Daming Haiku

Chapter 187 Attack

Fang An estimated that this was very clear when he asked Yu Xiaotian to rescue Qian Wang, so he sent Li Er, who was very good at making tough under Qian Song, as his helper.

As for wanting to rely on people to touch the guards on the mountain gate like before, even Li Tian can only stare and have no choice.

So they can only rely on Li Er to shoot the guard over at medium and long distances. At the same time, they must seal his throat and not let him scream and shock other guards here.

After visually measuring the distance, Yu Xiaotian felt that their position was about 40 steps away from the guard, about 30 meters away. It happened to be the place where the light could not be illuminated, and it was also the visual dead corner of the guard.

So he didn't say a word and patted Li Er on the shoulder.

Li Er nodded to Xiaotian, took off his crossbow from his back, sat on the ground, and pedaled on the iron ring in front of the crossbow.

After pulling the crossbow string with both hands, the body exerted force at the same time, and the strong crossbow arm immediately creaked softly and was opened by him.

Although the sound of the crossbow arm was not loud, it felt like thunder in everyone's ears, and they all sweated coldly. Fortunately, there was a sea breeze. The wind could just cover the sound, and the guard at the mountain gate obviously did not hear the sound and still sat there, low. He looked under the mountain gate without showing any abnormality.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Li Er.

Li Er himself took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and leaned on the stone wall to relax his muscles, recovering the physical strength consumed by going up the mountain for a while.

After a while, he licked his mouth with his fingers and stretched out his hand to stay in the air for a while. Everyone couldn't see why he did this and felt that this guy was a little pretending to be a ghost.

However, Yu Xiaotian saw the intention of his action at a glance, which was very similar to the way used by later snipers.

Before the absence of modern wind speed measuring instruments, later snipers also adopted this method to estimate the wind direction and wind force to adjust the aim and ensure that it is hit with one blow.

The crossbow is much larger than bullets, and it still relies on mechanical power, which affects more factors than rifle bullets. Even at a distance of 30 to 40 meters, it is very difficult to accurately hit a person's throat.

If he hadn't seen Li Er play this skill, Yu Xiaotian was really worried about this matter. Now he saw that Li Er was so cautious, so he was a little sure.

Yu Xiaotian did not urge Li Er and asked him to relax for a while. After completing the preparations, Li Er knelt on the mountain road on one knee, slowly picked up the strong crossbow in his hand, and began to aim carefully.

Yu Xiaotian could almost clearly hear his heartbeat at this time, and the rest of the people also held their breath and dared not make a sound at all. They stared at Li Er silently. They all pinched a handful of sweat in the palms of their hands and waited for Li Er to begin to move.

With a bang, Yu Xiaotian saw the strong crossbow in Li's second-hand vibrate, and the crossbow string made a buzzing sound. The iron crossbow in the crossbow groove instantly left the bow arm and was launched by the crossbow string.

Yu Xiaotian immediately turned his head and looked at the guard at the mountain gate. He saw that the guy's body suddenly stopped, covered his neck with both hands, struggled to stand up, staggered, and suddenly loaded his head from the mountain gate to the bottom and fell heavily on the stone steps outside the mountain gate.

Then he rolled down. Yu Xiaotian did not dare to neglect it. He grabbed a big hammer, which weighed more than ten catties. The wooden handle was made of strong wood, and it was tightly wrapped with grass-roots cloth to prevent slippery.

Without waiting for the guard to roll in front of them, he rushed out and passed the guard's body. He took three steps and two steps towards the mountain gate. However, in a few breaths, Yu Xiaotian jumped to the wooden door. At this time, he didn't know if the people inside had found anything abnormal. He had to use this shortest time to break through the wooden mountain gate and take people to rush in. Otherwise, once the people inside noticed and began to fight back, they would lose all opportunities.

Yu Xiaotian almost used his strength to breastfeed. He raised the big hammer high with his arms. After the wheel was round, he hit the middle of the wooden door like a black lightning.

In the night, only a loud sound was heard, which was heard in everyone's ears, like a thunder, far away in the night sky.

But Yu Xiaotian didn't care so much. With a hammer down, the wooden door was immediately smashed by him to show a large crack and depression.

And the place where he dropped the hammer was the position of the latch in the door. After the heavy blow, the latch was immediately smashed by him, but it was not broken as he wished, and the wooden door was still not broken by him.

When the blow failed, Yu Xiaotian did not dare to neglect it. He continued to round the big hammer and began to hit the wooden door crazily.

At this time, the sound of his hitting the door also shocked the people inside, and there was an exclamation inside, followed by a messy footsteps and a tinkling sound. Some footsteps began to run towards the mountain gate, and some footsteps ran towards the wooden door.

At this time, the rest of the people have also rushed out of the wooden door with Yu Xiaotian. At this time, once Yu Xiaotian can't break the wooden door, the guards above only need to push down a pile of stones, and their group of people can basically announce that they are all finished.

Everyone's nerves were almost broken. They nervously watched Yu Xiaotian slam the two wooden doors one by one. Yu Xiaotian was also nervous and afraid. In a hurry, he mobilized all the strength of his whole body and slammed the wooden door continuously.

After the fourth loud noise, the wooden door finally sounded, and then it was smashed open by Yu Xiaotian's sledgehammer. Face to see two people rushing to the wooden door, as if they wanted to carry the wooden door before Yu Xiaotian broke the wooden door, but they still slowed down. At the moment after they rushed to the wooden door, The wooden door was completely smashed open.

"Who is it? You want to do it..." After seeing Yu Xiaotian at the door, a guard immediately shouted and asked, and the knife in his hand was also raised to cut at Yu Xiaotian.

Before the guy shouted, Ma Xiao and Li had already rushed over from Yu Xiaotian's side. Each of them held a sharp single knife in their right hand, and their left hand grabbed a short axe to protect themselves and rushed into the mountain gate. Without saying a word, they hurt the two oncoming guys. Cruel hands.

The rest of the people also followed Yu Xiaotian and then poured into the wooden door. The two guys in the way shouted alarm and called people to come to rescue. At the same time, they waved knives to try to prevent Yu Xiaotian and others from entering the dead hole.

However, Li Dazui and Ma Xiao are both fierce characters. They are relatively solid at hand and fierce enough. One of them found one and killed them with knives and axes.

The guards who stayed here were all Zhang Huxin's trusted subordinates, but their hands were average. When the two could not meet, they were cut to the ground, and the people who followed Yu Xiaotian immediately entered the door.

At this time, there were several guards in the door, who were wandering around in panic. They didn't expect that the mountain gate, which they regarded as a man, would be broken so quickly. Three people had rushed up the stone beam on the mountain gate and wanted to throw stones down, but the mountain gate had been broken.

So they quickly ran down again, trying to prevent Yu Xiaotian and others from coming in. It was a mess. Yu Xiaotian held a big hammer and looked at the guy who was running to hang the gong. He stepped forward and smashed the hammer in his hand with a hammer.

That guy was also flexible. When he heard the sound of footsteps chasing him, he turned his head and quickly raised his knife to fight. However, Yu Xiaotian's hammer was powerful. Although his knife held the hammer, the momentum of the hammer still did not weaken much, just was blocked by him. After a while, the hammer still fell down and knocked on his head.

With a click, this guy's head was smashed into a rotten watermelon by Yu Xiaotian. The skull was smashed down, and the red and white suddenly splashed high.

This guy didn't even make a scream, and immediately stopped and couldn't die any more!

The rest of the men rushed into the dead hole at this time and did not hesitate to follow the guards here and began to kill crazily.

The seven or eight guards left in the poor dead cave could not hold on for even a minute, and were killed by Yu Xiaotian and his men.

After Yu Xiaotian killed the guy who tried to sound the gong warning, he guarded the gong and prevented anyone from approaching. As a result, the fierce battle ended, and several guards did not rush to the gong to warn, let alone light the brazier to warn.

After the last guard screamed and was killed by Blackhead and Meng Fei, the dead man's hole was quiet. Although they just shouted and exclaimed, the sound of the people's voice on the mountain was limited, and there was no more people stationed nearby, so it was not clear whether it was shocking. More shark gangs don't.

After seeing that the guards here had been cleaned up, Yu Xiaotian quickly greeted people to light the lantern torch and rushed into the dead hole.

My daughter just came back last night and was not used to it. She didn't sleep all night. I was really sleepy! Now when the little guy is asleep, hurry up and update to make up for sleep! By the way, I wish you a happy Labor Day!)