Daming Haiku

Chapter 75 The Way to Solve the Trouble

Yu Xiaotian didn't expect that he spent so much money, but after thinking about it, he also found that it was true. In the past six months, he has been tossing around crazily on Nanri Island, and he has built a large area of various workshops. This is all money!

In addition, he was not too careful about all kinds of expenses. As long as he felt that he needed it, he would spend a lot of money on the council. Unexpectedly, he tossed around like this, but it caused the sea wolf's fiscal deficit. If he continued like this, he would probably not have three months to declare bankruptcy.

He roughly looked through the account, closed the account book and retreated the account book forward, leaned against the chair, and began to worry.

"Isn't the business of Maoshengyuan good? It should be possible to share some money in the near future! Isn't it?" Yu Xiaotian broke his fingers to calculate the next possible income.

Zhao Mazi shook his head with a black line and said, "Maoshengyuan's business is indeed good, but the big boss can't expect it. Don't forget that the big boss made an agreement with the Li family and continued to invest 5,000 taels of silver in Mao Shengyuan as the principal. Now he has only given 2,000 taels of money to Mao Shengyuan, and the remaining 3,000 taels of silver last time. Say it will come from our payment and dividends!

If you dig another 3,000 taels, it's good to get 2,000 taels of silver back. Now the ironwork, cannonwork and ship's house on the island need iron everywhere. These two thousand taels of silver are not enough to buy iron materials in Guangzhou!"

What about the toll? Isn't the income of the toll not bad now?" Yu Xiaotian put his mind on the toll again.

"That's why, there are thousands of taels of silver collected every month, but there are too many craftsmen on the island. In addition to supporting our brothers, these silver also need to pay for the craftsmen. At the end of this month, thousands of taels of silver are needed, which is at most just enough!" Li Gouzi took over the topic again and answered Yu Xiaotiandao.

Yu Xiaotian broke his finger and calculated. There was really nothing to do. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly patted his head and said, "That's right, where's the glass mirror? Did you give the glass mirror to Mao Shengyuan?

Zhao Mazi nodded and said, "The 20 glass mirrors made a few days ago have just been sent to Maoshengyuan, Fuzhou, and there is no news back!"

Yu Xiaotian was happy and stood up and said, "That's easy! I can guarantee that these twenty-sided glass mirrors will definitely sell at a good price! In addition, if you give me a few days, I can make new things for you. During this period, I will fish for seaweed and burn grass and ashes with seaweed. How is the progress now? I forgot to ask about it these two days!"

Li Gouzi replied, "I have accumulated a lot of grass and wood ash during this period!" However, the grass and ash burned by seagrass are on the east bank. The person in charge of this matter told me today that they had accumulated a lot and could not be used in the glazed field. He asked me if I should stop! Otherwise, there will be no place to put it!"

"Don't stop! Don't stop! How much grass and wood ash do you need? If you don't need it for the time being, you have to continue to burn it! I'm afraid the dosage will be large in the future! I will use a lot tomorrow! I'll make you something that can make a fortune this time!

By the way, and I think the toll is almost done. From next month, the toll will be double on the original basis. In the past, we charged too cheaply. Some time ago, it was regarded as a preferential period, and now the preferential period should be! Anyone who doesn't want to hand it in! In the future, when they pass Fuzhou again, let them ask for more blessings!" After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian suddenly felt better, and his mind seemed to suddenly become flexible and told Li Gouzi and Zhao Mazi.

Li Gouzi's eyes widened as soon as he heard it and asked, "Do you double? Will it be too much?"

Yu Xiaotian shook his head and said, "Not much! Not much! In the past, a boat had 20 or 30 taels of silver, but it was too cheap for them to care about three months in a season! Now let them pay 80 to 100 taels of silver in one season, which is not much! They ran down one at a time, even if it was the smallest boat, they would earn at least seven or eight taels of silver at a time, which was nothing!

Let me tell you that it is still low. Now the territory we control is not big enough. If it is bigger, some people are willing to pay no matter how high the price is!

What has Hun Jianglong been doing these days? Have you sent someone to inquire? The last time this old boy was cleaned up by us, he must have hated us to the bone long ago! I guess this man will not give up, and he will definitely come back and avenge us!

So instead of waiting for him to come, it's better to keep an eye on him and give him a reason to let us do it and clean up the old boy completely!

Aren't we short of silver? Over the years, this old boy has saved a lot of money on Shuangfeng Island. Let's spend it first!

The larger the territory we control, the easier it is to collect the money. The south is too chaotic now, and it is not convenient for us to go there. However, Funing is originally our hometown, and the river dragon is also our old friend. Instead of letting him occupy the pit without shit, it is better to let us take care of the sea in Funing. For the benefit of the fishermen, right?

After hearing this, Li Gouzi and Zhao Mazi were sweating violently. Now they find that Yu Xiaotian is not an honest man. Although he is very loyal on the surface, his heart is by no means as simple as they think!

It turns out that this guy has long been thinking about the territory of the mixed river dragon. In the past, he didn't say that his strength was not good, but now after half a year of tossing, the sea wolf's strength has soar under his leadership. He already has the strength to destroy the mixed river dragon. Now he still says so grand that he still coveted Funingzhou. The sea surface.

And Yu Xiaotian is right. The larger the sea area controlled by their sea wolves, the greater the benefits they can obtain. Now they only control the waterway north of Meizhou Bay to the mouth of the Minjiang River, and the sea merchants have to pay them. If the sea they control is wider, the sea merchants will give more They pay more money for the way.

On the surface, it seems that sea merchants are at a disadvantage, but in the case that the imperial government cannot effectively provide protection for sea merchants, and Mingli also restricts merchants from going to go to sea to do business. If the pirates of small stocks of sea merchants are allowed to run rampant, the harm to sea merchants will be greater. Sea merchants pay when they go to sea. The higher the price.

On the surface, Yu Xiaotian blackmailed the sea merchants, but in fact, he established an order in the area under his jurisdiction, so that the cost of sea merchants after paying a certain price, the cost of going abroad was relatively reduced. In fact, it still allowed the sea merchants to get more benefits, which is also the willingness of sea merchants to pass through Fuzhou. In this area, the reason why they pay a certain amount of money for the sea wolf is that they can get security when passing through this area under the condition of controllable costs.

Yu Xiaotian's practice is not to kill chickens to get eggs, but in fact, it is actually to release water to raise fish, so that more maritime merchants can carry out maritime trade under the rules he established.

If one day Yu Xiaotian can control the maritime passages along the whole coast from south to north, it may not be a bad thing for maritime merchants, but also establish a more orderly maritime trade rules.

Now, under the shy situation of Xiaotian's pocket, he stared at the territory of the mixed Jianglong. Of course, it is not a bad thing, which will have great benefits for their sea wolves in the future. Naturally, Li Gouzi and Zhao Mazi will not object.

What's more, they used to live on Xiaohuangdao on the other side of Funing. It was the forced by Hunjianglong that forced them to flee to Fuzhou. Now Yu Xiaotian wants to take them back and regain the maritime control of the big and small Huangdao and Funing. Naturally, they raise their hands and feet to welcome them.

Zhao Mazi even recalled what Yu Xiaotian said when he took them to evacuate Dahuangdao, "We will come back sooner or later!"

Now Yu Xiaotian is going to fulfill his promise to the people who came out of the Little Yellow Island!

"Since Hunjianglong was defeated and returned to Funing, he has hated us to the bone. According to the news from there, he recruited troops on Funing during this period and vowed to avenge this arrow!

Although they didn't provoke us much during this period, and they also moved our boat passing by Funing, but the detailed news came that Hun Jianglong was actually waiting for an opportunity. After his strength was sufficient, he planned to go south again to catch us all!"

Li Gouzi said to Xiaotian.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian immediately laughed and laughed: "Haha... This Chen Jiu is really a lovely person! It's just right to hold such a grudge. I'd like to see how capable he is!

Inform Ma Xiao for me, ask him to pay more attention to Chen Jiu's movements in the north of Nangantang, strengthen the vigilance of Nangantang, and don't let Chen Jiu attack them!

If Jianglong dares not attack us now, then you can find an excuse for us to let Chen Jiu provoke us and give us a reason to find him unlucky!

One more thing, I want to build a village in the Taiwanese's Jilong Bay. In the future, I need a lot of people to go there. From today on, people from land will no longer stay on Nanri Island for the time being. Gather a boat and send it to Jilong Bay! But remember, we should ensure the supply of food and not let them break!

What should be supplied to them, we also need to supply them by smashing pots and selling iron, so that they can build a village for us at ease. In addition, find some smart craftsmen on the island and send them there to build a village with these people. I will follow them again to determine the location of the village!

This is our century-old plan. Don't delay it if you feel that you are short of money. If you don't have enough money, I'll just find a way for you!"

Li Gouzi and Zhao Mazi both feel that their heads are a little big. Yu Xiaotian's stall is too open, which makes them a little overwhelmed. With their ability, it is really a little difficult for them to host so many things, but now they can only bravely stand up.

So the two nodded and agreed. After discussing some things with Yu Xiaotian, they left and began to work.

And Yu Xiaotian also got up and went straight to the glass field.

(Thank you for your support! Today, I would like to pay special thanks to the rewards of the anti-hole bricklayer, littlebear, the French starry sky, and the wasteland wolf, especially the huge reward of the French starry sky brothers! Life is endless, and the update is endless! Thank you very much!)