Daming Haiku

Chapter 32 admit defeat

As for the subordinates of the mixed river dragon, their morale is already low. When the mixed river dragon asked them to come here to fight for their lives, they were reluctant, but their fate was difficult to violate. They had to rush up. As a result, what they didn't expect was that they were beaten over by a group, and the rest fell with infinite fear. The wilderness fled back.

To be honest, the quality of these pirates is very poor. When fighting a good fight, you can see that each of them is fierce, but once they encounter a hard stubble, they will look at each other than a bear.

They came out to eat, not to fight with others and meet someone better than them. Naturally, they will choose to save their lives first. Obviously, today they all think that they have met a much harder opponent than them.

So if you can't beat it, just run away. This is the tradition of pirates. Adhering to such a fine tradition, if Hun Jianglong's men don't run, it's really damn it.

The cronin sent by Hun Jianglong is also shocked at this time. Just now, he didn't look at the fiercest, but he ran to the end. It is said that he can supervise others. In fact, he has put himself in the safest place.

Looking at the guys he brought, before they rushed to their opponents, they were turned over by other people's Thunderbolt. He was also scared to turn his legs and his stomach. When someone ran, he forgot what to do. After running back, he found that he was not slower than anyone else and basically won the top three. There is no problem.

When Hun Jianglong sent someone over and conveyed Chen Jiu's order again, the cronin's faces turned green. He breathed on his hands. Even the kicking and kicking generals rushed to the front and scolded them, "Who ran first just now? The big head is watching! If we have to beat these bastards back into the sea, if anyone dares to turn around and run first this time, I will be rude to him!

The big head has something to say, and the fugitives are killed! I know you, but I don't know you with the knife in my hand. Give it to me! If you don't hit them into the sea, no one will come back!

Wow... Give it to me!"

After saying that, the man shouted and made a posture, but his posture was pulled away. Looking up, those men were staring at him at this moment, but no one rushed forward under his greeting. However, he was so full that he almost flashed his waist.

This scene can be said to be ridiculous. The head is just a posture, but they dare not be the first to rush forward. The rest of the people stared at each other with big eyes, but no one moved their legs.

This stunned the leader. He began to twitch in the crowd with the back of the knife. While twitching, he broke his mouth and cursed. If he didn't rush forward, his men would not follow him. In desperation, he had to cross his heart and gritted his teeth and said, "This time, I'm going. In front, Cui Gouzi, you stare at me. If anyone doesn't follow me, he will chop him up for me! Damn! Let's go and follow me! Wow..."

After saying that, the man shouted again, but this time he did not move forward, but really rushed forward.

The rest of the guys took a look, and the head was already on, and they couldn't look at it anymore, so they had to scream again, wave the colorful weapons in their hands, followed the leader again, and rushed to the sea wolves by the sea...

Hang Jianglong fell into a chair on the deck and looked at the wolf rushing men on the beach in the distance and had to accept this reality. After three deadly charges, the nearly 200 men he sent did not hit the sea wolves who landed into the sea.

On the contrary, his men suffered heavy losses in three attacks. Obviously, the sea wolf members went through very strict training and were very organized. They used * to fight from a long distance. Before his men rushed to the front, they were killed and injured a lot.

The second time his men attacked, the other party let them fire on the ship. As a result, the leading cronin was killed by the other party on the spot.

For the third time, he changed people to supervise the war. Finally, he finally rushed to the front of this group of sea wolves. After the other party released a full range of guns, he replaced the long gunman and the axe hand, stabbed a long gun randomly, and then the knife and axeman cut it fiercely. His men suffered heavy losses and collapsed on the spot.

As a result, these sea wolves were not willing to give up. They actually took the opportunity to launch an attack and beat the one or two hundred men he sent. They fled in confusion, and dozens of their men knelt down and surrendered to the sea wolves on the spot and were escorted back to their ship.

Hun Jianglong now completely knows the power of the sea wolf. Obviously, he is much smarter than Chen Jiu. He is not weak at sea, and he is more powerful on the shore. This battle is really can't be fought.

He wanted to admit defeat and accepted the conditions proposed by Yu Xiaotian, but he felt that he couldn't afford to lose face. He wanted to send someone to drive the sea wolves back to the sea, but now there are not many people under him to use it, and the men on the ship are about to be scared. Even if he orders, no one will obey the order and fight against the sea wolves.

If you don't know how to do it, someone will really mutiny on the spot, and then he will be really hard to say.

Just as he was still hesitating, someone shouted, "Big head! Look! They unloaded the cannon from the ship!"

Chen Jiu raised his head, stared at his blood-red eyes, and looked at the sea. As a result, he saw that two lucky boats had approached the place where they landed and were lifting something from the boat to the rafts assembled by several ssams. The things were very heavy. You don't have to guess, they must be two Hongyi cannons.

Hunjianglong punched heavily on the starboard, and his hands were broken on the spot. Blood flowed down his fingers, but he did not feel any pain at all. He just waited for his blood-red eyes and stared at the sea wolves in the distance.

"The big head..."

"Stop it! I know what you want to say, don't say anything! That's all I promised him! Go and tell the man surnamed Yu that I lost this time! He is ruthless! I won't step on this side from now on! ..." Chen Jiu suddenly burst out and waved his hands and roared at his men who were close to him.

Yu Xiaotian tossed around for a long time and finally unloaded the Hongyi cannon on the ship to the raft, but it didn't take long for people to stop and made his men lift the raft to the boat.

The people who were busy for a long time were unwilling to take orders. They once again lifted the two Hongyi cannons back to their respective ships, began to slowly drive back outside the bay, anchored down, and pointed the muzzle at the bay again.

A team of sea wolves rowed the sampan or transferred to a boat and began to land on the island. Under the leadership of Ma Xiao, they began to take over all the territory of Nangantang.

The men of the mixed river dragon who announced their surrender carried their wounded one by one and returned to their ships.

What made them feel humiliated was that this was not over. In order to prevent Hunjianglong and his men from cheating, Yu Xiaotian also ordered his subordinates to board the Hunjianglong's ship separately and conduct an inspection of their cabin. In addition to leaving their necessities, the rest, including the artillery on the ship, should be unloaded to the shore. Only can you be allowed to leave.

This is also another one added after Yu Xiaotian completely surrendered to the defeat of the mixed river dragon. In order to prevent Chen Jiu and his men from going back on and attacking the sea wolf when they left, he asked the mixed river dragon to surrender, but they must leave all the artillery on the ship, only allowing them to bring some knives, axes, axes and bows. Cold weapons such as crossbows, as defense, are essentially equivalent to a certain extent * their disarmament.

At this time, Hun Jianglong knew that resistance was meaningless. He could not wait for his hands left in Funing to relieve him. Instead of continuing to resist and being killed here, it would be better to keep his only remaining ships and subordinates and leave here safely to return to Fu. Shuangfeng Island on the other side of Ningzhou fell.

So he had no choice but to accept this condition that made him and his men feel humiliating, allowing the sea wolf to send people to board the ship for inspection, unloaded the goods loaded on the ship, artillery and gunpowder and other things to the shore, and then left Nangantang with his tail gray.

Yu Xiaotian was not finished. Before Chen Jiu promised to surrender, he found a pen and paper. First, he wrote a peace treaty, listed all the conditions they negotiated this time, and then asked the literate men who came here with the ship to redecorate the draft peace treaty according to the draft he wrote. Two copies of the wording were written and asked Hun Jianglong Chen Jiu to sign and draw on it. One was collected by him as evidence, and the other was given to Chen Jiu for preservation.

Chen Jiu had to do so. He twisted and signed his name on the peace treaty and pressed his fingerprints. After signing, after watching Yu Xiaotian's men leave with another peace treaty, Chen Jiu smashed the peace treaty left to him and threw it into the sea. .

Yu Xiaotian stood on the side of the ship with his hands behind his back and looked proudly. He watched Chen Jiu's boat slowly pass by his side. He smiled and punched Chen Jiu with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Chen! We'll see you another day! I'm sorry to see you off. Brother Chen, have a good journey!"

Chen Jiu's face doesn't need to be described. At this moment, it can be said to be how ugly it is. He almost spewed fire in his eyes. He stared at Yu Xiaotian fiercely for a long time and did not answer a word. He slowly drove away from Nangantang, which they had occupied for a short time, towards Fu. Turn the rudder in the direction of Ninghai.