Daming Haiku

Chapter 95 Obedience

Seeing that it was getting late, the pirates left some wood from the ship and let the group of people take action. They first built two huts as their place of residence for the time being. Dinner was quickly unloaded. Although after a lot of toss, the dinner was still very good. In a pot of dry rice, there was actually a large bucket of dried shrimp. Soup with rice and seaweed.

Seeing such a good meal, the dissatisfaction and anger in the hearts of this group of people were immediately thrown into Java. They quickly queued up, got their special rice bowls, and began to cook. Although it took only two or three days, these guys learned to line up to eat and formed consciousness. Anyway, there is no need to fight, no need to grab, so Some people have food to eat, but it is faster to queue up, and gradually they have formed a habit.

After Xu honestly finished eating, everyone received a pair of big cotton trousers, which was their temporary clothing. Although it was a little cold, they were used to it.

According to the leader surnamed Yu, now they will wear this first, and they will make a suit for each of them in a couple of days. There is no need to expose their skin and crotch like this.

Although Xu honestly is not satisfied with these pirates and shaving their hair, he is a little happy to hear that they will give them new clothes.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these guys wearing only a pair of big black trousers and felt that they were basically satisfied. At least these guys were no longer like dirty pigs. At present, his men have been picked up by him and know what clean is. Although they were not forced to shave their hair, they washed every two days. Second, they also basically removed their hair and fleas on their bodies.

But if he doesn't take care of these new guys as soon as possible, he may have done all his previous achievements, and then there will be flea lice everywhere, so he ordered that he would simply shave and brush them directly regardless of the opposition of these guys, so that it will be much easier.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian has another purpose, that is, by shaving these guys, they can completely break their hearts back to the land, so that they can be distinguished from other pirates. In this way, it is easier to cultivate their sense of belonging and loyalty to his sea wolf gang in the future. At present, although it has offended these people, in him It seems that the method of slapning a date is quite effective. Carrots and sticks are so that you don't have to worry about dealing with these people.

"Xiaotian, can you toss them like this?" Liu Laoliu walked behind Yu Xiaotian and asked Xiaotian in a low voice.

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and smiled, "Why not? In this way, at least clean them up first, so that they don't carry fleas all over their bodies, so that we will all suffer! Now that it is in my hands, the first thing they need to learn is absolute obedience! ......”

It rained, and the wind on the sea was much stronger. A group of guys in big trousers stood in rows on the beach on the shore of the island, all with their chests straight and motionless in the face of the wind and rain.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian was also naked, showing strong muscles, standing in a standard military posture with his hands behind his back, standing in front of these people, holding a short stick behind his back, his face like frost, without a trace of expression.

In addition, there were blackhead, Han Xian, Liu Tong, Liu Wang, Zhao Si, Meng Biao and others, standing not far away. Each of them changed into a blue suit with a copper buckle wide belt tied to their waist. The clothes were made of indigo cotton cloth left on their hands, copper The cowhide belt had just been purchased from the Li family. After changing into this dress, a black scarf was wrapped on their heads, which suddenly made them look much more energetic.

The wind and rain hit everyone, and the rain flowed down his head, but Yu Xiaotian did not move at all, staring at the more than 20 new guys in front of him.

and blackheads and others also stood aside shyly, also maintaining a standing military posture, as if they were not affected by the wind and rain.

But everyone has a layer of goosebumps. The temperature has dropped in this season. When the sun comes out, it doesn't feel cold, but when it is so drenched in the rain, the body's heat is quickly taken away, making people feel cold.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not allow them to move, and no one could move without authorization. What's more, Yu Xiaotian, the great head, stood naked in the rain like them. No one felt unfair, so he could only continue to persist.

"You remember it for me! Here, everything is up to me! What I want you to do, you must do. This is the minimum rule. As long as you remember this, you can live a good life in the future! This is obedience! Do you remember?" Yu Xiaotian suddenly shouted loudly at these people.

Xu honestly said in a trembling voice, "I heard it!"

Others also answered sparsely, "I heard it!"

Yu Xiaotian stared and roared, "Didn't you eat in the morning? They are all like women. Have you shaved your hair and cut the things in your crotch? The men answered me loudly. I couldn't hear what you said. Did I ask you to hear me?

Yu Xiaotian's voice was like thunder, sweeping the ears of everyone in front of him, cheering up these guys, and quickly raised his voice and replied, "I hear it!"

Yu Xiaotian strode to a guy and almost put his nose against his nose. He stared and shouted, "I still can't hear you clearly. Answer me a little louder. Do you hear me clearly?"

This guy was so scared that he quickly stretched out his neck and shouted hysterically, "I hear it clearly!"

Yu Xiaotian then turned to another guy with satisfaction and repeated his question again. When he got a satisfactory answer, he asked one by one. Finally, he returned to the front of the team until he was completely satisfied.

"I don't care what you used to do. From the day you stepped on my boat, you are not the same as before! I advise you to forget your past! Because you are about to become one of our sea wolves from now on and will become sea wolves like us!

Here, we are brothers, brothers like a family! They are brothers who can trust each other! It's a brother who can entrust his back to others!

This is our home! It will also be your home in the future! You don't have to worry about not having enough to eat, and you don't have to worry about wearing coats anymore, because as long as you obey, I can give you what you want!

But the premise is that you must obey me unconditionally, no matter what I want you to do! Now do as I say! Keep your formation! All of them, turn right..."

"Mom! Are you pigs? Can't you tell the left and right? Turn right! Turn right!" Yu Xiaotian roared in front of several guys who turned in the wrong direction like an angry lion, scolded, raised his hand with a stick, hit their buttocks, and quickly adjusted their direction and returned to the designated position.

This is the seventh day when they went to the island. Every day, Yu Xiaotian came to practice with them like this. I thought it could rest in the rain today, but I didn't expect that this rudder still came to the island rain or shine.

Every day is boring queue training, then constantly turning, then running around the island, and standing on the beach under the sun to keep a motionless posture for a long time. According to the helmsman, this is called standing posture, which is to cultivate their sense of obedience.

And every day, Yu's rudder has to teach them endless words, which makes their ears almost cocoon. Not only they, but also the old people of the sea wolf gang have to practice together. It's really boring to do this, but this rudder seems to be happy to toss them like this. , I also followed them for such a boring training day. I really don't understand what this helms think.

However, Yu Xiaotian's effect of doing this is very well. When a group of guys came, they could hardly do anything. Now they have a preliminary understanding of what obedience is. Under the stick, coupled with the punishment of hungry rice, let them understand a truth that only by being obedient can they be full and will not be beaten.

On the first night, Xu honestly was beaten by the guy who was good at martial arts because of a little thing. The guy was so heavy that he couldn't get up at dawn. However, after dawn, Yu Xiaotian came and saw Xu honestly being beaten so badly. Without saying anything, he questioned who did it.

Xu honestly did not dare to say it, and the others did not dare to say it, but Yu Xiaotian refused to give up and ordered everyone to have a meal and run around the island. As a result, after a few laps, someone confessed the culprit.

The beating guy was picked out. First, he was beaten with 20 military sticks, then punished and then starved. Then he continued to run around the island five times. As a result, the next day, the guy was cleaned up and peed his pants and vowed that he would never bully again. Then he was beaten up.

Now these people are afraid of Xiaotian, but there is nothing to say, because this helmsman, like them, does what they do, and what they eat. He also eats. People do not suffer from poverty and injustice. This sentence is very useful at this time, which makes everyone not It can be said that it can only be practiced honestly by Yu Xiaotian.

A group of people ran on the island against the wind and rain. After a few laps, some people couldn't stand it and staggered and fell to the ground, but Yu Xiaotian did not allow them to stop. The person who fell continued to run. Someone was out of strength, and the others supported him to continue running.

In the end, someone couldn't stand it and collapsed on the ground. Yu Xiaotian personally put him on the shelf and continued to run until everyone was tired.

For practicing these guys, Yu Xiaotian thought of a lot of ways to use everything that could be used in movies, TV and novels. Now he is more like a violent non-commissioned officer. He doesn't want anything else. He just wants to train these guys into a group of usable guys as soon as possible and let him They thoroughly understand what obedience is and penetrate the sense of obedience into their bones.

Not to mention these new guys, in the past few days, even the black-headed people who came to the little yellow island have been dealt with by Yu Xiaotian. It was not until this time that they knew what real practice was. Before this group of newcomers came, Yu Xiaotian had been gentle with their practice, if it hadn't been If the previous experience gives them a foundation, I guess they can't stand it.

So in the past seven days, it has been a difficult experience for these new and old people on Treasure Island, but in exchange for these people's transformation.

Both newcomers and former people have become much more energetic after these seven days of hellish weekly training. In just seven days, everyone has a temperament close to soldiers and has become regular.

The heavy rain finally stopped in the evening, and the dark clouds dissipated quickly. The sun once again sprinkled on the sea through the clouds, forming a gorgeous rainbow on the sea in the distance.

The people who had just finished the training heard Yu Xiaotian blow the bamboo whistle again and quickly rushed to the beach, consciously divided into two rows, old and new.

The small fishing boat on Treasure Island rowed over and leaned against the shore of the island. Liu Laoliu took two descendants and carried two bamboo baskets down to the shore. Everyone couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

(Today on Monday, try to rush to the classified click list. At least, I will also rush to the red ticket list. Please help me smash some red tickets. Please help me! Please! Yesterday, I was sad. I squatted down to repair the washing machine and pressed a drainage pipe. When I stood up inexplicably, I found that my waist was twisted. Yesterday, I could only lie down all day, and even lay on the sofa to do the code words! Unlucky! I don't think it will get better in a few days!)