Daming Haiku

Chapter 21 Know yourself and know your enemy

The two whales slowly undulated in the sea and were dragged back to Nanri Island by the ship. A small boat came out of the bay, took the rope tied to the whale's tail from the big boat, tied it to the small boat, and everyone paddled back to the shore together.

Groups of people gathered on the beach to watch the fun. After seeing such a big whale, they couldn't help exclaiming, and everyone was surprised.

Under the greeting of the stewmer, many people rushed up to catch the rope taken by the boat, and some people put logs on the shore and paved them into tracks.

Several thick wooden winches were installed on the shore in advance. After everyone coiled the rope on the winch, they shouted the horn and began to push the winch.

More people helped pull ropes and slowly pulled the dead whales in the seashore.

These two whales were caught by Yu Xiaotian as a traditional test project for the sailors of each ship. They were caught on the nearby sea with a fleet of large and small size, and were hunted by the sea wolves at sea.

The old people of the sea wolf are used to such a traditional test project, but it is the first time for those newcomers.

Although these pirates usually hijack ships and kill people at sea, it is the first time for all newcomers to let them deal with such a big thing.

So when they saw the old people of the sea wolves chasing whales in an orderly manner and hunting the huge thing, many newcomers were shocked, especially after the successful hunting of whales under the leadership of the brothers, many newcomers admired these brothers. It's five bodies.

Although Yu Xiaotian has been leading his subordinates to go to sea to perform almost every day, he can't sit like this, so he still ordered to hunt a few whales by the way during the exercise. First, he can add a large amount of meat to his subordinates, and secondly, he can also prepare in advance for the future fight with the mixed dragon. Prepare some grease and let the mixed river dragon experience the taste of the sea wolf's killer in the future.

At the same time, take this opportunity to let the ships cooperate with each other, so that some guys who have not seen much blood can take the opportunity to experience what a bloody scene is.

After the two whales were dragged back, the weather was relatively taken care of. The weather has been hot these days, and suddenly the wind began to rise, making everyone feel cool.

The experienced old man said that he was afraid that there would be a big storm immediately, so Yu Xiaotian did not dare to neglect it and ordered all his best to slaughter and divide the two whales.

Now he is not very short of manpower. One or 200 people started to fight together. It took only one day to cut the two whales. When the whale meat was divided, it was marinated in baskets of large salt particles to save the hot weather and soon become rotten.

But even so, it is not a good time to hunt whales in summer. Before they finish handling all the whale meat, the rest of the whale meat will begin to stink.

If it were replaced by future generations, Yu Xiaotian would definitely let people throw away or bury the remaining whale meat, but in this era, meat is not an easy food to obtain even for pirates. At the strong request of everyone, these flavored whale meats were still marinated and taken to the new building. The baked kangs in several kang rooms and continued to be stored.

Whale fat is naturally still used as the old method. It is boiled in a large pot on the spot, and finally refined into whale oil and stored separately.

Looking at the hot beach, Yu Xiaotian smelled the strong smell of the air and couldn't help shaking his head and secretly made up his mind that after winter this year, he would send a fleet to go north to Shandong or Bohai Bay to find a way to transport a large amount of ice to the island.

In this way, after going to sea for whaling or fishing, whale meat and fish can be stored in an ice cellar for a long time.

Because whaling is the first time on Nanri Island, it attracts not only the people on the island, but also the fishermen from the two fishing villages on the island and gathered on the beach to watch the fun.

Since Yu Xiaotian came to Nanri Island, the fishermen's life in the two fishing villages on the island have become much more stable. The fishermen no longer have to give them most of the catches as before. Instead, they are allowed by Yu Xiaotian to leave most of the catches, and only need to pay 30% of the catch to the wolf's den.

If the fishermen's remaining catches are dried, they can also be sold directly to the sea wolf gang. Although the purchase price is relatively low, it is better than their trafficking the catches to the shore. First, it is much safer, and second, it is also avoid being stripped by the fishermen on the shore. After this calculation, their The harvest is still much more than going to the shore*.

In addition, after Yu Xiaotian landed on the island and the behavior of the sea wolves, these pirates did not dare to bully the fishermen on the island, which made the fishermen in the two fishing villages on the island live a much better life. These fishermen gradually released their courage and became much closer to the sea wolves.

So when they heard that the sea wolf gang had captured two giants at sea, the fishermen couldn't help but be curious and ran over in groups to watch the bustle. Some people couldn't help but come forward and began to help divide whales together. The atmosphere on the beach seemed quite harmonious.

After seeing this scene, in order to collect the fishermen on the island to advance and retreat together in the sea wolves in the future, Yu Xiaotian simply asked his men to give some of the whale viscera and some scattered whale meat to the fishermen, which made the fishermen very happy and happily found the baskets one by one to carry the zero they had obtained. A basket of broken internal organs or whale meat was returned to the fishing village and disposed of by itself.

In just one day, the two whales left only two whale bones on the beach, and the rest of the available items were almost swept away and became reserves in the sea wolf gang's warehouse.

The beach is full of Yin Hong's whale blood and some scattered pieces of meat that cannot be collected. The air is filled with a strong smell of blood, as well as the smell from the nearby cauldrons that boil whale oil.

After experiencing such a scene of dividing whales, people who have not seen blood gradually adapted to such blood from the initial nausea, and the nerves began to thicken. Red can no longer stimulate their nerves as at the beginning, which is also the result that Yu Xiaotian wanted.

The wind and waves on the sea began to get bigger. After approaching Nanri Island, a small boat hit the flag of the sea wolf and was quickly allowed to enter the bay.

After a man on the ship came down, he quickly found Yu Xiaotian and knelt down on one knee and said, "I'm the head of the family!" The little one just came back from Nangantang!"

"Thus, what's going on in the other side these days?" Yu Xiaotian waved his hand to let the idle people go further and asked the person who came back.

"The head of the family! The little ones pretended to be fishermen and took a detour from Dalian Island to Nangantang. They did not see Hun Jianglong's men crossing Haishan Island along the way, but they met several mixed river dragon boats in the mouth of the Min River.

After the small one arrived at the mouth of the Minjiang River, he turned to Nangantang and met two more of their boats on land. They stopped the little ones. After getting on the boat and interrogating them, they robbed some of the fish we caught, but did not find their identities.

After we were released, we went to the Nangantang area to fish and saw five or six of their boats coming and going into Nangantang.

After staying for half a day, in order not to let them discover our identity, the little ones did not dare to stay any longer, so they walked back to the east of Haishan Island!

On the way back, we met a mixed river dragon boat in the area of Dongqi Island and were robbed by them again!

When we came down this trip, we found nearly 20 boats under the hands of Hun Jianglong, and it is estimated that at least 20 boats were brought by Hun Jianglong this time!" This person who was sent to investigate the situation of the mixed river dragon is an old brother of a sea wolf, and he is also a descendant who came out of Xiaotian from Xiaohuangdao. Now he is quite calm, somewhat witty and speaks in an orderly manner.

After listening to his words, Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Ma Hui, you guys have done a beautiful job this time. It's not bad! I will remember each of you once, and I will reward you with ten taels of silver tattoos, and the other three will also reward five taels of silver! Keep up the good work!"

After listening to this, the horse was suddenly overjoyed, quickly bowed his head to thank him, and then happily went to Liu Laoliu to receive the reward.

Looking at the growing sea breeze, Yu Xiaotian took a deep breath. Although he decided to wait for a while this time, it did not mean that he would sit and wait. In order to better understand the situation of Jianglong, he sent a group of men to disguise themselves as fishermen during this period. The fishing boat went to the area around Nangantang to explore the situation of the mixed river dragon.

Now the news has gradually come back, which makes him roughly understand the strength of the mixed river dragon going south this time. He said that this mixed river dragon is really bound to get it! Unexpectedly, more than 20 boats were brought down this time, which is clear to gradually encroach on the territory of Fuzhou!

If with his own strength, even if he comes out, he is not the opponent of the mixed river dragon at present. Even with Liu Yidao, one-eyed dragon and other local counterparts, the strength of the two sides may not be equal.

So the battle between his sea wolf and the mixed river dragon in the future is destined to be a difficult battle, but there is no way not to fight. No matter what, he must fight bravely.

Yu Xiaotian slowly walked back to his residence. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a fragrance, which cheered him up and looked up to see a figure busy in his room.

Although Yu Xiaotian is already the leader of the huge sea wolf gang, his life is still relatively simple. Except for leaving more than a dozen soldiers around him, he did not leave a few maids to serve his life.

More often, Lan'er, the wife-to-be, takes care of his living life. Now Lan'er is the only woman who can enter and leave his residence at will, and there is no one else.