Daming Haiku

Chapter 30 The First appearance of the soldiers

It means that after Xiaotian said these words, it means that he has made up his mind to take Nangantang. His men have no objection to his decision. After all, they have just experienced a big victory, and their morale and self-confidence have been explosive. In the face of the small Nangantang, he We really don't really be so a little horrific about this bastard.

In the next day, the only two Hongyi cannons in Yu Xiaotian's hand were placed at the two strongest bows of the Fu ship, and the muzzle was aimed at those in the bay and began to shell.

These two Hongyi cannons were obtained by the Shark Gang defeating the officers and soldiers. The guns are nearly two meters long and have a caliber of more than 100 mm. If compared with Western artillery, they should be roughly eight-pound guns with a weight of 800 catties. If compared with the current Western naval guns, these two guns may only be small. But at present, it is already a big killer for pirates like them!

Previously, the shark gang put these two cannons on the island, but Yu Xiaotian felt that it was a violent Tianzhen, so he ordered the two cannons to be placed on the ship of him and Wang Hong, and at the same time strengthened the deck at the position of the bow to prevent the recoil from shaking the deck when the gun was fired, which made the two cannons on. The boat.

During the battle on Dongqi Island, these two cannons played a good role. They were not only accurate, but also fierce. As long as they hit the enemy ship, they could at least make a big hole on the enemy ship. However, the battlefield was chaotic at that time, and no one paid much attention to the role of these two guns.

Now Yu Xiaotian ordered these two cannons to fire one by one, and he did not hesitate to take out all the reserve shells to bombard the ships of the mixed river dragon in the bay.

The gunners of the two guns got busy and used all their milking strength, constantly filling, firing, and loading the two cannons...

The distance outside the bay mouth from the inside of the bay is about * 100 meters, which is far from other old-fashioned guns of the Ming Dynasty, which can't hit the inside of the bay at all, but there is no problem with the range of these two Hongyi cannons.

After Yu Xiaotian's actual inspection on Nanri Island, if these two cannons use ordinary powder gunpowder, the maximum range is about two miles. When using good quality grained gunpowder, the range can be increased to more than three miles, that is, 1.5 kilometers, but it is far from the historical Ming Dynasty officials boasted. In that way, you can hit a distance of ten miles.

However, there is still no big problem in dealing with the ships hidden in the bay, and the Hongyi cannon is equipped with a gate and sight, which provides the possibility for accurate aiming and firing. However, under such a long distance, it has exceeded the effective range of the two guns, and the accuracy of the shell is no longer possible. It is guaranteed.

And now because it is in an unstable swing state on the ship, after exceeding 400 meters, even the aim of the Hongyi cannon is basically not much.

Therefore, their shelling of the ships of the mixed river dragon in the bay outside the bay can only be approximate and cannot ensure an accurate hit. This is also the reason why many Western countries in history have stipulated in this era that the distance of firing cannons cannot exceed 400 meters when fighting at sea.

Because 400 meters is already the time of the battle at sea, the longest distance of the hit rate can be guaranteed.

However, Yu Xiaotian has not pursued too high accuracy now. Such a shelling operation is still a deterrent shelling, just to put pressure on the mixed river dragons hiding in the bay. As for where it falls, it depends on luck to not hit the ship of the mixed river dragon.

So on this day, the only two Hongyi cannons stopped. After each shot a few shots, they had to stop to cool down. Otherwise, the gun body would be too hot. In addition, even if the gun body could withstand it, shells and gunpowder would be too wasteful.

On this day, these two cannons did not make much achievements. After all, the distance was too far. Most of the shells hit the sea in the bay, and only a few shells hit the ships in the bay.

However, even so, it scared Hun Jianglong and his men very much. They didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian's powerful killer could hit their ship from such a long distance.

So they realized that there must be a Hongyi cannon in Yu Xiaotian's hand. They were beaten like this, but they couldn't fight back. Presumably, everyone knew that everyone on the side of the side of Jianglong was aggrieved to death for fear that a cannonballs would fall on their heads the next moment.

If a person suddenly hangs up, there is nothing to be afraid of, but if people are under high pressure for a long time, I don't know if they will hang up the next moment. This feeling can make people crazy.

Hang Jianglong is a hero on the sea, and his psychological quality should be better, but he can't guarantee that his subordinates' psychological quality is as good as him. After a day, his men' morale completely fell into his crotch. Most people hid in the cabin and were beaten with their heads like ostriches. No one is interested in watching the sea wolf boats outside on the deck.

After the evening, Hun Jianglong found that his men were no longer working. He issued an order, and basically no one carried them out. The bay became dead. Even the cook was not interested in cooking. Almost everyone sat or lying with dull eyes, and they couldn't even feel hungry.

Finally, he survived the night. Some of Hun Jianglong's men advised Chen Jiu to accept Yu Xiaotian's conditions. Now they don't need money, as long as they can leave here.

But the person who wanted to persuade was immediately cut by Hun Jianglong's anger, which scared others not dare to say anything more. Just in the morning, someone suddenly shouted to Hun Jianglong, "Look, their boat is going to dock!"

The mixed river dragon was shocked and rushed to the port of the ship and took a pergola to look out of the bay. Sure enough, several sea wolf boats had leaned against the southeast corner of the mouth of the bay. When they found it, the boats had put down their sampan, and many people squeezed into the sangboard and were struggling to row. Rush to the shore.

Hang Jianglong's heart sank and shouted without waiting to turn around: "Come on, send someone to stop them!" You can't let them go ashore. All the ships fired at me to block them! Hurry up!"

Hun Jianglong is very well aware of his situation at this time. Although he has a stockade on the island, he can't control all the places. Once these sea wolves come ashore, they only need to seize a place on the shore and unload two Hongyi cannons from the ship. Next, they don't have to do too much With effort, he can extinguish the ashes of these boats in his bay.

At first, he thought that the sea wolf bombarded the bay with cannon, but just to put pressure on him and wanted to force him to agree to his terms, but now that he saw such a scene, he no longer thought so. Yu Hailang was obviously going to kill him out!

So he didn't dare to neglect any more. He quickly sent people to pull people from each ship and disembark. In addition, he also transferred dozens of people guarding the village in the stockade and rushed to the place where the sea wolf tried to land, and strived to beat these guys back into the sea before the sea wolf's foothold was unstable.

However, the movement of the mixed river dragon was still a little slower. They found that it was a little late. After they gathered the good hand, the hundred and ten sea wolves had already got off the sampan, climbed to the coast, and began to line up at the seaside and advance towards the shore.

Several river dragon boats in the bay also began to move, trying to bombard these sea wolves who landed. However, after they adjusted the ships, they found that the sea wolves were very cunning. The place they chose to land was outside the range of their artillery. If they wanted to fire, they must go to the bay. In that case, they put themselves under the noses of a large group of sea wolves outside and became the target of others.

So the mixed river dragon and his men on the ship in the bay could only stare, but they did not dare to move towards the mouth of the bay. They could only watch these sea wolves safely go up to the island and open an array on the shore.

However, several ships of sea wolves are on the sea behind them, very close to the sea. The artillery on the ship can reach the shore and can directly bombard the shore.

At this time, a trusted man of Hun Jianglong also took one or two hundred people to the shore. He stopped far away and looked at the sea wolves on the shore.

They looked up and found that these sea wolves were different from those on other ships. Everyone wore a thick leather armor made of leather. Some of them held a masked shield in their hands, and some held long guns, but more people held *. More than 20 people could see at a glance that they were holding birds.

The quality of such equipment is a little worrying, because even officers and soldiers may not be much better than their equipment, or even worse than their equipment quality.

It's not that these Hunjianglong's men can't understand. In fact, these 100 sea wolves on the shore are the soldiers specially selected by Yu Xiaotian. These people are not fixed on a certain ship and usually do not participate in the training on the ship. The main time they stay on Nanri Island and follow Li Dazui to receive the training of land combat. Practice.

Yu Xiaotian attached great importance to these people. He pulled out most of the firearms, bird guns and other firearms at hand and gave them to them for use, so the amount of firearms equipment of these people was close to more than 30% of the total number of people, and the rest of the people were also equipped with knives, guns and shields, and did not equip them separately.

At the front end, these people were all trained on land all day on Nanri Island. This time, Yu Xiaotian brought people to Dongqi Island to fight with the mixed river dragons and also brought them here. However, during the naval battle, these people stayed on Dongqi Island until Yu Xiaotian led a fleet to defeat them at sea. After mixing Jianglong, he sent people to Dongqi Island to transfer them.

They came here in several captured ships, so they arrived late. Yu Xiaotian asked them to come as a backup. If not, let them act as pioneers and go to Nangantang to fight with the Hun Jianglong's men on the island to capture the village of Hun Jianglong on the island.

I didn't expect that these guys would be used this time. After that, Li Dazui, the current captain of the combat team, and Meng Fei, the deputy captain, were very excited. Even if he took the boat to slowly approach the coast, he suddenly put down the sangboard of each ship and rushed to Nanri Island with people.

(I still want to thank the stdx brothers for their rewards!)