Daming Haiku

Chapter 149 Fire Attack

The Hunjianglong's men on the lucky boat were shocked by the gun that the sea wolf counterattacked, and quickly lay down to avoid the cannons one after another. The cannons hit their hull and port, and several cannons also hit their sails, which also scared them very much.

Unfortunately, the two ships are too close. After the sea wolf's cannon, they can only hit their side, but they can't hit the people on their boat. Otherwise, this gun will be enough for these guys to drink a pot.

If their cannon is big enough, this angle is good. At least they can make a big hole in their hull. Unfortunately, the diameter and power are limited. After the projectile is shot out, they can't break through their hull. The big projectile used to seal the barrel hits the other party's ship and is itchy. Just smashed a hole in the board and was directly thrown into the sea.

At this time, there was also a roar on the side of the Fu ship. Yu Xiaotian felt bad and quickly covered his body with a shield. One of them rolled on the ground and rolled under the side of the ship.

There was also a crackling sound on the Seawolf, and it turned out that a small flan cannon on the lucky boat fired at them.

After this shot, two more people were injured and screamed and fell on the deck. Yu Xiaotian was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot. If it hadn't been for the fact that he hadn't seen the other party's muzzle pointing at them and hid on the side of the side of the ship, it would have been hit even if he had been hit by a hole. After standing up, Yu Xiaotian secretly shouted a fluke.

Seeing this loss, he ordered again to turn the rudder, stay away from this guy, and lean towards Wang Hong's boat. At this time, Wang Hong's ship, like them, also rushed into the fleet of the mixed river dragon. Several guns on the ship were ignited in turn, and the two cannons were aimed at the ship of the river dragon, but unfortunately they were not given to How much damage does Fang cause?

At this time, both sides locked their main targets on each other's handsome ship, and most of the artillery was attracted by the ships of Chen Jiu and Qian Song.

Yu Xiaotian couldn't help scolding Qian Song for doing this. At present, the other party has more ships than them, but fewer big boats than them. At this time, he believes that the best thing to do is not to attack the ship of the mixed river dragon first, but to take this opportunity to concentrate on killing a few smaller ones. Besides, bird boats and boat chasers, so that they can have some advantages in the next confrontation.

Unfortunately, Qian Song did not think of this. He took his boat to break through the array of the mixed river dragon and rushed straight to the ship of the mixed river dragon. As a result, he took the rest of his men and focused his eyes on Chen Jiu's boat and missed this good opportunity.

Although Yu Xiaotian was busy picking up soft persimmons, he did not forget what Wang Hong told him. After taking advantage of it and suffering a loss, he returned to the left side of Wang Hong's boat.

At this time, several boats on the side of the mixed river dragon stared at Wang Hong's boat. A bird boat and a boat rushed to Wang Hong's boat left and right. The archers began to shoot arrows at Wang Hong's boat like rain. Rockets flew to Wang Hong's boat and soon ignited Wang Hong's bow. Zhang Shipfan forced Wang Hong's troops on the ship to put out the fire quickly, and he was a little confused for a moment.

Yu Xiaotian did not dare to neglect. He quickly met him with the boat. He looked at an enemy ship similar to the Sea Wolf and rushed over. The bow pointed directly to the hull of the ship and made a collision. He was so scared that the ship quickly turned the rudder to avoid it. As a result, Yu Xiaotian ordered the right rudder and So that the bow of the ship could be pointed at the bird boat with a mixed river dragon.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, forcing the ship to turn the rudder again, causing the Seawolf and its side to meet together, and the sides of the two ships made a violent friction sound.

"Kill!" When Yu Xiaotian saw this, the fire bow and arrow were no longer used. This had been connected to the side, so he returned the single knife to the scabbard, lifted the box covering the side of the ship, grabbed a whale oil* from it, and shouted to the people on the ship.

It's a good time to use this thing. * At this time, the wooden plug has been pulled out and stuffed into a ball of cloth. With a slight shaking, the whale oil is soaked in the cloth.

The cloth that came close to the torch* immediately shouted. Yu Xiaotian shook his hand and threw * at the enemy ship. He only heard the cracking sound of the porcelain bottle coming out, and then he saw a fire on the other party's boat.

Fire oil tank is a very common naval warfare weapon in this era, and fire bricks are arson weapons, but in many cases, the scarcity of oil also causes the scarcity of such weapons. Generally, there are not many such things prepared on pirate ships, but after a whaling operation, Yu Xiaotian has It's not as shabby as others. At this time, the quantity of this thing on his ship is sufficient. At least 200 are stored in the cabin, and it is not stingy at all.

When other soldiers saw that Yu Xiaotian picked up this thing, they also rushed over to get one in their hands. As Yu Xiaotian had taught them before, they pulled out the wooden plug and threw it away, replaced it with a ball of cloth and stuffed it into the mouth of the bottle. Then they shook it to let the whale oil soak the cloth in the bottle, and then lit the cloth strips, one after another Throw it on the enemy ship.

The subordinates of the bird ship also picked up their knives and guns and rushed to the side of the ship to prepare for a side battle with Yu Xiaotian's enemy ship. Because the two ships were facing each other and would soon be separated again, so no one dared to jump to help the opposite ship. Otherwise, the two ships would split up and jump to help. In the past, people have become self-interested, so they are just going to fight a few times on the side of the ship and try to kill and injure more enemies.

I didn't think that as soon as the two boats touched each other, the sea wolf immediately threw several fire oil tanks on their boat (compared with the commonly used fire oil tanks, Yu Xiaotian's whale oil * is one size smaller). After hearing a few cracks, there was a big fire all over their boat.

This time, the bird boat under the mixed river dragon was completely lively. Everyone on the boat immediately jumped up and could no longer care about fighting with Yu Xiaotian. They turned around in a panic to find bucket and sand to put out the fire on their boat.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party's chaos, the two boats were about to separate in the blink of an eye. Yu Xiaotian immediately grabbed a gun and threw it at the other party's boat. He, the boss, was a little ashamed to say. Except for the relatively high level of close combat, he couldn't use the musket gun and bow and arrow, but after trying to test the gun, It feels good. His arms are long and powerful. He throws a gun in his hand. He can lose a long distance with a shake of his hand, and his accuracy is quite good. A human-sized target 30 meters away can hit six or seven out of ten.

So on the ship, he was willing to use it a little farther away. After throwing it with his arm, he immediately fell on the deck by him, which made the other party's ship exclaim.

The rest of the sea wolf soldiers didn't need knives and guns at this time, and they also changed into bows and arrows or * to fight at each other.

So the bird boat that hit quickly emitted thick smoke, and the wolf rushed to the distance, and the boat continued to shout.