From man to god

Chapter 119 First Counterattack

The failure of the magnetic cannon of the enemy's high-orbit space station makes the Fifth Fleet near the colonial star no longer pose a threat - at least for now, they carry out the most powerful fire attacks on the two enemy space ports that appeared in sight according to Huo Xiu's order.

A high-speed electromagnetic gun blew out a huge gap in one of the military ports, and the air inside leaked out, and then the warship fired hundreds*, almost like raindrops, turning into a little flame in space, mercilessly attacking the space army port that had lost its ability to resist.

*'s explosion was mixed with a small amount of air that had not yet dissipated from the military port. A 50-meter-diameter mouth damaged by the attack of the original electromagnetic gun made a red flame, followed by continuous explosions. The interior of the air port was constantly destroyed, and the soldiers who were ready to escape turned into ashes in an instant. What's more, the military port was docked with four resting warships. The originally strong guy was destroyed in this round of continuous bombing, and the wreckage of the pliers was out of control and floated into the air.

"Shir, this attack has destroyed two enemy ports in a row, destroying seven enemy warships and more than a dozen small and medium-sized spacecraft. It is equivalent to destroying a fleet of enemy troops.

Eleanor, who analyzed the data, immediately reported the short-term results, which is a big gift for everyone and can destroy an enemy unit unscathed, even in the intermittent battles in the past few days. Because the battleship damaged by the attack still maintains its ability to move, the enemy will be dragged back to repair it and continue to play a role on the battlefield after half a month.

It is not easy to destroy a warship, including now. As long as the nuclear reactor inside it is not detonated, the enemy can still take time to repair the warship, but the losses are hard to count, and it will have a huge impact on the overall strength. That's what Huo Xiu needs now, so let the fleet attack without hesitation.

"Shir, several other enemy space stations are ready to appear on our plane - the fleet has been dispatched, about 12...24 warships!"

Eve, who monitored the enemy in real time, reported.

"Welcome to the enemy!" Huo Xiu ordered, "The rear troops are ready to shoot* and prepare gifts for the enemy on the only way for the other side's space station."

*The destroyer ejected the nuclear * on the high orbit of the colonial star. If you don't pay attention to the high-orbit space station around it, touching the nucleus * will cause continuous explosions. Although the nuclear explosion is not as terrible in space as in the atmosphere, the ignited ultra-high temperature flames and electromagnetic pulses, radiation, etc. can also Causing horrible killing.

"Now, the cruiser retreats." Huo Xiu continued to issue orders, "launch EMP*, * destroyer cover at the enemy fleet area."

Four huge cruisers began to retreat, staggering the attack level of the enemy's magnetic rail guns, and launching a few EMP*. The first group of four * with orange tails fell into dark space. According to Eve's simulated images, they narrowed the distance with the enemy fleet in an instant, and And it is approaching quickly. At this moment, the enemy is just busy avoiding the electromagnetic cannons and counterattacks of the alliance, and does not pay attention to these strange*.

EMP* disjoined the propulsion and the combat headquarters when it was still a certain distance from the enemy fleet, and the fractional warheads were launched radially. About ten kilometers away from the enemy, laser weapons began to try to intercept, but there were still a large number of warheads flying down densely. In the middle of the warship, the electromagnetic pulse generated by the million-ton nuclear explosion burst.

The enemy's electronic equipment encountered strong interference and influence at that moment. The circuits of some equipment were directly burned by high-frequency electromagnetic pulses, and the most important electromagnetic field shields were also disturbed. Although the enemy carried out high-frequency electromagnetic pulse defense in time, the time was a little slow.

The alliance fleet seized the opportunity to launch all* - the target is enemy warships without electromagnetic field shield protection. These batches of * are all concentrated charge or fractional nuclear warheads. In the past, with the protection of electromagnetic field shields, these attacks were difficult to work, but now the situation is very different.

* exploded on the dark surface of the warship. The ordinary warhead* can only destroy the high-strength alloy armor after about 500 or 600 mm, but the nuclear warhead can melt the armor with a strength of 3,000 mm at one time. However, due to the existence of a heat-resistant and radiation-resistant buffer layer between the warship's multi-armor, the nuclear bomb The power of the explosion is not enough to break through a mouth like an electromagnetic gun, but its destruction range is much wider than that of an electromagnetic gun, not to mention the effects of radiation and electromagnetic pulses.

The electromagnetic pulse generated by the nuclear bomb explosion is not divided into high and low frequency bands. The enemy forces that carry out specific frequency band defense have suffered again. The lights in many warship bridges are completely extinguished after flashing a few times. When the backup lights are on, most computers have been restarted.

"Sir, a total of 13 enemy warships were hit this time, all of which were damaged to varying degrees, including the serious destruction of two warships." Eleanor's skilled report, "The enemy space station has appeared, about 300 kilometers away from the nuclear array. It is recommended that we withdraw before the enemy forces gather."

Once again attacked the enemy's nearly two teams of warships, a total of 20 warships, which is comparable to the sudden encounter between a large fleet, but the current implementation is only a raid strategy, and the effect can be said to be perfect, even beyond expectations.

"Shir, the whole fleet's transition capacitor charging will be about three minutes away." Annie reported the news that had just reached the headquarters.

"Very well, let them retreat and don't get entangled with the enemy." Huo Xiu's purpose of this trip has been achieved. The enemy has suffered huge losses and will surely become much better in the near future. At present, what Huo Xiu needs most is time. As long as he has time, he can slowly control everything, and the enemy will not be afraid in his eyes.

"Shir, the enemy's flagship appears." Eve turned the camera screen of the Indestructible to a corner of the main screen. "If I remember correctly, this is a cruiser modified by the three places, called the Indestructible, which is made by--"

"Indestructible?" Huo Xiu smiled, "Captain, let the plasma cannon be charged. Let the 'Indestructible' meet the enemy's 'Indestructible' in the last time of retreat!"

"I understand, sir." Captain He Jun said loudly, "Weapon operator, prepare to charge the plasma cannon and prepare a set of long-range attacks*."

For Huo Xiu's interruption in the middle, Eve curled her mouth with some dissatisfaction and whispered, "Can you interrupt me? Humph, you will suffer."

This complaint was not heard by many people, but Anne, who heard it clearly, looked up and stared at Eve for a while.

Eve felt her eyes and turned around, but still said angrily, "Don't worry, even if he dies, I won't let the warship be damaged."

Anne smiled and buried herself in her analytical work. She mainly screens important news for commanders and serves as a document assistant for Eleanor. It sounds easy, but it is also a job that requires carefulness and eyesight. Ordinary people really can't extract the most critical content from the mountains of reports.

The names of the two flagships seem to be more like the old enemies in life, or the conflict between spears and shields - indestructible and indestructible. When the two huge flagships look at each other, contradictory sparks completely burst out - the plasma cannon of the Indestructible condenses into a dazzling blue light and launches towards the Indestructible - - A burning high-temperature plasma mass cut through the quiet night sky and became dazzling.

The plasma energy group directly ignores the electromagnetic field shield of the Indestructible. This high-temperature energy group bombarded the right wing of the Indestructible and instantly vaporized the layer of high-strength defensive armor. Together with the armor inside, it melted into a gelly orange object, and the flame burned with the help of leaking air.

"Good job." Huo Xiu said.

"launch*." The captain ordered the operator to execute immediately.

"Captain, avoid the action." Eve said at this time.

He Jun looked up at Eve doubtfully.

"Quick! Avoid the action and give me the operation permission!" Eve shouted seriously, "The other party's flagship is ready to attack us!"

"Operator, give the warship authority to Eve!"

Trust made He Jun do this. The first thing after Eve controlled the Indestructible was to use a few emergency thrusters to make the warship suddenly swing horizontally. Everyone in the bridge could not react. Huo Xiu quickly sat down and held the handle of the command chair, wondering why Eve was indestructible when she did this. The first electromagnetic gun was fired.

Indestructible dodged!

The second electromagnetic cannon came in the eyes of everyone - the target was the location of the warship just now. Without Eve's emergency shelter, I'm afraid the port side would be smashed - but before it was over, the third electromagnetic cannon roared. Eve frowned and her bright blue body was dim at that moment. Many.

A loud "boom" sound was transmitted from the top floor of the warship to the center of the bridge. A soldier immediately reported: "The top armor was destroyed, the air pressure failed, and the air leaked. At present, the safety door has been closed."

Huo Xiu was the first person to recover from the shock. He immediately ordered, "Let the whole fleet retreat and get ready to leave this damn place!"

"Captain, concentrate on commanding the warship!"

Hearing Huo Xiu's cold tone, He Jun fought a cold war and was distracted in front of his boss, which was indeed a terrible thing for himself who had always had high requirements for himself.

A few minutes later, the enemy kept chasing and the alliance kept retreating. When the jump capacitor was full, this batch of fleets that caused heavy losses to the enemy left, leaving only the angry enemy and the right wing were melted by plasma cannons to melt a large enemy flagship "indestructible" No.

In the fault space.

"Eve, what happened just now? The 'Indestructible' fired three electromagnetic cannons in a row?" Huo Xiu can't wait to ask this question.

"Who let you interrupt me?" She muttered, but still gave the answer, "The Indestructible was modified by Mi3. This plan was originally carried out by Dr. Qian Wen. According to his personal report, he once applied this technology to the cruiser Great Wall and achieved two consecutive results. So when I met the Indestructible, I expected them to play this trick, but I didn't expect that they had developed three consecutive electromagnetic cannons.

"Dr. Qian Wen?"

Huo Xiu dragged his chin to think. He actually forgot this kind of heavy-level expert. Unexpectedly, the update of science and technology is unexpected. If there is a chance, he will fully explore the talents of those expert-level figures, apply science and technology to war and exert the greatest miraculous effect.