Daming Haiku

Chapter 37 Immigration Investment

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, the thunder blacksmith was really scared and quickly kowtowed and replied, "The big boss will spare his life. I will never dare to do it again!" The small can cast cannons. Please rest assured that the big one is not blown. In the past, when the small one worked in Foshan, none of the small cast cannons had been blown up!

It's just that this cannon-casting thing is very cumbersome. Small things need to prepare a lot of things in advance. It takes a month to dry in the shortest. Moreover, the mud should use the best soil, charcoal ash, iron and the best Guangdong refined iron. In addition, it will take some time to build an iron furnace.

In addition, the small one also needs some helpers, at least a dozen people. If it is less, a small person can't do this job!

As long as everything is ready, the small one can immediately start casting cannons for the big man!"

Yu Xiaotian frowned after hearing this. This guy is right. From scratch, it is not a simple thing to build a cannon by himself. It takes a lot of time, materials and manpower to establish a perfect cannon. It is impossible to do it overnight.

He nodded and said, "I understand what you said. You can rest assured about these things. As long as you need something, just say that I will make a list and prepare it for you immediately.

And the factory shed for casting you want, I will ask someone to build for you tomorrow. How tall it will it be? It doesn't matter if you are bigger. As for the manpower, there is no problem. I will find a way to assign a group of people for you to help you. If you need the blacksmith to help you, I will ask someone to find it for you on land!

In a word, I will give you a month to prepare. At least after a month, you have to start making cannons for me. In addition, I tell you that I don't want those broken bowls, Baizi guns and so on. If you make cannons for me, you can directly make Western-style Hongyi cannons for me! Or cast a thousand catties of Buddha machine for me!

In a word, you don't want to fool me with rags. Don't think I don't understand. If you can't make it, then what's the use of me? Think about it yourself!

Okay, you go down! Starting from today, you remember that there is only one month left, and I will give you whatever you want. After a month, if you can't start opening a mold for me, it will be a waste of food to keep you!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, the Lei blacksmith was scared to death, agreed repeatedly, and was taken out with his buttocks back.

In the following month, the whole Nanri Island became unprecedentedly lively. According to Yu Xiaotian's order, the sea wolf's boat began to go to sea repeatedly. Every few days, Wang Hong would send a boatman back to the island.

And Yu Xiaotian specifically explained to Wang Hong that when kidnapping, for those exiles, it is not necessary to only kidnap young men. If they have family members, they will bring them back regardless of age, so that they can avoid the separation of flesh and blood and let these people settle on Nanri Island in the future.

At the same time, Yu Xiaotian also secretly ordered his subordinates to choose some reliable helpers among the sea wolves, so that they can return to their hometown and recruit the landless people in their hometown for the sea wolf to settle on Nanri Island, provided that the sea wolf gangs will provide them with free land to reclaim wasteland. Young and middle-aged people, regardless of men and women, each of them will be given 10 mu of land, less than 14 years old. Give three mu of land, if it is more than five households, and give another cow, whether they are cheated or recruited, whoever brings back, according to the head, each person will be rewarded with one or two pieces of silver, without capping.

In addition, he also sent a message to merchants, asking them to buy cattle, donkeys and mules on land in large quantities. As long as they are shipped to Nanri Island, the wolf's den will be purchased at a high price, and it is cash settlement, and there will never be defaulted.

In short, now there is such a big Nanri Island. Such a remote island is by no means what Yu Xiaotian wants to see. If you want Nanri Island to prosper, you need to immigrate to the island.

As for whatever means he uses, it doesn't matter if he is tied up or invited. As long as he eats the sweetness on the island, he doesn't have to worry about these people staying.

Some people have everything in this era, not to mention that Nanri Island is not his ultimate goal. His appetite is getting bigger and bigger now. The next step is to enter Taiwan Island, and no one can do it. This Nanri Island is at most just a springboard, so now he has to speed up all the time to prepare.

Of course, he only knew about the march on Taiwan Island for the time being. Even Liu Laoliu didn't tell him, but he secretly planned it in his heart. Otherwise, once it was made public, it would inevitably make his subordinates' hearts fluctuous.

A boat of exiles was searched by Wang Hong from all over the coast of Fujian to Nanri Island. In less than a month, Wang Hong forcibly kidnapped nearly 500 people from all over the coast.

With these people, Yu Xiaotian also solved the problem of insufficient manpower, and the progress of various construction on the island began to accelerate rapidly with the abundance of manpower.

On the construction site of Chuanliao, nearly 300 workers were divided into two shifts on the construction site of Chuanliao. In addition to the rest in the second half of the night, nine hours a day did not stop working on the construction site.

The two abandoned docks were gradually re-excavated under the shift cleaning of these workers. The dock door of an abandoned dock was also reinstalled in place with the efforts of the craftsmen. The bottom of the dock was re-ramged by the workers and paved with stones. The collapsed part of the side wall of the dock was also repaired with strips. The stone was rebuilt.

Some workers were ordered to go close to the mountain to mine stone, and then ship nearby along the shore of the island and transported them to the dock for repairing the dock.

Some workers were sent to other parts of the island to help build various work sheds. Nanri Island, which used to be calm and deserted in the past, became very lively near the northwest corner of Nanri Island in the second half of the third year of the Apocalypse. Even if it is not full of people, it is at least full of a kind. Vitality.

All kinds of people are busy here, giving people a feeling of prosperity. Such a scene also makes the sea wolf department feel that the days are more hopeful.

Now, after screening and screening, about half of the men captured by Chen Jiu captured in the First War on Dongqi Island have been selected into the Sea Wolf Gang, received retraining, and then assigned them to various ships.

In addition, a small number of personnel were added to the barracks, bringing the strength of the barracks to more than 170. These soldiers were organized into three detachments by Yu Xiaotian. Each detachment was equipped with a sub-captain, a deputy captain, three guards, a co-husband, a detachment and five teams, each There are eleven people in the team, with one captain of ten and five people as one, and one of them is selected as the captain.

Although later armies mostly adopt the three-three system, such a system is not suitable for this era, and the five-five system is more suitable for the requirements of this era. With troops as a unit, five people can just form a team and cooperate with each other to play better combat effectiveness.

And two of these five people are equipped with *, two long gunners and one knife player, which can attack from afar and defend closely. If necessary, they can act independently in units.

Although Yu Xiaotian is not a genius, he knows far more than most people in this era, and he stands on the shoulders of his predecessors and does not need more to be tested by practice. Therefore, even if he has no experience in this field, he is still better than many people in this era. A lot.

When a detachment cooperates with the fleet, it can also be squeezed into a large ship and is full-time responsible for fighting against the enemy after landing. It is not only more professional, but also far more effective than the team temporarily assembled by the sailors on the ship.

This point has been tested in actual combat on Nangantang. About 100 soldiers easily defeated the number of enemies more than twice their number, and the casualties were still very low, and the effect was extremely obvious, which also surprised those who did not care about Xiaotian's formation of this barracks at the beginning, and had to admit Yu Xiaotian. Doing this is indeed a very far-sighted thing.

The battle between Dongqi Island and Nangantang also pushed Yu Xiaotian's reputation to a high point. At first, some people who defected from the Shark Gang were not convinced of Xiaotian at first, but after this battle, no one dared to doubt Yu Xiaotian's ability, even Ma Feng, who was a little unruly. After the event, he nodded repeatedly and praised Yu Xiaotian, which also made Ma Feng much more honest.

This era and their environment are to speak based on their strength. Yu Xiaotian has undoubtedly convinced most of his subordinates through the display of his personal strength and completely stabilized the interior of the Sea Wolf Gang.

In a word, after trying to clean up the river dragon, the whole coast of Fuzhou has become stable, and no one dares to trouble the sea wolf. The sea wolf also became famous in this battle and became the absolute ruler on the sea of Fuzhou, which provided a powerful for Yu Xiaotian's next activities. Guarantee.

With the advancement of various affairs, after a few months on Nanri Island, the originally empty seaside, business stacks began to be established like bamboo shoots.

After three months, the commercial dock was also completed, and a total of three strong wooden trestle bridges were built, providing convenient conditions for ships to dock and unload goods.

At the beginning, the merchants were still a little anxious, afraid that Yu Xiaotian would not keep his integrity and go back on his word. They were also afraid that if they did business under the nose of this group of pirates, they would be swallowed up at any time, and even the bone residue would not be left.

However, after three months of trial operation, these merchants gradually found that the new head of Nanri Island surnamed Yu is much more trustworthy than the original Zhang Hu. The planned business port is managed by him in an orderly manner, and even the sea wolf department that merchants are most worried about may harass them. It rarely appears.

Usually, the sea wolf members are under centralized management and are not allowed to leave their ships or stations without authorization. Only with permission will the sea wolf members go to the commercial port. However, the sea wolf gang has set rules for all sea wolves who go to the commercial port. They are not allowed to make trouble in commercial ports, and violators will be held accountable. At the same time, they are also required to buy and sell at a parity, and are not allowed to be strong on merchants.

Although some unpleasant things happened during this period, once the accident occurred, the sea wolf gang immediately punished the trouble and escorted them to the prison hall for punishment, fundamentally safeguarding the interests of merchants.

In addition, the Sea Wolf Gang also purchased a large number of various materials from the land through these merchants. At first, the merchants were only careful to test, but found that as long as the goods they provided met the acceptance of the Sea Wolf, they could almost immediately get money from the Sea Wolf's governing hall, and settled in full and never defaulted.

In this way, these businessmen gradually felt at ease and began to concentrate on operating here, and tried their best to meet the demand for sea wolves, and at the same time increased their efforts to do business here.

It turned out that at the beginning, it was not bad for these merchants to come to Nanri Island one or two boats in a day. Sometimes it took three or two days to come to a ship or disembark, but three months later, this situation has begun to change greatly, and more and more people began to come here to trade boldly.

This has greatly improved the utilization rate of the dock. At most, around the end of October, eight ships came in one day, which had caught up with the number of ships on Dalian Island, and the throughput of goods began to surge a lot.

(Haha, I would like to thank the Fenglin brothers for their reward in autumn, which gave me a good omen from the first day of this month! Thank you very much!)