Daming Haiku

Chapter 81 Force

Ma Xiao sat in the south pole pond. Early that morning, there was a small boat carrying several depressed people and leaned against the south pole pond. Some of them were still injured and blood-stained.

As soon as they came ashore, these people cried and went into the Nangantang Village under the leadership of the sea wolf and were taken to Ma Xiao.

"The horse is at home! Ask the horse to make the decision for the little ones!" A man who looked like a stewman fell in front of Ma Xiao and immediately burst into tears.

"Isn't this stewor Wang? What's wrong? What happened to you? Why did it look like this? Don't cry, take your time! Come on, get you some food and water!" Ma Xiao met a person on a merchant ship that passed near them two days ago. After checking and seeing the passage flag sent to them by sea wolves, he was released by Ma Xiao to pass the South Pole Pond and drove towards Funing.

The steward reluctantly calmed down his grief and said to Ma Xiao, "Ma Dangjia, I waited for the passage flag of your gang. I thought that Fu Ning should be all right, but I didn't think that the people who fooled with Jianglong did not admit it at all. Unexpectedly, when I waited to go to the west of Kuishan Island, they even robbed us with the boat and goods. Go!

We waited to take the pass flag of your gang and argue with it. The other party didn't recognize it. Instead, they still chased us. After robbing the ship, they killed several people on the ship. Fortunately, they begged bitterly, and they left us a few people to live. They only gave me a sang and let us go! I hope you can make the decision for me!"

As soon as Ma Xiao heard this, he immediately got up and said angrily, "He has been mixed with the river! Grandma dares to be so reckless! This is obvious that it doesn't give us face to sea wolves! We have already agreed that any ship holding my sea wolf's flag will not be plundered, but now we are actually doing this!

stewor Wang, I know about this! Don't worry, we sea wolves will get justice from you! This can never be done like this!

Come on, prepare food for stewer Wang as soon as possible, find some clothes for them to change, and send someone to send them back to Fuzhou!

stewer Wang, please go back to Fuzhou's home and wait for the news. We will definitely help you get justice. As soon as there is news, we will send someone to inform you immediately! Even if the goods can't be found for you, at least I will get the ship back for you!"

As soon as Mr. Wang heard Ma Xiao patted his chest and promised them justice, and also promised to at least get their ship back, he was immediately overjoyed. Although this deal must have been lost, not to mention the goods, but the ship is his*. As long as the ship can get it back, his business can still be done in the future. In the future Zi can still survive, and he can turn over his capital after working for a period of time, but if he doesn't even have a boat, then he will really go bankrupt!

Originally, he fled back to Nangantang and cried to the sea wolf, but he didn't expect the sea wolf to really make the decision for him and help him stand up, but now Ma Xiao replied to him like this, which made him a little unexpected. At the same time, it also made him overjoyed and quickly practice to kowtow and thank Ma Xiao.

Ma Xiao sent Guan Wang away with a sympathetic expression. When he turned around, he smiled and said to the people around him, "Chen really can't help it! They swallowed this bait! Quickly send someone back to the wolf's den to inform the big man, and send someone to spread his Chen Jiu's bad rules! Grandma, brothers have another job now! ......”

Chen Jiu sat in the village on Shuangfeng Island. After listening to the report of his two men, instead of being happy, he suddenly became furious. He grabbed a tea bowl and hit the head of the talking hand below. The tea bowl hit his forehead heavily and suddenly broke into Fragments and broken porcelain slag cut a lot of the guy's forehead. Suddenly, the guy's head was bleeding. He turned over and rolled on the ground and screamed.

"B bastard! You are so bold! How dare you do this without my consent! Come on, drag these two bastards out and cut them down!" Hun Jianglong was furious and roared harshly.

As soon as they heard that Chen Jiu was going to kill them, the two guys were immediately scared to death. Originally, they grabbed two boats and came back today. They ran to ask Chen Jiu for credit, but they didn't want to come back but ended up like this. Instead of rewarding them, Chen Jiu wanted to kill them. Both of them were scared. After peeing, he quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy.

The surrounding Chen Jiu's men were also shocked. Originally, they saw that the two accomplices made a lot of money this time, and some people were still secretly jealous, but in the blink of an eye, the situation suddenly changed. Chen Jiu not only did not reward them, but also wanted to kill them. At this time, everyone was shocked and felt that Chen Jiu was really a little doing this. Excessive.

So as their accomplices, these people quickly came forward to plead for the two accomplices. Some people simply expressed their dissatisfaction, believing that Chen Jiu's doing so was really to grow others' ambition and destroy their prestige.

Now they have regained their strength and can't be afraid of the surname Yu anymore. In the past, they restrained and did not provoke sea wolves, but now they don't need to be so cautious at all.

What's more, these days also found that more merchant ships passing by their nearby routes began to hold the flag issued by sea wolves, which made them very depressed and anxious to do it. Some people have been impatient about this for a long time. Today, what these two partners think they have done is right. If it were them, I guess I'm going to do this.

So even for themselves, Chen Jiu's men couldn't watch Chen Jiu kill their two accomplices, so they came out to help.

Chen Jiu listened to the chaotic scene of his men and was very helpless. Although he was also very angry about this these days, he actually knew in his heart that although he has recovered some strength, on the surface, his strength is even stronger than before.

But in fact, he also knows that his current strength is not as powerful as on the surface. He now has many ships and his men, but he is seriously short of artillery. Now, although he does not hesitate to spend a lot of money* and find a way to get some cannons, the number of these cannons he has made is not large. Each ship can't even draw two cannons, and some ships don't even have a cannon.

If they are at such a level to deal with the merchant ship, they can still deal with the fierceness of his men, but if they want to deal with the sea wolf, he feels that he has no chance of winning.

Although he is very annoyed, he still doesn't want to tear his face with the sea wolf now and go to avenge them, so he doesn't want to have any conflict with the sea wolf now.

Even sometimes comforted himself. It was not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. In those years, Goujian, the king of Yue, was still able to lie on firewood and taste the gallbladder. Why couldn't he show his weakness than the sea wolf?

Although he hated the sea wolf very much, he still ordered his men not to provoke the sea wolf first. He didn't think what he was afraid of, and his men still did such a thing. In this way, wouldn't he give someone a handle and let the sea wolf grab the handle and then come back to his trouble?

So as soon as he heard this, instead of being happy, he suddenly became angry and wanted to kill these two men, but he didn't think that he was about to kill these two guys, but let his men fight against each other and collectively came out to plead for them without saying anything, and both showed his behavior. Full of emotions.

Looking at his men quarrelling below, many people showed an unhappy look on their faces. Even when some people looked at him, there was a look of disdain and contempt in their eyes. At this time, Chen Jiu also realized that things were not good!

He suddenly found that in the past six months, with the growth and recovery of his strength, the mood of his subordinates who were hit some time ago was gradually changing, and the frustration that permeated his subordinates when he initially withdrew from Fuzhou was gradually fading.

And his subordinates now have expanded their self-confidence again, and they are all worried about the fiasco of Dongqi Island and the humiliation of Nangantang! Most people feel that now they have regained their original strength and are no longer afraid of sea wolves! I can't be bullied like this by sea wolves anymore!

The emotions shown by these people today have clearly told Chen Jiu that the resentment accumulated in the hearts of his subordinates for more than half a year has reached the verge of a complete outbreak. Now they are already dissatisfied with his performance. Obviously, they all think that Chen Jiu is afraid of being cleaned up by sea wolves. Now I dare not provoke sea wolves everywhere.

If it goes on like this, Chen Jiu realizes that if he continues to follow the previous method of keeping a low profile, he will not be able to eat it among his men. If he continues to persist, his position is likely to be guaranteed. If someone is scheming at this time and takes the opportunity to encourage below, he is likely to use help. The dissatisfaction of the crowd may really overturn him from the boss's position.

What will happen to an outdated boss? He knows very well that it is luck to save his life. Basically, ten * will be killed by his men.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiu couldn't help sweating coldly and waved his hand, "For the sake of your pry, I will spare you two lives!"

Brothers, the sea wolf is indeed too bullying. Since you guys view this matter this way, I, Chen Jiu, am not a vegetarian!

The sea wolf insulted me at the beginning, so I accommodated it so much that I planned to settle a general account with them sooner or later!

Now that this is the end of the matter, we don't have to show them any more love! From today, as long as you find someone holding the sea wolf's pass flag, I will take them down! Let's see what the surname Yu can do to us!"

After listening to Chen Jiu's words, his men suddenly cheered and shouted that it should be so. They immediately turned around and greeted their men. A swarm of bees sailed out to sea and swarmed towards the waterway.

For a while, there was a bloody storm on the sea surface of Fuzhou. In just a few days, more than a dozen ships with sea wolves' traffic flags were robbed by the commanders of the mixed river dragon, making the sea of Funing almost cut off. Many ships had to detour far off the sea before they dare to pass through the sea in Funing.

A ship was robbed by Chen Jiu's men, and a ship of goods began to be transported back to Shuangfeng Island. However, looking at the recent more and more harvests, Chen Jiu was not happy, but became more worried.

(Today, I would like to thank Yu Xiaoxiao and I, a wolf, for their reward. In addition, I saw a message from a friend in the book review area today, saying that they can't find a place to recharge. You can find the account column in the personal center. After opening it, you can see the place to recharge immediately on the right side. After you click on it, you can find it. There are many ways to recharge, just choose the most suitable way for you to recharge! Thank you for your subscription, who can support the genuine reading and provide us with survival support! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!)