From man to god

Chapter 159 Causes of Contradictions

Three large transport spacecraft took off from the military region airport and went straight to the Earth's high-orbit spaceport. Although they did not receive any inspection, the three ships were approved by two members of the Military Commission. No matter how bold they are, they dare not stop them for routine inspection, and their passage documents are still printed with the word "top secret" in red. How about it!

Corresponding to the transport spacecraft are three small but much larger fast cruise ships than the transport spacecraft - the hull is docked in the space mooring area, and people and goods are transported silently. About three hours later, the transport spacecraft docked in the mooring area, and the three fast cruisers left the spaceport.

During this period, Huo Xiu, who was sitting in the rest area on the deck of one of the cruisers' crew, made himself a cup of coffee, then took out his private terminal, connected to the microcomputer on his desk, and clicked on the Military Affairs Bureau document sent to him by Song Pélan a day ago.

Jim Jones' personal experimental record

Encrypted password: no

Public key: N/A

Source: the third part of the Military Service (former), the first part of the Military Service (sorted out)

/Open the document/

Top secret;

Please do not read and spread unrelated people at will, otherwise they will be punished as treason.


/Read the first of ten files/

Union 322, June 07

Colonela Black is looking for me in an emergency!

They found the wreckage of a suspected alien spacecraft on the unmanned planet FT005 in the remote area. Mi3 has sent special personnel to deal with it, and I joined this top-secret experiment as a biologist. I don't want to elaborate on the process. Some key points will be recorded in audio and video for future research.

The Military Investimen did find a different aircraft from the alliance-style, and also detected the existence of living objects. After several * explorations, a short shocking video came back - a large group of blue skin, suspected primates with hardened exoskeleton on the surface!

This is undoubtedly an alien advanced intelligent civilization! I agreed with another colleague, biologist and linguist Dr. Du Fei that we should make first contact with them in a friendly and peaceful manner to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings. Dr. Du also believes that we should first provide them with urgently needed oxygen (they also breathe oxygen).

But it was rejected by Colonel Blake in the third place. He believed that the group of unknown creatures were threatened and should send the most powerful army into it to eliminate all threatening objects, and then ensure that there was not enough threats to the alliance before further action could be taken.

I asked them angrily, clarified the racial conflicts that may lead to, and linked them to the future diplomatic relations of the alliance, but they did not have the effect they deserved.

They sent three armored and aggressive special forces.


/Read the second one in ten files/

Union 322, June 20

I've been so busy recently that I almost forgot to keep the audio files recorded in each experiment. But the recent discovery is gratifying. The alien species is much more civilized than our alliance, despite several frictions during transportation, which also led to the death of several alien creatures.

Unfortunately, it is all because of the group of people who talked about national security. They did not have any threat at all. When they were found, most of them were dying due to lack of water and lack of oxygen, and finally were rescued back to the colonial star of the Omega Galaxy. Thirty-seven living creatures, in addition, 132 bodies with different growth levels were found on the spacecraft. The biggest cause of death was hypoxia.

The Military CIA imprisoned them like prisoners and quarantined them. I don't think this is appropriate or even biased, but with Dr. Du Fei's previous lesson - he was almost disciplined by the Military Affairs Bureau because of this. I hate that group of secret agents who don't know anything. If it weren't for the high salary, enough equipment, and the research project that attracted me, I wouldn't have stayed here. Never in a cold place.


/Read the third of ten files/

Union 322, July 12

This morning is our most in-depth opportunity to learn about them so far.

It still makes me a little creepy to remember what happened in the morning. The Military Service asked our group of biologists to choose an alien organism with physiological characteristics that tend to die for experimental dissection to further understand this group of hard shell, tall, and mysterious guys.

Biological anatomy has been in this industry for more than 50 years, and the number of times will not be less than five digits, but... I can't tell. This time, they are not low-level creatures, mice and so on that are usually used for experiments. They can make spacecraft and have stronger technology than us...

They are equivalent to "human beings" standing on the same level as us. They are a complete and blessed race favored by God. We should not grab them back rudely and violently without the consent of the other party, and then apocholy transport them to the operating table and cut it off without knowing whether the anesthetic works or not. Our skin.

But as in the past, the formulaic tone of Colonel Blake, the project leader, makes our group of researchers have no ability to resist, and we have already signed an agreement. Once violated, we will never have access to the news of this shocking century. Therefore, I have no choice. May God forgive me.

According to Colonel Black, we need to figure out their ethnic characteristics, physical structure, especially weaknesses, the more detailed the better. Looking at Colonel Black's appearance, I think he can't wait to find a dead hole to kill the other party. We ignored him and focused on our own anatomical experiments.

The fact is a little unexpected. Their strong shell is between living and non-living, without any neural network. It is more like a cluster of organisms that dives into some abandoned shellfish by the sea, or similar to human nails as skin accessories, which plays a protective role.

I held a sharp scalpel and tried to keep my hands from trembling, but the moment I first touched its skin, the heartbreaking screams shocked us all. It was later found that the anesthetic also worked on them, but it was not injected in the right place.

Sin! Their performance made me feel like dissecting a living human on the operating table. I hesitated to continue, but there was Colonel Black's gloomy face outside the operating room. I'm afraid we have no choice. The Military Affairs Bureau is determined to break through the body of a living creature to study it.

I don't want to say more and record it by video.


/Read the fourth in ten files/

August 10, 322

The matter of dissecting them has come to an end. For a short time, my heart has been full of guilt, and so have a few colleagues. We have less and less time to communicate with each other, and more often are unwilling to talk. I don't know if we are doing it right, or will the military information agency cause a crisis?

After all, there are still 36 living alien friends. Recently, there seems to be a lot of emotional ups and downs. I checked the recorded video. The one who was dissected by us stayed with it from the rescue to the moment it left. They are also good friends, maybe a couple.

I don't want to think about these emotional things anymore, trying to numb myself and concentrate on my work.


/Read the fifth in ten files/

Union 322, September 12

Maybe I was wrong. The ideas of countries and individuals are always contrary to each other. Dr. Du Fei's most anticipated exchange of racial equality and friendship has never been realized. I don't know if they yearn for diplomacy and peace, but what human beings have done recently is chilling. They are dismantling their spacecraft and searching for everything that can be used, completely ignoring the feelings of the real owner.

And Colonel Blake once again gave us a task, to be precise, Dr. Du Fei - to communicate with them, decipher languages, and further understand their culture, society, especially science and technology. I think the first few points can be ignored. The Military CIA came for science and technology.

But what can we do? In recent days, we have been having the most initial language exchange. For example, when Columbus discovered the New World, the process of two sides playing together is very cumbersome and boring. But Dr. Du Fei seemed to enjoy it. He pointed to a chair, said "chair", and then pointed to another chair to pronounce it again. Finally, when he pointed to the chair, the other party also vibrated his throat and made a certain syllable, which was recorded by linguists and pronounced the alien language of "chair".


, I thought about how wonderful Dr. Du Fei's face would be if they were not talking about "chairs" but scolding "stupid guys" and so on.

But one thing is the same. They don't advocate that they get too much scientific and technological information from human beings. From the beginning to now, they have never seen anything like handheld computers and projection screens. I know the intention of the Military Affairs Bureau to acquire the most knowledge of the other party at the least cost.

I'm afraid it's not a good thing that communication is based on inequality from the beginning.


/Read the sixth of ten files/

Union 323, February 06

We will finally have a preliminary understanding of each other's language in half a year.

They are similar to us in many aspects, including social structure and scientific and technological tendencies, but their technology is obviously higher than ours. According to colleagues in the weapons research and development team, they have taken many things similar to "weapons and equipment" from the spacecraft, but there has been no substantial progress in the research for half a year. They only know that they are dying. The technology of weapons is superb.

During this period, the result of the military information agency's strong investment was only to replace the technology of a capacitor, but it also made many professionals who are keen on this field happy to close their mouths. After all, this technology is a breakthrough for both the electromagnetic gun and the charging speed of the transition capacitor.

After discovering this, we increased the investment and asked our group of experts to get more knowledge from them as much as possible. At the same time, in recent days, the base has been upgrading security measures from the three certifications visited to the current five certifications. I heard from the gossip that it is also ready to completely isolate us from the outside world until we get the results.

This is not good news. The increased attention given by the Military qing ju to them also means that it will be more difficult for them to regain their freedom in the future. Dr. Du Fei was questioned by one of them yesterday. Bula is the name of an adult alien creature. Strictly speaking, in their understanding, this is just the code name of the group.

Maybe they have amazing memory and can remember every face. But the point is the question of "Bula", which asks when they can return to their own spacecraft. That's the general meaning, but Du Fei can't answer it, and we can't answer it.

I don't want to cruelly tell it that your spaceship has already been torn into nail-sized fragments by us, and the way home is even more hopeless. And you have become a tool for our human profit, just a tool, and will no longer stand on an equal footing.

From the beginning, I was wrong. The fault is that people's hearts are too simple. Maybe years of research have made it more and more difficult for me to recognize this society.


/Read the seventh in ten files/

Organization: July 322 to July 332

Recorder: Jim Jones

This is the tenth year of the discovery of the Jews. Looking back on the sad road of the past ten years, I have already been deeply guilty. But as a scientific researcher, I must maintain a rigorous attitude towards my work. There can be no bias. Maybe seeing these records by my boss will put me in prison, but I don't want to deceive my heart.

More than 300 experimental records were sorted out by me in a week, which is a summary. As I told myself at the beginning, they never intended to let go of any Jews. They had triggered conflicts at the beginning, and they were also smart enough to avoid them, but what human beings need is technology that can kill tens of millions of people in an instant.

This is an inevitable contradiction.

From the beginning of the exchange between the two sides, Dr. Du Fei believes that the Jews were established as a social group similar to the former human clan society, but they were obviously more advanced, and did not evolve into serious class divisions in the process of development. Perhaps this is the most essential difference between them and human beings. And a clan division is also general. Some groups that can even include billions are divided into selected and prestigious representatives to participate in social management. They are maintaining the prosperity of society all the time and step by step out of their domination of the stars.

However, I don't like to apply the ancient concepts of human beings. They are more like a group of voters in my eyes, and the highly valued leaders are elected "members", "members" participate in social management, issue orders, or start wars, etc., but they have never mentioned ethnic struggles.

They are relatively gentle in this process, perhaps self-respectingly high. They will not fight against too weak civilizations, but only fight against civilizations that threaten them, more like a group of righteous chivalrous men. Maybe they deceived us human beings, after all, something happened during this period.

General Black, yes, he was promoted. In order to reach the orders of his superiors, in the case of many unsuccessful exchanges, he actually secretly captured several Jews as threats and killed a struggling Jews in front of several younger leaders.

This may be the easiest idea to express. In fact, since then, they have compromised, but I can no longer see the friendliness from their actions. The young No. 4 asked me once, "Will we be friends?" I didn't have time to answer, and the older elder gave a negative answer.

Yes, how can anyone imprison a friend and constantly force him to ask about his money?

But I'm not a diplomat, and I can't interfere with these things. During this period, there was very little progress on biology. We tried to reproduce several times and get the same blue skin and four-eyed "people", but they were all rejected by them. However, after the seventh experiment, they accepted those people with the same characteristics, and the number of Jews increased at the most. Up to 200 people.

I don't know the reason so far, but their vitality is very tenacious, with a large brain tissue and a developed brain domain. Although we carefully hide our technology, from their eyes, they should be full of disdain for our tricks. That's right, they are much higher than us - although they are imprisoned.



/Read the eighth in ten files/

Union 334, April 11

Things are very bad.

A large group of mysterious armed forces attacked my federal scientific research institute. The guards of the three military information centers had a large-scale armed fight with them. The outside was full of gunfire and the sound of shell explosion. General Black has led the troops out to suppress it, but I think it should be the alliance.

Recently, their victories have become more and more frequent. Perhaps General Ye Qilong has been unable to deal with it. Recently, everyone has speculated why the news media has not reported any more about him, but I think he should have encountered setbacks in the battle with the rumored young general of the alliance.

Then came the unfortunate news that there were more and more armed men outside, and we had to move to a safer place on the basement floor.


/Read the ninth of ten files/

Union 334, April 12

Maybe there is really a causal cycle in the world, right?

The armed men attacked and seized a batch of valuable research materials from the base. At the same time, they began to shoot some innocent scientific researchers. I hid and saw what happened in front of me very close to the Jews in custody: first General Black rushed in, and then attacked them. Militants.

They shouted, as if they found that this place was a surprise, and also believed that there was something better here - they sounded like a group of mercenaries.

The two sides had another exchange of fire at the underground base. I used my own authority to quietly follow General Black not far away, like a ghost, but more like a coward. Because it is safest to stay near him so far. During this period, I have heard his order to transfer the ten most important Jews, that is, several smart people who we believe have mastery technology, and everyone else will be killed!

I hid in the monitoring room and stared at the silent slaughter process in the display screen. The Jews fell down one by one, and blue blood sprayed on the wall. Those guys with assault rifles couldn't kill them enough. They simply changed into machine guns and shot sparks to shoot the corpses on the ground. The body was also broken into pieces.

But the accident came, and I could hardly see how it happened. They resisted - they grabbed the gun in the hands of the guards and began to shoot at them. Although we have never touched these things, we need to be particularly careful in communicating with them and not to reveal too much information about human beings, but they are really smart. , know how to integrate.

The resistance came and went quickly. They fell down. General Black was commanding angrily in the rear, but the militants outside also attacked. He couldn't care about both ends and let the six Jews escape. On the way, he also caught my colleague, Dr. Du Fei.

He has always been a soft-hearted person, perhaps because he advocated peaceful coexistence, but a series of arbitrary oppression, dissection, intimidation and threats by the Military CIA completely disappointed him, but he is still the most harmonious one with the Jews and said more.

No. 2 just grabbed him and fixed it on his neck with the spikes from his arm, but it did not kill him. They needed Dr. Du Fei's base authority, and they also did it smoothly. There was an area mooring the spacecraft on the surface, and they were getting closer and closer.

But General Black caught up with the remaining five or six people.

I saw four people stay. They were blocked behind the door. I hurriedly switched the angle of the camera. They held against their bodies. Dr. Du Fei locked the induction door, but several people on the other side shot crazily with assault rifles. The remaining two young Jews opened their mouths and seemed to roar. I couldn't hear them, but I can feel their hatred, despair and pain for the second time. The first time I saw it was when General Black shot a clan's head in front of them in exchange for their plasma technology.

No. 2 and No. 6 fled with Dr. Du Fei, leaving four people left to become minced meat after being shot.

I don't know what happened after that, but a special scientific research spacecraft equipped with a transition system did leave the base at that time.


/Read the tenth of ten files/

Date not recorded

Maybe we owe too much to the Jews. Twelve years of deception and torture, I think even God can't forgive the crimes we have committed.

I no longer work for the Military ISS. I'm so tired that I just want to lie down and rest. The torture in my heart makes me risk spreading this experimental record to more people. Maybe I will die, maybe I will be held by the military information agency in the darkest prison.

I am extremely old. Looking back, I have devoted my life to scientific research. I have no children, no worries, and no big wishes. I was born without any clouds, and I don't have any worries when I die. I just hope that we human beings can reflect on it before the darkness comes.


/End of file/

Huo Xiu stared at the video images played on the screen and did not move for a long time. The "Judi" have many similarities with the alien species he saw that day. If there is no accident, they should be of the same kind. At the same time, he can also see from the last intercepted video that the alien eyes are burning with revenge and desperate flames.