Daming Haiku

Chapter 78 Draft Servant and Fort

So for more than half a year, Yu Xiaotian has been spending money on slaves and transporting them back to the island. As a welfare, young women have been rewarded to those who have no family on the island. Of course, if they want to get such a wife, they must have considerable credit.

Teenagers or girls stay in some workshops on the island to be apprentices for craftsmen and let them learn various crafts. Girls mostly stay in garment workshops to work. If some of them are willing to get on the boat to do things, they can also be sent to the ship as intern sailors and let them learn navigation skills.

As for young and strong men, they are put in various workshops or boats to act as workers.

Yu Xiaotian is not very resistant to this kind of population trading. Although such a thing is regarded as a violation of human rights by later generations, this kind of slave trade is a normal thing in this era.

For these money-bought slaves, their identity is different from that of ordinary immigrants. They have no personal freedom and are not paid well, and they also have their own consciousness and know their identity. Although they are not willing, they are honest.

Before many slaves were bought, they did not know that they would be transported here and become servants of pirates. It was not until they were shipped out to sea that they knew where their future was.

Some people are reluctant, but they can only accept their fate. Few of them will resist and can only pray to God, hoping that they will not be too miserable when they are in the thief's nest.

But after arriving at Nanri Island, they found that things were not as bad as they thought. Although they had to carry out the so-called quarantine in the first half month, collect their clothes and burn them, and shave their hair (except women, Yu Xiaotian was not interested in seeing nun-like women on the island), and gave them insects. The soup has to be washed from head to toe, which makes them puzzled and scared.

But once the isolation was lifted, they found that these vicious pirates were not as bad as they thought, and even called them very good.

After they were released from quarantine, in addition to sending them new clothes, they were also arranged for a clean and tidy accommodation. Everyone also has a set of toiletries that can be replaced regularly.

In terms of eating, although it is also a big pot of rice, the quality of the meal is beyond their expectations. Three meals a day, morning and evening are thin, dried at noon, with porridge and vegetables. Although most of them are some sea dishes, they are much better than what they ate before selling themselves, and even give them meat every three or five times.

When this is on land, slaves don't dare to think about it. Household slaves rarely eat meat. Even if it is a little meaty, it is also a fragment of the internal organs of some animals, and the amount is very small.

However, the meat given here is all large pieces of good meat, mainly fish, and occasionally you can eat whale meat that is said to be eaten only by the rich.

And their work is not really to be a cow and a horse. They only need to work for five hours a day, get up early in the morning, two and a half hours at noon, and work two and a half hours after dinner in the afternoon. They can manually return to their residence to rest, and they can arrange their own time in the evening.

Sea Wolf also provides them with something called poker, teaches them to play, gives them some wages every month, and gives the leader a day to rest. They can visit the shops on the island and buy some supplies they need.

For those who were slaves, they didn't dare to imagine before they came, so the slaves who came here earlier gradually stayed at ease.

What's more, the sea wolf has an appointment with them. As long as they work for the sea wolf for five years, they can leave their citizenship and become civilians, no longer slaves. In the future, they can choose to be farmers or continue to work in the workshop. If they stay in the workshop to work, they can get a job with other craftsmen. The same kind of remuneration.

With this hope, the servants naturally felt more motivated, so most of them were more at ease on the island and nothing happened.

Now Yu Xiaotian needs manpower to build a large number of civil works in Jilong Bay, so the first group of personnel still chose these slaves without freedom. Among them, they selected a batch, plus a newly purchased group of slaves, and shipped them to Jilong Bay.

There are also many construction tools and a large amount of supplies transported to Jilong Bay with the ship, which can meet the needs of the personnel stationed in Jilong Bay for a month. In addition, there are six construction craftsmen on the ship. After that, they will take these people to start building Jilong Bay Village and two forts.

Originally, Yu Xiaotian wanted to go there with the boat, but considering that the first batch of people was relatively small, it was not enough to meet the needs of building a village. In addition, he planned to deal with Chen Jiu, an old opponent, and seize the territory of Funing, so he decided not to go this time for the time being. After ordering these people to go there, Heping Island first. The fort was built.

Yu Xiaotian also took time to meet several archers and drew a sketch of the fort, asking them to design and build the fort of Peace Island according to this sketch.

Yu Xiaotian knew that Peace Island was the gateway to Jilong Bay, and the robustness of this fort directly affected the safety of Jilong Bay, so he decided not to build it. If it was built, the fort must be very strong.

He did not learn architecture, but he knew the benefits of the burg. The burg is a new type of fortification that gradually appeared in the West after the emergence of artillery. It is a very strong fortress that can effectively resist the attack of artillery fire and has strong defense.

So if it is to be built, Yu Xiaotian did not intend to build a wooden stockade as before. As the most important fortification of Jilong Bay and the Peace Island Fort, he decided to build it in a hollow fence.

He does not know architectural design, so he can only draw a sketch to explain to the craftsman what kind of fort he wants to build. The fort is polygonal, with protruding positions and sunken positions. On the wall of the fort wall, there is a shooting hole, and a gun position is built on the top, which can be installed with heavy guns.

At the beginning, these craftsmen didn't quite understand why Yu Xiaotian built this fort into such a strange shape. Even Wang Hong and others couldn't figure out what they had to do with such a strange appearance.

So Yu Xiaotian took a ruler and made a comparison to these craftsmen on the sketch, and explained to Wang Hong and others.

After Xiaotian finished speaking, everyone knew that the fort was powerful. The polygonal wall did not seem to be very thick, but from any angle, the wall was tilted, so the thickness of the straight line of the wall increased a lot and became very thick.

This is nothing. The key is that this strange-shaped fort, the holes opened everywhere do not seem to be facing the sea, but are opened in a tilt state. The guards in the hole may not be able to shoot the targets in the distance, but if someone wants to attack this fort, they must go ashore and approach it. Battery.

At this time, according to Yu Xiaotian's explanation, everyone found that the viciousness of this fortress. No matter whether the attacker attacked the fort from any direction, it was just about to enter the area covered by the crossfire of the fort guards, and the attacker could not directly shoot these holes with artillery, so they could only stand below and wait. Be beaten.

Even if they are close to the fort, they can throw a fire tank in the shot hole of the fort, burn the enemy gathered below, or even throw stones down, and the attacking enemy can't resist it.

If they want to climb a ladder, the guards in the turret can not only shoot the defenseless back of these attackers from the hole in the other direction, but also poke out the fork from the hole in the middle waist and push down the ladder.

So once this strange fort is built and wants to capture it, it will become a nightmare for the attacking side. Although the number of guards of the fort will not exceed 100 people, if the attacker wants to take this place, it will not invest at least more than ten times the troops, and do not want to take this one at all. Battery.

And in the sketch, Yu Xiaotian outlined the garrison room, the combat passage, the underground ammunition depot and grain reserve warehouse, as well as the passageway for the guard movement, etc., but these are just a rough sketch. How to arrange them depends on these craftsmen to exert their intelligence.

So several archers understood what kind of turret Yu Xiaotian wanted to build, and nodded repeatedly to show that they understood. Then Yu Xiaotian sent them to the ship and sent them to Jilong Bay, asking them to build the fort on Heping Island first. The construction period should be shortened as much as possible, and the construction materials should also be as local as possible. The stone on the island is used as a material, leaving the time and cost of transporting other building materials.