From man to god

Chapter 080 Seek Skin with the Tiger

A week later, the Red Fox fulfilled her promise.

"Corruption and bribery, hiring killers, maliciously planting..." Huo Sixin looked through a piece of conclusive evidence on the table and looked up at others. "This woman's methods are really cruel. She didn't expect to secretly hold so much evidence of Shang Xiaofeng and his gang."

"I'm a little worried." Martin closed an audio file and looked a little less optimistic.

"Why?" Huo Tianqi asked him, "Are you worried that it won't be a good thing for us to cooperate with this woman? Or will she deal with us one day?

"I don't think it's a soldier." Martin looked at the evidence on a table, "Is this pile of evidence just that the red fox wants to knock down her opponent instead of secretly declaring her strong connections to us at the same time?"

Since she can easily deal with her former partners, maybe one day she feels that we have no use of us and wonder if she has found a stronger ally? Did Huo Xiu and others take the current path of Shang Xiaofeng and others again - they were betrayed by her?

"You seem to have forgotten one thing." Huo Sixin reminded them that she looked at Huo Xiu, who was silent, and everyone was also staring at him.

"Military CIA." She said slowly.

Martin and Huo Tianqi looked at each other, but they couldn't find a reason to refute. In terms of conspiracy struggle and intelligence seizure, it is estimated that there is no organization comparable to the huge Military Intelligence Bureau in the alliance. Even the National Security Bureau can only succumb to it. What is Huo Xiu's identity? Colonel of the Military Affairs Bureau, isn't it easy for him to deal with a person?

"No." Huo Xiu said, "She now thinks she is familiar with me and has figured out my details - but these are all arranged by the Military Affairs Bureau. Whether it is evidence or anything else, everything is fabricated out of thin air. As long as she wants to attack me, I can fight back immediately.

"But I want to remind you to have less contact with her." Huo Xiu said solemnly, "As Martin said, this woman is not simple. It's better not to have too much involvement with her. I can't guarantee that one day she will have a lot of things that are extremely unfavorable to you, especially Huo Sixin."

"Then let's start to implement the first thing now?" Huo Tianqi looked at Huo Sixin.

"The sooner the better." Huo Sixin said, "I have notified the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the National Security Bureau of Area E. If these materials are submitted, even if Shang Xiaofeng has a guarantee, they will die. The remaining legislators are simpler. Send these copies to the Colonial Star House and the Alliance Network respectively. The official and civilian impeachment is enough for them to take up. It's only a matter of time before they leave the line of power.

In the next week, the 16th city ushered in a great political turmoil. First, the mayor was suddenly arrested by the police, and then a large number of evidence of corruption were found. During the police's further investigation, it was found that he had been related to several murders and listed as a major suspect.

After that, a local parliamentarian* appeared on the network of the alliance, which introduced in detail that they were both black and white, accepted a large number of benefits, and coveted Mexican government project funds with others, etc., which aroused the indignation of almost all netizens, and the colonial star government has temporarily cancelled him under pressure. The identity of local councillors and involvement in the investigation, but everyone knows that their political career is over.

The fall of a large number of officials involves a lot of bribery, collusion between officials and businessmen and other ** things. It seems that some people on the Internet deliberately incite people's emotions. Even if the government is partial, it cannot resist the voices of billions of netizens. In today's alliance era, As long as individuals express their opinions on the Internet.

The government reshuffled, and the rising people rose overnight, but the director of the planning bureau, which was very popular among the people, did not make any movement at this time. She did not express her views on urban development like other officials, and went on TV, the Internet to boast, etc. She just went to work, after work, and concentrate on dealing with the city as usual. Problems in the planning of municipal construction have also actively driven economic construction and development.

The downfall of the ruling leadership is naturally an election for the acting leadership. Although it is a temporary proxy position, there are many people who like it. Everyone knows that in today's booming urban situation, as long as they don't do anything too disgust the people, the mayor's throne is almost settled.

Due to the special situation, the campaign for the acting position is only one month, and only local residents are involved. There are undoubtedly two most popular candidates in the hearts of voters - the first is the young director of the Planning Bureau, Ms. Huo Sixin, who has been in office for only seven months, but has brought earth-shaking changes to the city; The second is the former government team, a man in his forties who is experienced and has a certain popularity among the people.

However, the citizens seem to prefer new faces, and Huo Sixin's sweet image has been admired by many people. In the final election, her image gained a lot of popularity for her and finally defeated her opponents. She successfully ran for the acting mayor of No. 16 city, and her term lasted until the next official election, about half Year.

She has two vocations and act decisively. She has her own means in urban planning and management. In addition, the acting mayor greatly facilitates her to drive various powers, and with the support of the two large groups behind the scenes, although she is an agent, almost no one can shake this position.

When investors followed the two major groups and turned their eyes to the 16th city, this was undoubtedly a huge development opportunity. The policies implemented by Huo Sixin also conformed to the most urgent psychology of investors. In a short period of time, especially after the opening of the route to the southern mainland, trade Easy to come and go has become frequent, and this city, which was originally a tourist nature, has become completely popular because of commerce.

One day, Huo Xiu sat on the living room sofa of Huo's mansion and enjoyed the fruit cut for him by Anne. Looking at the speech of the capable mayor for the investment summit on the live news, he sighed at the great changes of his little sister. I'm afraid no one would have thought that she could become mayor at a young age, right?

Although to a certain extent, due to her dazzling political achievements, it is also indispensable for the support of the two major groups. It is difficult for a government to develop without financial capacity. In today's alliance era, most of the time, the government will rely on the support of consortia and even look at their faces to a certain extent.

"You are excellent, Huo Sixin." Huo Xiu raised his glass and paid tribute to the mayor who spoke confidently on the big screen in front of him, "We will help you sit firmly in this position, then rise step by step, participate in regional elections, serve as regional governor, and continue to develop into the colonial star ruling government!"

"You will put a lot of pressure on Sixin." Martin sat on the armrest of the sofa and said with a smile, "But I really didn't expect that she would be able to sit in that position so soon."

"Va large extent because of the evidence of the red fox." Huo Tianqi saw all this clearly, "Because of Sister Sixin, now we almost control the economy of the whole city, but there is still an obstacle in front of us that we have to eradicate her!"

"It's time to do this." Huo Xiu said to himself, "If you want to establish Huo Sixin's public image and maintain the good development of the city, such abduction and drug trafficking must be prohibited. Otherwise, what do you think of those who come here?"

"I'm afraid she's not easy to deal with, right?" Martin said that he had several conversations with the red fox and intuitively told him that the woman was shrewd and cunning and needed to be careful to get along with her.

"It's all the same." Huo Xiu said confidently, "Don't worry. I will take this good opportunity to add another fire and completely make the city's development flames burn to the peak."

Maybe like the Red Fox, her efforts are to master the whole situation and allow her to enjoy maximum power, and what Huo Xiu has done is no different from her, but in the process of trying to stand above everyone's heads, the means used can only be said to be one foot tall.

One night, it was still a common floating car on the street. The people of the alliance could afford the most, but the military license plate made the identity of the car soar several levels. The suspended car slowly drove to the door of one of the most luxurious nightclubs and stopped.

Huo Xiu, dressed in casual clothes, pushed the door and walked straight to the nightclub. Annie next to him followed as usual, dressed in the same style as Huo Xiu's, a small coat, light blue retro-style jeans, and a pair of black high-top flat boots.

"Mr. Huo." A young lady came face to greet Huo Xiu, "Are you here to see our boss?"

"Yes." Huo Xiu nodded.

"Please follow me."

They followed the receptionist to the seventh floor. This is a floor dedicated to internal personnel. There are not many people coming and going, but the people who come and going will nod to Huo Xiu. Obviously, he is already known by this group of people, but he doesn't know anyone except a few people with high status around the Red Fox.

"The boss is resting inside now."

"Thank you." Huo Xiu said to the departing receptionist that Anne pressed a button on the door, then pushed the room open and walked in first.

Huo Xiu followed, and the door was gently closed behind him.

Red Fox sits behind his desk, with his back to them. Outside the floor, there is a noisy and beautiful night view of city cars coming and going. The arrival of the two also attracted her attention and turned around. The red fox's eyes first stayed on Anne for a few seconds, and then turned to Huo Xiu.

"Mr. Huo, are you looking for me at this time?"

"There is indeed something wrong."

Anne brought a chair for Ho Xiu and let him sit opposite the red fox. She stood aside with her hands behind her back and looked at the smiling red fox.

"I don't have much time tonight. I just want an answer." Huo Xiu came straight to the point, "Miss Li, now you have two choices."

She looked at Huo Xiu and focused.

"First, reorganize everything you control now, put down your power, and cooperate with the police to clean up all the factors that have a negative impact on the city, and hand over the relevant people to the police. As a price, I will leave you a large amount of money for you to fly away.

After listening to the first choice, the red fox looked a little more fierce.

"Second..." Huo Xiu looked at the red fox that was about to explode, "I'll choose for you."

"Hahaha..." Red Fox laughed, "Mr. Huo, are you sure you're not drunk tonight? Otherwise, why do you talk crazy about me?

"Why is this necessary?" Huo Xiu looked at her and said, "To be honest, I admire a self-reliable woman like you, but it's a pity that you used the wrong method."

"It's a pity that you also used the wrong method." Red Fox said, "If you want to knock me down, I don't know if you have ever thought about how the underground forces in this city will be chaotic after I fall down? Without a big head to control, the small gangs below will only fall into constant competition. What other political achievements do you want?

"Also, maybe the sufficient evidence I gave to those politicians that day is not a good hint to you. I should say it directly - the means of playing with your friends doesn't seem to be very clean, right? Especially you, Major Huo Xiu, use the army to coerce others, satisfy your own selfish desires, embezzle citizens' property, and have a large number of deposits of unknown sources... I'm very interested in how will you explain these to the gendarmerie organization at that time?

"It seems that you know me well!" Huo Xiu smiled and said, "But Miss Li, I have to remind you that you must not be too proud. After all, you will hurt yourself. I will also give you an answer to your question."

"Your first question, if you fall, it does not mean that the whole underground forces will also collapse. As the saying goes, the back waves of the Yangtze River push forward, and there are not a few people under your reputation and control. After you leave, there will naturally be these people to replace me as one of my dogs."

"Second, I can only say that you are unlucky." Huo Xiu's words puzzled the red fox, and at the same time, one of her hands quietly placed on her thigh and was covered by the table.

"Oh, why?" She said curiously.

"Your so-called evidence and materials are actually deliberately provided to you, so that you can feel at ease that you have grasped my weaknesses and be able to control me at a critical moment. If it is an ordinary officer, he is the only one who can only get along with you now, but behind me stands the Military CIA. I unceremonially say that even your ancestors have done great things for several generations, what do you think?

The red fox's face became very ugly and very depressed. Maybe she didn't expect this ending. "High, really high. There is a group of military agents working for you. Ordinary people like me will never fight you."

She was distracted and didn't seem to recover from Huo Xiu's words.

"Tell me what you choose, Miss Li?"

As soon as Huo Xiu's words fell, she suddenly looked up, and there was no depression on her face. At this moment, it was clear that the net was broken. She quietly put her hand on the table and raised it, and a silver pistol was clenched in her hand. At that moment, Huo Xiu even felt the loaded bullet pointed at him. That sense of tension.

With a delicate shout, Annie, who had been standing without saying a word, moved - she flew forward, swept and kicked the red fox's wrist. The fierce and quick blow directly led the pistol held by the red fox to fly out and hit the wall beside her, but the red fox's movements were also very sensitive. , she kicked on the desk as the gun flew out, and the overturned table hit Anne. Anne stepped back a few steps and dodged.

And the red fox used this time to jump forward, turn around, sweep her legs, and aim at Anne's face. Looking at her movements and strength, it is not strange.

But Anne was more flexible. When the red fox's footboard swept over, her body suddenly squatted down, and the other party's feet swept against the top of her head. When she squatted down, she took the opportunity to kick the red fox's unsteadily calf. After a few steps, Anne had come to the side of her body and her fist hit her ribs. Down.

The red fox snorted in pain, and her elbow was about to fight back. Anne's left hand covered her arm, grabbed her wrist with her right hand, and twisted it back, making her lean forward slightly.

Anne raised her right foot - aimed at the knee joint on the outside of the right leg of the red fox and stepped down heavily. She only heard the scream of "ah" and the sound of crisp bones breaking. The red fox's right leg was broken by Anne from the side to the outside and stood in a twisted state.

Huo Xiu looked at this scene and made him feel like two upright chopsticks, but now one was deliberately broken from it, but it was barely connected.

Anne let go, and the red fox fell to the ground and moaned in pain. Chanting.

"Anne!" Huo Xiu suddenly shouted. Somehow, the red fox took out a thin object from her body and stabbed Anne's calf standing in front of her.

Annie's eyes and hands are fast. When Huo Xiu prompted, she had already stepped on the red fox's hand. Turning his head and looking at the pistol one meter away from the ground, if she is stabbed, she will definitely fall down, and the red fox who gets the opportunity can touch the pistol and kill the people in the room.

She kicked the red fox's face angrily and directly let her roll on the ground. Then Anne bent down and pulled out a thin double-edged dagger from her boots, walked to the red fox with a bloody mouth, squatted down, grabbed her collar with one hand, pulled it up, and said, "Do you want to play these with me? I have many ways to peel your skin and flesh from the bones little by little to ensure that it is complete and without any meat. Do you want to try it?

"Annie." Huo Xiu shook her head. This symptom is exactly the same as that of "Anne" at the beginning. She doesn't want her to inherit the creepy hobby of the past.

She put the dagger back into the side of her boots.

Huo Xiu squatted down in front of the red fox, looked at the scar kicked out by Anne on her face, reached out and touched it gently, and said, "Isn't it hurt?"

The red fox just gasped and didn't say anything.

"I didn't want to hurt you." Huo Xiu said to himself, "It's a pity that you made the wrong choice. My Annie doesn't seem to like a woman like you very much, you know? Because of you, her behavior is very abnormal today - I don't like it, and she is not like this in my impression.


Huo Xiu put a little force on her face, and the red fox shouted in pain. He didn't have any pity and continued to say, "Is it very uncomfortable? Don't worry, you won't feel pain again soon.

"Please!" At this time, the red fox's face was full of pleading, "Let me live, but you can give you more money, more women, and even I'm willing to be your servant!"

"It's a pity that you didn't tell me, and I didn't expect so much."

Huo Xiu stood up. Annie pulled out the pistol hidden under her coat, slowly turned a * on it, then went to the sofa, took a pillow, pressed it on the red fox's face, and shot at the position of her head. With a "pop", the gushing blood instantly dyed the pillow dark red, but there was not a drop. It splashed on her.

Looking at Anne's professional killing methods and the struggling red fox, Huo Xiu sighed and said, "Anne, ask Shen Wei to come here and let him deal with the following things."