Daming Haiku

Chapter 79 coveling each other

After the fiasco, Chen Jiu led the remnants to retreat to his old village on Shuangfeng Island on the sea of Funing. This defeat was a great blow to him.

He took 23 ships to Fuzhou, with a total of 23 large ships, and only six followed him back. The rest were either destroyed by the sea wolf or captured by the sea wolf. Even the cannons on the six ships he took back were forcibly left by the sea wolf and became the trophy of the sea wolf.

And what humiliated him the most was that Yu Xiaotian forced him to sign a so-called peace treaty, listing a series of conditions and forcing him to accept it.

So after returning to Shuangfeng Island, Chen Jiu suffered a serious illness and gradually recovered after more than a month.

As soon as Chen Jiugang recovered, he gritted his teeth and swore that he would avenge this! He couldn't wait to immediately grab Yu Xiaotian, sleep on his skin, drink his blood, eat his flesh and eat his bones!

But he also knew that after this defeat, the strength of the sea wolf increased greatly, and his own strength was greatly damaged. In a short period of time, he had no strength to compete with the sea wolf, let alone defeat the sea wolf and catch Yu Xiaotian for revenge.

So after recovering, he began to make fierce soldiers on Shuangfeng Island. On the one hand, he asked his men not to provoke sea wolves, and the provincial sea wolves found an excuse to take advantage of the opportunity to find trouble for them.

On the other hand, he began to frequently haunt the coastal area of Funing, plundered coastal villages, forcibly captured a large number of fishermen back to Shuangfeng Island, and frequently robbed boats. In the past, most of them * merchant ships robbed the goods on the ship according to the rules, but to make up for his previous losses. Chen Jiu didn't say any rules about the ship. As long as he saw the right ship, he would even take back all the goods with the ship.

Over the past six months, his strength has recovered quickly through these means, and the lost ships and manpower have been made up for in a few months, and even more.

But if someone has a ship, their strength may not be restored. They have lost a lot of cannons and can't be replenished immediately in a short time, and the lost veterans can't make up for it in a short time. Experience can't be accumulated in a while.

Chen Jiu used a lot of money to use all kinds of artillery for this purpose. At the same time, he also sent people north to the area of Dayuwan, contacted several colleagues, and united with them to prepare to fight against the sea wolf together.

During this period, Chen Jiu also restrained his men not to provoke the ships holding the sea wolf flag in the Funing area in the past, show weakness to the sea wolf first, and planned to give the sea wolf a hard time after the time was ripe.

In this way, more than half a year ago, Chen Jiu and the sea wolf have been at peace and there was no conflict. On the surface, Chen Jiu was cleaned up by the sea wolf and did not dare to fight against the sea wolf again. In fact, it was an undercurrent surge. Chen Jiu has always been preparing to revenge on Yu Xiaotian.

After Yu Xiaotian released Chen Jiu, he actually expected that he did not kill him this time. Sooner or later, Chen Jiu would come back and avenge him.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian began to mix sand with Chen Jiu's men a long time ago. He sent several reliable men disguised themselves as fishermen and sneaked into Chen Jiu's men. He was full-time responsible for monitoring the movement of the mixed river dragon and regularly found a way to send the news back to the sea wolf.

Therefore, although I dare not say that all of Jianglong's every move is under Yu Xiaotian's monitoring, at least Yu Xiaotian still knows what he is doing roughly.

When he heard that the mixed river dragon recruited troops and horses everywhere, robbed boats, bought cannons, built weapons, collected fire oil everywhere, and attracted fox friends and dog friends everywhere, Yu Xiaotian knew that this guy would not be at peace for a long time.

So he began to gradually transfer the power of Nanri Island to Nangantang in batches, and transferred a team of soldiers to Nangantang to guard it in case the mixed river dragon suddenly went south to attack Nanri Island again.

But this defense is not a good way for Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian has always felt that a military scientist in history is right, that is, "The best defense is attack!"

The places he now control are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more places that need to be defended. If he is complabased and only consider holding these sites in front of him, he will need a large amount of manpower and material resources to defend everywhere. As a result, his already insufficient human and material resources will be scattered in many places.

And such a defensive situation will make him lose his initiative, be restrained by the enemy everywhere, and prone to loopholes. Once he is seized by the opportunity by the enemy, he will suffer great losses. Complete defense, which is equivalent to completely opening the hand and not being a fist. Naturally, he can't give full play to his advantages.

So for Chen Jiu, an old opponent, Yu Xiaotian never thought that he could completely stop him after the first war. Therefore, for more than half a year, he has been staring at Chen Jiu, an old fox. While being wary of him, he is also secretly preparing to give this old opponent another tribute. One blow.

Now there are various signs that Chen Jiu has begun to gradually recover his strength and gradually recover his sharp teeth. Although in Xiaotian's view, his new sharp teeth are not sharp enough, this has once again restored Chen Jiu's confidence.

And it has also begun to become restless, so with Chen Jiu's must-have character, it won't be long before he will come back to Yu Xiaotian for a fight again.

Yu Xiaotian naturally can't wait for Chen Jiu to come back, so he urgently needs a reason for him to tear up the so-called peace treaty signed with Chen Jiu and take the initiative to completely clean up Chen Jiu.

As for the reason! It depends on whether Yu Xiaotian can find it or not. If he wants to find a reason, it is too simple for him.

The minds of the sea wolf were recruited into the council hall by Yu Xiaotian. As soon as everyone heard that Yu Xiaotian planned to clean up Chen Jiu again, they cheered up. One by one, they were afraid that they would not be able to spread their heads this time. At the same time, they expressed their own opinions, find ways, find reasons, and create conditions, and work hard. Clean up Chen Jiu.

Nowadays, the sea wolves don't know the reason of making money without rest, and who doesn't know the benefits of war? The reward and punishment system set by Yu Xiaotian has blocked the retreat of many greedy people who are afraid of death, and at the same time, it has also given the subordinates a huge **, making it more and more belligerent recently.

Even some days ago, when the captain of a ship took the ship to patrol the sea, he encountered five merchant ships that formed a fleet. In the case of the disparity in strength, the captain did not choose to retreat and let them go, but encouraged his men on the ship, like a hunter. The dog-like horse ran over alone.

The final result was that although the five merchant ships resisted, they were still scared by these desperate guys. With an absolute advantage, the five ships finally dispersed as birds and beasts and fled for their lives. Finally, a ship was caught up by the captain with the boat, captured on the spot, and towed them back with the ship and goods. Nanri Island.

Although Yu Xiaotian felt that this guy was a little too reckless to do this, this spirit was very commendable. What he wanted was that his men had the courage to fight against the enemy, so he did not criticize this guy's adventurism afterwards. On the contrary, he distributed the reward to him and his sailors in full according to the regulations. At the same time, he wrote a note on his ship and replaced his boat with a new imitation six-pound gun and put it in the front. The first batch of new six-pound guns were first sent to his ship.

In this way, the sea wolves felt that they had an example and were more motivated. It was that shortly after Xiaotian returned to Nanri Island from Chicken Cage Bay, another ship was patrolling the sea outside Meizhou Bay in the south of Nanri Island, and encountered two unknown colleagues and moved here.

After identifying, the captain of the sea wolf's ship approached and asked them to leave this area immediately and not to move on the sea wolf's territory. The two unidentified ships actually relied on them as two boats, and their opponents had only one boat. They were stunned and even said that they would let the sea wolf's ship avoid.

So the captain of the sea wolf's ship ran with his men without saying a word and fought with the two unidentified ships.

Although the result was that the sea wolf's ship was finally seriously damaged, it was not robbed by the opponent. After a fight, the two enemy ships saw that the colleagues on the sea wolf ship were not afraid of death, each competing for the first, and did not retreat in a disadvantage. In the end, the two enemy ships were disgraced. After leaving the outer waters of Meizhou Bay, one of the enemy ships was injured. Even if they fled back to their nest, it may not be repaired and reused.

Unfortunately, the captain of the sea wolf was seriously injured in this fierce battle. On the way back to the ship with the scarred ship, he died on the ship and was sent back to Nanri Island crying by his men.

After knowing the details of the battle, Yu Xiaotian roughly guessed the identity of their opponents, which should be the recent acts of some pirates who punched the Dutch. He couldn't guess who it was.

However, he gave a very high evaluation of the captain's bravery and held a grand funeral for him and the six sailors who died together on Nanri Island. In addition to giving the heaviest pension to their families, Yu Xiaotian also accepted the captain's children as adopted sons and daughters, and promised in public that Cultivate them and never treat them badly!

Yu Xiaotian's various measures and behaviors have encouraged the belligerent behavior of his sea wolves. They still want to find trouble. Now when they hear that they want to find Chen Jiu's trouble, these people are even more cheering and waiting to set out.

The result of their discussion this time was quickly confirmed. There are rules in the world. Although it is common to bully the weak, they will still be despised by their peers. Therefore, even if they want to repair Chen Jiu, they must have a suitable one. The reason is that you can't kill Chen Jiu on Shuangfeng Island without saying a word.

(Today, I would like to thank Xiaohe for its rebound and the reward of the two wandering brothers in the south of the Yangtze River! Brothers, please continue to support the genuine reading!)