Daming Haiku

Chapter 186 Straight to the Dead Hole

Everyone didn't understand why Yu Xiaotian suddenly changed his original plan. Li Er quickly said, "It's not early! If it is delayed here, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with the original plan! As long as we touch it gently under our feet, we can do it. Why bother to do it here? If it disturbs others, it will be a big trouble!"

Other people are basically in line with Li Er's opinion. They feel that they will do it here at this time. First, if they are not careful, it is easy to disturb the others on the island, which makes their deeds exposed. Second, they feel that they don't have to delay here, so it's better to touch it and pull them down directly.

But Yu Xiaotian shook his head and said, "So that's what I thought, but after seeing it here, I don't think I can keep them!"

If we return later, this is the only place to go, and we will not only come back by the same way, but also carry Second Brother Qian, or take others with us. When we come back, we will definitely pass through here. If we can't do it well, we will disturb the people here. At that time, we are likely to Because there was a traffic jam in the front, the pursuers were dragged here and could not retreat.

So for the sake of safety, I think it's better to get rid of these guys here first! There will be trouble again on the way back!"

After everyone listened to Yu Xiaotian's words, whether they agreed or disagree with him, they had to follow his ideas. Everyone immediately cleaned up the bits and pieces on their bodies and put the ropes and other temporarily useless things on the ground. Everyone only carried short weapons such as knives and axes. After checking, they followed Yu Xiaotian touched the sentry halfway up the mountain.

At this time, most of the left-behind people in this sentry had slept almost as dead pigs. Only two guys were on duty at night. From time to time, they stretched out their necks and looked around. They were not very vigilant, and even their bows and knives were put aside.

For these guys, being sent here on duty is a hard job. Generally speaking, people who are related will not be left here, so the people sent here are basically people who are not valued in the shark gang, so their quality is certainly not much better.

Of course, these guys will not be very dedicated here. Of course, they will not work hard if they can be lazy, and they are full of complaints.

Yu Xiaotian carefully walked up the path with people, so that there was no sound under his feet as much as possible. This unplanned action was undoubtedly a test for them. Everyone was full of energy, one by one, bowing their waist and moving slowly.

But their caution is obviously a little too much. The two guys above have no whistle consciousness at all. After approaching them, you can clearly hear them cursing.

The two were nothing more than dissatisfied with their current situation, and also mentioned that Lao Qi and He Guang had just brought a woman here to spoil, but they stared here and drank the northwest wind, but they could not occupy the fish, which made them very unhappy. As for the value of the whistle, they had already been thrown out of the sky. .

The two didn't expect that at this time, Death had already smiled at them. Black and White Wuchang had been standing beside them for a long time. Just as the two of them were complaining, a person suddenly felt a pain in his neck. Suddenly, he couldn't speak, reached out and touched it and found that a crossbow had been nailed. At this time, they realized that they seemed to hear the sound of bowstrings just now.

But before another person could react, a man strangled his neck from behind. In an instant, a hand holding a sharp knife appeared in front of him. A cold light flashed a sharp knife into his heart, and neither of them could send a With exclamation, he fell to the ground in an instant. After twitching, he followed the black and white impermanence on the road.

Li Tian pulled out the bloody bull-ear sharp knife and waved to the bottom. Several dark shadows rushed out. Yu Xiaotian nodded to Li Er and Li Tian with satisfaction. Just now, it was the two guys they killed. With his skills, Li Tian first touched a place close to the two guys. Li Er opened the crossbow in the dark and aimed at one of the guys.

The two men attacked almost at the same time. At the moment when Li Tian moved and jumped at a guy, Li Er pulled down the bracket and shot a crossbow. As a result, he killed two guys of value at the same time and did not make them have time to make any warning sound.

This also once again tested the two of them's reaching out and getting such two powerful helpers. Yu Xiaotian is very excited. The most lacking under him at present is such subordinates. Now that he can meet two such good guys, he immediately secretly made up his mind. He is going to make up for these two!

Of course, the other four guys who slept in the shed were sent to see the Lord of Hell by Yu Xiaotian and others in their sleep, and they didn't even know how they died.

The group did not make any more delay. Once again, they accelerated their pace and rushed to the dead hole. There was basically no accident along the way. After the time, they finally arrived at the bottom of the dead hole.

The dead hole is on top of a mountain. There is only a steep mountain road leading to the dead cave on the top of the mountain. This road can only accommodate up to two people in parallel. Next to it is a dark steep wall. If you are not careful, you will fall down the mountain. Be careful when walking during the day. At night, you walk without lighting, and even more It seems very dangerous.

However, it is impossible to retreat when they get here. Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and took Li Tian to the lead, and the group immediately began to climb up the cat's waist.

In order to reduce the sound of footsteps, everyone began to be more careful and lower their bodies as much as possible. Every time they fell, they fell gently and stepped on the ground again.

Li Tian walked very easily, and soon threw the crowd behind him, and quietly touched the steep mountain road up.

Everyone's hearts raised their throats and dared not make any sound. They could only look at the nearby mountain road through the faint moonlight and sweat for Li Tian in front of them.

At a corner halfway up the mountain, there is a place like a depression in the body of the side mountain. If you don't look carefully, you won't find a dark whistle hidden here. The dark whistle here rotates three times a day. If outsiders don't understand the situation, they will walk in front of the secret whistle without paying attention, and they will immediately It was found by the secret whistle set here.

According to Li Er, there is a rope that leads to the dead hole above. Once the dark whistle finds that there is an unidentified person touching the mountain, there is no need to block it. Just pull the rope, and it will drive the copper bell at the mouth of the dead hole to make a sound.

The people above immediately knew that something had happened. They were ready to fight in advance. On the mouth and mountain gate of the dead hole, a lot of stones were prepared. Once someone wanted to attack the dead hole, the people who guarded here didn't even have to risk their heads. They just needed to push the stones down, strong The attacker will be smashed in the head and rolled down the mountain road, and he will be disabled even if he does not die.

Therefore, Zhang Hu and He Guang took the kidnapped meat ticket and the illegal people here for care, for fear that someone would come to rescue them.

So one of the two keys to this operation is the dark whistle halfway up the mountain. They must unconsciously touch the dark whistle before reaching the dead hole, and they can't let the dark whistle make a little warning sound.

Originally, it was planned that Yu Xiaotian would do this matter in person, but now after looking at Li Tian's skills, this matter has been handed over to Li Tian to do.

When everyone was about to touch under the dark whistle, Yu Xiaotian raised his hand, and everyone immediately lay on the ground. At this time, the knives and axes in their hands have been coated with ink to prevent the axe from reflecting light in the night and being found far away.

When they came this time, everyone was dressed in a short dress, including the cuffs and trousers, all tied with cloth strips without leaving any tension. Before going up the mountain, in order to avoid the brightness of their faces, everyone also covered their faces with a black cloth, covering their faces with only two eyes. Once they lay down, even if they walked to him It is also difficult to find their existence nearby.

So they lie motionless on the mountain road, but they don't have to worry about it at all. They will be seen from afar.

On the mountain road, they can only hear the sound of the sea breeze blowing through the ridge. In addition, they can only hear their breathing and heartbeat.

In a faint way, Yu Xiaotian keenly caught a sound in the air. It seemed that someone made a muffled hum, and then heard an inaudible fluttering sound. After a while, a bird song was made above their heads. Yu Xiaotian immediately jumped up and quickly touched it.

When they arrived at the protruding position at the corner of the mountain road, Li Tian had already squatted here and nodded to Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian knew that he had made it and did not make any stop, so he immediately passed him again, let Li Er, and let Li Er walk in the front, while Li Tian followed Yu Xiaotian. Pedestrians continued to climb to the cave of the dead.

After more than ten minutes of careful climbing, they finally arrived outside the dead man's hole.

Yu Xiaotian looked up at the dead man's cave. With the help of the faint moonlight, he saw a lantern lit up at the entrance of the dead man's cave, and the light lit up about ten steps below the dead man's cave.

And under the lantern, there is a closed wooden door. Outside the wooden door, there is a steep mountain road. If you want to attack from here, you don't need many people to guard it, and you don't need to put cannons to defend it, but throwing stones is estimated to be enough for people here to drink a pot.

Fortunately, this wooden door does not seem very strong because of the terrain. Once it can rush to the wooden door, it is relatively simple to break the wooden door.

On the stone door under the lantern, you can see a sitting figure, and you don't need to ask, you know that it is the guard who stays here to watch the night.

However, this guard is obviously much more vigilant than the previous sentry. From time, he stood up and walked back and forth two steps and looked at the mountain gate vigilantly. Anyone who approaches the dead hole will be immediately found by him. As long as he doesn't kill him, he wants to suddenly rush to The wooden door is basically impossible.

This is also the biggest challenge they encountered on this trip. They must not give him any warning before the sentry finds them, and solve him first, so as to win a chance to rush to the front of the wooden door and quickly break through the wooden door. Otherwise, they will be blocked here. He said that he rushed in to save people. I'm afraid it's difficult for them to retreat completely.

(I'm sorry, brothers, my wife and child were discharged from the hospital today, so the update is a little late. Please forgive me! Hurry up tomorrow! In addition, thank you for the reward of the two brothers, Chun and 021184!)