Daming Haiku

Chapter 15 Integration

After listening to these reward measures, I couldn't help but let the people present shine, and everyone couldn't help rubbing their hands.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian stipulates that the captain and crew do not have to bear the usual maintenance costs of the ship, and all of them are handed over to the headquarters of the Wolf's Cave for repair. This provision makes the old departments of the Shark Gang very happy, which undoubtedly relieves a lot of pressure on them.

However, in this article, Yu Xiaotian also added a premise that if the ship is accidentally damaged due to improper command or negligence of the ship's captain, the cost of damage and maintenance of the ship will be borne by the captain of the ship, which is undoubtedly the key to strengthening the captain's sense of responsibility. These captains are fearless and don't worry about the safety of the ship at sea.

In order to avoid the act of picking up soft persimmons and the crew of avoiding war after the captain and the crew of the ship went to sea, Yu Xiaotian also stipulated that ships are not allowed to hijack the ship at sea without authorization during the period when they have been ordered to participate in the designated operation. Otherwise, even if the ship is hijacked and obtains more goods, the captain and crew are not allowed to If you get any reward, on the contrary, the captain will be punished. The dismissal is light. If the action is delayed, it is not impossible to lose your head.

In addition, if your own strength is similar to that of the enemy, as long as the other side does not exceed more than 30% of its own strength, his own captain must not avoid the war and must lead the crew to fight with all his strength, otherwise it will be regarded as fleeing from the battle.

At the time of the war, all captains must always pay attention to the flag order issued by the handsome ship, follow the battle according to the order of the handsome ship, do not respect the order to try to avoid the war, those who leave the fleet without mercy, those who do not actively respond to the war are not forgiven...

Yu Xiaotian said twelve orders without amnesty in one breath. After listening to it, everyone unconsciously felt a chill in their hearts. These rules set by Yu Xiaotian basically blocked all the captains' retreats from avoiding the war. In the future, they will act at sea. Once they encounter something, except for one who goes forward and fights to the end. There is no other way to choose from.

In particular, Yu Xiaotian once again emphasized the rule that all ships belonging to sea wolves must seize the limelight in public. Everyone understands that seizing the limelight has advantages, but it also has great shortcomings.

Once the enemy and we fight at sea, they can gain the advantage of ship speed and flexibility, but it also brings a disadvantage.

This disadvantage is that once you start to fight with the other party, the ship in the limelight will face a situation that cannot retreat. No matter how powerful the enemy in front of you is, the wind will not care whether you are willing to rush forward or not. The sea breeze only pushes the ship forward to the enemy.

The ship and the people on the ship in the limelight can see that the situation is not good. They immediately turn around and pat their buttocks and leave. At worst, they will fall down. However, once they are in the limelight, there is no need to think about it. There is only a road left to rush to the enemy.

This means that there is no need for the commander to supervise the captain below, and the wind can basically guarantee that they can't slap their buttocks and run away!

In fact, these regulations listed by Yu Xiaotian are largely based on the rules set by the British navy in history. Originally, he wanted to order all captains to write logbooks every day after going to sea, but after thinking about it, he considered the so-called captains under him, including the ship's absolute Most of the sea wolf subordinates are illiterate people. It's a joke to ask them to write logbooks.

So he can only temporarily avoid this. Next, he plans to open a literacy class or literacy class under his subordinates, either in the form of night school, and strive to eliminate illiteracy for his subordinates, especially those leaders, so that they can all be able to do more in the future.

"Guys, that's all I think of for the time being. Do you have any comments after listening to it?" After Yu Xiaotian finished speaking, he also felt dry and dry. He grabbed the tea bowl on the table in front of him, took a few big sips, and then asked the people present.

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of foam, looked at each other, and saw similar expressions on other people's faces. If these regulations taken out by Yu Xiaotian began to be implemented, the captain's seat will not be so easy to do in the future. It is basically not so easy to cheat and play slippery. Thinking about these rules brought out by Yu Xiaotian, I think they are very reasonable. Even if they are a little too harsh, they can't make objections.

So after thinking about it for a while, they asked something that they didn't understand. Yu Xiaotian answered a pair of people and told everyone his thoughts without reservation.

"To put it bluntly, I have formulated so many rules for only one purpose, which is to make our sea wolves stronger and stronger in the future!

Now it seems that our power in Fuzhou is quite good, but don't be satisfied with this! This sea is too big. There are not a few colleagues who are stronger than us. Not to mention far away, there are Jianglong in Funing nearby. Their strength is much stronger than ours!

After this change, the news will definitely spread to the mixed river dragon soon. The mixed river dragon will definitely not miss this opportunity. Maybe it will soon go south again in the near future to grab the territory with us!

We have been resting for so long, and it's time to move our muscles and bones!

Now that the preliminary training of each battalion has basically ended, it will be assigned from tomorrow, and it is time for each ship to be pulled out to practice first!

If you have no opinion on what you said today, then finalize it. This is only a temporary regulation. In the future, according to the actual situation, I will make supplementary amendments to the new regulations!

Tomorrow, I will have people officially send these things out, and I will immediately send people to the brothers below to preach, so that everyone can remember these regulations. If anyone says they don't know in the future, I will not be polite to him!"

More than a dozen boats are lined up in the bay outside the wolf's den. The scene is very spectacular. These days, although many new and old parts of the sea wolf are practicing on the island, the craftsmen and women are not idle.

Under the leadership of Lan'er, the women found blue cloth and embroidered many brand-new sea wolf flags one by one, while Xu, the craftsman, took several apprentices day and night to repair the damaged sails for these ships so that they could continue to use them.

In addition, the captured women on the island were also asked to concentrate under a greenhouse. Li Gouzi gave them a lot of cloth to sew new clothes day and night.

Similarly, Guo Fu, as the top priority, took his son's apprentice and several newly received helpers to repair the damaged ship at the seaside.

In more than a month, these ships have basically recovered to a certain extent, and there is no problem in continuing to go to sea for the time being.

Originally, Yu Xiaotian wanted to carry out a thorough repair of these newly acquired ships and clean up the sea creatures attached to the bottom of the ship, but due to the limited manpower and the boat houses on Nanri Island have not been restored, such a project can only be mentioned later.

At the end of June, with the order of Yu Xiaotian, nearly 600 members of the sea wolf gang were gathered in front of the dock. In the open space in front of the dock, someone set up a platform with thick wood.

Under the protection of his own soldiers, Yu Xiaotian strode out of the stockade, with a cyan blouse all over his body and a wild geese waist knife hanging from the shark skin scabbard on his waist, which looked extremely tough and neat.

He will never imitate Zhang Hu's faction at the beginning. He has to ask people to respond after going in and out, and even more to blow and fight. After ordering to gather at the dock, he took a few of his own soldiers all the way out of the village to the assembly site.

But with his appearance, the new and old sea wolves who had gathered on the dock brought him a surprise. Under the shouting of the leading black-headed head, all the gangsters present shouted, knelt down neatly on one knee and shouted, "Little ones, see the big master!"

The sudden scene stunned Yu Xiaotian, who was about to go to the stage. He turned his head and glanced at the crowds gathered in front of the stage. Except for the leaders present, all the leaders were kneeling on the sand with one knee, while those leaders held their fists and bowed their heads. The scene was very neat, including the craftsmen who came to watch the ceremony.

Yu Xiaotian's vanity was slightly satisfied. Instead of making a sound, he strode to the stage and came to the middle of the stage. After standing still, he waved his hand and said, "Brothers, don't be polite! Get up!"

"Thank you for being in charge!" Everyone shouted again, and the loud voice went straight to the sky. Then hundreds of people stood up again with their hands behind their backs, holding their left wrists in their right hands, and standing on the beach with their feet slightly apart.

The scene seems very neat, which is completely out of the scope of ordinary pirates. After nearly a month or two**, these hundreds of people can already be called an army.

And under Xiaotian's first hand**, although these people dare not say that they have been reborn, they have also been deeply branded with a new brand, completely breaking away from the previous laziness and rudeness, making them move towards the direction of soldiers.

Judging from the performance of today, they have at least understood what discipline is, what is forbidden, and what is neatness. These things are the most basic things for the transformation from civilians to soldiers.

In addition, during the training, Yu Xiaotian instructed the blackheads and those temporary leaders who were sent to group these people and provoke competition between them. At the same time, they also let them know what a sense of honor and shame are. After understanding these two points, they will no longer be a gang of people waiting to die and be a monk hitting the clock for a day. The mob.

In the past two months, everything Yu Xiaotian has taught them has guided them to change in the direction of soldiers, and the performance of these people he sees today is the results of these two months.

Even if they are far from being called qualified soldiers, they have taken a solid step towards qualified soldiers.