Daming Haiku

Chapter 28 Beat the Falling Dog

Hao Jianglong has no intention to continue to pester Yu Xiaotian at this time. After more than an hour of fierce battle, the 20 or 30 boats he brought this time have been beaten up. In addition to those lost boats, seven large and medium-sized ships above his bird boats alone have lost. In many cases, such losses are no longer what he can bear, and he has basically lost nearly half of his troops.

If he still wants to turn over at this time, it can only be said that he is completely crazy. Even if he wants to continue to fight, his men will not do it now. At this time, his men on all ships have already been scared out of their courage. Before they get the order, they have turned their rudders and turned to Escape in the direction of Nangantang.

Hang Jianglong looked at the devastated sea and could see his brother Chen Qian's lucky boat from afar. At this time, it was still burning on the sea. As for the life and death of his brother Chen Qian, he had no way to know now. Hun Jianglong held the port of the boat and looked at the sea wolf boats surrounding him like a vicious wolf. He looked up to the sky and howled helplessly ordered the men on the ship to turn the bow, raised the full sail, and began to retreat in the direction of the south pole pond at full speed.

Yu Xiaotian was unreasonable at this time. He did not allow Chen Jiu to escape back to Nangantang so smoothly. On the one hand, he ordered Meng madman and two other damaged ships to leave the personnel of both sides who fell into the sea. At the same time, he escorted the captured ships and prisoners back to Dongqi Island. On the other side, he ordered the remaining ships with minor losses, all Following his sea wolf, he rose to the sails and chased the remaining ships of the mixed river dragon Chenjiu, and did not hesitate to chase them to Nangantang.

At this time, time has passed. When it comes to Shenshi, that is, about four o'clock in the afternoon, there is still a considerable time before it is dark, enough for them to chase and kill the mixed river dragon for a period of time.

So the sea wolves on the rest of the ship, including Liu Yidao and other fist pirates, all raised their eyebrows and jumped on the boat one by one. They raised their sail and chased the fleeing river dragon and his men.

The battle of the mixed river dragon can be said to be stealing chickens and rice. Instead of driving Xiaotian, a newcomer, out of the coastal area of Fuzhou, he was defeated and suffered heavy losses. In a short period of time, he was unable to turn over, not to mention continuing to fight against Yu Xiaotian.

He collapsed on the stern, and his eyes became a little dull. He looked back at the battlefield where thick smoke was still rolling up behind him. He could hardly believe that he was defeated like this. Obviously, the strength of both sides was similar, but he didn't expect that he was beaten so badly by others in World War I alone.

He couldn't figure out that the people who had fought against him for so many years became so powerful after their subordinates surnamed Yu. They were not afraid of death. Those sea wolves were very skilled in boating, and they could almost be said to execute the orders issued by Yu. .

Their fleet advanced and retreated and seemed to be orderly. Not to mention the artillery was fierce, and the psychological quality of the troops were excellent. They always approached the ship to a very close place before they began to fire. They fought randomly from a short distance, and they would not fire before they were allowed to fire. In this way, although they dare not say that their guns were not in vain. At least it can be called a very high hit rate, which greatly suppressed the gunfire on his side of the ship.

And they fire fast, and there are a large number of oil tanks on the ship. Whether it is a long-range battle or a close battle, it is very powerful. Compared with the previous shark gang, it is more fierce than the sea wolf's men.

This is also the reason why he was beaten in this battle. Although he asked himself that he did not underestimate the enemy too much before, when he really met his opponent, he found that he still greatly underestimated the strength of his opponent.

Now he can only escape quickly with his tail, otherwise, he may even fall here. The river dragon's mouth is full of bitter water, but no one can complain. He can only swallow the bitter water by himself and retreat in the direction of Nangantang with his men in fear.

But what he didn't expect was that after taking such a big advantage, he still refused to let him go and bit him behind his back with a large group of ships.

At this time, the speed of both sides was almost the same. One side was eager to escape, and the other side was desperate, so they launched a chase on the sea.

At this time, the light and flexible ships took advantage of the ships, and the fastest bird boats quickly ran ahead, but the lucky boats that were a little slow to move were more unlucky. They could only stagger behind the fleet and watch the ships of those light sea wolves gradually catch up, but there was nothing. Method.

In fact, this battle of Dongqi Island was also a little unexpected for Xiaotian. In his original plan, he did not expect to achieve such a result. After all, his subordinates did not integrate for a long time, practice for a long time, and their cooperation had not reached the level of his satisfaction, and in advance After several sneak attacks, the coordination between most of the people has not yet reached a very tacit understanding.

So his original plan was just to think that as long as he could frustrate the spirit of the mixed river dragon, he would not dare to expand further south, and it would be enough to return to the north of Nangantang.

However, when the current situation made him overjoyed, the results he got this time were far beyond his plan. Originally, he planned to make a small setback, but now he turned the mixed river dragon into a water dog, so he kept doing nothing and ordered him to kill him at full speed while he was ill. Pursuit.

A shell hit the left side of the Hianglong boat, which shocked the people on the ship to exclaim. Hun Jianglong's face became pale, and he scolded that this surnamed Yu was not a thing. Since his Hunjianglong had been defeated, it was enough, but this guy was still chasing him. It was obvious that he wanted to He was killed all.

At this time, the two fastest sea wolf boats have been sandwiched on both sides of the mixed river dragon ship, and fired artillery together to bombard the ship of the mixed river dragon, and the men of the mixed river dragon boat will never sit and wait for death, and also cannon the sea wolf boats on both sides.

After all, the hybrid dragon's boat is not a small lucky boat. The ship is equipped with several large artillery. If you fight for firepower, you really won't be embarrassed by the two sea wolves attacked on both sides.

A burst of gunfire on the ship of the mixed river dragon, and then looked at the lower part of the sea wolf on his left side, and there appeared a basin-sized hole. The sea water poured into their hull, forcing the sea wolves on the ship to curse and quickly turn the rudder away and hide aside to block the leak.

As a result, the people on the mixed river dragon ship were very excited and continued to accelerate their escape.

The other sea wolf's ship quickly attached it when it saw the situation, ready to throw a few * on the Hunjianglong boat to punish the Hunjianglong's men, but at this time, the Hunjianglong suddenly made the helmsman turn sharply to the right.

The bow of the tall blessing ship immediately cut diagonally to the right, which caught the sea wolf's boat on the right off guard and quickly tried to turn the rudder to avoid it, but failed to dodge. The head of the port was firmly touched by the ship of the mixed river dragon.

As a result, the ship immediately cracked several cracks in the hull and began to pour seawater into the hull. It had to flee to the distance and be busy saving itself.

Just chasing and fighting all the way, the mixed river dragon actually escaped the siege of the sea wolves several times, and successfully injured three sea wolves' boats, and never was caught by the tail of the sea wolves and beaten to death on the spot.

Yu Xiaotian's face was also green. He could only take anger on the other two ships under the Hun Jianglong who had not had time to escape, and led people to surround the two unlucky boats. They beat them fiercely. The men of the Hun Jianglong on the two boats had to surrender obediently and became Yu Xiaotian's prisoners.

(two update today! Update another chapter in the afternoon! Please watch!)