Daming Haiku

Chapter 29 Negotiations Breakdown

Hang Jianglong's face seemed to have been slapped several times, blue and red. Looking at the sea wolf fleet outside Nangantang Bay, he was blocked to death. At this time, only a few boats of various types were sparsely hidden in the bay, some of which were still injured. All his men' faces at this time It's either like mourning, or showing a frightened look on his face.

In a word, at this time, the mixed river dragon and his men who returned to Nanri Island are all as panicked like bereaved dogs. They don't know what the fate they will face in the next moment.

"The big head, there is no way to go on like this! They are blocked here to kill us all! If not, let's give them a soft and go back to Shuangfeng Island!" A trusted man of Hun Jianglong came to Hun Jianglong and said carefully to Hun Jianglong.

Hun Jianglong was shocked and scared at this time, and he didn't have the strength to get angry with his men. He shook his head and said, "Is it that easy? Looking at their posture, I don't want to forget it. Let's be soft now. Can they let us go?

"This is not without any room! At least although we have suffered losses now, it is not so easy for them to destroy us. The bay is so big. If we don't go out, they dare not come in. They may not be able to stay here for the rest of their lives!

What's more, although we made a scene on their territory some time ago, we didn't really offend that surnamed Yu. This time, even if we made a mistake first, they killed many of our brothers and should vent their anger. What's more, they also destroyed many of our boats and took advantage of us. It's time to be content!

As long as we promise them to go back to Funing and don't come to trouble them in the future, I guess the person surnamed Yu should be able to agree to our request!" The man continued to whisper to the mixed Jianglong.

Hun Jianglong looked at the fleet of sea wolves lined up outside the bay and nodded helplessly and said, "If his surname is Yu can agree, it's okay to return this Nangantang to them. If you lose, you will lose. We have nothing to say!" But who will talk to them?"

The man who persuaded Jiang Long immediately patted his chest and said, "As long as the big boss thinks about it, the little one is willing to go to the surnamed Yu and say that there is no big deal. It's not too late to come back to revenge on them after we get up again, leaving Qingshan without worrying about firewood!"

Hun Jianglong nodded helplessly and agreed again. Even if he was reluctant, he was very clear about his current situation. Although he still had some strength on Funing's side, at present, even if he stayed here and transferred all the men and ships on Funing's side, he may not be able to win back this game.

So this man is right, leaving Qingshan without worrying about firewood. This Nangantang area used to be the territory of the Shark Gang, but now he lost the battle and spit it out and returned it to Yu Xiaotian. It's not a big deal. With his strength, even if he goes back to Funing, he is still his boss, and no one can take it. How is he?

So he nodded and agreed again.

Yu Xiaotian stopped outside Nangantang. At this time, he felt refreshed. After several months of busyness, he finally got a huge harvest.

The mixed river dragon, which used to be untouchable in his eyes, has now become his subordinates and has been driven back here. He is like a trapped beast in the bay, and he doesn't even dare to risk his head.

But after arriving here, he also faced a problem, that is, he failed to catch all the dragons on the road before coming here, so that the man could escape and escape back to Nangantang.

After arriving here, things are not so easy to do. After more than half a year of operation, a village has been built on Nangantang. Although this stockade is not big, it is not easy for people like them to capture it.

And the bay here is not big, and he can't rush in with all the boats and destroy the mixed river dragon. The space inside can't be used by him at all. Even if he can destroy the remaining ships of the mixed river dragon here, he will eventually lose a lot of losses under the trapped beasts.

There is no need to think about the long-term siege. The mixed river dragon can shelter from the wind and rain here. As long as there is a big storm, he will quickly pull out his legs and leave. At that time, there is still nothing he can do with the mixed river dragon.

As he was discussing with Wang Hong and others what to do next, he shouted, "A boat with mixed river dragons came out of the bay and came towards us!"

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and said, "Don't be nervous. Let him come here. I guess it was sent by Hun Jianglong to negotiate. Let's see what they say first!"

Two quarters later, Yu Xiaotian finally listened to the conditions put forward by this Hun Jianglong's men. After touching his chin and thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "Go back!" I'm afraid you know exactly what your situation is now! I'm sorry that I can't agree to the condition you put forward!

My request is that you immediately and unconditionally withdraw from Nangantang and return to the area of Funing. In the future, you will never set foot on the land south of Yangyang with Huangqijiao Island! This is the first one!"

Second, when you evacuate, you can only take your personal belongings and do not touch anything on the island, even if it is a grass or a tree. The village on the island, including all the materials in the village, will be handed over to me on the spot! I can let you go! This is the second!

Third, in the future, you must ensure that all our ships flying the sea wolf flag must ensure the safety of our ships and not disturb my ships and fleets when passing through the Funing area! Otherwise, I will take my brothers to settle accounts with you again!

As for the person you said to give me a thousand taels of silver and put it back to you, I don't need to talk about this matter. I don't lack silver. Just a thousand taels of silver just want to send me away. Do you really think it's a begling?

As for letting people go, I can consider it. If someone is willing to come back and continue to follow your boss, I can let them go, but 20 taels of silver per person, according to the head, how much is! The price of the leader will be negotiated separately. If you want, you can go back and take the money to redeem him. If you don't want to, I can keep this person myself!

If you agree to three conditions, then this is the case! Otherwise, you will bear all the consequences!

You can go back! Tell Chen Jiu that whether you agree or not is in his mind. This time, you came to offend me first. No wonder I have made a lot of money during this period. It's time to spit out some! Send him away!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and asked the guy sent to negotiate to get off the ship.

It turned out that after this guy came over, he did not directly propose to return Nangantang to Yu Xiaotian. Instead, they proposed to Yu Xiaotian. They were willing to compensate Yu Xiaotian for thousands of silver. At the same time, he also asked Yu Xiaotian to release the people who captured them, so as to ask Yu Xiaotian to withdraw his troops.

So Yu Xiaotian did not think much about it at all and directly refused the conditions proposed by Hun Jianglong.

The guy who was sent to negotiate had no choice but to sit on the ssam and return to the bay and return the conditions proposed by Yu Xiaotian to Hun Jianglong.

As soon as he heard this, Hun Jianglong became furious and immediately stood up, roaring that he did not agree to Yu Xiaotian's excessive request.

Nowadays, in the stockade of Nangantang, there are a lot of goods that they have recently captured in the mouth of the Minjiang River and Haishan Island. Roughly estimate, the value is more than thousands of taels of silver. If it sells well, it may not be worth more than 10,000 yuan. These things are enough for them to eat and drink for a year without much trouble, but now Yu Xiao The lion opened his mouth and wanted to eat it in one bite.

And Yu Xiaotian also asked them to stay in the stockade. It took him a lot of effort, grasping labor and materials. It took him more than half a year to build it. Now the surname Yu actually wants him to stay intact. In the future, once Yu sends people to enter here, he will want to cross the south again. When the pole goes south, it becomes a wedge, which is difficult to pull out.

In addition, the most unacceptable thing is that his people should not harass these ships when their sea wolf boats go north through Funing in the future, which makes him unacceptable. If it spreads out, he will be ashamed in the future.

In fact, Yu Xiaotian said three, but in fact he put forward four. Another one is to ask him to redeem money and release a person, and he will pay 20 taels of silver to Yu. Although he is not poor, he has not thrown into the sea with a lot of money. These guys are worth 20 taels of silver!

Now people are the least valuable. If you buy a maid on land, that is, 20 taels of silver. The ragged man is not valuable at all. What's more, if he needs someone, he can go to the shore to forcibly tie her up, rob her, and don't have to spend money. He doesn't need to take money to redeem people in the hands of Yu.

So he couldn't accept any of these. Even if he refused Yu Xiaotian's request and didn't even have the interest in answering it, the matter was frozen here.

Yu Xiaotian waited outside the mouth of Wanzi with the fleet for two hours, but did not wait for Hun Jianglong to reply, so Yu Xiaotian's oxen temper also came up.

"Damn it! This Chen Jiu is a toast and no penalty! Unexpectedly, they just put me here! He doesn't see the coffin and doesn't shed tears!

Okay! Since he doesn't know the current affairs, let's not be polite to them! Do they think there is nothing they can do if they hide in the bay?

Don't forget that there are still two Hongyi cannons in my hand that haven't been invited to let them see! Come on, prepare the Hongyi cannon! Beat them again!

Go and tell Li Dazui, just say my order, and let him and his soldiers prepare for me! I want to land in Nangantang by force! Let them grab a bridgehead for me, and I won't believe it. So many of us can't take this bastard dragon now!"

(Chapter 2 is here, let's check the goods! Ha ha! By the way, do you want a reward?)