Daming Haiku

Chapter 148 Small Tree

Yu Xiaotian looked up and found that several * hands fired just now, but they still had made some achievements. At this time, he didn't know who hit him. He lay on the top of the mast and screamed. Soon, he fell down. When he fell into mid-air, one leg was entangled by a sail and hung like this. The position of the mast in the middle waist.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian heard Liu Wang's cheers and only heard the boy shouting, "I hit him!" I did it! Hit it! Haha! I'm in the middle!"

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and looked at it. Liu Wang was not on duty at this time, but he was not idle below. He grabbed a bird shot newly sent to him and danced at the head of the boat to celebrate his harvest.

Yu Xiaotian smiled secretly and thought that this guy had a little potential to be a sharpshooter. His shooting skills were good, and this guy was originally a fight, but he actually picked the opponent's upper fight and turned it over. The boy was bad enough.

"What's your name? There are no rules, why don't you reload it quickly?" Yu Xiaotian did nothing special about this little brother-in-law and immediately scolded.

The * hands and the bow gunners on the ship did not dare to neglect any more, so they quickly took out gunpowder and projectiles and loaded the cannon again.

However, the suffering of driving the ship under the mixed river dragon on the opposite side has not ended. The two boats traveled opposite each other and had a certain speed. They soon crossed with the Seawolf. The stern of the Seawolf was right in the middle of their hull, and the three gunners who had been waiting at the stern for a long time took this opportunity. Immediately, he also dropped the torch in his hand.

I only heard another gunshot, and a mass of gunpowder smoke was permeated on the sea wolf. Looking at the rush of the bastard Jianglong, it was unlucky. Just now, several of them were injured by one shot. At this time, the people on their ship have not recovered. They are desperately fighting water and fire in the roar of their leaders. Or pulling the injured person, I didn't expect the second shot to be fired so quickly.

The two ships are similar in size, and the height is slightly higher than the Seawolf. The tail gun is facing the middle of their ship. The firing field is very ideal, just like a target. With a bombardment, dozens of nearly 100 cannons swept through more than half of the deck like brooms.

The men of the mixed dragon who drove the boat should cry. Seven or eight people in the middle of the ship almost screamed together and rolled on the deck.

Yu Xiaotian couldn't help seeing such a scene. He clenched his right hand on his waist, bent his knees and shouted, "Yeah! Beautiful! Beautifully played! Haha!"

The ship under the mixed river dragon lost more than a dozen people at once after this call. This time, they had no chance to sing, and they were almost beaten and lost their effective fighting power. Next, they were no longer able to carry out any further battle.

Yu Xiaotian only seized an opportunity, which is equivalent to disintegrate the combat effectiveness of an opponent's ship. This is hard to imagine. First, Yu Xiaotian seizes the opportunity well, and secondly, it can only be regarded as their bad luck.

But anyway, this time they took a big advantage and fought the first beautiful battle since the Sea Wolf went to sea as a thief. Even Yu Xiaotian, everyone on the boat couldn't help cheering.

But their actions were also immediately targeted by the other party. Just as they began to celebrate the small victory, a lucky boat under Hun Jianglong began to turn and hit them fiercely.

The hull of the Fu ship is already larger than that of the bird ship, and the hull is much stronger. The bow is tall and sharp, like a huge iron plough. When fighting at sea, it has a lot of advantages over ordinary ships. In addition to carrying more cannons, it also carries people and cargo.

When used for maritime warfare, it was the absolute main force of the Ming Dynasty, including officers and sailors, and could also rely on collision tactics to destroy enemy ships.

And the pirates on this lucky ship saw that the Seawolf had disabled them. The leader of the ship immediately stared at the Seawolf, immediately ordered to adjust the direction, and hit the port side of the Seawolf with their bow. They wanted to fight for the ship and rely on the advantage of their ship. The sea wolf that crashed into Xiaotian.

The action of this lucky boat immediately attracted the attention of the upper bucket on the mast, so he quickly shouted at Yu Xiaotian below, "The rudder! Be careful of the lucky boat on the left, they are going to hit us!"

Yu Xiaotian hasn't been happy for a long time, so he can't be happy. At this time, the two fleets have been entangled and passed by one after another. They are very close to each other and are in a state of melee. At this time, the ships of the two sides are looking for their respective targets.

As soon as he saw the lucky boat under the mixed river dragon crashing towards him, Yu Xiaotian glanced at the surrounding situation and immediately shouted at the helmsman: "Right rudder! Turn to the right! Avoid it! Hurry up and adjust the sails!"

The cheering masses quickly closed their mouths, and their hands rushed to the side of the ship, pulled the sails, pulled the sails to adjust the wind, and the helmsman was also a veteran. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately pulled the rudder to make the ship turn to the right.

Taking advantage of the wind, the ship drew a white tail on the light blue sea, and then turned left, staggered the rushing lucky boat, and almost stuck to the lucky boat, passing by it, only less than ten meters away from each other.

Looking at the hull of this lucky boat as tall as a building, I tried it from their port. All the sea wolves couldn't help spitting. I don't know. In comparison, their sea wolf is really a little too small. Although this lucky boat is not too big, it is at least twice as big as their ship. Above, they have a feeling of oppression.

The lucky ship did not hit the Seawolf this time, and it was not polite. The pirates on the ship immediately rushed to their port side and condescendingly shot at the Sea Wolf. For a while, the Sea Wolf could only be shrouded in their attack. The deck of the ship was crackling and constantly bombarded or The rocket was shot.

Several of his subordinates, relying on the high side of their ship, shook their arms and threw several javelins at the Sea Wolf. A javelin almost wiped Yu Xiaotian's side and nailed them on the deck, and several sea wolves were shocked to see exclaimed.

Yu Xiaotian was not shocked. He had just seen the javelin. He had already determined the source of the javelin in advance and judged that the javelin could not hit him, so his body just turned slightly. After ensuring his safety, he was not moved at all and let the javelin be nailed to his feet. .

Before the javelin stopped shaking, Yu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pulled up the still trembling javelin at his feet, shouted angrily and threw the javelin back the way.

Unfortunately, the hull was shaking violently at this time. The sea was stirred by more than 30 ships. The hull of the Seawolf was not big, and the shaking intensified a little, which made the javelin thrown by Yu Xiaotian also lose its accuracy. As a result, it flew over the side of the blessing ship and trembled and firmly nailed into Fu. On the main mast of the ship.

But at the same time, there were also casualties on the Seawolf. A soldier was hit with an arrow in the chest, and the arrow was also a rocket tied with oil cloth. It was still burning. The arrows pierced the soldier's armor and embedded it in his chest muscles. He shouted in pain and quickly reached out to draw an arrow, but this There was still fire on the arrow, and his hand was burned again, and he screamed in pain.

Fortunately, someone next to him was quick-eyed and quickly copied a wooden barrel containing half a bucket of sea water from the side. A bucket of water spilled over, immediately extinguished the rocket on his chest, and dragged him under the side of the ship, so that he did not continue to be burned by the fire.

There was also a man with bad luck. One accidentally, the javelin directly penetrated his thigh and nailed him to the deck of the ship. Anyone who saw his thigh nailed on the deck would be fine. The man made a sad scream on the spot and shouted for help. Holding the javelin with both hands, he wanted to pull the javelin out of the deck.

But before he pulled out the javelin, a bullet hit him in the neck again. He immediately loosened his hands holding the javelin and covered his neck hard. He could no longer scream. He could only make a purring sound in his throat, and a large amount of blood immediately gushed out of the wound in his neck, waiting for others to go. After saving him, he quickly fell on the deck and couldn't survive, but even if he died, one of his legs was still nailed to the deck by a javelin.

Such a tragic scene fell into the eyes of everyone on the ship, which shocked them and angered the sea wolves.

Few of the people who followed Yu Xiaotian today are cowards. They are all bold guys selected by Yu Xiaotian from his men in order to grow a group of elite subordinates through this conflict.

They took advantage of it just now, and they are happy. Now they have suffered losses, but they have not scared these guys. When Yu Xiaotian saw this scene, he was heartbroken and angry at the same time. Isn't it just that the ship is a little bigger? I just want to bully me like this, no way!

Yu Xiaotian took a wooden shield covered with cowhide from Liu Wang, covered his body, pushed Liu Wang, and asked Liu Wang to find a cover, so as to avoid such an end. This guy is getting bolder and bolder now. Although it is a good thing, it is also dangerous.

And this guy knows how to take care of his boss and quickly sent a shield to Yu Xiaotian, which made Yu Xiaotian very grateful.

"Brothers, greet them hard! Revenge our brothers!" Yu Xiaotian strode down the stern tower and came to the middle of the deck. He pulled out his waist knife with his right hand, pointed to the lucky boat passing by, and shouted loudly.

After the order, their men also stood up one after another and began to turn to fight against the lucky boat. The archers took turns to aim and bang.

Liu Tong also led someone to turn the mouth of the bow, aimed at the lucky boat that was about to pass, and scolded and fired again.

A blazing flame suddenly spewed out of the muzzle, and another piece of iron particle hit the lucky boat like a rainstorm.

(Special thanks to Sishuizimu's friends for not hesitate to reward, continue to shout, brothers, click to collect!)