Daming Haiku

Chapter 94 Quarantine

Although the incident of Dongping Village caused a certain shock in Lianjiang County, the impact was not very great. After dawn, thousands of households in Dinghai City sent people to Dongping Village to investigate the situation, but they did not find out what the pirates were doing here.

And there was chaos outside Dongping Village that night, but in the end, no one could tell how many thieves came, let alone find that no one was killed. Instead, several people who were eager to escape twisted their legs. There was basically nothing else to lose. The pirates did not attack Dongping Village at all, but scared the people of Dongping Village enough. It's just choked.

In addition, several servants responsible for escaping the unruly people, some were knocked unconscious, and some were directly tied up. In the end, no one could tell how many people attacked them and where they came from. After investigation, it was finally said that Zhang Blacksmith, his wife and apprentice of Zhangjia Tiepu outside the village disappeared that night. I guess he was captured by pirates.

In addition, more than 40 unruly people who were arrested to repair the road ran away that night. It was not clear whether they were taken away by pirates or escaped by themselves. In short, the night was quite noisy, but there were basically no losses. Only Zhang's family and dozens of unscurious people disappeared, and the rest were nothing.

So after the matter was reported to the government of Lianjiang County, Lianjiang County finally judged that there may be a group of pirates among the so-called unruly people they arrested. The pirates came to save their accomplices and went to Dongping Village to make trouble. Since there were no dead people, and only a small blacksmith family disappeared, this incident was in Lianjiang County for several days. After that, it gradually calmed down.

Moreover, Zhang's blacksmith's blacksmith's shop was not Zhang's own, but a small courtyard rented by a local rich man. Now Zhang's blacksmith is gone, and the yard is still there, leaving a small amount of blacksmith's tools and a small amount of iron materials and a few pieces of well-made agricultural tools. The landlord has no loss and made a little money. In the end, everyone was happy, and it was over at this time.

However, for the sea wolves on Treasure Island, the harvest of this trip to Dongping Village is good. Yu Xiaotian brought back more than 20 young and strong men, which almost doubled their manpower. And some of them have craftsmanship. What's more valuable is that they also got a blacksmith, which makes them even more It will be much easier for them to act in the future.

You should know that they work in this industry, and they consume a lot of weapons. Not to mention the ammunition needed for guns, even the minimum cold weapons are quickly damaged at sea. As long as a knife touches people a few times, the edge of the knife will collapse and roll the blade, and the arrow cluster is also very large. If there is no blacksmith, they have it on hand. This weapon will soon be exhausted, so blacksmiths are very much needed for them.

But this has also brought a negative impact, that is, so many people have been expanded. These people have been forcibly kidnapped and joined as partners, but they are not the same as the original people in their Little Yellow Island. Effective control is the key. If there is a little carelessness, they will fight back and go bad. It's a big deal.

Yu Xiaotian has also considered this point, so after pulling these people to Treasure Island, they did not put them on Treasure Island, but threw them on a smaller island southwest of Treasure Island. The distance between the two is about a few hundred meters, and their movements can be monitored on Treasure Island. Jing, and don't worry about the bad intentions of these guys, which will be detrimental to the people on Treasure Island.

Xu honestly was still very grateful to these pirates. During the two days on the way here, the people on the boat gave them two meals a day, and they were basically full. As one of the skilled people, he would receive some preferential treatment and give him a small piece of each meal. Salted fish is undoubtedly very satisfying for him who has been hungry for several months.

In addition, after going to sea, he was seasick on the first day, but after the next day, he gradually got used to this bumpy feeling. He could eat and not vomit, so this made him feel even better. He thought it was better to follow these pirates than starve to death.

In addition, after boarding the ship, these people are also curious about the pirates on the ship, because these pirates are different from the pirates they imagine. In their impression, the pirates are very cruel and dirty, but these pirates who forcibly tied them are very clean, although they are the same The clothes are shabby, but they are washed very clean, and their hair is also neatly combed. They are obediently coiled on their heads, and everyone is wrapped in a black scarf, which seems more or less uniform.

And their pirate ship is very clean everywhere, and all the items are arranged very neatly, which makes people feel comfortable. These pirates are also very well-behaved and obedient on the boat. No one is drunk and noisy on the boat, and no one is noisy. These people are on the boat when they have nothing to do. Wipe everywhere, and most of his spare time is practiced on the boat, either catching and fighting, or divided into two pairs of fighting on the boat, which is very diligent.

This makes them feel that this group of pirates is very well-behaved. Anyway, they feel that these people are not ordinary pirates, but a little like marine officers and soldiers.

But there is one thing that makes Xu and these kidnapped guys very unhappy, that is, these pirates have too many rules. After eating, they should clean the bowls and arrange them neatly. Everyone has to recognize their rice bowls. They can't throw them around, and they are not allowed to poop and pee on the boat, and they are not allowed to enter. In the cabin, all pooping and peeing should be solved on a small platform extending from the hull at the stern. Pooping must go directly into the sea and cannot be left on the ship.

On the first day, some guys who were unwilling to abide by the rules were repaired and whipped a few times. In addition, they were ordered to clean up the ruins they left behind. Now these guys knew that they were powerful and no longer dared to pee on the boat.

And the leader of this group is also the tall man. They are not allowed to run around on the boat. They only designated an area on the left side of the front deck on the boat to sit there. They are not allowed to get up and walk around, and they are not allowed to talk nonsense. If they have something, they have to raise their hands first to ask for instructions. After being allowed to speak, they can only speak. In this way The rules are also very strict, and violators will be whipped.

This makes these guys who never know what rules are a little unbearable. I don't know why pirates still have so many rules.

After they were pulled to the island and left off the boat, some things made them even more unbearable. Under the loud shouting order of the leader surnamed Yu, they were ordered to take off their clothes on the island, and then burned their clothes.

These guys were confused and turned into bare pigs. Although there are all old men here, it is not a way to be so bare and the things between their legs are swaying. People who are a little ashamed can only cover their crotch and panic. I don't know how these pirates will toss them.

Then these people were ordered one by one. Someone came over and put a splint on their necks. They couldn't help but start shaving their heads. Soon, a guy cried and was shaved into a bald man. Because the hands-on was not skilled, and this guy was not very cooperative, his head was scratched. A few small mouths shed a lot of blood.

The rest of the people were suddenly even more panicked. They couldn't figure out why these pirates wanted to shave off their hair, and even cut off their hair in other parts of their bodies with scissors. There were only eyebrows left all over their bodies, and they turned into a naked one.

So this group of people quit, jumping and saying nothing to let these pirates shave their hair. In the eyes of these people, the parents of the body and skin can't be shaved off. Once it is shaved, it is disrespectful to their ancestors, so someone hurriedly kowtowed to the leader surnamed Yu and begged not to shave them. The hair.

But the man surnamed Yu refused to agree to anything and said that it was for their own good. Their people are too dirty, their hair and beards and some places are full of fleas. If they don't clean them up well, they will get sick in the future.

So no matter how much this group of people pleaded, they were finally tied up like killing pigs and shaved into bare strips one by one. Some people were angry and cursed, but there was nothing they could do. Among them, the resistance of fists and feet was particularly fierce. Several descendants could not control him, or the leader surnamed Yu. He beat him down, trampled on him and tied him up, and then put the shackles around his neck. In a short time, he shaved the guy into a bare ladle.

The kung fu guy looked very manly. Unexpectedly, when he was shaved, he sat on the ground and cried loudly. He cried so earth-shakingly. It can be said that he was shocking and ghosts. How miserable!

Xu was honest and timid and did not dare to resist. Although he cried, it still had no effect. In the end, he was shaved and driven to the side bare.

After tossing for more than half a day, these more than 20 guys have been shaved. This is not the end. These shaved hairs were finally burned by a fire, and then the surname Yu made people don't know where to get a few mane brushes, and then left a few barrels. There is fresh water on the island. And they also made some soap pods and threw them to Xu's honest people.

In order them to help each other, bring water with wooden barrels, and then wash their whole body with soap pods and mane. Don't leave any dead corners. If anyone doesn't wash it clean and can't pass the inspection, they are not allowed to eat.

Anyway, they have been shaved. At present, their rice bowls are controlled in other people's hands, so no matter how dissatisfied they are, they have no choice but to follow the instructions and help each other to bring water. They began to wash on the beach. After a lot of busy work, these guys were originally dirty like a black pig, and finally they were stunned. He was brushed into a bare white pig.

After looking at each other again, these people became more and more funny. I don't know who it was. Suddenly, a burst of laughter broke out, and the laughter was also contagious. Although many of them still feel sad and angry because of being shaved off their hair, but they really can't stand it. The scene couldn't help laughing together, and finally turned into a wild laugh. Some people couldn't even stand still, while others laughed and even burst into tears.