opened. Outside the door were several men in black suits. They held a card in their hands and said, "Hello, Mr. Ma Yan, we are from the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the police station of the Southern Region. Now we have received information about the National Security Bureau, which proves that you are huge. Corruption and malicious hiring of murder, involving the disclosure of state secrets, are now approved for arrest and handed over to the National Security Administration for further interrogation.

This sudden series of things made Ma Yan stunned on the spot and couldn't say a word.

It was not until he was "invited" by the uniformed policeman that he reacted and shouted in the car, "I'll choose the first one, I'll choose the first one!"

The man in the car came out and waved to him.

Then, the man shook hands with the staff and said, "Thank you for your cooperation. This is the beginning of a series of cases. I hope it won't bother you too much in the future."

"We understand that we will try to avoid places where responsibilities meet." Those people also said with a smile that they knew very well that the young man in front of them was actually an official of the Military Situation Administration, and his words were to tell him that this kind of thing would happen here in the future. Don't make a fuss.

"Then I won't send it." The men said to them.

Several people also left here later.

The man looked up at the Planning Bureau building and walked in.

Huo Sixin waited quietly, and the sound of the door opening attracted her attention. When she looked back and saw someone coming, she stood up and asked, "Brother, is it done?"

"Don't worry." Huo Xiu sat down and said, "The chubby guy just chose the second option, and you can implement your own plan."

"Well, I will." Huo Sixin seemed to think of something and said to Huo Xiu, "Brother, he still has another secret money, but it is in Huo's bank."

"I know." Huo Xiu said with a smile.

"The remaining two deputy bureaus also chose not to interfere in this matter?" Huo Xiu asked her.

"Of course, they don't have the courage." Huo Sixin said, "I'm the only deputy director left in the Planning Bureau this time, and I can take the position of acting director in a few days."

"Then leave the matter to me." Huo Xiu nodded. Huo Sixin has taken several months to get results in the planning and construction of the area around the harbour. As long as the gang organizations stationed there leave, they can immediately start construction and start the first step to transform the urban economy.

"Is it time for the government to issue bonds?" Huo Xiu asked her.

"Just after I submitted the plan." Huo Sixin said, "The government is a group of stingy guys, and they won't pay any money. We can only raise money in this way."

"How much is the final decision to issue?"

"Fifty billion." Huo Sixin said.

"Do I still have one?"

"I'll reserve 1.5 billion places for you." Huo Sixin said with a smile, "But Tianqi and Martin are too fast. I just put forward the initial plan, and they have booked the remaining 3 billion."

"So, how many of us have monopolized this batch of government foreign debt funds for construction?" Huo Xiu asked with a smile, and he didn't expect Huo Tianqi and Martin to move so fast.

"Well, who doesn't want to make money!" Huo Sixin said naturally, "It's mainly because you sit in the town yourself. If others want to move that place, they will definitely think about it for a long time."

"We are ready to become the biggest creditors of the government." Huo Xiu said that when they buy so many government bonds, the government will have to listen to their capitalists. Especially with the deepening of urban construction, once it develops rapidly as planned, they can't imagine how many times the value of this money will be doubled.

"You have to seize this opportunity. There will be a mayor's election in a year and a half. What you are doing now is a glorious investment."

"I understand." Huo Sixin said confidently.

When he came out of the Planning Bureau, Huo Xiu found Martin and Huo Tianqi again.

"What, are we fast enough?" That's what Martin said when he met.

"It's fast enough." Huo Xiu sat down. This is Huo Tianqi's office, the best location of a building. "Martin, are you ready?"

"There's no problem." When it came to business, Martin also became serious. "The people below are well arranged that a total of 100 million worth of goods will be sold to the group of people who think they are taking advantage of themselves."

"How is the price of a single piece?" Huo Xiu asked casually.

"The F-A series sells for 8,000, tens of thousands of F-M machine guns and so on, and the sniper rifle is almost the same." Martin said, "The price is doubled compared with the factory price, but when it is 30% cheaper than the black market, and it is a little bit like the one I played with my uncle."

That set is nothing more than real goods put outside, and the rest are all fakes specially used to cheat people. Anyway, they don't have time to check them carefully.

"They will rob it crazily." Huo Tianqi said, "It is usually difficult for this group of people to get more 'future company' arms. Now there are so many guys who are expected to jump for a day."

Martin nodded and then said, "But it can't be too much. If they show clues, they will have doubts. It took me a lot to convince that there are a large number of arms that can be traded."

"Leave it to me then."

Huo Xiu is very clear that he obviously needs a good excuse to use the army to deal with that group of people. What excuse? General small fights, even killing a few people can only be dealt with by the police, and it is impossible to mobilize a large number of troops at all, which will only make people think that they are preparing for an armed revolution, but if they are involved in a large number of arms sales and some appropriate reports from the Military Police Service, the army will naturally be in charge of this matter.

When Martin saw that Huo Xiu had no objection, he continued to say, "How about we each account for 30% of the profits after the event and give Sixin as pocket money?"

"I'll give you my share as well." Huo Xiu said.

"Why?" The two of them frowned.

"You know, those gangs have been rampant in the local area for more than ten years, and I don't believe it without billions of families." Huo Xiu smiled and said, "As for me going to suppress bandits, what can happen?"

The two suddenly realized.

"It's really cruel!" Huo Tianqi gave a thumbs up, "But let me deal with securities, fixed assets and so on. I can change them all into cash!"

"How can you be worthy of my expenses in the past few months?" Huo Xiu asked, "Billions of military spending is like running water. I don't think anyone else can sleep."

They also nodded in agreement.

Now the only thing is waiting for Huo Sixin's plan to be passed, and then the government that has no money to issue bonds. Finally, the group of smugglers controlled by the Military intelligence bureau handed over the goods to the local organization.