Daming Haiku

Chapter 38 Anxiety

If there is business, people are needed. There must be people to load and unload ships. It is not used for filiality to consider this matter for merchants. The merchants solved this problem by themselves. Some people who had nowhere to make a living on the shore learned that they needed manpower here, so they found a way to come to Nanri Island and went to the commercial port to find work. Gradually A loading and unloading team of dozens of people has been formed, specializing in waiting for work on the dock.

In addition, some of the troops sent by Yu Xiaotian also began to secretly recruit immigrants for Nanri Island after returning to their hometown. Driven by interests, these guys rushed around to lobby the villagers who could not afford land or lost their land to inform them of the conditions of the sea wolves and promised that they would never deceive them.

So some people tried to follow them back to Nanri Island. Sure enough, they got the land from the wolf's den and began to cultivate on the island.

A long time ago, Nanri Island was actually not a desert island. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, there have been fishermen or farmers farming on the island. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, more people hid on Nanri Island. Later, after the early Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates on the sea gradually flooded, which led to the inability of Nanri Island to survive. In order to prevent Japan from preparing for Japan, the Ming Dynasty court to order the island Residents moved to land, leaving Nanri Island abandoned.

Nowadays, many land on the island used to be cultivated. Now there are overgrown weeds. You only need to remove the weeds. After thorough deep ploughing, you can resume farming. After two or three years of intensive cultivation, there will be no more weeds in the field.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian tried his best to support the immigrants who came here to settle and reclaim the wasteland, provided them with farming cattle and agricultural tools in the form of loans, and helped them build houses to settle down. By November of the third year of the Apocalypse, three villages had gradually formed on the island, and Yu Xiaotian actually set up the three villages elegantly. The next step is to introduce immigrants to settle on the island and fill these three small island villages.

It was when Xiaotian was busy to toss his Nanri Island, but he did not forget to inquire about the news about the Dutch in Penghu in the south.

is basically no different from the history in his memory. After serving as governor of Fujian, Nan Juyi was ordered to focus all his attention on the Dutch and dispatch troops in Fujian, concentrating almost all available ships and troops, ready to fight with the Dutch.

But what Nan Juyi did not expect was that the Dutch were not as easy to deal with as he thought. The Dutch were not afraid of the Ming Dynasty officials and refused to withdraw from the Penghu Islands. On the contrary, they continued to harass the coastal areas of Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Chaozhou.

And because pirates and sea merchants informed the Dutch, the Dutch knew in advance that Fujian officials were ready to use troops against them, so the Dutch, who were stationed on the Penghu Islands, took advantage of their strong guns and sent the East India Company fleet to unite some pirates around Guangdong. Recently, Haikou outside Zhangzhou has been blocked.

Where is Zhangzhou Haikou? Among other things, one month's port has illustrated its importance, because the month's port is the only port officially approved by the Ming Dynasty to open maritime trade. Although the month's port is not a port with good natural conditions, it is the only port in the Ming Dynasty that can legally go to sea so far.

Ships and merchants from all over the country gathered in the lunar harbor, swallowing a large amount of goods every day, bringing great benefits to localities and governments.

Nanjuyi also chose to gather troops and warships in Zhangzhou. The Dutch took this point and sent a fleet to block the mouth of Zhangzhou and cut off the only legal trade port of the Ming Dynasty.

By doing this, the Dutch have pitd the merchants concentrated in the lunar harbor. The ships are sealed in the lunar harbor and are not allowed to enter or leave. A large number of goods are hoarded in the lunar harbor and cannot enter or leave. Even the officers and soldiers gathered in Zhangzhou cannot go to sea.

For this reason, the two sides have repeatedly clashed in the Haikou area of Zhangzhou, but the Dutch are known as sea coachmen. Most of their ships are new Galen ships. Because of their natural structural advantages, these Dutch warships can be loaded with a large number of artillery, and the ships are also very tall and strong, even the most common. Armed merchant ships can also carry at least a dozen large-caliber artillery.

Although the Dutch fleet does not have the most powerful warships of this era, most of them are composed of some ordinary armed merchant ships, and the number is also very limited. However, they still have a great firepower advantage when facing the Chinese sailboats of this era at sea. Several times the Ming navy have not been able to fight in front of them. Cheap, on the contrary, more than a dozen warships of the Ming army were sunk by the Dutch, so that the Ming army gathered in Zhangzhou Port was blocked in Zhangzhou Port and could not retreat.

After hearing this news, Yu Xiaotian did not know what he felt in his heart. Just 200 years ago, the sailors of the Ming Dynasty were still an invincible symbol. The grandeur of the fleet led by Zheng He to the West can be said to be invincible all over the world.

If the Ming Dynasty had not changed its mind and followed the sea ban policy again, the Ming Dynasty would not have fallen to such a level now, blocked and bullied by a small Dutch fleet from afar.

You should know that this time Nanjuyi used the power of the Ming Dynasty to go to war with the Dutch, and the Dutch only sent a very small number of armed merchant ships and some light warships of their East India Company, which could actually bully the Daming sailor into such a virtuous manner, which is very proud of his nation. There is no doubt that the Chinese feel very humiliated.

It is this policy of banning the sea that completely killed the Chinese people's dream of the sea, so that they have been repeatedly bullied by foreign enemies in history. Even in the era before him, the footsteps of the Chinese sea have always been controlled in the first island chain.

When is this now? The Chinese began to be bullied by these little ones. Not to mention Macao, the Spaniards controlled Manila, and the Dutch also extended their claws to Penghu and later controlled Taiwan Island.

In fact, by this time, the Chinese sea has begun to look around. If it continues like this, history will be completely repeated, and the ocean dream of the Chinese people will be completely buried.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaotian's heart twitched violently, suddenly stood up, and began to walk back and forth in the hall.

Liu Laoliu and others, who sat in the hall and chatted with Yu Xiaotian, had a little strange reactions to Xiaotian. They were just talking about red-haired people. Suddenly, after hearing these things, Yu Xiaotian began to become restless. At this time, there was a danger all over their bodies. The atmosphere made everyone in the hall feel a little uneasy.

Yu Xiaotian gave them a feeling more like a sleepy beast, trying to break free from some shackles, but it was not clear what stimulated him and made him so restless.

"The big man, the red-haired man hasn't stretched out his hand towards us at the time. After all, there are Fujian officials and officers and soldiers against them. They guess they don't have time to stretch out their hands towards us, so why should the big leader worry?" Liu Laoliu smiled and said to Yu Xiaotian, who was wandering around the room.

Yu Xiaotian raised his hand and said, "I'm not worried about this, I'm angry!" Think about our big Ming Dynasty, with such a wide territory, but we will be bullied by young people such as red hairs. Although we are thieves, we are at least Ming people!

We were born as Han people and died as Han ghosts! How can you look at us being bullied so much? Even if I am a pirate, I feel very unhappy!

Let's break up! That's all for today. I have something to calm down and think about!"

Liu Laoliu and Fang An, who was sitting aside, looked at each other and were a little strange about Yu Xiaotian's reaction, but Yu Xiaotian said that they wanted to be quiet alone at this time, and they could not stay here more, so everyone had to stand up and leave Yu Xiaotian's council hall.