From man to god

Chapter 160 From Man to God

"Are you ready?"

Huo Xiu said to himself in the mirror that he meticulously tied up his military uniform, shaved the beard on his face, and did not wear makeup. Although his face is not too beautiful now, it is a process of transition and integration with the alien race. He is half human and half alien.

When his body completes the fusion, it is the day of recovery.

He walked out of the bathroom, and the soldiers of the Velociraptor team had been waiting for a long time. He sat in a heavy black bulletproof suspension car and drove towards the capital of Colonial Star.

From now on, there is no way back.

He is quiet and serious in the car, and his cold and unchangeable heart is even infected by the driver. The driver does not know why the commander is so serious today and what this means, but the driver has his own responsibilities, especially for the alliance, which is almost equivalent to the great leader of the savior.

The colonial capital of Epsiron has a nickname - "justice and fraternity". The alliance war once affected the city. After Huo Xiu annihilated the enemy, many people left a bouquet of flowers in the rebuilt city on the ruins. Since then, it has the meaning of remembering the dead and looking forward to the future, also known as the "Holy City".

Now, the holy city has ushered in the army and government leaders of five prosperous colonial stars, including the Delta Galaxy, the Epsylon Galaxy, the Etta Galaxy, the Etta Galaxy and the Oschick Galaxy. Such a gathering of so many people has been kept extremely low-key, and many leaders even received the news before they boarded the spacecraft.

In the conference hall, hundreds of important figures gathered together. Not only were special agents closely controlled around, but even a group of armored special forces were waiting around. Now there is no room for a trace of error, especially the upcoming General Huo Xiu.

The suspended car slowly stopped in front of the conference building, and a waiting soldier quickly stepped forward to open the door. Huo Xiu stepped out. His face remained as serious as ever, but in the seriousness, he clearly felt a depression and dared not look directly at him.

He walked into the conference hall and everyone's eyes focused on him.

Huo Xiu walked to the rostrum and waved to several staff members to ask them to take away their prepared seats. He was not going to sit and speak today.

Finally, he stood in front of the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Huo Xiu's unique voice sounded. His voice was not loud, but he always couldn't help paying attention and listening. "The reason why you came in such a hurry to attend this informal meeting, I mainly want to explain a few points."

"The alliance and the so-called 'federal' have signed an armistice agreement, but one thing has never ended!" He said, "The civil war of the alliance is not over! The vast majority of military and government leaders led by the earth are still making every attempt to plan and split this regime that has been formed for many years, and the alliance is still in deep heat.

His words caused an uproar, especially politicians. In a few simple words, it is not difficult for them to guess the meaning. The people with changed faces were as wonderful as paint, sometimes red and white; but the more calm ones were the officers, who determined that the one above was their officer, and he gave orders.

"But, go to his reason!" Huo Xiu kneaded the speeches ready for him on the table and threw them away, took off his military cap, revealing his scarred face. "I just want you to know that some people in the alliance are trying their best to cut me in the head and make it move with my body! But Huo was lucky to see through all this and ran back alive. The only thing he wants to do now is revenge!"

"There is not so much national justice and not so much sense of justice. Everyone is smart and knows what my every move I am about to do will bring or affect you." Huo Xiu said, "The official said: 'We have to go to war to protect the lives and interests of the masses!' But I want to say that if you want to change all this, do it with me - we are never traitors! We are still a member of the alliance, active in the alliance's army and government, but except for these five colonial galaxies, the rest are the troops that defected from the alliance.

His unreasonable words made people laugh and cry, and his unskilled speech made politicians shake their heads. However, the military officials smiled uniformly. Many of them had long been unhappy with the coalition government, especially in terms of the arrangement of Huo Xiu's position, which made them feel as if the emperor had killed meritorious officials first.

"Don't forget that what I said is completely from the perspective of the alliance, without any intention of rebellion - it is a group of evil extremists led by the earth government who want to rebel." Huo Xiu continued that he didn't care how many people supported him or how many people he would kill after today.

His heart is extremely cold.

Perhaps that alien thinking dominates more of his behavior, and does not pay much attention to the power that human beings can bring. Even if only one colonial star supports him, he will change in a short time. All the reasons that support him come from that instinctive consciousness.

He knows the strength of that race and what the Jews mean to human beings - if they go to war, I'm afraid that human beings will have to accept the consequences of extinction. He had experienced the sharpness of the encounter at the beginning, and it was only the first contact, but he did not believe that the strength of the other party was as simple as it appeared.

He needs strength, and he needs any power that can stop the Jews.

"I don't want to say too much today. Let me show you a video record."

He turned out Jim Jones' experimental record and played it on the big screen in the hall. The content was sorted out, from the encounter with the Jews to their escape and prediction of the future, and some of Huo Xiu's own explanation at the end, it can be concluded that their contradictions with human beings are difficult to reconcile.

"Now, I want to say that those who are loyal to the alliance, please stand behind me."

The "union" in his mouth is his own alliance.

The movements of the army leaders were the fastest. He looked at familiar faces. General Ethan Eaton walked in the front, followed by several army leaders of the Eaton family, followed by his own subordinates, Li Jinghui, Zhao Yong, Lovell, Marikov, and then Cruz's. Austin passed by. When he was beside him, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "General Huo, I just want to say that the back waves of the Yangtze River push forward."

Basically, the generals who had served with him stood firmly beside him. Lieutenant General Wang Hanyang and Lieutenant General Aaron Baker joked: "Unfaithful to the alliance, do you run to the rebels to play? If that were the case, I should have slipped away with Cruz and fought with the rebels until now.

Austerine and Jonny looked embarrassed.

Then, on the other side are politicians. Huo Sixin has been talking to Lu Zhijian in a low voice behind them. They have formulated the future path of the alliance before the meeting. They came here today just because they need to show up, otherwise they should be busy preparing.

After Huo Xiu, he was a considerable group of leaders.

And the remaining stubborn elements were ruthlessly destroyed by the secret service personnel who broke in in the process of waving his hand - the action was not too bloody, and the wire rope became the main tool. In the dull process, the people who cursed him one by one went to hell.

"Gentlemen, I'm glad that you chose to be on the same side as me." Huo Xiu treated these people, and his face was no longer so stiff. "In fact, some ducks are on the shelves, but there is no choice. I'm worried that it's too late - aliens who have invaded the human world will suddenly attack us."

"But don't worry too much. Although the technology of the Jews is powerful, I won't just let the human troops fight against them."

"Seriff," Marikov, the most curious, couldn't help it. "You mean, we will still have backups?"

This is also everyone's question.

"There will be." He said seriously, "It's another group of races. At present, under my control, I will take time to let them contact and communicate with you and fight against the big stage of interracial invasion. It is still difficult for us humans to be alone, so this huge force is crucial."

Battle side by side with aliens? This almost made the soldiers can't stop talking. If Huo Xiu hadn't had something else to say, no one would have wanted to shut up.

"Then there is the government's reorganization," Huo Xiu said. "There are many places to rectify the old system of the alliance, but this needs to be discussed by consuls and legislators. I'm just a reminder."

"After today, we should not only fight against the rebels, but also prepare for the coming darkness. Military conflicts with the rebels will not be our opponents, but society needs to explain that calming the hearts of the people is the most important thing. Then we must hurry up and prepare for the war!"


Communication room.

"General Huo, why did you leave for no reason?"

Union President Harrison Patton looked a little pale. Standing beside him were Fan Chenglong, the commander of the army, Yu De, the chief of staff, and another military commissar of the Air Force. Since Huo Xiu left with everyone, the coalition government has been feeling something wrong.

"The climate of the earth is not suitable for me." Huo Xiu sat in a chair and looked at the people standing in the holographic video, "What about this reason?"

"Huo Xiu, what do you mean by that?" Yu De couldn't help saying that there was a hidden element of targeting in his words.

Huo Xiu smiled and said, "Well, in fact, I don't want to have too much entanglement with you - anyway, that's the same thing. All the things you are worried about have happened, and it's going very well, which is enough to collapse all the plans you have made."

"General Huo, it's not too late to turn back." Maybe others don't understand what's going on, but President Patton knows it in his heart.

"I'll return the original words to you, Mr. Patton." Huo Xiu said, "As we all know, I, Huo, am a soldier who firmly supports the alliance. When this alliance is threatened internally or externally, I will do my best to die, and now, this time has come."

"Are you going to rebel?" Fan Chenglong asked with a gloomy face.

"No, the rebels are you!" Huo Xiu corrected this point, "I represent the alliance and justice! And you are a group of guys who secretly act and play tricks - of course, maybe not everyone, but I don't bother to explain so much now - your earth government has now defected from the alliance - I, Huo Xiu, am about to lead three fleets and five colonial stars to fight against you!"

Their faces have changed.

"Stop talking nonsense. You are not the ones who can talk to me." Huo Xiu said indifferently, "But remember one thing - surrender now, I guarantee your way to live - otherwise, the alliance will launch the strongest and most violent attack in history!"

Huo Xiu stood up, approached their holographic image, and said viciously, "I will erase all those who dare to resist me from the planet little by little!" This is not a force that you can resist or imagine! Before I stepped into your territory, the best and only choice - submission!"


Communication is disconnected.

Several people on the other side felt that the world had become dark in an instant, especially the officers. Thinking of the upcoming confrontation with Huo Xiu, a person who was frightened by the Federation, Ye Qilong, who was confident in himself, was not killed by Huo Xiu at the beginning?

The war has not yet begun, and there have been various differences within them.


It has been three days since the end of the meeting.

The alliance cut off all contact with the rebels and launched attacks on the rebel garrison sites near the Delta Galaxy. The news media were also busy, mainly attacking rebel groups led by the Earth government. Huo Xiu is still under the aura of the alliance, and all the reasons are extremely easy to explain.

Although the war is not expected by everyone, the five colonial galaxies led by Huo Xiu are "just" and adhere to the alliance flag, so the opposition from the people is not strong, and after the confidential document was made public by the government, the discussion about alien aliens fell into a wave and diverted attention.

Huo Sixin still holds the position of consul, but he is the consul of the alliance. They abolished the title of president, representing reform on the one hand and paving the way for the emergence of Ngai V. In the process of constantly reforming the government, members of Congress played a huge role, enabling various classes to quickly publicize the news about the fourth emperor, and diverted their attention to the emperor while discussing alien races.

Huo Xiu, who was destined to sit firmly in this position, reformed some of the army, promoted some capable subordinates, gathered military power, and fought several games with the rebels in the border area, but they would definitely not be Huo Xiu's opponents. They were entangled several times and gave up decisively.

After that, the alliance made a lively ceremony for the accession to the throne of the fourth emperor, Engao V, which ended with the constant opposition of the rebels and the quiet propaganda of the Federation. The emperor continued his previous style and did not interfere in politics, but as the supreme leader of the army, he had the power to launch and end the war.

The emperor ascended the throne, granted amnesty and so on. The people have gained a lot of benefits. The government has relaxed some policies to balance the impact of the war, and the new emperor has become the focus of discussion for everyone, and even overshadowed the limelight of alien rumors. After all, this is another alliance emperor for nearly 200 years.

However, he doesn't care too much about these. It doesn't matter if he is the emperor. He still leads the army, just a change of name. Except for leading mankind against the crisis, he lived like a puppet all the time, and he lost his most important things until one day.

Maybe he was wrong.

When he woke up from a nightmare, he found a clue.

It is a warship, at least 300 or 400 years old, but it is still centuries ahead of the alliance - it is called "Empire Expedition", which was once a sharp weapon used by II to attack space in the earth era, but now it is docked not far from him.

All the answers he needs are there.

Waiting for him quietly.