Daming Haiku

Chapter 34 Recruitment

"You all heard clearly. Now that your boss, Hun Jianglong, has been beaten by us and fled back to Funing with his tail, and returned to his Shuangfeng Island, and Nangantang has also been returned to us! Now you should know who lost this battle!

Originally, our big head still felt sorry for you. We kindly told Chen Jiu that as long as everyone gave us a ransom of ten taels of silver, we would release you back to him!

I didn't expect him to be good and refused our request! Now we know that you guys are worthless in Chen Jiu's eyes! Not to mention ten taels of silver, Chen Jiu said that even if it is five taels of silver, he will never redeem you with silver!

If this is for us, let alone ten taels of silver, even if it is one hundred taels of silver, our great man will never blink his eyelids! We will never treat our brothers as human beings like Chen Jiu! We will never sit back and watch our brothers care!

Speaking of which, I really feel sorry for you bastards. You gave Chen Jiu a life to die. Now it's okay. If he loses the battle, he will look at you as a person. You may not know before. In his eyes, you are not even as good as a dog! Ten taels of silver are really high for you!

I said what should I do with you? You worthless goods, even your master doesn't want you. What's the use of leaving you?"

The black head stood on a large reef on the shore, behind him were dozens of sea wolves with knives and guns, and a group of hungry half-dead river dragons crowded on the beach in front of them.

Blackhead has now been promoted to captain. Although he is a little tender, at least he is Yu Xiaotian's direct line. He followed Yu Xiaotian all the way from the Little Yellow Island to the present. Today, Yu Xiaotian personally instructed him to say so. At this point, he deliberately stopped talking and stopped talking, but I glanced at the hungry guys in front of me and observed their expressions.

When these mixed Jianglong's men heard that their big head had been defeated back to Funing Prefecture and even Nangantang was lost, everyone couldn't hide their disappointment.

But when the blackhead said that Yu Hailang gave their big boss Chen Jiu to ask Chen Jiu ten taels of silver to redeem them, but Chen Jiu refused to agree, many people immediately became anxious, and there was a sound of scolding on the beach.

Some people shouted loudly and cursed, "Damn, I'm fucking Chen. Now I'm so far away that his mother's surname is even willing to spend ten taels of silver for me! Damn, it's really blind! Don't let me see his surnamed Chen again. If I see that bastard, I will definitely split that guy..."

Hearing someone scolding like this, the rest of Chen Jiu's men also scolded. If it hadn't been for the hunger and strength at this time, God knew how high their scolding would be!

Even some of the little leaders were pale now and couldn't help scolding.

The black head stood on the reef with a sneer and looked at the guys below and scolded them without interrupting them. They had no strength to scold. They sat on the ground one by one, with a gray look on their faces.

At this time, someone thought that Chen Jiu would not take the money to redeem them now, so what should they do in the future? The leader of the sea wolf standing on the stone in front of him just said what to do with them next.

It was not until this time that some people became nervous again and began to worry about their future fate.

Someone knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the black head standing high on the reef, and shouted, "This brother platform, the little ones have no eyes and follow the wrong people. Look at the sake of us all doing this industry. Although the little one used to be enemies with you, the little one was also instructed by Chen Jiu. Looking forward to the brother platform above, it's troublesome. Take a word from the big head and ask for a small life for the big head!

Nowadays, the surnamed Chen is not small. Although the small one has no ability, he can also operate boats. The small is willing to join the big head and serve the big head in the future!"

When they heard someone take the initiative to say that they were willing to rely on the sea wolf in order to survive, many other original subordinates of the river dragon also understood that this was the only way for them to live, so they knelt down and began to face the blackheads and the sea wolves in front of them. He kowtowed repeatedly and begged them to send a message to Yu Xiaotian, asking Yu Xiaotian to spare their lives.

Of course, there are also several guys who are loyal to the mixed river dragon. They don't believe the words of blackheads at all. At this time, they stand in the crowd and look at the colleagues kneeling around them coldly. One person crossed his waist and pointed to the people around them who knelt for mercy and scolded: "I believe what you mother said. This is I'm lying to you! Can't you hear this? The big man has been waiting for me. How can he be reluctant to redeem us with ten taels of silver?

The blackhead's face suddenly turned cold and pointed to the guy and shouted, "Who is that guy?" Let's say it earlier!"

The guy saw the blackhead point to him and let him speak in front of him. His face changed. After hesitating for a moment, he did not dare to come out. Instead, he rubbed back and tried to hide in the crowd.

The blackhead sneered, raised his hand to stop the noise of these guys, and sneered, "You have guts! Unexpectedly, I suspect that what I said is false! Humph! All right! Come on, bring down a few guys on the boat and let them tell you whether what I said is true!"

Someone agreed. Not long after, they brought down several captured Hun Jianglong's men from the ship. As soon as they got to the shore, they quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the black head.

The black head waved his hand carelessly and said, "Don't do this. You are all under the gang of Jianglong. You have heard it in Nangantang. Chen Jiu promised to take the money to redeem these guys? Tell these bastards yourself!"

After hearing the black-headed order, these prisoners did not dare to neglect. Although they did not know the details of the negotiations between the sea wolf and the mixed river dragon at that time, they probably heard that the sea wolf made a condition to let the mixed river dragon take silver to redeem people. They were not clear about the exact amount, but the mixed river dragon flatly refused but still knew it. Of.

Now the blackhead says whatever he says. The blackhead said that the condition given by the sea wolf is ten taels of silver, so they can only say that it is ten taels of silver, not even a penny.

But what they don't know is that among the conditions listed in the negotiation between the sea wolf and the mixed river dragon, this is only the least important condition. The mixed river dragon refuses to agree to the conditions of the sea wolf, mainly because they are reluctant to give up the goods and the stockades accumulated on the island, and can't stand the strength of the sea wolf. The kind of humiliation added to them.

Now the blackhead asked them to say that they could only honestly follow the blackhead's request and tell the colleagues in front of them that Chen Jiu did not agree to redeem them with money.

As a result, as soon as the words of these prisoners fell, Chen Jiu's men suddenly cursed again, so that the leader who tried to persuade could only put his neck and hide behind.

But this guy's remarks just now still angered some dizzy guys. Several guys came to this guy and questioned him to defend Chen Jiu.

And this man saw these people approaching, so he shouted harshly, "It's against you! I'm in charge of the boat. retreat! Why don't you retreat?"

"Fuck you, damn it! These days, I have had enough of you. If there is food, I have to let you go first. Now everyone is the same. How old are you now? In charge of the boat? Bah! Up to now, you still use Chen Jiu as a dog, brothers, beat him! Mother, kill this son of a bitch!" A guy may have had a grudge against this guy before. Anyway, this is the case, and he doesn't have so many scruples. He punched at this guy.

The rest of the guys gathered around, as soon as they saw that someone did it, they were less scrupulous and rushed up together.

The guy resisted desperately, but his fists were hard to beat the four hands. Soon he received a lot of old fists and looked that things were not good, so he turned around and ran away to avoid the siege of these guys, but someone was faster than him and threw him to the ground at once, and then the crowd drowned him in it.

The black head still looked like watching the play. He didn't care about such a thing at all. Even if these guys beat those guys wildly, they only heard them being beaten. Later, their uncles and grandfather began to shout and beg for mercy.

But at this time, people were all bold, and no one listened to him begging for mercy at all. A group of guys punched their fists and feet. After a long time, they gradually couldn't hear the screams and begging for mercy.

After a while, the crowd surrounding the guy began to stop and slowly began to disperse. At this time, looking through the crowd, I only saw the beaten seven orifices bleeding. Lying on the ground was full of breath. After twitching for a while, the guy lay on the ground silently.

After seeing the end of this guy, those guys loyal to Chen Jiu suddenly withered and hid in the crowd one by one. They didn't dare to breathe again. Public anger was difficult to happen. At this time, the sea wolf's guy was obviously provoking them to kill each other. If anyone doesn't open his eyes, it is not wrong to die.

When he saw that these guys had calmed down, the blackhead nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay! At least you guys are reasonable, and you can't all be regarded as fools.

Our big house is kind-hearted. Although you guys are enemies with us, most of you are forced by Chen Jiu. We are the big head of this matter, so we don't care about you!

Now I will give you two ways to choose. The first way is that you can follow us and work with our sea wolves in the future, so that you can still eat delicious and spicy food, and it is guaranteed to be much better than following Chen Jiu!

The second way is that you can not go, and we don't force it. If you are willing to stay, just stay. You can go wherever you want later!

I will give you a quarter of an hour to choose by yourself. If you are willing to go with us, gather at the seaside and wait for the dispatch to board the boat. If you don't want to leave, just stay! There are not many of you, and there are not many of you! Anyway, there are many people who are willing to follow me now!

All right, let's go! Damn, I said that my mouth is dry. Come on, send me water!"

Someone quickly handed a big bamboo tube to the blackhead. The blackhead pulled out the plug of the bamboo tube, took a big sip, and a lot of water flowed down his neck to his chest.

These days, there is a serious shortage of water, which has made the people on the island's throats that have been thirsty for a long time. Looking at the big mouth of blackheads drinking water, many people swallowed a mouthful of foam.

As soon as the blackhead's words fell, many people stood up without even thinking about it, swarming to the beach and huddled together. Someone shouted: "We are willing to follow you in the future, and the little one is willing to serve Yu Dafu! ......”

Speaking of which, the blackhead seems to be very tolerant, leaving two ways for these people. In fact, to put it bluntly, there is still only one, that is, if you don't follow the sea wolf, you can only wait to die on this island.

So this matter was not very entangled. Soon everyone made the choice, and almost everyone rushed to the seaside and said that they would follow the sea wolf.

(Today, I would like to thank the qshh2006 brothers for their unreshing rewards! From tomorrow, we will resume two more times a day! Brothers, please continue to help! Thank you very much!)