Daming Haiku

Chapter 99 Bad Neighbors

"Tell Meng crazy, let them come later and raise the sail, and let's speed up back! Get ready! Fill the cannon, fill the fire, and prepare the bow and arrow! Knife and gun ready! Everyone copied the guy for me!" Yu Xiaotian stood in the bow and looked up in the direction of Treasure Island. He also saw a mass of smoke above the location of Treasure Island. Obviously, something had been ignited, otherwise there would not have been such a big smoke over the island.

However, because they are still far away from Treasure Island and can't see Treasure Island yet, they can't determine what happened to Treasure Island, but it's definitely not a good thing.

This time, he came out to hunt and brought out more than 30 people. There were only more than 20 people left on the island, many of whom were women. Fortunately, horse faces remained on the island, but in case Treasure Island was attacked by others, I'm afraid they would be more or less auspicious.

Yu Xiaotian now remembers Lan'er on the island. After this period of grinding with Lan'er's temples, he has fallen in love with this little girl.

After his careful care for a period of time, Lan'er's physical injury has basically recovered, but she is still a little weak and not in good spirits, but she can also get out of bed.

And before the little girl fully recovered, she immediately began to sew new clothes for him. She couldn't be idle all day for fear of wronging Yu Xiaotian, which moved Yu Xiaotian very much. He could feel Lan's strong love for him from Lan Er's every move. Yu Xiaotian felt that there was nothing to repay.

After all, Lan'er's encounter with such a difficult situation was basically because of him, but Lan'er did not complain about him at all. On the contrary, she focused all her thoughts on him. For this reason, Yu Xiaotian felt a little guilty for Lan'er.

What moved Yu Xiaotian most was what Lan Er said to him on the Great Yellow Island. If she encountered similar things again, she would rather die than protect her innocence for Yu Xiaotian and never let anyone stain her body.

Although Yu Xiaotian asked her not to think too much at that time, recalling Lan'er's firm eyes that day, he believed that once something like that happened, Lan'er would not live in the world.

Now Treasure Island suddenly caught fire. Although he didn't know what had happened, he could expect that it was definitely not a good thing, so his heart suddenly grabbed, and one hand involuntarily grabbed the handle of the steel knife hanging around his waist.

At this time, everyone on the ship became nervous. Even the new crew couldn't help but worry. On the way back, in order to take care of the slow sand ship, their ship had not risen full sails. They always maintained a similar speed between the two ships and returned to Treasure Island together. .

But at this time, Yu Xiaotian had no time to care so much and ordered the ship to raise its sails and sail back to Treasure Island at full speed. As for the sand boat full of wood, Meng Madman could only drive back slowly with four or five people.

After the sails were full, the speed of the ship suddenly accelerated a little, and the wind on the sea was more suitable, so that their bow began to break through the waves, leaving a wide white track on the stern.

However, Yu Xiaotian is still very dissatisfied with such a speed. He knows that even if the ship is full of wind, the speed cannot exceed the speed of five or six knots. It is impossible to make it faster, and they are pirates and require the speed of ships. It's relatively high. You have to find a way to get a faster ship in the future.

Liu Laoliu is as anxious as Yu Xiaotian, adjusting the rudder, always maintaining the best speed of the ship, and constantly ordering Hu Cheng to lead people to adjust the wind angle of the sails to keep the speed.

"There is a fire on the island! Several of our houses have been lit!" The upper bucket in charge of lookingout on the mast could already see the situation on Treasure Island from a high place. While nervously looking at the island, he loudly informed the people on the ship.

People's hearts sank even more. If there was only one place on fire, they could still think that the people on the island accidentally lit a house, but the upper fight said that several houses had been lit, so things would be even less optimistic.

Yu Xiaotian's face was gloomy as if it was going to rain. He squeezed his lips tightly and pressed the handle of the knife around his waist without saying a word. At this time, he did not need to order him to accelerate. Liu Laoliu and others would also raise the boat to the fastest speed. No matter how anxious he was, it was impossible for him to fly back to Treasure Island with ribbed wings.

He silently prayed for the people on the island in his heart, hoping that they had not been killed yet, especially Lan'er. He hoped that nothing had happened to her by now.

What he has to do now is to calm down and calm down. If even he is confused, then once something happens, I guess everyone will be more confused.

"Blackhead! Prepare the soldiers! Once you arrive on the island, the shieldman will be in front of you, and the long gunman will be ready! Respond to both the fireman and archers! Don't mess yourself up!"

The blackhead immediately agreed, and immediately greeted his soldiers to begin to check their equipment and weapons, and began to arrange the positions of the people according to their previous training.

"Liu Tong, is our cannon ready?" Yu Xiaotian continued to ask.

"The steering wheel has been loaded! I promise to make it ring!" Liu Tong answered loudly with his feet together.

"Ready for ignition at any time! After listening to my greeting for a while, I can only light the cannon when I let it go! Aim for me!

Yu Xiaotian continued to stand in the bow and look at the position of Treasure Island. At this time, he can also see the Treasure Island, and he can also clearly see the fire from the island.

At this time, he can only pray secretly that the horse-faced guy can stand in the way and take the people on the island for a while and wait for them to return to the island.

"Steering! There is a boat in the north of the island! There is a clean blue flag hanging on the ship! Like a colleague! It's hitting our island!" The bucket shouted on the mast again.

"Clean Blue Flag"? A familiar boat immediately appeared in Yu Xiaotian's mind, so he immediately shouted and asked, "But the boat surnamed Zhou we met on the east side of Haitan Island before?"

"I can't see it clearly, it's a little similar!" Shangdou replied above.

At this time, there was a roar on the island, which came from afar and could basically be concluded as the sound of gunfire. Everyone's hearts trembled again and became even more worried.

As the distance got closer and closer, Yu Xiaotian could finally see the sailboat on the north side of the island. At this time, the other party had obviously seen them. Some people began to run towards the boat, and then the sail of the ship began to be slowly pulled up and made a posture to return to the sea.

Yu Xiaotian pointed his hand at the ship and shouted, "Raising the flag, rush over and block them!" You can't let them run away!"

Liu Laoliu is more angry than Yu Xiaotian at this moment. They finally found a place to stay here. Before they came out to do a few votes, someone actually came to copy their old nest first.

This is at sea. If there is no deep resentment, it is absolutely illegal. The other party obviously found that they were not on the island and wanted to take the opportunity to come here to get a ticket, but things were not clean enough. Unexpectedly, they would catch up when they returned.

So this beam is a big deal. Whether they can do it or not, they will become sworn enemies from now on.

At this time, seeing that they wanted to withdraw, not to mention that Yu Xiaotian did not agree, and the others did not agree at this time, so the ship began to turn and rushed straight to the enemy ship at the north end of Treasure Island.

It didn't take long for the people on the boat to see the situation on the island. Several huts they had just built on the island had been burned into huge bonfires, and the thick smoke rose to the sky, which was really worrying.

And all the enemies on the island have not boarded the ship at this time. They seem to be carrying something and moving towards the boat. The things are quite sinking and slow, so that although they have found that the sea wolf's ship has returned, they still can't leave the island immediately for a while.

Yu Xiaotian's eyes sprayed fire and stared at the boat with a clean blue flag, as if he wanted to swallow them up. At this time, he was basically sure that the ship was Zhou, one of the two ships they had met on the east side of Haitan Island.

Unexpectedly, he found here with his men, and also attacked his Treasure Island immoirically. He wanted to take the opportunity to cut off their back road and copy their old nest.

Uncle can't stand it! Today, nothing can be said to let them go. Yu Xiaotian ordered again to continue to jump directly at them. He would block them and not let them run away.

Seeing that the sea wolf's boat is getting closer and closer to them, the thieves who landed on the island are a little panicked. They know that if they can't sail again, once they are blocked by the sea wolf's boat on the shore, they will only be beaten! The sea wolf's boat can sink their boat first, and then slowly clean them up.

The most important thing they do in this industry is the boat, so they can't take care of anything else at this time. Zhou ordered to throw away the things that could not be carried on the ship, and everyone quickly got on the ship and set sail.

In a short time, the boat surnamed Zhou began to raise its sails and anchor, gradually began to leave the shore, go to the deep water area, and turn the rudder to adjust the sails, eat the wind and accelerate, ready to escape from here and avoid the sea wolf's boat.

But how can Yu Xiaotian let them succeed? Although he can only be called a layman at sea in this era, he also understands a very simple truth here, that is, the advantage of speed is on their side at this time. The other party's ship has just anchored and has not eaten enough. The wind power and speed have not been improved, and the flexibility has been greatly reduced.

Although both boats belong to the bird boat type, but after a clean-up and renovation, Yu Xiaotian's ship is of quality more than all the boats surnamed Zhou. What's more, the ship surnamed Zhou is still injured. The bow of the ship has been seriously damaged and has received a strange bow again. It looks strange and also affects him. Flexibility of ships.

If you don't seize this opportunity to beat Zhou, it will not be easy to kill Zhou once both sides have enough speed at sea.

(Wow! The classified red ticket list has been spent again! It's the tenth! If you don't do it well, you will be kicked out! It's really dangerous! The classification click list does not seem to be very reliable, and it is still the tenth. Brothers should continue to help!)