From man to god


Tens of thousands of information transmitters move rapidly, carrying trillions of megabytes of information sent by human beings every day to the central government near the Union through galaxy jump communicators; hundreds of warships are swimming in the dark and cold space, and space guards surround each giant star of human beings. , stick to their responsibilities; dozens of planetary high-orbiting space stations are running at full capacity, and fuel is constantly being transported and replenished.

In the core area, it is impossible for any object with an RCS (radar scattering cross-section) exceeding one square centimeter to remain in this area without being found, locked or smashed. The password is updated every hour. As long as any spacecraft fails to answer after three seconds of delay, the high-orbit electromagnetic gun immediately breaks it into pieces.

The coalition government is located on a closely defended planet - the Epsyron colonial galaxy, "justice and fraternity" - the holy city. A batch of armored guards patrolled continuously and heavily defended, while the central government building, which symbolized authority, was bathed in silence and peace.

The wide and huge hall is decorated with several precious and rare materials. Some glass-like materials are the wreckage left by plasma cannons destroying enemy warships, and some are unnamed materials collected from deserted death stars. The hall was lined with neat rows of tables and chairs, and the area up the front steps. The consul of the Human Alliance came slowly with a solemn look, a slim black suit, knee-length skirt and a pair of shoes that were not high. She represents beauty, dignifiedness and generousness, the young and vivailing power of the government, and the unshakable communicator of the supreme will.

There is no president or a corrupt parliament here - she is in power, but in fact she is only a spokesperson.

In the center, she stood there. The steps slightly higher than the stage are a high oppression for others, and the calm face represents an insurmountable authority. Below is a group of orderly national television news reporters, and countless cameras are aimed at the consuls who are preparing to speak above.

She nodded slightly, and the live speech belonging to prophetic human beings began.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all the people loyal to the alliance!" The consul's voice is not loud, but that firmness does not need to be deliberately created. "Today, it happens to be a new year, and the alliance has spent its 336th year, and these months have been through unknown and difficulties for us. The constant threat of hostile forces, aliens that may sweep away, and even some internal chaos.

"The hostile forces are trying their best to destroy the peace and stability of the alliance, and their rhetoric wants to shake our unwavering government. In this regard, the alliance still strengthens its position and clarifies its attitude!"

"The rebels led by the earth's reactionary government want to fight a decisive battle with us, and the so-called federation is trying every means to sow discord between us!" The consul paused for a moment, "Although the civil strife is not what we expect, we can't watch the people of the alliance trapped in the rebellion. I must insist that we will never negotiate or compromise with the rebel forces!" And I would like to warn the Federation that your legitimacy has yet to be debatable with the alliance. Under this premise, all the so-called diplomacy of the two countries will not be recognized by us! And your communication with the coalition rebels is also recognized as an act of espionage, which will be resisted by the whole alliance. System and condemn, and at the appropriate moment, we will hold you accountable for what you have done by military means!"

"Our alliance will flourish under the leadership of Emperor Engao V, and it will be indestructible! Invincible to the enemy!" The consul's voice was a little higher, "And in dealing with the possible attack of alien chaos, the alliance is always ready to defend this stable and peaceful homeland, the people of this land, and let the light of the supreme god Engao shine on this land forever, bathed in happiness, joy and vitality!"

"Therefore, the alliance decided to expand its preparations from now on and at the same time recapture every holy land contaminated by the rebels; on the one hand, it requires the Federation to return the disputed areas between the two sides - otherwise, the alliance will use the strongest military means to deal with some conflicts that cannot be resolved by political means!"

Any political means are strongly inflammatory, and the consul said that it has a strong sense of war. Although this is a new group, it is still seeking opportunities to flourish, but there is one thing that cannot be changed. Their foundation has been deeply grounded, and the storms cannot be easily shaken.

"Although the enemy is the only huge before, we are not the weak people who are bullied!" The consul led the topic to another point. "In the past few months, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established links with an alien race and reached an agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation. The other party respects the wise decision of our emperor Engao V and seriously considers reaching further military cooperation in some aspects. The agenda government will be updated in daily news reports, which is related to the future of the alliance and the upcoming star stage of exploration. Please pay close attention to it.

The consul's New Year's speech ended, but the people of the alliance fell into an unprecedented discussion - more shocking than the previous emperor's coronation ceremony - the appearance of the fifth emperor was not much. There have been three emperors in the history of the alliance, but all of them have made great contributions. At present, the Fifth Emperor is also worthy of this title, and peaceful and friendly exchanges with aliens have made him in this position.

The consul walked out accompanied by serious special agents, a country. When the Minister of Defense waited outside for a long time, he saw her appearance and immediately followed her.

"How is the front-line battle situation?" The consul asked as he walked, and his pace was not slow.

"Basically, a colonial star that originally belonged to the rebels has returned to the arms of the alliance." Guo. Defense officials said, "But sir, there are several differences on the federal negotiations. They are unwilling to hand over the colonial stars in the disputed area and put forward conditions that we can't accept."

"What conditions?"

"They must make us admit that they have 50 years of lease management." Guo. The official of the Ministry of Defense said.

"Well, I will report it to Your Majesty." The consul said that the emperor is currently only in charge of the military, which has always been the same, but since it has developed to this point, officials also know that they must prepare for war, but there is no doubt that the warlike alliance will not be afraid of any opponent.

"In addition!" The consul suddenly stopped and stressed.

"You should know the style of the alliance and your Majesty's attitude. This question should not be brought to me. The current situation does not allow us to hesitate, otherwise we will first be defeated in human disputes, and then we will be continuously eliminated by the invading aliens. You must be clear about this. Our attitude must be resolute to continue human beings. Civilization!"

Country. Facing the majesty of the consul, the defense minister nodded nervously and immediately withdrew to do business.

When the consul walked out of the building, she looked at the blue sky above her head with many difficulties, but hope will always come, just like the reappearance of days of rain that can't block the sun. As a voter of all this, as a key force leading the people, and as the spokesperson of God, the sky she can see is always full of hope. With beauty.


336, mid-June

Flagship of the Alliance Empire, on the "Empire Expedition"

The dark warship has a smooth insect-like shell and a huge body that tarnishes the warships next to it. Its shape is different from any warship in the alliance, but it exists in the long history of the alliance and is inseparable. It was once the flagship of the old alliance, and it also witnessed all the glory created by Engao II. Now, its sword is not old, and it continues to embark on a continuous journey.

The alliance took half a year to renovate it, repaint its appearance, and translate its internal alien language into Chinese and English. What powers it is two anti-matter engines, which are dozens of times stronger than the immediate nuclear fusion ability. Therefore, it can be equipped with two plasma turrets that are hundreds of years advanced than the alliance technology. The launch is a blue-white, condensed plasma gun, and millions of degrees of ultra-high temperature can melt the protective layer of any warship.

At the same time, it is equipped with an electromagnetic coil gun, but unlike the current alliance orbital gun, it releases an electromagnetic gun with a speed of more than one-third of the light speed under the combination of capacitance matrix and annihilation energy, and can even load a troop carrier spacecraft to launch and attack enemy warships!

It also has the most mysterious energy shield, which can block all kinetic energy weapons and energy weapons.

It will be stronger! All the top scientists in the alliance are serving the emperor. They analyze the technology contained in warships little by little and transplant them to their own technology. This is destined to be a huge project, but it is not too difficult. The first emperor left them with many clear roads.

The current emperor stood in a wide training room on the deck and has not known how many times he has stared at the huge object in front of him - this is the root of all his nightmares, but it is also the starting point of his re-rising. At the beginning, the mysterious man was the Second Emperor more than 300 years ago. No one knows how he No one knows where he is, but he gave everything to his heir.

And the soul-wrave sound and the terrible environment all come from here - they are a huge ethnic group, but they have suffered an almost devastating blow, but now everything has come back, and he - Huo Xiu has become the new master of the ethnic group, between human beings and aliens.

Sometimes he feels more like the soldiers of the Tiger Regiment - they have disappeared, more than ten years of training, and a few years of glory. They have retired. No one knows where they are going, and no one knows their origins... Perhaps, II is more aware that they come from a god-like race and survive. The purpose is like a moth to fire, with a bloody head to chase the supreme realm of life - completely abandoning the human body and solidifying the mind in the mythical grille.

The realm of the warriors is so high that even the emperor who dominates the two races can only be amazed - he can't understand the high-level meaning of life, and he doesn't have the confidence to do this - he blesses every former extreme warrior, but he must also Deal with your current troubles.

The Fifth Emperor regrets that there is no legendary Tiger Regiment to assist, but this is not important - he has found a replacement. The group of busy, extremely tall, with blade-like arms, equipped with optical stealth armor, dexterous and deadly alien warriors are excellent war animals.

thus became the reason why he dared to challenge the Federation and the rebels without hesitation.

Before the queen was born, their where they came from were unknown, but the emperor gave them an appropriate name - the Zerg.

The Zerg have now begun to take shape. He arranged them on an unmanned planet, where the environment is harsh, but the Zerg are not picky and can still thrive. At the right time, he will use it to deal with the Jews. Similarly, the memory left by II told him that the Jews could easily erase human beings from the galaxy, which was indeed a huge crisis - the crisis brought by human beings themselves, but he was not without opportunities.

The door behind him opened and closed, and a man walked towards him with a light step.

"Are you in a daze here again?" The man hugged him from behind and mischievously put his chin on his shoulder, but his eyes also looked at the vibrant life in front of him.

"This can calm me down." He said, "Face everything that is coming."

"What do you think Anne looked like when it broke her shell?" She continued to ask.

"I don't know, but it's better not to be like me." He had a lingering heart, and his appearance lasted for at least half a year before he improved.

"Look, she is protesting." She looked at the huge object that shone slightly, in which a life that had not yet been born was already conscious.

"Maybe, I hope she can keep a complete memory." He said with a smile that Anne did die, just like him, but she also survived and lived like him.

In a word, the Zerg need a smart brain and the most determined leader. Naturally, half of the emperor is that brain, and Anne becomes the leader - she is more inclined to the Zerg than anyone else, but no one can be sure what form it will be.

"I heard from Martin that his scientific research team has successfully tested the kinetic energy shield on the cruiser." The woman continued, "The shield can defend against kinetic energy weapons and energy weapons, at least centuries ahead of the electromagnetic field shield we have explored."

"This is a good thing. We will get stronger and stronger."

"However, some people are scrambling to buy shares. You don't know what Huo Tianqi and Martin look like, and they just write the word 'traitor' on their faces."

"Hahaha... It's good to buy shares, which will bring a continuous source of funds to the alliance." He laughed, "But I don't think anyone can beat them."

"Indeed." She nodded and felt it deeply.

"In addition, there is another private matter... I want to inform you in secret, His Majesty Engaio, who leads tens of millions of people." She took him to the table beside him and pressed him to the chair, while she sat on the edge of the seat and said a large list of titles in her mouth.

"When did you become the same as her?" He frowned and said, but he was not angry.

"Miss Song is a good example for me to learn from. Don't you like to listen to these series of loud nicknames?" The woman smiled.

"She knows everything and wants to know everything." He saw the dragon headless and didn't see the end, and the female agent was more mysterious than him.

"But she listens to you, and she will listen to you in everything." The woman smiled and said, "But back to the point, the consul or your sister may have one thing to decide recently."

"What's the matter?"

"Have you found that Song Qifeng has been a little attentive recently? I invited my little sister to dinner and went shopping mysteriously at night. She covered her face, but she was happy, as if she deliberately basked in happiness.

"Oh, people always have to plan for themselves." He smiled and said, "What's more, she is not young. It's time to make decisions for her own big things. Song Qifeng has some shortcomings, but she is generally good."

"So, she asked you if it was possible?" She said.

"How is it impossible? If she wants to, I will make an exception to issue a 'impact' for them, and this matter will be settled."

"I also want an imperial edict!" She said, "I also want a dictatorship!"

"Didn't you do it a few years ago!"

"It's different. At that time, it was almost that group of leaders. Now the times are different. In a democratic society, even if you are the emperor, you can't forcibly decide a person's fate."

"Do you want to leave?" He came forward and took her hand. The ring of the ring finger was exactly the same as his hand, except for a little smaller.

"If you dare to be angry with me, I will leave." She said with no face, although she was negative in her heart.

"How dare you!" He pulled her off the table and held her in his arms. "It's your so-called feminist in the free era that dared to do what happened last time! This kind of budding sign must be resolutely destroyed and severely resisted. System, don't let it go rampant!"

He finished and added, "Last time it made me sad for a long time."

"I'm sorry." She put her arms around his neck, "But at that time, I had no choice. I loved you more than myself, and I wouldn't watch you die like this, even if I sacrificed myself."

"Thank you for being smart and dared to disobey orders." He said, "They forcibly locked my wife in the escape pod and launched it into the void of the universe."

"Just be proud." She said sweetly.

He gently held her in his arms, and not everyone could feel the lost mood, but he thanked all this. The returned light and the warmth of love made him not fall into the dark alien thinking of the Zerg, otherwise the emperor would continue to set off bloody storms between the galaxies.

The private terminal on the table rang.

He opened to check the message.

"What's the matter?" The woman in her arms asked.

"The Federation has started a war with us in the disputed area, a local war." He said.

The woman stood up and tidied up her air force uniform.

"Let them all come, so that I don't have to bother to find a reason to destroy them!" The emperor stood up and said, "A thousand warships have been transformed, and hundreds of millions of Zerg are ready to go! Federation, at best, is just my first batch of alien army experiments, stepping stones! I will make their destruction synonymous with everyone's submission and fear!"

"I'm going to summon the staff." The woman said that she was the eternal chief of staff.

She also came over and kissed him in the face.

He patted her buttocks, causing an angry white eye.

In the corner in front of him, the huge biological egg seemed to be brighter. faintly, he heard the sound of cracking, which was a precursor that life was about to break its shell. He couldn't help walking forward and listening closely. Sure enough, there were bursts of struggling voices inside, and the consciousness belonging to the Zerg was active in his mind. He ordered the mother insects to come over immediately, and the new queen needed their care.

There is a trace of cracks in the eggshell. As time goes by, there are more and more cracks, and they continue to spread out with the top of the head as the center.

Finally, in the process of "pop" and the respectful waiting of the bloated female insects, the long-conceived creatures came out of the shell and ushered in her first light.

She had pale skin, red hair, dark green eyes, and her body was a little taller than before, almost comparable to him. There were spikes growing in some places on her body and hands. She pushed away the broken eggshell and came out, proudly raised her head, stepped on the cold ground, and walked slowly to him.

The alien characteristics of her body gradually faded in the process of coming, and the inverted thorns also disappeared into her body, looking more like a human - without her eye-catching red hair and dark green eyes that never belonged to human beings, her form would be no different from human beings.

She stood in front of him, almost close to him.

Stretch out her hand and gently touched his face. She smiled with satisfaction and didn't say anything, but the unique way of communication of the Zerg echoed in his mind.

"Don't leave me again, okay?"

Of course, she already knew the answer and what kind of feeling the woman treated the man in front of her - it was a kind of firmness that can give up everything, including life and soul. She is now the leader of the ethnic group and the queen of the ethnic group. That little consciousness is affecting her and influencing her. The behavior.

She should have torn any creature that threatens her - but this person is different. Her human soul is destined not to betray or even oppose him; on the other hand, he is also the leader of the ethnic group. The queen likes capable people, smart people, and people who can lead racial development.

There is no doubt that it is unique in the world.

She soon fell, whether it was Anne or the Queen.

"I need a war to inspire my ethnic group!" She said, "You will give me this opportunity, right, honey?"

He smiled and took her hand.

"The great journey is about to begin! We will take tens of millions of steps, and the galaxy is just a stepping stone at best!"

Hundreds of millions of active lives stopped and listened. His hand was clenched into a fist, and his voice ten times tougher than steel echoed in the conscious world of the ethnic group, making it impossible to look directly.

"Anyway, let nothing in this universe block our way forward!"

[Full text]

Finally, I finished typing these last few words. To be honest, it is also a miracle that this unattended book can persist until now. But there may be few online articles that can be called "science fiction". I want to write a complete "science fiction". In fact, as a science fiction fan, this book still cannot be classified as science fiction. It should be military... embarrassing. On the contrary, the extra article may meet the standards, but unfortunately, the foreign style and rigorous description make it unsuitable to appear as an online article.

The topic returns to this book. This ending has been considered many times and has been constantly modified. Now it is a happy ending. But according to the original idea, this book should be divided into two parts: "human" and "exotic". At present, it only writes the "human" part (Huo Xiu: Author, you get out of here. We finally have a beautiful woman, powerful and money. Do you still want me to suffer? I X you!), but the previous content is too bad, and then it can only become more chaotic.

Finally, thank you for every collection, every comment, every children's shoes that have voted... In fact, your inadvertent little actions can make me write more confidently.