Daming Haiku

Chapter 14 Rewards and Punishments

After arranging the affairs, it is time to arrange these problems of his subordinates. After Yu Xiaotian's careful consideration, he divided more than a dozen larger ships into four detachments, three of which belong to a combat nature, and one detachment belongs to a transportation support detachment. Each detachment is basically four Five ships.

One of the first team is directly under his jurisdiction and has a total of five ships under its jurisdiction, three of which belong to the blessing ship, one Haicang ship and one catch-up ship. The second and third teams are equipped with a blessing ship, which is used as the commander-in-chief of the team, and the other three are bird boats,gan zeng, Haicang and other ships, among the three ships assigned by the transportation team. Two are slow sand boats, and the other is a relatively old double mast lucky boat.

After reorganized the fleet, Yu Xiaotian gathered his important members and discussed the arrangement of personnel. After his nomination and discussion, he called the leader of the team a management team. Each ship appointed a captain. At the same time, he appointed a deputy to the captain. Yu Xiaotian It is called the first mate.

As a team directly under Yu Xiaotian, the captain of the team is no longer alone. Due to Xiaotian's concurrent position, no one objected to this arrangement. Yu Xiaotian of the second team directly handed over to Wang Hong and let Wang Hong take up the position of the second team management team.

Wang Hong immediately agreed to this. He was happy and had no problem. Whether in terms of qualifications or ability, Wang Hong was the best candidate for Ren. Naturally, the management team of the second division was hers, but Yu Xiaotian put Hu Cheng in the second team and acted as Wang Hong's deputy. Wang Hong also accepted it and did not raise any objection.

Yu Xiaotian handed over the management team of the three-point team to Ma Xiao, because Ma Xiao also did this early and has rich experience in acting at sea. At the same time, he has a relatively high prestige among the old men of the sea wolf, and his ability is also trusted by Yu Xiaotian, so he let him work in the management team of the three teams. As for Ma Feng, he was Xiaotian arranged to be Ma Xiao's deputy.

Ma Feng was not very satisfied with this. He felt that Ma Xiao used to be just the leader of a little pirate and had never been respected by their shark gang. Now that their shark gang has fallen, Ma Xiao has jumped to become his head, which makes him a little unconvinced and wants to compete for a management team to do it, but on second thought, now Wang Honghe Fang An has been entrusted with an important task by Yu Xiaotian. The second team has been handed over to Wang Hong. If the third team is still handed over to him, it will be a little unreasonable. Therefore, under the persuasion of Wang Hong and Fang An, Ma Feng can only accept it and take office and become Ma Xiao's deputy.

There was no objection to how to call this matter. Whether it was the captain or the first mate, they all listened to Xiaotian, but the first mate didn't quite understand what the first mate did.

So Yu Xiaotian briefly explained the role of the first mate. In fact, the first mate is the first vice captain. He is usually responsible for cooperating with the captain to manage the sailors on the ship. Once the captain has casualties or other circumstances cannot be commanded, the first mate can directly take over the captain to command the ship.

However, the captain has no right to interfere with the appointment of the first mate, and the captain has no right to dismiss the first mate or kill the first mate on the ship. Every time the first mate goes to sea, he has to report the execution hall separately with the captain.

To put it bluntly, the first mate is specially mixed with the sand on the ship. Although the first mate cannot interfere with the captain's command, he can record all the captain's performance and submit it to the prison hall to judge whether the captain's disposal is appropriate. It is used to supervise the captain's personnel.

In this way, everyone understands the role of this first mate. In the past, neither the shark gang nor other pirates had such arrangements. Only the ship in charge of the ship has the final say. After the ship's operation after going to sea, it is all up to decide what the ship after the ship goes back.

Everyone is not stupid about Yu Xiaotian's arrangement. Of course, they understand what Yu Xiaotian means. Wang Hong, Fang An and others, especially Ma Feng, are a little unhappy about this. They feel that Yu Xiaotian's arrangement is a little untrustful of them.

Yu Xiaotian also could see the thoughts of the people under him, so he said to the crowd with a solemn face, "Brothers, I can also see that you are not very satisfied with my arrangement. I feel that I deliberately mixed sand around you to monitor you!

Yes, this is indeed mixed with sand. I can't deny it, but think about it, we have so many boats now that it is impossible for a swarm of bees out every time we go out, so who can know how the captain is doing? Is it in accordance with our rules?

Any rights need to be supervised, otherwise it is equivalent to letting go. No one knows whether it is good or bad. It's up to one person to decide, so how can we convince the public? How can there be clear rewards and punishments?

At the beginning, I'm afraid you still remember Zhu Dalin's escape. If there is no supervision, how can we ensure that every captain is conscientious? In the future, when the captains went to sea, they only picked up soft persimmons and pinched them. When they met a prick, they immediately took the boat home. How can we sea wolves get along in the future? How can we achieve clear rewards and punishments?

The minimum requirement for doing our industry is that each of us should be aggressive, from the captain to the soldiers, everyone should be a really belligerent sea wolf, not a docile sheep!

The setting of the first mate is to let everyone know that no matter what they do after they go to sea, someone will watch them! Supervising them!

This is not a matter of distrusting anyone. I treat everyone equally. Please believe me. As long as you do a good job and scold me when you are free, I won't do anything about him. But if someone disobeys me, no matter what he has to do with me, I should still kill him. Kill, it should be exempted! There is nothing to say!"

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaotian became excited and stood up and walked to the hall waving his arms hard. After listening to it, everyone gradually dispelled their concerns.

Wang Hong nodded and said, "What the boss said makes sense. We really can't tolerate that kind of yang and evil guy. What I despise most is the guy behind his back. Usually, he looks like a man. When he encounters a hard stubble, he immediately becomes thin. If there is no one to look at it, he really can't do it! According to me, it's time to set up one. If anyone doesn't do a good job, he will come back and deal with him!"

With Wang Hong's support, others have nothing to object to. Although Ma Feng is still a little unsatisfied, everyone has also expressed their support now, and he has nothing to say.

Next, Yu Xiaotian selected 20 captains, and also selected 20 people from the subordinates who were straightforward and experienced at sea, and the next step was to serve as the first mate.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian did not choose only the old brothers of the sea wolf, including many old parts of the Shark Gang, which makes Wang Hong and other old people of the Shark Gang have nothing to say.

However, they still objected to Yu Xiaotian's selection of so many people. Liu Laoliu asked, "Big master, we have a total of more than ten boats at present. You have selected 20 people in charge of the ship at once. You don't need so much!"

Wang Hong also nodded and asked, "Uncle Six is right. At present, there are only so many of our ships. Why did you choose so many captains in charge of the ship at once? This boat is not enough!"

Yu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't matter if it's not enough. There are not many candidates! If you can't share the captain of the ship, I'd rather spend money to support them! In this way, there are more monks and fewer porridge, so that the captains who are transferred to the ship also understand that if they don't work hard, there are many people waiting to replace them later! Hey hey!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help sweating and said that their big boss was really damaged. In this way, the captains who were divided into the ship were under great pressure! If you don't work hard, you may be driven off the shore at any time, and someone will be able to take their position immediately, which forces these captains to work hard!

After saying this, Yu Xiaotian talked about the distribution system. The reason why the shark gang will collapse from the inside is actually the most critical problem is the uneven distribution. Zhang Hu and He Guang eat more and occupy more, while others have little income, which makes Qian Song, Wang Hong, Fang An and Ma Feng very dissatisfied with Zhang Hu.

So that both of them later became suspicious, and the whole Shark Gang collapsed overnight and was easily replaced by Yu Xiaotian.

Therefore, establishing a good and fair distribution system is undoubtedly the key to maintaining the cohesion of sea wolves. Only by satisfying the vast majority of people, making everyone profitable and willing to go out to work can the sea wolves be unfavorable on the sea in the future.

Yu Xiaotian combined with some knowledge of later generations and came up with a set of distribution methods. He stipulates that the captain of each ship, including the crew, should go to sea to hunt. If he catch a merchant ship, he will hand in all the stolen goods, and then withdraw 30% of them as a reward to the people on the ship according to the value of the goods.

The captain can get a quarter of the total bounty, the first mate and the captain, the commander and the helmsman on the ship get a quarter of the total bounty, and the rest will be divided equally by the rest of the crew. Of course, the trainees must get the least one. If you want to get more money, you have to work hard. After becoming a regular employee, you will naturally get the money. More.

However, just talking about how to divide the stolen goods of the merchant ship is far from the purpose of urging the sea wolf captains to work hard. If they don't agree in advance and how to reward meritorious people in wartime, after understanding this, these captains will definitely take advantage of the loopholes and only find the merchant ship to pick soft persimmons.

Once they meet the ships of their peers or officers and soldiers, they will definitely refuse to work hard and are very likely to pat their buttocks and leave!

So after this article, Yu Xiaotian added that whenever the captain of the sea wolf takes a ship to sea and encounters a hostile companion ship or an officer ship, as long as the strength is not much different, he must not avoid the war.

After all captains go to sea, once they sink or capture the enemy ship, they will sink and destroy the enemy ship. The wolf's den will take out one-third of the value of the enemy ship to reward the captain and the crew on the ship. If the captain can lead his men to capture the enemy ship, he will bring it back to the wolf's den, and the wolf's den will The discount of this ship is rewarded to the people on board according to the market price of the ship, and the proportion is based on the proportion of the merchant ship robbed.

Even if the other party's ship is injured, after returning, the wolf's den will give a considerable reward. In this way, the captain and crew will not do nothing because they can't grab the goods during the war. After such a reward system is formulated, the sea wolf crew who go to work at sea will receive the reward. It can be said that it is extremely rare among all colleagues.