usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 26 Instigating You to Hookup

"What? Have you found out the beginning and truth of the matter? When the three winged people heard Ye Rude's words, they suddenly blurted out regardless of the image and exclaimed loudly. They looked at each other and suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Finally, I finally felt that the three of them had lost their composure. It was still the leader Yilan who corrected his appearance. His face was solemn and asked urgently, "I hope that the envoy will tell us the whereabouts of the lives of 100,000 people. Our clan is very grateful for this, so that we can wait to return to the mainland and present our great Lord. In the end, it's a worthwhile trip, and there is an escrow after the task is complete.

Wild Rude suddenly had to be angry, and his face was sad and indignant, and then he was furious and said generously, "The subordinate has to report it according to the truth! Even if our country knows the truth of the matter, there is nothing we can do. What can we do! Because all 100,000 people on your country lost their lives at the hands of the demon clan.

Wild Rude lied about this false information and stopped, and his face was full of grief and indignation, which made the three winged people completely believe it.

After sighing for a long time, he continued: "We have to start from the beginning. Since your alliance with our country, our country has been besieged by other ethnic groups and lost a large area of territory one after another. As you know, it is a desperate situation to fight against the attack of many races with the strength of our family, and there is nothing we can do. When the whole territory fell, there was only one core left. After that, 100,000 people from your country were sent again, but they were mistakenly transferred to the demon clan to annex our lost land. Without our response, the 100,000 nobles immediately fell into a dangerous predicament. As soon as they came to the ground, they were inexplicably besieged and destroyed by the crazy lightning of the demon army. 100,000 people were completely destroyed, and none of them were spared. This is a secret that I witnessed with the eyes of the people in the area where I fell. The three may not believe it. In order to show my sincerity, I would like to stand by myself, accompany them, and secretly sneak into the demon-occupied area to investigate and obtain evidence.

"Is there such a injustice? It's really sad. I feel sorry for the 100,000 people. They died before they came out of their way. They were completely buried for unknown reason. It's hateful and lamentable!" Hearing this bad news, Yilan confirmed that 100,000 people were indeed extinct, and he was also very sad and angry.

" boss, we still have to investigate this incident carefully. If there are still survivors, it is not the biggest fault that I miss it so much and ignore it. We must explore and rescue those who have survived. It is imperative that we have the responsibility to relieve the suffering of the people immediately. That Yiming was also full of indignation and resoluteness. What he thought of was to immediately free his surviving peers. Other than that, whether it was difficult or not, whether he had the ability or not was not considered. He was a little fearless, reckless, and never reckless.

"In my opinion, I'm afraid it's inappropriate. The three of us are weak. It's dangerous and unpredictable here. It's also a great credit to turn back very early and bring back this shocking news. I want to get our reward. Our great Lord will naturally deal with all this in a targeted way. At this stage We are not included in this consideration. Do what we can. We really have more than enough strength. That's the most difficult, and the most comfortable wing feather, which advised his two companions.

At that time, there were two differences on one issue, and everything was decided by Wing Blue, the leader.

Yilan also ignored his two companions, but further consulted Wild Rude and said, "Your Excellency, you just said that you are willing to take risks, accompany and arrange us to go to the demon-occupied area, and spare no effort to investigate and obtain evidence of the destruction of 100,000 people in our clan? Then everything will be hard for you. If this matter is not thoroughly investigated, it will come out. I am equal to peace of mind. This is the life of 100,000 people in our clan. I have never suffered such a big loss. It's not a joke.

"Naturally, our country also feels deeply guilty and self-reproached for this. We just want to do our best to make up for and repay the nobles as soon as we have the opportunity, never lose faith in our allies, and always express our sincerity and sincerity. Therefore, this is also a personal opportunity to show myself. I am willing to obey the wishes of our great emperor, do my best for my country, and contribute my greatest strength to my allies. How can this good opportunity to make contributions be missed in vain? Ye Rude answered frankly and calmly responded.

"Okay, the envoy is really brave. With such a hard work and selfless dedication to the country, there is no need to worry about not being promoted to the throne in the future, and the senior officials are rich all the way! It's just that we are still a little worried that our clan and the demon clan are life-and-death enemies, and we are afraid that if we will leak our traces in front of the demon army, we will die without life and no place to die. I also hope that the envoys will take care of us and maintain our deeds. Yi Lan obviously also considered some possible consequences, but he was also eager to make contributions and decided to take this risk because he could make a promotion in his own family in the future.

So under the arrangement of Wild Rude, he led two or three followers, together with the three winged people, Yiming and Yiyu, and a group of six or seven people disguised themselves as ordinary savages, confused the border blockade of the demon army, and went deep into the fall of the wild people.

In the fall area of the savages, bases behind the enemy are being established everywhere to organize turbulent guerrilla wars. According to the clan, it has also developed into the clan to support the war. Under the secret leadership of the senior officials behind the enemy, such as Meng Lao and Zhan Lao, it is powerful and colorful.

has even established a solid and consolidated rear, relying on the complex and dangerous landform. These large areas of territories have returned to the savages, and the army behind the enemy has become increasingly strong, attacking everywhere, and even organizing an effective large-scale battle to destroy the enemy, making the main army of the demon clan helpless. However, not only is it powerless to capture, but it is even difficult for it to stand on its feet.

This is a means of annexing food. It is completely the kind of faction of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army in the Anti-Japanese War. Not only is it inexhaustible, but the stronger it is, the stronger it is, the stronger it is.

Because our people are the masters of the family, everyone is brave and morale is high. Moreover, relying on their own local ethnic groups, they are easy to supply, familiar with the location, and the information is convenient. They absorb the clans on the spot to expand their ranks and forces, and move to war. There is a response everywhere, and they never have to worry about the needless army.

Wild Rude now brings these three winged people to meet Meng Lao and the war elders, and then leads these three winged people to wander around the war zone behind the enemy under the care of the two elders, pretending to find and search for the truth and evidence of the destruction of 100,000 winged people.