Daming Haiku

Chapter 77 Soap

He asked Li Gouzi to choose a reliable person for him, took him here, looked at the quality of the grass and wood ash, and transported a large amount of grass and wood ash back to the workshop area. He casually found a shed that had just been built and had not been determined what to do, so that people set up a big pot and went to the warehouse to get a large bucket of whale oil and a few bags of refined salt. .

As soon as Yu Xiaotian saw that the things were in place, he began to ask people to be busy. First, he asked people to add some water to the pot, then poured grass and wood ash into the pot, and then poured whale oil into the pot. After carefully recalling the proportion of various things, he roughly determined a proportion and ordered people to start cooking.

In fact, what he wants to do is very simple. It's just the most commonly used daily necessities "soap" in later generations. In fact, people have found soap for a long time, but they have not mastered the production method. A long time ago, someone found that oil drips into the grass and wood ash, and then this kind of thing can be washed cleaner. .

In fact, this is the saponification reaction. Later, Yu Xiaotian did not remember who invented the soap, but it seems to be in the 19th century. It is very simple to say, but it is to add oil and soda ash to the pot to boil, so that the oil and alkali react, and then add salt to produce sodium stearate.

After scraping out the soap base, there is still glycerin underneath, which are good things that can't be thrown away. Soap can be used to take a shower and wash hair. Glycerin can be used for skin care in winter. When he was in junior high school, Yu Xiaotian learned these things. Now he is just doing it, experimenting and finding a more suitable production process.

He doesn't have soda, and replaces it with grass and wood ash. Needless to say, whale oil is a specialty of his sea wolf. In addition to eating and making *, there are also a lot of inventory. Just pretending to be Jiao oil in Maoshengyuan to deceive people, and it can't sell much, but if it is made into soap...

Yu Xiaotian's pupils looked at the boiling cauldron and turned into a square.

For three days, Yu Xiaotian stayed here, constantly experimenting, pot by pot of experimenting various proportions. In the end, the effort paid off, and a large wooden plate of soap base was still made out by him.

Yu Xiaotian stretched out and looked at this plate of translucent soap. At this time, it is probably more appropriate to call it a soap base, but if it is used directly, there is no problem.

"Big head, what the hell is this! What's the use?" Zhao Mazi was most concerned about what Xiaotian was doing these two days. He ran here almost every day. Xiaotian always refused to tell anyone what he was doing. It was not until a large wooden plate of soap was made and began to dry, that Zhao Mazi couldn't help asking Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian waved his hand back and said proudly to Zhao Mazi, "This thing is a big pile of silver for us! Where I used to be, it was called soap. If you add some spices and essential oils, it's called soap!

This thing can be used to take a shower and wash your hair, which is much easier than the soap corner. Once it goes on the market and starts to sell, I can guarantee that women will definitely go crazy! Hey hey!"

Zhao Mazi seemed to understand. He lowered his head and pointed to the soap base on the wooden plate with his fingers and said a little confusedly, "How can this thing be better than the soap angle? Isn't it all for bathing? Can it sell as well as the big head said?

Yu Xiaotian said confidently, "Wait. After this thing is dry, I will cut it first and send a piece to each of you. You will know whether it works or not!"

Two days later, all the leaders on the island got a small piece of soap. Yu Xiaotian told them to try this bath after they went back.

As a result, the next morning, Li Gouzi, Zhao Mazi and other guys in the governing hall found Yu Xiaotian with a smile on their faces. They praised the trial effect of this soap and praised it. They even said that after washing their bodies with this thing, it was dry! It almost brought the function of soap to the sky.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these eyebrows with contemptuous faces and laughed at them, "What is this? Let me tell you, I will use this thing to make soap in a couple of days, and then you will know what a good thing is!"

Soap and soap are actually a kind of thing. They are just soap bases used to make soap. They are made of more vegetable oils. In addition, some essential oils and spices are added, and a little color blocks are added to make the color more beautiful. In addition, when used, the aroma is pungent and has a little skin care effect.

Yu Xiaotian will not sell his hard-earned soap as laundry! In the next few days, he continued to toss, find various spices, make some apricot oil, add it to the soap base, and add a small amount of pigments to make it colorful.

According to the color, it is better to add spices with different fragrances, but he doesn't have time to do any flavors or essential oils at this time, so he is simply lazy to add some spices to make it have some fragrance.

These soaps were divided into small pieces by him, and let the carpenter carve a patterned mold, pressed the small pieces of soap into it, and then hit them out. The pattern was left on it, and the shape also turned into a petal shape, which looked like a little handicraft.

The first batch of soap was wrapped in oil paper and put into a small wooden box. It attracted people from Nanri Island and handed it over to them and sent it to Fuzhou to start selling.

In addition, the shed where he made soap base and soap was also officially requisitioned and transferred to the protected workshop area. The process was issued a sealing order and completely closed for production. No one is allowed to inquire about the production process without authorization.

While he issued the first batch of soap and waited to make a lot of money, under the auspices of the council, the first batch of immigrants shipped to Jilong Bay were also loaded and set off on Nanri Island. The first batch of immigrants, a total of 57 people, were not ordinary immigrants, but slaves bought by Yu Xiaotian.

In order to increase his manpower, Yu Xiaotian not only sent people to recruit on land, but also asked his men to forcibly kidnap some places on land according to time according to the news, and immigrate to Nanri Island. In addition, he spent money on land through various relationships!

In this era, population trading is actually open and legal. Some poor families who have lost their land and have no choice but to make a living, sell themselves to rich families as slaves, and rich families often sell unsatisfactory slaves, and some are in debts and have no choice but to sell themselves to pay their debts. In short, families Slavery is a normal phenomenon in this era.

So Yu Xiaotian used this gap conveniently to let people buy these slaves through various means, and they were mainly young and strong teenagers, regardless of men and women.

Some relationships are needed. After all, it is not legal for these people to be bought by Yu Xiaotian, but money can make ghosts grind. Some people are willing to spend money to buy people. The local government has turned a blind eye, and it is not a big problem to go through a formality.

(This is the first chapter after it was put on the shelves. I sincerely hope that my brothers can continue to support it! Thank you, everyone! Try to update another chapter in the evening!)