Daming Haiku

Chapter 76 Molding Process

The glass field lies in the absence of Xiaotian, and production is still in progress. Craftsmen follow the method taught by Yu Xiaotian to burn glass liquid, and then make glass liquid into flat glass. However, the largest flat glass they have made at present is only one foot by two feet square. No matter how big the flat glass is, they are not very good. It's done.

Before Yu Xiaotian went to the Taiwanese, he asked them to try out a larger flat glass and planned to use large flat glass to make a large dressing mirror in the future. In this way, even if it is used as a tribute, it will definitely shock the business community while selling it at a sky-high price.

However, the craftsmen's experiment ended in failure. They experimented many times, and finally cracked during the annealing because of stress, so this large area of flat glass was not as easy as Xiaotian thought.

After Yu Xiaotian learned of this result, he was not too disappointed. Although he could not do the big dressing mirror, this two-square-foot glass mirror is already quite good. Many things are not done overnight, and it takes a lot of time to gradually explore to gradually improve the technology.

Some time-travel novels say that pig's feet are like gods, and it is impossible to make up advanced things day and night.

He has been here for two years. He knows that even if he knows a lot of things, it is not easy to copy what he has learned in this era. Most of the time, what he knows is more theoretical knowledge and has no practical experience, so he wants to make something new. There is also no lack of a process of gradual exploration and improvement.

When he walked into the glass field, the heat wave here hit his face. Compared with iron work and cannon, the temperature here was not low at all, and even more than that.

The craftsmen were busy in the shed and did not dare to go shirtless. The glass liquid temperature was extremely high, and if it was slightly stained, it was a serious burn. At the beginning, some craftsmen were accidentally burned, so now the craftsmen working here must wear thick canvas clothes and cover the outside. A piece of whale skin.

So the working conditions here are very bad, and the craftsmen will get heatstroke if they are not careful. For this reason, there is a large water tank at the door of the shed, in which a few water is lost and filled with cold boiled water for the craftsmen to come out for a drink at any time.

When Xiaotian walked into the shed, several archers were holding a hollow iron pipe. After being stained with some glass liquid, they tried their best to blow the glass liquid and gradually blow it, and then rolled it repeatedly on the iron plate and shaped it with the help of some tools.

The piles of glass fragments on the ground are some scrap works, but so far, they have not produced a few decent glass products.

As soon as he saw Yu Xiaotian, the stewman here ran to Yu Xiaotian and bent his knees to kneel down for Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian quickly grabbed him and said, "Don't! Don't be rude. There is broken glass everywhere. Don't prick your legs! Be careful! Don't kneel here in the future!"

The craftsmen quickly thanked them, stopped their work one after another, bowed their waists with a smiling face, waiting for Yu Xiaotian to speak, and many people's faces showed uneasiness.

Yu Xiaotian looked at it and waved his hand and said, "What should I continue to do? Don't delay me because I'm here!" How about it? Executive affairs, how's the work here during my absence?

The executive used to be a person from pottery. After arriving here, he first helped to burn bricks and pottery for the sea wolf. He was more or less good at porcelain making. He was honest and down-to-earth and willing to work. After being discovered by Yu Xiaotian, he handed over the glass field to him for management.

The executive looked embarrassed and apologized to Xiaotian: "Little incompetence, this glass-blowing job is really not easy to do! During the period when the big head was away, the little ones did not dare to be lazy. They tried to blow every day, but only a few vases were blown out. The shape was slightly more complicated, or bigger, and they were blown out!

It's better to make flat glass for mirrors. A lot has been made during this period of time, but it can't be made if it's bigger! It always breaks when it is annealed!"

Yu Xiaotian looked at several glass vases made by them. These vases are not large in size, and the walls are relatively thick and the shape is sloppy, but they are not exquisite enough. However, in this era, it is also relatively good, which shows that these craftsmen have really figured out a way and explored for a long time.

Blowing glass is not something that anyone can do. The lung capacity should be large, the hands should be fast, and there should be some artistic achievements. There should be a shape in the brain that you want to do.

These workers are all novices. They have never even seen such things as glass before. Now they are asked to do the work of blowing glass. It is obvious that they are driving ducks on the shelves. It is understandable that they can't do it in a short time. Even if they let Yu Xiaotian, a giant in language and a dwarf in action, do it now, they are still be blind.

So Yu Xiaotian was not angry. Instead, he praised the executives and the workers here and encouraged them.

Looking at these useless glass products, Yu Xiaotian sighed and said to the executives, "I forgot one thing before I left. In fact, it is not necessary to blow glass. There is another way to make it more convenient, but I forgot to tell you at the beginning!

I'm here today to tell you this method. In the future, we can try to use molding to make some simple glass products!"

"Mold?" The executive looked puzzled.

Yu Xiaotian saw that he didn't understand, so he explained: "The molding is to first make a mold with copper iron, and then put the glass liquid in. The yin mold and the yang mold are squeezed against each other, and the glass liquid is squeezed into! This method is very simple. As long as you ask Tiezuo to help you make some molds, you can produce all kinds of glassware in large quantities in the future!"

The executive understood this and patted his head and shouted, "God, that's it! How did the big man come up with it? Why didn't we guys think of it? This method is so wonderful! If you can make several sets of molds, one will come out as soon as you press it, haha! You are really a master!"

Yu Xiaotian is a little proud of his complacent executive. He, a pirated dealer, now often steals the research results of future generations and takes them for himself. I don't know how many people's jobs will be ruined in the future! But now he will not tell others that this is the result of his piracy and the wisdom of others, so he is proud to be complimented by the executives.

As for the production of glass mirrors, it is also continuing to be produced steadily. The glass plate made was sent to another shed and placed in an iron plate, which just stuck the glass plate. After sewing the seams, the workers spread a piece of tin foil flat on the glass plate and rushed to The flat tin foil makes it tightly combined with the glass without leaving any air, and then pours the ready-made mercury into the tank and diffuses the whole glass.

Then wait for the mercury and tin foil to react. The process is relatively long and takes at least half a month, so the ironwork can only help them build many such iron plate grooves, otherwise the glass mirror of the glass field will not be formed for continuous production.

When Yu Xiaotian came back this time, dozens of glass mirrors have been made here. This kind of glass mirror made of mercury and tin foil can't be compared with later glass mirrors. The clarity and reflectance is not as good as that of future generations' glass mirrors, but in this era, this thing is already a high-tech product. So far, only Tunisian glass craftsmen and French glass craftsmen can do this, and they have also carried out strict technical blockade. Yu Xiaotian's current glass mirror is definitely the third in the world, so there is no worry about no market at all.

Yu Xiaotian simply looked at the production situation of the glass field and told the executives about the molding method. As for what kind of mold they were going to do, Yu Xiaotian simply made a big deal and let them toss around.

After all, at this time, people's appreciation of beauty is very different from those of later generations. If he intervenes in everything, the people of this era may not like what he makes, so if he is free, he can make suggestions, but it is better to leave the main design to the craftsmen of this era.

In addition to the glass field, Yu Xiaotian took his guards straight to the east bank. Because in order to avoid burning seaweed to obtain seaweed, grass and wood ash, the smoke and dust greatly affected the living area, so the burning of seaweed was placed on the east coast of the island, and there are the most seaweed there, which is more suitable for this.

Yu Xiaotian is a little better at riding a horse now. He is no longer as nervous as the first time riding a horse, but his level is limited to when the horse is jogging, and he will not fall down. If he rides this thing to kill the enemy, it is estimated that he can kill himself without having to be done by others!

After arriving at the place, Yu Xiaotian saw that there were spreading seaweed everywhere on the beach. Some people were still fishing for seaweed at the seaside, while some people kept checking the seaweed fishing ashore, pulling the dried seaweed to several fixed places and throwing it into the fire to light it.

The smell of burning seaweed is very bad, and there is a strong fishy smell in the air, but for people living by the sea, this is nothing, and it will not affect the people who work here at all.

There is a cave on the east of the island. The burned grass and ash are packed into large wooden barrels to be pounded and transported to the cave for storage. In fact, these workers are the families of fishermen on the island, mainly women and children. They can't usually go fishing with the boat. When the family goes to sea to fish, they are fine. It can be done, can only serve some thin fields, grow some vegetables or simple grain, and subsidize the family;

Now after burning seagrass to collect grass and ash, they are invited to use their free time to do some work. The sea wolf gives them a little money. Although the labor cost is very low, there is another way for them to subsidize their families, so the island The fishermen's families are still happy to do these things.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the cave and found that there was indeed a lot of vegetation ash in it. This thing was the raw material he used to replace soda. Others looked down on it, but it was a good thing for him.

(Today, I would like to thank the wasteland wolf and every two friends in Kashgar for their rewards!)