Daming Haiku

Chapter 20 Reaction

Chen Jiu, a dragon, sat in a room in Nangantang Village, naked. Someone kept fanning for him to cool down, but Chen Jiu still felt dry and hot, reached out and picked up a tea bowl at hand, took a few sips, and stopped the tea bowl heavily on the table.

"Lao San, has there been any movement on the sea wolf these days?"

A white-faced man sat in Chen Jiu's hand and also shook his head and said, "The brother who came back yesterday said that he still didn't see the sea wolf's boat. The day before yesterday, he met a one-eyed dragon boat on the side of Fuzhou, but as soon as they saw our boat, they immediately turned around and walked away!"

Chen Jiu frowned and said, "What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd surnamed Yu? We have all done this, but why hasn't he reacted at all?

The white-faced man is Chen Jiu's third brother. After the battle of Nangantang, he was left by Chen Jiu to sit in Nangantang, but recently Chen Jiu brought some men and ships to Nangantang again.

Chen Qian looked at the sky outside the door and said, "I don't know about this, but the ship sent to Nanri Island hasn't come back yet. I don't know which Yu is doing now!"

Chen Jiu took another sip of water and continued to frown, "Is it possible that we really scared anyone surnamed Yu this time? Normally, we have all done this, and they can't swallow it! Why should there be a little movement? It's been almost a month, but they don't even know a boat to Dalian Island. What on earth does Yu think?

At this time, a Chen Jiu's subordinate said, "Big head! Do you still need to think about this? At the beginning, the Shark Gang was not our opponent. Now although Yu has overturned the Shark Gang, they have not stabilized their mind after all. How dare they come and fight with us!

In my opinion, just leave them alone. The big man took us directly to Nanri Island and told him that if he was a sensible person, he would roll up and get out! Give us Nanri Island, and they will find a place to stay!

If we take Nanri Island, who will not look at our faces in the future!"

This guy's words immediately aroused the echo of many people. He felt that this guy was right, and they persuaded Chen Jiu to lead them directly to Nanri Island and drive the man surnamed Yu away.

Chen Jiu shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think. I've sent someone to inquire about the man surnamed Yu in advance. Yu should not be a timid guy.

At the beginning of the battle between us and the Shark Gang, I found a ship that was very powerful. I don't know if you remember it. It was a bird boat with a wolf-headed flag on the ship, which was the same boat. Following Wang Laosan's boat of the Shark Gang, it rushed left and right, which made several of us suffer great losses.

I remember clearly that when the shark gang was defeated in the end, one of their boats was smashed by their own boat, and the others only fled for their lives. Only the ship with the wolf flag rushed over and saved the people on the boat.

Later, I sent someone to inquire about the boat with the wolf flag. At that time, the boat surnamed Yu was also on the boat, and he took the boat to fight with us!

And I also found out that this surname Yu actually came from our side of Funing Prefecture. At the beginning, it was this person who killed Jiang Baihu in Fu'an County who killed him with those dirt turtles on the Little Yellow Island!

Later, many of us also inquired about their whereabouts, but they didn't expect that they went to Fuzhou, and in just one year, this person surnamed Yu actually overturned the Shark Gang and put Zhang Hu to death!

So don't underestimate this one. This one is definitely not as simple as you think!

Now, although he has just calmed down the Shark Gang and ate the Shark Gang for a long time, and his foundation may be unstable, he is by no means unable to fight with us, let alone be scared to show his head!

So don't think that we can immediately kill him on Nanri Island and drive him out of Fuzhou. Such a person is not as easy to deal with as you think!

Although I don't know what Yu is thinking at the moment, I guess this man must be preparing for the battle. Now he doesn't show up, which doesn't mean that he won't show up after a while!

Be careful recently. Don't be too careless. Don't go to the south side first. Only move around the northern part of Haishan Island (formerly known as Haitan Island). Let's explore first. If after a while, the surname Yu doesn't dare to show up, it's not be too late to find him!"

After hearing this, Hun Jianglong's men got up and nodded.

After waving his hands and driving out his men, Chen Jiu stood up and walked to the door. He looked at the sea in the distance and looked into the distance, but he could not let go of his mood. In a faint sense of uneasiness, he felt incomprehensible for the abnormal performance of his surname Yu. The more so, the more abnormal things seemed to be. In the end, there are often unexpected results.

Mun Jianglong thought over and over again, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of anything wrong. Even if the person surnamed Yu is not a good person to meet, after all, the strength of both sides is here. Now he has gathered nearly 2,000 pirates under the command of Hun Jianglong, and there are dozens of ships of various kinds.

With such strength, even the former Shark Gang is not his opponent now, let alone a newly rising sea wolf?

Thinking of this, Chen Jiu shook his head and threw the feeling of uneasiness in his heart. He thought that I have been reduced ten times now. No matter how powerful your surname is, I am still afraid of you? I'm going to decide on the feng shui treasure land in Fuzhou!

While Chen Jiu was thinking about this matter in Nangantang, a thin official in the Fuzhou government office sat on a mahogany chair with a black sand head, a plain gold belt around his waist and a scarlet official uniform, holding a tea bowl, gently pushing the tea with the lid of the tea bowl and tasting tea.

In front of him, a middle-aged man who seemed to be a staff stood there carefully and said to him, "Your Excellency, the sea wolf of Nanri Island has not done anything wrong recently! Since the tiger was destroyed by the pirates surnamed Yu, the pirates who call themselves sea wolves have not made any movement. On the contrary, the coastal area has become much more stable recently!"

This official known as an adult is not someone else, but Lu Wenheng, the current governor of Fuzhou.

After listening to this, Lu Wenheng put down the tea bowl, looked at the one in front of him, nodded and said, "It's the best. They inevitably quarrel with each other, which is called dog bite the dog!" Zhang Hu has been a disaster for many years, and he deserves it!

Nowadays, the new Lord Nan is working hard to deal with the red-haired people, but such a thing happened on the sea in Fuzhou. I am really worried about this!

Over the years, Zhang Hu has been a disaster for a long time, and it can be said that it is not a pity to die! What I'm most afraid of is that the shark gang has gone, and there is a bigger scourge!

I haven't heard much about the name of the sea wolf, but even if it is a bandit, it must not be a good kind!

But for the time being, the matter of the red-haired man in the south is tight. As long as this sea wolf doesn't take the opportunity to mess around, we don't have to ask about it for the time being!

Go and find a way to get someone to bring him a message and tell him that we don't care about his killing Zhang Hu, but let him understand that for the time being, he doesn't mean letting him go. If he doesn't know how to restrain his actions, then the government will definitely send troops to destroy him in one fell swoop!"

After listening to this, the middle-aged man who stood at hand held his fist and said, "The student will follow your instructions! As far as the students know, this surnamed Yu is still a sensible person, and also knows that the government is now dealing with red-haired people. It is rumored that this person has also said that such a red-haired people will never be allowed to harm our Minghai border. Since Nan is now doing his best to deal with red-haired people, he will not cause trouble to the government at this moment!

And the students also heard that the fishing villages along the coast have also received news recently. The surnamed Yu has ordered his subordinates not to disturb the fishing village, and to reduce half of the effectiveness paid by the fishing village to Zhang Hu before. During this period, even fewer merchant ships at sea have been hijacked!"

After listening to this, Lu Wenheng looked up at him with a trace of surprise on his face and said, "Is this serious?"

"Students dare not deceive adults! Recently, after the death of Zhang Hu, the coastal area is indeed much peaceful!"

Lu Wenheng stood up and took a few steps in the room. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect such a bandit, but I also know which one is more important!" All right! I'll listen to his words and observe his deeds for the time being!"

"Your Excellency, although this sea wolf has stopped a lot recently, students have recently heard that a pirate named mixed river dragon in the area of Funing Prefecture has begun to often haunt the mouth of the Minjiang River in recent days, often harassing coastal villages and towns, and plundering past ships. During these days, he has stretched out his hand to In the sea and mountains, the arrogance is quite arrogant!"

Lu Wenheng frowned and said, "Damn, I didn't expect Zhang Hu to go to a shark gang, but another mixed river dragon came! At the beginning of the year, I once heard that the shark gang and the mixed river dragon seemed to have fought in the area of Nangantang, but now this mixed river dragon has begun to become worse!

You drafted a document for me and sent it to Lianjiang County, ordering Lianjiang County to strengthen coastal prevention. In addition, a water village should strengthen patrols. Once you find the trace of the mixed river dragon, please take it down!"

"Students are obeyed! Students are going to do it now!" After the middle-aged man agreed, he said nothing more, bowed and left Lu Wenheng's study.

(Too hot! I can hardly sit still! My daughter has a small prickly heat, and today she will take her daughter to take a shower! It's less today, don't be surprised!)