From man to god

Chapter 081 Control

A few minutes later, Shen Wei came in.

Seeing the body lying on the ground, he was obviously stunned, and then looked at Huo Xiu and said, "Shir Huo, the matter has been dealt with."

"Well, that's good." Huo Xiu looked at Shen Wei, who looked a little unnatural, and said, "You should be happy. After tonight, the throne of the leader of this organization will be yours.

"Yes, yes." Shen Wei also had a stiff smile. Although he was willing to act as a dog in Huo Xiu's mouth for power, after all, he did not expect that his former master would disappear in the world in the blink of an eye. He was surprised, but more frightened by Huo Xiu's methods.

"You don't have to think so much." Huo Xiu naturally knows what Shen Wei is thinking. "As long as you do what I want in the future, don't make trouble for me like others. I told you to go east and don't run to the west. You will sit firmly in this position until you are old, and no one will dare to fight with you."

He walked to Shen Wei, put his hand on his shoulder and said, "You know very well that no matter how bright and righteous the city is, there will always be some dark sides. But even darkness will always give way to light at some point. It can't exist forever, do you understand?

"I understand, Officer Huo." He nodded repeatedly and said, "From now on, I will always follow your orders. As long as you tell me, I will do it with 120,000 spirit."

"Listen clearly," Huo Xiu patted him on the shoulder. "You are not my soldier, and I won't give you any orders. You listen to the voice of the people, the government and the policy. Following the trend is the hard truth that you can run for a long time. You are your own master!"

"I am a law-abiding entrepreneur. As long as the government has any policy requirements, I will actively cooperate without complaint." Shen Wei said that he was also well aware that Huo Xiu, as a military official, certainly could not have anything to do with people like them, whether on the surface or secretly.

"This woman is up to you." Huo Xiu glanced at the body on the ground, "I will clean up all the little leaders who oppose you tonight. After 0500, you can officially control the organization. If there is anyone who opposes you - there is still a long time before dawn, do you understand?"

"It is guaranteed that there will be no discordant sound."

Huo Xiu finally took a look at Shen Wei, turned around and walked out. Annie finally closed the door.

Shen Wei in the room breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the body on the ground thoughtfully - a few days ago, someone anonymously sent him a document, which was full of evidence against his personal crimes, which was shocking. As long as the other party handed over to the judicial department, he would spend the rest of his life in prison.

He had to cooperate with the other party and planned to seize the position of the red fox and eradicate all his subordinates loyal to the red fox. He knows very well that those big brothers are much higher in status and power than a younger brother, but they are not easily controlled, so he is the only one who is the most suitable target.

"What the hell, as soon as tonight, I will be the head of this city!" Shen Wei said to himself to the body. He knew very well that if the other party wanted to deal with him, he could not resist at all. Since he can't resist, just bear it, not to mention that money and power have come to him.

After Huo Xiu left, a large-scale joint anti-crime operation by the army and police took place in the 16th city that night, which was different from the last military's lightning operation that strictly prohibited reporting. This time, the government allowed designated media to conduct on-site interviews and videos, and the Internet would also Keep up to date with the latest developments of the action.

When people find this series of reports on the Internet and TV news media, they all applaud their hands. The residents living here will more or less know about some local evil forces, and also know the clues of those incidents such as fighting, extortion, and even drug trafficking, and coercing others to go out of their feet. However, those people in the previous government colluded with each other and secretly exchanged anger. When the citizens heard these things, they just dared not say anything.

But not long after the new mayor took office, the police had such an attack with the military, and the methods were extremely fierce. When the gangsters who were pressed to the ground and even lay in a pool of blood appeared in the camera, no one protested against the violence, but praised the great achievements of the government. At the same time, it also made the reputation of the new mayor rise overnight. If the original voters only elected Huo Sixin as mayor because of her sweet image, this time they sincerely praised her for doing a big truth for the citizens.

In addition to the most popular new mayor, the military has also received a lot of praise from the public. The original army here has always been a symbol of corruption and depravity in their eyes, but after these two actions, they found that the facts have subverted everything - the soldiers here are disciplined, bloody and capable. And act decisively and efficiently, worthy of defending the people's violent institutions.

However, the military is extremely low-key, and the public only learned through the news media that several officers who commanded the operation, including Huo Xiu, as the commander-in-chief, appeared in front of the interview.

"Major Huo, I take the liberty to ask, compared with your last thunder operation at the dock, are you satisfied with the result of this operation?"

"Shir Huo, have you discussed with the government department for a long time before taking action?"

"Excuse me..."

Huo Xiu was suppressed by a series of questions. He could hardly say half a word and was overwhelmed by the next question.

Several soldiers appeared beside him and just rightly pushed away the reporters surrounding Huo Xiu. Then Huo Xiu pressed his hand and everyone calmed down. He said, "I don't think it's strange, and it's not worth your publicity, because this is the responsibility of soldiers - to protect the safety of the people."

Although it is also because he wants to help others gain power, it is undeniable that a large part of what he does is because of the duty of soldiers - at least after he does so, the dark side of the city will shrink sharply and be controlled to a range that will not have a significant impact.

After he finished speaking, there was really nothing to say. When speaking in front of the general media, he obviously did not have the smooth skills of politicians. After saying that, he simply turned around and left. Although the speech was brief, everyone remembered the young major's words - it was only the duty of soldiers to defend the people.

is just a sentence, but it makes young people and even men who have a family and a career awe. Everyone remembers him and remembers this low-key and handsome major. Over a period of time, the reputation of the army has greatly improved, and young people have even raised the idea of joining the army to serve the country.

Huo Xiu didn't expect to become a popular figure in the city because of his words, and even many people in his jurisdiction knew him. But now, he knows very well that whether it is selfish or something, he, Huo Sixin, Huo Tianqi and Martin Brown officially control the city.

Whether it is economic, politics or military, there are no people who can compare with it in the 16th city. These four young people are almost covered with one hand, and they are still thriving in all aspects. Not to mention Huo Sixin's current high popularity, they can further run for the district chief executive, just in The planning and decision of the government leadership, under the deliberate pull of two members of the big family, the economy of the whole city is rising rapidly.

The successful opening of the wharf has successfully opened a door to the vault. With frequent trade exchanges, it will naturally greatly promote the social economy. All walks of life are like bamboo shoots, rapidly flourishing, and several people who have long been ready to plan everything to show their skills.

Huoshi Group has opened three banks here in one go, providing various trade businesses, almost continuous business. Huo's insurance industry also followed the bank, like a package, which made it convenient for those businessmen and entrepreneurs and easily earned eye-catching funds.

The Brown Group, which has an extremely developed military industry, has taken over the arms business to the southern region and the local military through this port. With the help of a large airport newly built by the government, trading cargo ships travel between the surface of the planet and the spaceport, and are responsible for the arms of other galaxies with the advantage of their doorstep. Business.

With the exponential growth of fiscal revenue, the government is not happy or bad. According to Ms. Mayor, it continues to implement the steps originally planned to develop and plan the city, and strives to use this prime time to develop the city into a modern big city, connecting the city to a huge port city in the south. City.

In a few short months, the 16th city has become a hot topic for colonial stars. Whether it is news reports or private discussions, everyone has set their sights on this once inuous, just as a tourist area, but now it is booming and full of golden places.

I'm afraid that the investors need to rack their brains most. Those who are right at the right time will invest money before the rise of the city. Now they naturally return the principal and profits, and those who have doubts and stay and see are almost crazy now, or look for relatives and friends, hoping to win a A good project to make money.

Everyone is busy. I'm afraid the most leisurely one is Huo Xiu. He is almost sitting and waiting to make money. Of course, it is inevitable to supervise the military training of soldiers from time to time. After all, it is also in the initial stage. Most of the soldiers have just come out of the new barracks. Although the sergeants have indoctrinated them with certain basic concepts, what he needs to build is not low bungalows, but towering buildings, soldiers The performance is far from meeting their ideal requirements, and the officers have not played their due level.

However, he still has a lot of time. He does have a lot of time - as long as there is no war, he will probably worry about these things all his life. He always hopes that things will go perfectly, and no matter how bad it is, it is as he expected, because it can ensure that no matter what happens, he can seize the opportunity.