From man to god

Chapter 120 tug-of-war

Four teams broke into the fault space and quickly moved away from the battlefield of the Jet Galaxy. Twenty hours later, the fleet reappeared near the colonial star of the Ita Galaxy. At the same time, the damage statistics of each detachment were also passed on to the commander terminal of the flagship Indestructible, and Eleanor assisted in analyzing the results.

"Shir, our army's losses are very small, and the defensive strength of the enemy fleet this time is much weaker than expected." Eleanor said, "According to the report from the two deputy commanders of the fleet, they set up the enemy at the same time as we acted, so that the enemy thought it was an opportunity to take advantage of it. They sent a large number of fleets to attack the Ita Galaxy. Unexpectedly, they were attacked by the Fifth Fleet and the Fourth Fleet and lost a cruiser and a destroyer. And escape."

"Is this the strategy of the two deputy commanders?" Huo Xiu asked.

"Yes." Eleanor continued to read the document report. "There are several documents in which are protest statements sent to me by the staff and several squadron commanders. At about the same time as the two deputy commanders' resolution, they were later temporarily removed by the two deputy commanders and ordered the fleet to act according to their will."

"What a bold!"

"But... sir." Eleanor looked at Huo Xiu and said, "Their orders were correct and effective. They successfully attracted more strength from the enemy and assisted us in our counterattack."

"You misunderstood me." Huo Xiu showed a comforting smile on his face, "I'm not going to punish both of them. On the contrary, commanders who can adapt to changing battlefields and flexibly use fighters are qualified commanders. Give them credit for this.

"As for those who protest, give me the information and past performance records." Huo Xiu said, "The Fifth Fleet is at the forefront of the war between the two sides. The most fearful thing is the hesitation of the commander's subordinates when he gives the order and fights a perfect counterattack. It's time to clean up the fleet."

"Yes, sir. I will finish it seriously!" Eleanor replied loudly that she had long had problems with the arrangement of the command class of the Fifth Fleet, but it was a pity that she had just taken office. Although she was the position of chief of staff, it was not easy to attack someone as soon as she came to power. Now the commander-in-chief speaks in person, who dares not obey?

The fleet returned to the air force port. Under the propaganda of the participating soldiers, the news of the detachment's first counterattack spread all over the fleet. Everyone once again experienced the young commander's decisive means and far-sighted strategic means. This victory undoubtedly gave the alliance forces constantly oppressed by the enemy a chance to raise their heads.

At the same time, this is also the most popular day for the Fifth Fleet. Everyone remembers the commander in the video, concise orders, and decisive and unquestionable decisions. Every time an order is issued, the fleet will make corresponding actions. From the raid on the enemy's high-orbit space station, to the destruction of the spaceport behind, casting nets to spread nuclear*, and attacking the enemy's flagship... The whole process, especially the scene of plasma cannons bombarding the "Indestructible", has become a topic that all officers and soldiers enjoy talking about during their rest time.

The report of the battle and some of the confidential videos were sent back to the central government of the earth, and the first counterattack achieved beautiful results, which made everyone believe and trust that the commander of the Fifth Fleet can guard the territory near the alliance and counterattack the enemy in the far away areas. In addition, the government's intentional propaganda, the Fifth Fleet became guarded by the alliance. The mainstay of fate.

Between several galaxy colonial stars maintained by the Fifth and Fourth Fleets, Huo Xiu became a well-known figure. Military reports during the war once became the hottest topic. Whether it is TV or the Internet, people pay attention to the war close to them after commuting. .

It is impossible for the defeated alliance to report, but the news of victory is overwhelming and almost uncontrollable. Even the huge holographic display in front of some government buildings broadcasts the front-line victory counterattack, including the colonial star, space and ground of the Ita Galaxy, which is regaining control. The double happy event finally made people turn into encouragement and praise in the wave of constantly complaining about the incompetence of the government and the weakness of the army.

The heroes who created all this did not have time to enjoy these glory. The Fifth Fleet returned. After holding a recent arrangement meeting, Huo Xiu hurriedly took a warship back to the surface of the Colonial Star. After nearly ten days of ground combat, the southern region had been recaptured from the enemy, and the last two batches of reinforcements came one after another. 600,000 alliance soldiers began to play their role in the land of Colonial Star. The role of saving the overall situation.

An ordinary troop transport ship landed from the air to the general headquarters in the southern region. Anne carefully woke up Huo Xiu, who had just climbed out of the low-temperature hibernation cabin for many days. He opened his eyes reluctantly, but his face was full of fatigue. Annie was heartbroken when she saw this scene.

"shir, why don't you take a few hours off first? You look very bad now."

Anne is very worried about Huo Xiu's current state. His eyes were full of blood, and his face turned pale and looked like a patient because of continuous low-temperature dormancy. But he squeezed out a smile and said, "No, you go and call the commanders and inform them of the meeting in an hour."

"Well, I'll do it right away." Annie said.

Huo Xiu smiled at her and said, "I'll make a cup of coffee later, and I'll be in the combat conference room."

He came to the empty conference room and turned on the holographic projection equipment. The whole conference room was shrouded in a simulated planet map. He sat on the sofa beside him and stared at the standard war situation and concise war reports on the map. At present, the situation is under his control, but the two sides have fallen into a tug-of-war that consumes resources.

He wanted to find a way to get rid of the current situation, but looking at it, a sense of sleepiness came, confused, but fell asleep on the soft sofa... When Anne walked in with a coffee cup, she saw a man curled up on the sofa, fell asleep greedily, and had unloaded the usual majestic army that people dared not look directly. Officer.

She did not disturb him. She gently put the coffee cup on the table, quietly came to the sofa, sat next to Huo Xiu, and asked him to put his head comfortably on her thigh. Huo Xiu smiled with satisfaction in a daze. Anne also smiled and looked at him quietly.

About 40 minutes later, the induction door of the conference room slipped open, and the sound of boots stepping on the ground came. Anne looked up at the door and frowned. She was a little angry. Didn't she know that the commander was resting now? But what I saw was a familiar but strange figure.

"Creator Song?" Anne asked in a low voice. There was a lot of dust on the clothes of the man in front of her who changed into the army's color-changing suit. Obviously, she had participated in the battle. She was curious why Song Phelan came here.

Song Peiran slowed down, pulled a chair and sat opposite Annie. He looked at the sleeping Huo Xiu and asked, "How long has this guy not rested?"

"In addition to low-temperature hibernation, there is an average of 4 hours of rest in 24 hours." Annie said.

"Does he think he is the leader of the country?" Song Peilan's tone was reproachful.

Anne looked at Huo Xiu's peaceful face, shook her head gently and said, "He is not, but he is your last hope. The Military URA should know better than me and those politicians about the consequences of the defeat of the Fifth Fleet - no one can stop the enemy's offensive, and the disintegration of the alliance is only a matter of time.

Song Peilan was surprised that although her relationship with Anne was not very familiar, she knew Anne's personality very well. She was always just the beautiful and docile assistant around Huo Xiu. She liked to smile, spoke little, and always whispered to outsiders. But I didn't expect to hear such strong subjective words from her mouth one day.

It seems that the third military situation is very successful. Song Peilan thought that she was afraid that only those who were most concerned about the experimental goals would go against her instinct to say these words. If Anne is compared to a dragon, then Huo Xiu is undoubtedly her reverse scale, and no one can provoke her.

"Indeed, he is a hero and a key hope." Song Peilan nodded and admitted, "But not everyone thinks he is hope."

"So that's why the alliance failed." Anne commented rudely, "In the internal system, the factions compete for power, and all the talents are buried, leaving only some mediocrity in the face of war. Compared with the fierce rebels who have been preparing for many years, it is clear at a glance, but it is a pity that the government leaders still naively regard the rebels as valiant soldiers and can't shake the foundation of the alliance.

"Removing Lawrence Shaw's position is indeed one of the biggest mistakes made by the government." Song Peilan said, "But captain, your complaints about the alliance will expose your master to some unexpected rumors."

"I won't say it casually--" Annie suddenly looked up and stared at Song Peilan, but one hand had quietly touched a dagger hidden in the cuff of the military uniform. "If you want to--"

"Will I die?" Song Peilan asked curiously.

Annie stared at her, and a positive word floated out. At this time, Huo Xiu in her arms moved. Maybe they were talking a little loudly unconsciously. He seemed to wake up. Annie's expression returned to calm and her hand was put down. At this time, Huo Xiu opened his hazy eyes.


"You slept for 56 minutes, sir." Annie replied, "General Song, who is in the military, has been here for a few minutes. He should be looking for you."

"Oh?" Huo Xiu turned his head and happened to see Song Peilan's face, "Good morning."

He got up, rubbed his head, and asked, "What's the busy man of the Military CIA, what's the matter with me?"


When she opened her mouth for the word, Huo Xiu's smile appeared on her face. She continued to say, "We have received reliable information that the Ita Galaxy Colonial Star Rebel Organization is going to launch an assassination operation against you. In order to protect the safety of senior commanders, they specially sent a military intelligence to protect and secretly investigate the matter. "

"No need for protection. Two Tiger Corps soldiers will be responsible for my safety when I'm on the ground." Huo Xiu said, "As for the investigation you mentioned, it can play a role at this time."

"shir, please give instructions." She said.

"Very good, I like to listen to this sentence." Huo Xiu said, "I want the Military Intelligence Bureau to investigate several senior army commanders of the Colonial Star. I suspect that there is an act of tighting with the enemy, which directly led to the leak of an operation a few days ago. Second, continue to use your intelligence to find out all the information of the senior enemy officers, including location information for me."

"Yes, sir!"