Daming Haiku

Chapter 33 Prisoner

The coastal area of Fuzhou, which has been lively for half a year, has calmed down again after the sea wolf gang defeated the battle of the river dragon on Dongqi Island.

After the dust of this war was settled, they all understood what to choose and who would be the real boss in the sea around Fuzhou for a long time to come.

Those merchants who watched the limelight stretched out their olive branches to Yu Xiaotian at this time. Nanri Island, which was almost unattended, is now a place of pilgrimage for merchants.

After taking over Nanri Island, Yu Xiaotian chose a considerable place near the sea on Nanri Island as a place for merchants to live in the future. However, before the war in Dongqi Island, in addition to Li Yi, in order to show his cooperative relationship with Yu Xiaotian, he circled a place here as a business warehouse of the Li family. In addition, no other sea merchant came here to land.

But after learning that the sea wolf defeated the mixed river dragon on Dongqi Island, forced the mixed river dragon Chen Jiu away from the south pole pond, and obediently returned to Funing's side, and was forced to sign an extremely humiliating peace treaty for the sea wolf, these sea merchants understood what they should do next.

Before, Yu Xiaotian has passed the news to these sea merchants through various means. Dalian Island is too small to be used as a commercial port. Haitan Island is large enough, but nominally it is still under the substantive control of the government. Only his Nanri Island is not big or small. Although it is nominally under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou Prefecture, it is true On the contrary, it is a foreign land, and no one can control it, so only Nanri Island is the most suitable place to serve as a commercial port.

In fact, sea merchants are well aware of these advantages, otherwise no one would have tried to do business on Nanri Island when the shark gang controlled Nanri Island.

It's just that Zhang Hu didn't know how to make money before, and he never said anything, so that such a business was only in the bud and could never develop.

Now the reason why they hesitate is that they are still worried that Yu Hailang will be as untrustworthy as Zhang Hu did at the beginning. It is not easy to build their business warehouse on Nanri Island. In the future, if Yu Hailang is unhappy, their money will be lost, and they are in the mouth of the tiger, and it is too late to run.

And some time ago, the mixed river dragon went south to make trouble, pretending to extend the sphere of influence to the whole coast of Fuzhou. Most people can't see the future situation, and most people are not optimistic that the sea wolf can clean up the mixed river dragon, so they are even more afraid to set foot in Nanri Island easily.

But now the situation is different, and the situation is very clear. Yu Xiaotian not only defeated the mixed river dragon with a strong attitude, but also beat the mixed river dragon very badly. The well-informed quickly got the news. Although the mixed river dragon was able to return to Funing Prefecture, most of the men he brought were He stayed in Fuzhou and was killed and captured by Yu Xiaotian.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qian, the younger brother of Hunjianglong and Chenjiu, was also caught alive by sea wolves in the battle of Dongqi Island, and all kinds of ships brought by Hunjianglong were also in the battle of Dongqi Island, and only a few of them retreated.

In this way, Hunjianglong has been unable to recover his strength for a long time and no longer dares to easily invade the sea of Fuzhou again.

So for a long time in the future, if the government does not use the army to suppress the sea wolf again, then this sea wolf will undoubtedly become the hegemon along the coast of Fuzhou.

These maritime merchants who rely on maritime trade live under the power of Yu Xiaotian all day long. If they don't listen to Yu Xiaotian, they will also know very well that their business will not be done in the future.

So under such pressure, they quickly made a wise choice and began to take the initiative to contact Nanri Island, and sent people to the island to see places, choose land, pay money to sell land, and began to build their business stacks on Nanri Island.

As for whether Yu Xiaotian can make a letter in the next step, they can only wait and see for the time being, hoping that Xiaotian can be a trustworthy person and act better than Zhang Hu!

It took almost half a month. There was a lively scene on the plot planned by Yu Xiaotian as commercial land on Nanri Island. Many people were as busy as ants in this place, and there were many boats transporting wood and building materials, hanging oranges from the sea wolf gang. The small flag comes and goes between the land and Nanri Island.

A large number of people also appeared on the deserted temporary dock and began to build new semi-permanent wooden trestles for more ships to dock.

In this way, two docks were formed on Nanri Island. One wharf was dedicated to sea wolves to help their own ships dock, and the other wharf began to turn into a commercial wharf.

The outline of commercial stacks began to take shape in the hands of these ant-like craftsmen.

Although the sea wolf and the mixed river dragon fought such a huge battle on Dongqi Island, it did not have a great impact on land officials.

Of course, the official also soon learned the news that the Sea Wolf Gang defeated Hun Jianglong, but the government was still happy to see this. Although the government banned businessmen from doing business at sea, it still secretly supported it, and many of their interests were also involved. They did not want to see the foreigner Hun Jianglong, a blessing. The coastal area of the state is too much.

What's more, after killing Zhang Hu, this Yu Hailang also took on Zhang Hu's previous investment effect, which did not affect their interests, so they are still secretly willing to see that there will be no major changes in the sea of Fuzhou, and let Yu Xiaotian, a newcomer, control the coastal area of Fuzhou, than mixed river dragons. Chen Jiu is much better.

Therefore, although the official attitude is that this is just a fight between pirates, the more dogs bite the dog, the better, but secretly many Fuzhou officials are still willing to see the Sea Wolf Gang win the final victory.

So when they learned that the Sea Wolf Gang finally won a great victory, some officials also secretly entrusted people to express their congratulations to Xiaotian, including the current Fuzhou magistrate Lu Wenheng, who also took this opportunity to tell Yu Xiaotian again not to disturb the coast of Fuzhou after a big victory.

So in this battle, Yu Xiaotian not only got material gains, but also more hidden gains in all aspects than the trophies he got.

As for the other gains from this battle, I have to mention that after the battle of Dongqi Island, coupled with the previous sneak attack, they destroyed a total of six ships of mixed river dragons (excluding those small fishing boats with sled masts) and captured six of mixed river dragons. One ship almost caused Chen Jiu to lose more than half of the ship on the side of Fuzhou.

The six captured ships are basically ships that can be used as warships. Among them, there is a blessing ship, two Haicang, a double canopy ship, and two bird boats. One of the seacang ships is relatively damaged. Although it has not sunk, it can no longer be used for fierce combat, at most, it can be charged. When the transport ship is used, but the remaining five ships are basically intact in hull and structure. After a little repair, they can continue to be used.

In this way, the number of available warships under Yu Xiaotian increased again to more than 20, which greatly strengthened his strength.

In addition, he also captured more than 200 people, including more than 20 leaders, and the rest were ordinary.

In addition, they also obtained a large number of various materials from the hands of Jianglong. According to the preliminary estimate, the value of the goods obtained is no less than 10,000 taels. Some of the goods were transferred by Yu Xiaotian to Liu Yidao and several other colleagues as a reward for their coming to the sea wolf to help fist this time, so that they all led their own hands happily. Back to their respective nests.

In addition to the goods, they also captured more than 20 guns of various types of hybrid dragons, more than 100 small firearms such as firecrackers, and hundreds of catties of ready-made gunpowder, which is enough to arm the ships captured. At the same time, it can also strengthen the firepower of other ships. Even so, he still has four cannons left, one brain They were all thrown to Nanri Island and handed over to Ma Xiao to guard Nanri Island.

Because of the ready-made stockade on Nanri Island, it is impossible for Yu Xiaotian to give up here, so he left Ma Xiao on Nanri Island and used Nanri Island as the rudder of the sea wolf gang in the future, making it a node of the sea wolf gang in the north of Fuzhou Sea. Ma Xiao will lead several ships to station here for a long time in the future. On the one hand, It went straight out of the mouth of the Minjiang River and plundered in this area. On the one hand, it also controlled the sea passage from south to north of Fuzhou.

When Yu Xiaotian finished dealing with the affairs of Nanri Island and returned to Nanri Island and passed through the desert island east of Haitan Island that he temporarily used as a prison camp, the fleet docked next to the small desert island.

When they landed on the small desert island, the scene they saw could be said to be a little ironic. They only saw a group of hungry guys with green eyes and ragged clothes, like a group of beglings, hurried towards them one by one, knelt down and made all kinds of begging for mercy.

This group of people were first left on this small desert island. They have been here for nearly 20 days, and then new prisoners have been transported here and thrown to the island. Every time the sea wolf transports new prisoners here, they will throw some food for the prisoners on the island.

The prisoners on this small desert island rely on these very limited food to sustain their lives, and there is little fresh water on this small desert island. Only a few stone cracks on the island will ooze some slightly salty fresh water. It is barely enough to maintain dozens of people, but when the number of people exceeds more than 100, Water has become a problem.

These days, these gang of Jianglong's men live a year-like life on this small desert island. They are worried about food every day. They try their best to find anything that can stuff into their mouths and fill their dry belly. Everything they can eat on the island is basically by him. We ate it all.

It turned out that there were still many seabirds on the island, but now only bird droppings and feathers are left by them. Even the crabs and shellfish rich in the seaside are about to be cleaned up by them.

There is no place on the island to shelter them from the wind and rain. They can only find the simplest materials to set up a shed to shelter from the wind and rain to avoid the hot sunshine of the sky and the heavy rain from time to time.

For more than half a month, these people have been tossed around. After a few days, it is estimated that these guys will be eaten by hunger.

More than a dozen people couldn't stand it, so they tried to swim away from here and escape to Haitan Island, but it was estimated that few of them could swim to Haitan Island. They were either drowned or eaten by sharks on the way.

When these hungry-eyed guys saw the sea wolf's fleet approaching, they could no longer have any idea of resistance. They just wanted to leave here quickly and have a full meal.

In more than 20 days, there were more than a dozen weak or injured people. Because of food shortage and lack of strength to compete with others, they failed to survive, which means that Xiaotian had died on the island when he brought the fleet. If Yu Xiaotian left them here again, it wouldn't take ten days. These guys At least more than half of them will starve to death.