Daming Haiku

Chapter 100 Rage

Zhou must also understand this truth. Today, he finished the matter and was blocked by others at the door. If he wants to explain it, he can't explain it. He can only tear his face and fight directly, so he has no way out. At this time, he can only speed up quickly. If he can run, he can run. If he can't run, he can only fight.

Yu Xiaotian led the ship to rush straight over, and the distance between the two ships was getting closer and closer. Yu Xiaotian's eyes were full of fire and shouted loudly, and Liu Tong led people to point the muzzles of the two cannons on the ship at the starboard side and was ready to fire at any time.

And Liu Laoliu immediately manipulated the ship to the port of the ship surnamed Zhou, forcing them, making it impossible for them to continue to turn left and get a greater wind force, making them unable to continue to speed up.

The distance between the two boats was also moving with each other and getting closer. Soon Yu Xiaotian's boat cut to the port side of the ship surnamed Zhou, and both sides could see each other's faces clearly. At this time, Yu Xiaotian stared at the guy surnamed Zhou on the other boat.

And the guy surnamed Zhou now showed a panicked look on his face and shouted something on the boat, and their boat was also turning to the right under his order. It seemed that he wanted to avoid Yu Xiaotian's boat and give up the stern to Yu Xiaotian's side to avoid being directly hit by the cannons on Yu Xiaotian's boat.

But at this time, Yu Xiaotian's ship had a speed advantage. Before they finished turning the rudder to avoid, the sea wolf's boat passed them.

"Fire!" Yu Xiaotian immediately roared when he saw that the side of the other party's side was within the range of the bowl mouth of the door of their stern and the door of the bow.

Liu Tong, who had been waiting for the day, roared and lit the fire. The two cannons ignited the lead together almost without distinguishing. Only two roars were heard. Two fireballs immediately spewed out of the sea wolf's ship. Two big bombs with more than a hundred and dozens of messy cannons swept towards the ship surnamed Zhou.

This time, the boat surnamed Zhou was quite lively. The door of the boat was a little big, and the big bomb flew straight from the boat, but most of the little boat swept to the stern of the boat, hitting the boat surnamed Zhou crackle.

The hundred guns on the side of the bow of the ship seemed to have opened his eyes. They hit them with great accuracy. With a bombardment, the shell actually hit directly on the side of the middle of Zhou's ship, directly hitting a gap in the side of the side of the ship. The remaining 100 small guns swept them like a rainstorm. The port of the ship.

Several men surnamed Zhou couldn't avoid it. Even if their lives were harvested, they screamed and rolled over on the boat. At this time, Zhou was confused, and the other party's boat immediately began to turn to Yu Xiaotian's ship in the opposite direction.

Yu Xiaotian pulled out his waist knife and roared at the boat surnamed Zhou: "Let's shoot arrows! Open fire! Pack them up!"

The black head shouted angrily, "Your mother's, surnamed Zhou!" How dare you come to trouble your grandfathers! Brothers, don't spare them, beat me hard!"

The limited number of bows and a few fire gun on the ship have already been ready. Because everyone was furious at this time, the bow and arrow were directly tied with oilcloth and fired at the Zhou boat not far away. Several firesticks also banged together, and the gongs flew straight to the enemy ship.

This boat surnamed Zhou was a little troublesome. Just now, two shells bombarded them and knocked down several of them. As soon as the rest of the people looked up, rockets and firecrackers hit them again.

Although Yu Xiaotian did not have a good archer, the target of the ship was so big that he could not shoot people. At least there was no problem shooting at the other party's ship. Several rockets landed on the enemy ship and immediately nailed them all over the enemy ship. An arrow was directly nailed to the sail and began to burn.

At this time, Zhou can be said to have lost all the opportunity, and the war situation was one-sided. They saw that the rockets on the sail began to rise, so they quickly began to find a way to put out the fire and frock the sail with the barrel of the ship. Finally, they hurriedly put out the fire of the sail.

In addition, when they saw the ship turning to the sea wolf's boat, the two boats were about to touch each other, so they quickly turned the bow to avoid it.

However, Yu Xiaotian had to ignore people at this time. This was not the time to hijack the ship, but to fight with people. Yu Xiaotian immediately shouted and ordered the ship to turn around and directly hit the middle of the side of the ship surnamed Zhou. Using the strength of their bow than the strength of the other party's side, they hit the ship surnamed Zhou. Bad, so that it can't escape.

When Liu Laoliu heard the sound, he immediately turned the rudder and asked Hu Cheng and other others to cooperate with him in adjusting their sails. Their boat quickly began to turn the bow at an unprecedented turning speed and only hit the boat surnamed Zhou.

As soon as Zhou adjusted the bow, he immediately found that the sea wolf's boat also turned around with him and hit his boat straight.

This scared the soul of Zhou. The sea wolf over there made it clear that he was going to fight with them to break the net, and he had to leave them behind. Now he has done the matter, and there is no room for a return. Once his ship is hit by the sea wolf, then his end will be It's miserable.

After seeing the sea wolf's boat turn straight, it hit his back at his boat. Zhou did not dare to neglect it. He rushed to the stern and personally grabbed the rudder. He hurriedly turned again and pulled back the bow again to avoid the desperate collision of the sea wolf.

However, his reaction was still a little slow. Originally, his speed was not raised, and his degree of flexibility was not as good as that of the sea wolf's boat. Now he hastily turned around, and the sails could not effectively handle the wind, which made his speed decline rapidly, and his flexibility also declined rapidly, and he could not avoid the collision at all.

His efforts were only to reduce the strength of some impact. Instead of letting the sea wolf's boat hit his boat directly at a vertical angle, he staggered a certain cut into the corner and heard a loud sound. After the sea wolf's bow hit Zhou's stern heavily, the boats on both sides chirped. The sound.

The people on both ships were hit by this violent impact, and most of them fell into rolling gourds. The situation on Xiaotian's side was better. The position of their impact was the strongest bow position of the hull. Under the effect of inertia, although some of him and his men also fell down, most of them still tried to grasp it. The port or cable stood firmly.

But the side surnamed Zhou was miserable. They were panicked, and they were hit by the back of the ship, which was also a weak hull structure. Even if their ship was hit by a big crack, the sea began to pour into their cabin.

And after their boat was hit, it shook a lot, which turned up the people on the boat and fell into rolling gourds on the deck.

Yu Xiaotian forced himself to stand firm at this time and didn't care about checking the damage of his ship. He drew his knife and shouted, "Hold them! Don't let these bastards run away! Let's kill it!"

At this moment, the men saw that they had the upper hand. The other party's ship had been damaged, and there were not a lot of casualties under their attack. Suddenly, morale was greatly boosted. The crew grabbed the hooks and rope hooks prepared on the side of the side of the ship, immediately leaned towards the opposite ship, and hung them on their side with iron hooks, and worked hard. The two boats were pulled together.

At this time, there is no other principle of fighting. Once the two ships leaned together, the next step is the fiercest side battle.

Yu Xiaotian still doesn't know the situation of the left-behind people on the island at this time, but it seems that most of them are more or less auspicious. At this time, he is in an uncontrollable anger. Before the two boats are close together, he first raised his shield with a knife, stepped on the side of the ship, and jumped high and jumped onto the boat surnamed Zhou.

And when they saw Yu Xiaotian jumping over their heads, they did not dare to neglect them. They shouted one after another and asked other soldiers to jump over.

This time they faced the same peers as them, and a group of more fierce and experienced pirates than them, so the people on the sea wolf side did not dare to be careless. They followed Xiaotian and began to jump to the opposite ship surnamed Zhou.

From the moment he hit the ship, Zhou knew that he was in big trouble today. The crash of the hull just now told him that his ship had been seriously damaged and had begun to enter the water. It was impossible to escape from here.

Then he saw that the sea wolf hooked his boat with hooks and rope hooks, and his heart sank to the bottom and became cool.

He began to regret his decision today. Originally, he did not come to copy the back road of the sea wolf, but accidentally passed near the Treasure Island while wandering on the sea and searching for targets.

He saw the smoke on Treasure Island, which was originally uninhabited, and ordered people to turn to the Treasure Island to see the situation, wondering who occupied the island. If possible, it would be better to get a vote.

Just after they approached Treasure Island, their fighting shouted that there was a woman on the island. Their heart surnamed Zhou suddenly warmed up and immediately ordered to go straight to the island. For them, in general, there was no shortage of food and clothing. The most lacking thing was women. As soon as they heard that there were women on the island, these guys immediately They are all interested.

But when they arrived at the shore of the island, they found that someone was greeting them on the shore. A middle-aged man held his fist and shouted at them, "I am the second head of the sea wolf. I don't know what you are doing here?"

Zhou was a little hesitant. Originally, he thought that the island was just some exiles wandering here, but he didn't think that the island was actually the nest of the sea wolf with the golden wolf flag he met last time.

According to the rules, if the two sides do not have a grudge, the well water between the peers will not violate the river. If they know it, they will leave and pull it down. However, after scanning the island, Zhou found that there are not many people on the island, and only a small fishing boat leaning against the shore, while their big boat is not at home.

So Zhou suddenly became evil, knowing that most of the people were going to sea to find food at this time, and there must be not many people left on the island at this time. If he took this opportunity to directly take the old nest of the sea wolf, he would have made a lot of money.

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