usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 25 is not that cheap

The three winged people couldn't find the target of the Sun Temple, so they swaggered around in the savage territory according to the map.

For them, the climate environment and geomorphological and geographical characteristics of the mainland of China are too different from their heavenly continent. The latter is like heaven, and although the former is not a real hell, it is not much better.

There are deserts, wilderness, ice peaks, ancient battlefield relics, and more poor mountains and rivers, all kinds of dead swamps and Jedi. The wild creatures you see are all forced food and weak meat, ferocious and predators, giving people a wild and primitive atmosphere everywhere.

Moreover, these are not the worst, most brutal and most desperate phenomena I have seen. When the three winged people went around, they found that in the mainland of China, there were beacons and fire everywhere, and there were troops fighting everywhere. The major ethnic groups on the whole continent were chaotic and fought, and there was no resting place.

Above the East China Sea, there are human warships fighting against the sea people. In the western and northern oceans, there are demons and corpses everywhere in disputes with the sea clans. It turns out that the territory of the blood clan is full of demons and demons. In the territory of the savages, demons and savages, and savages are also fighting like flowers everywhere.

On the whole huge continent, endless creatures have been implicated and affected by the war for no reason. Not to mention that none of them can be spared, but they are about the same.

On the mainland of China, all kinds of creatures, the two orders of light and dark, account for half of each other and penetrate each other. In addition to the two camps, which are born hostile to death, there must be disputes and wars. There are also many contradictions between other major races, and the war is endless.

Therefore, on the mainland of China, compared with the single-ethnic and unified continents such as the continent of Heaven, the continent of Buddha and the continent of Dragon, it is simply a chaotic and fierce dark continent. There is no peace, no law and order, no civilization and humanity, only tragedy and melee.

When the three winged people saw these situations everywhere, they couldn't even find a place to settle down. Naturally, they were not in a good mood. Even the leading wing blue also lamented to the other two companions at this time: "I have made the worst idea of this mainland of China, but I still didn't expect it to be so bad. At present, our map is useless. The pattern of the whole continent seems to have turned upside down and is completely messed up. The territory of the savages are not savages. There are demons and people everywhere, and there are also scenes of war and destruction everywhere. Now it is really difficult for us to find the savage to rule the pope.

" boss, I have an idea. Why don't we go down and catch a few ordinary savages, interrogate them carefully, and always find some clues and ask for details. As long as we can find those savages with identities, and then guide them step by step, I believe we will not see the rulers of the savage. It's too difficult." The wing is clear-minded and resolute, and his mind is clear-headed. At this time, he is still the most effective strategy.

"This is a good idea. You see, while I was in this chaos, my whole person didn't argue. OK, let's go down." Yi Lan nodded admiringly to Yi Ming, leading two companions from the sky, flapping their huge bird wings and rushing to the ground below.

These three winged people are lucky. The area below is the lost land recovered by the savages after defeating the blood and sea people. It is within the jurisdiction of a local state capital, and there are scenes of rapid reconstruction and recovery everywhere, including four parades to maintain public security. A large number of garrison.

As soon as they landed on the ground, they found the savages, and then led by these savages to a local patrol camp.

As soon as the battalion commander saw the three winged people, he knew that they were heavy, so he had to send people to send these winged people to the superior general camp.

The three winged people finally turned around and entered the state government, and then passed the news to the hands of Yun Yiyang, the savage emperor, through the state government's emergency messages.

Yun Yiyang really doesn't like these winged people, and knows that they came to track down the whereabouts of the 100,000 winged people sent last time, and he really can't give a reason or excuse.

Moreover, Yun Yiyang was even more unwilling to receive these aliens in person. He decided that as long as he found an extremely effective excuse, Saitang would escape these winged races.

Suddenly, he frowned, and Yun Yiyang thought of another big poison plan.

So Yun Yiyang found the last envoy demon clan. Now Ye Lude, who has been idle in the imperial capital for a period of time, had a secret discussion in the imperial palace and asked him to rush to the place to receive the three winged people immediately, and ordered him to do so.

Naye Rude was overjoyed for a moment and was very proud. He led a group of cronies and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and rushed to the place immediately.

In the foreign affairs department of the local state government, he was cordial and friendly, and he received three winged people. Ye Rude had a very grand courtesy to the three winged people, and claimed that he was entrusted by the emperor to welcome the three winged people with a national ceremony, which was more humble and humble. First of all, he was proud of the hearts of the three winged people, and there was a lot of humility and neglect. This cloud makes the three winged people feel more light on their faces, which is very useful.

In this way, they have a good impression of Wild Rude, and then start to get to the point and negotiate.

"Your envoys, the three of us are entrusted by our great Lord to come to your great pope. No, now your majesty, come to negotiate with your majesty to trace the fate of our 100,000 people. This matter is really important. I hope your country can fully cooperate and help to find out this matter thoroughly. Wing Blue, the leader of the three winged people, is open and straightforward against Wild Rud.

This wild Rude received the order and secret plan of Yunyi. Naturally, everything had a plan in his heart. At that moment, he answered loudly and replied, "It turned out that the three noble envoys came for this matter. China and you are a linked alliance. It is a major responsibility for China to find out the disappearance of 100,000 nobles last time. China has spared no effort to investigate this incident, and we really dare not neglect you, just to give you a satisfactory and convincing recourse. To be honest, in fact, according to China's comprehensive investigation, we have already had a lot of clues, and the truth is almost verable.