Daming Haiku

Chapter 35 Manpower Dilemma

Although most people threw themselves into the arms of the sea wolf in order to survive, in the end, three people stayed in place and did not go to the seaside. Blackhead glanced at the three people and asked sharply, "Have you three thought about it?"

One of them looked at the blackhead and nodded silently. The other two also looked at the leader with a resolute face and nodded together.

It's a little strange for blackheads to turn around and ask the prisoners who have said they want to rely on them, "What are these guys doing?" Do any of you know them?

"It's not easy for them to reply to this uncle! The person standing in the middle is Chen Jiu's brother Chen Qian! It used to be our second head! The other two are his cronies, and they will not turn to you!" Someone immediately revealed the identities of these three people.

As soon as Blackhead heard it, he was immediately happy. He caught the big fish and quickly sent someone back to the ship and reported the news to Yu Xiaotian. After a while, Yu Xiaotian sent Liu Wang over. After whispering to the Blackhead a few times, Blackhead immediately waved his hand and several men rushed over and took Chen Qian with seven hands and eight feet. He and his two cronies were tied up. No matter how they struggled to resist, he dragged them into the boat and sent them to Yu Xiaotian's boat.

After two or three hundred prisoners arrived on Nanri Island, they were re-selected and registered. Each of them first reported their name and place of origin and what they had done under Hun Jianglong before, and then asked them to certify each other and screen out some of the leaders and Chen Jiu's cronies.

As prisoners, there is no human rights. After arriving at Nanri Island, these prisoners were imprisoned in a previous training camp, which is now also renamed an isolation camp.

After all the prisoners arrived here, they were put on a wooden shackle, and then they were stripped and driven into several fences like animals, making them unable to move. They had to let some people with sharp razors go up and couldn't help shaving their heads.

Then the shaved person was driven into a fence. Everyone was given a bucket to pick up a bucket of water by himself in the sink, and a soap corner, a loofah or a brush of bristles, so that the two of them cooperated with each other and brushed dry with soap horns and bristles or loofah from head to toe. Clean.

This process frightened many people and wanted to protect the hair on their heads, but they couldn't help it. They could only be shaved into bald heads in fear, and then brushed like light pigs.

At this time, everyone got a simple pair of trousers to cover their shame, and also sent them a small coat to at least let them cover the blazing sun.

The prisoners did not have any personal belongings. When they were captured, the things that should have been seized had already been scraped out.

So there is basically no need to register any personal belongings for them. Everyone also gives them a small brush with a short handle when sending small coats and trousers.

This made these people not know how to use the small brush. Later, after someone showed them the use of the small brush, they knew that it was a toothbrush for them to brush their teeth.

Yu Xiaotian has not used a toothbrush for a long time, so he can only wipe his teeth with a little salt. Later, on Treasure Island, Yu Xiaotian specially ordered a batch of pig brine toothbrushes on land, which solved the problem of brushing teeth, but the toothpaste is not available for the time being. After thinking about it, he didn't know how to produce it, so he could only replace it with salt foam for the time being.

Nowadays, all the sea wolves are required to use this toothbrush. They must brush their teeth once every morning and evening to ensure the oral hygiene of these guys, saving them all with bad teeth. If they sail for a long time on the sea, this alone can kill many people.

At first, some people were not used to such a lifestyle. They felt that the big head had to take care of their teeth, which was really too wide. Gradually, people found that brushing their teeth was still beneficial, so they got used to such a life, so that brushing their teething has become a necessary thing in internal affairs, so these newcomers Naturally, people are not exempt from vulgarity and are ordered to brush their teeth with this toothbrush twice a day.

Of course, as the treatment enjoyed by the descending masses, naturally cannot be compared with the sea wolves. At the beginning, their food quality was not good, only two meals a day, one meal was thin, and there was no meat supply, mainly just some shredded potato rice or dried vegetables and brown rice.

But for a group of guys who have been hungry for more than 20 days, this kind of food is still better than when they were on a desert island. Although they eat two meals a day, they can basically be full and don't worry about hunger every day.

After the gang was forced to complete the so-called clean-up, they were quarantined for about ten days. Some sick people were isolated alone. The Sea Wolf Gang also sent a Langzhong to conduct a so-called physical examination for these people, and the sick people were also treated to a certain extent.

After the expiration of the quarantine period on the tenth day, at the behest of Xiaotian, the group of people did not train immediately, but were taken to act as laborers to help build a dock bridge on Nanri Island. The daily food was also improved to three times. A certain amount of salted fish or salted whale meat was added to every three days to ensure Their physical strength.

Although doing such hard work makes these people a little reluctant, now they are under the shelter of others. In order to survive, they can only look at the faces of the sea wolf people and honestly leave work on time. During this period, some people are impatient and driven to do such things, and some guys take the opportunity to make trouble and escape. As a result, the end of these people on Nanri Island was very tragic. Yu Xiaotian's wrist was now much tougher than before. He mercilessly grabbed some of the people who tried to make trouble, cut off their heads on the spot, and hung high on the gate of the isolation camp, so that he easily suppressed the rest of the guys.

With the joining of this group of free labor, the tension of the original labor force in Nanri Island has also been eased. At this time, some work that could not be carried out due to insufficient manpower can be pushed forward in the conditions.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian finally took a breather and handed over the affairs of the training department to Wang Hong and others, and he turned his main focus on the construction of Nanri Island.

Nanri Island covers an area of dozens of square kilometers and has relatively sufficient land for Yu Xiaotian to toss around. Before that, Yu Xiaotian had actually conducted a comprehensive survey of Nanri Island and selected a batch of land available for cultivation and handed it to idle people to others to open up wasteland. Farming.

Although the land of Nanri Island is not suitable for farming, Yu Xiaotian still requires that a large amount of land must be cultivated, so that many wasteland on the island is gradually reclaimed into farmland. After two or three years, although Nanri Island cannot ensure the self-cultivation of grain, it must be full. With the ability of food demand and Shanghai wolf to help its fishing industry, the dependence on the land has been reduced a lot.

While planning the land, Yu Xiaotian also set aside enough space for commercial development. At the same time, relying on the Dazhai of Nanri Island, a large area of land was planned to be used as a workshop place on Nanri Island in the future.

In addition, he also set out a place to restore the boat house on the original site of the Nanri Island Shark Gang. In the future, as the shipbuilding and ship repair place of the Sea Wolf Gang, he will avoid letting the sea wolf's ships go to land to find boats to repair boats in the future, which not only reduces a lot of unnecessary expenses, but also protects them. The demand meets the needs of logistics.

Shortly after the end of the Battle of Dongqi Island, Yu Xiaotian began to implement his original plan and began to issue flags to some merchant ships on Nanri Island. All ships that often travel to and from the coast of Fuzhou only need to pay a certain amount of silver to the sea wolf to receive a flag of different colors.

All ships holding such a flag can be exempted from the coastal area of Fuzhou, from Pinghai Bay in the south to Huangqi Peninsula in the north. Ships of the Shanghai Wolf Gang only need to show this flag. They will not be hijacked by the Sea Wolf Gang, including their counterparts along the coast of Fuzhou, and will no longer be used against them. , basically can ensure the safety of their ships during this voyage.

This is equivalent to giving them a security guarantee for merchants who have been traveling along the coast of Fuzhou for many years. Paying money can basically ensure their safety, but some people are lucky enough not to pay, so they can only ask for more blessings. Once they are met by the sea wolf gang or pirates in Fuzhou. , will never let them go. At that time, not only will the goods on the ship be considered, but if the ship is looked up by the pirates, it will be finished together.

In this way, Yu Xiaotian also established an order in the coastal area of Fuzhou. The next step is to see if these sea merchants can do things honestly according to his ideas.

For the collection of tolls, Yu Xiaotian temporarily handed it over to Zhao Mazi to manage. The specific affairs were temporarily subordinate to the governing body, but the tolls collected were separately listed by Yu Xiaotian as a capital reserve for his next step in implementing the new project.

After this battle, the sea wolf made huge profits, and both the open and dark sea wolves made a lot of profits, which filled Yu Xiaotian's pocket again, which also made him finally be able to do something he had long wanted to do.

Just two days after Xiaotian led his troops back to Nanri Island, he recruited Guo Fu, the shipper, to his council room and had a discussion. At Guo Fu's request, Yu Xiaotian personally wrote a list.

This list includes two parts, part of which is manpower. It is a matter to restore the boathouse on Nanri Island. This is a considerable project. It is not only necessary to dredge the two docks, but also to repair the dock doors, lay various slides and repair drainage facilities. After Guo Fu's conservative estimate, it will require at least hundreds of them. Only strong labor can meet this workload.

In terms of manpower, although Yu Xiaotian now has two or 300 prisoners of Chen Jiu's hands available, Yu Xiaotian has now invested these people in the project of building a trestle wharf. After the completion of the trestle and dock project, Yu Xiaotian does not intend to use these prisoners as laborers.

Among these people, after all, a considerable number of people have traveled at sea for a long time. A little ** is a good sailor and sailor. It can be said that it is a waste to only let them do such rough work on the island.

In this way, we can only send some of the eliminated people from this group to repair the ship's house. There are still not enough manpower, and the boat house is not waiting for me, which is also a very urgent matter. It is impossible to wait.

(From now on, resume two daily update! Never break your promise! Yesterday, I felt like I was trampled by a herd of cattle. I had all kinds of pains all over my body. I don't know what happened. It was not until last night that I found that I had an inexplicable fever! I ran to hang a bottle of water in the middle of the night! Today's dizzy code words feel a little inconsistent! Dizzy! Sorry!)