Daming Haiku

Chapter 82 li bing mo ma

Chen Jiu listened to the news reported by his men anxiously. After retreating from the screen, he summoned his brother Chen Qian to him and said to him, "If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the sea wolf will not be able to sit still!" If it were me, I would definitely make a big move! Yu will never give up!"

In the battle of Dongqi Island last year, Chen Qian was captured alive by a sea wolf. After his identity was discovered, Yu Xiaotian did not kill him, but imprisoned him for a period of time. After informing Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu took 2,000 taels of silver and redeem Chen Qian and several of his men, so Chen Qian was able to return to Shuangfeng again. Island.

With the same idea as Chen Jiu, Chen Qian also had a worried expression and nodded, "In recent times, the sea wolf suddenly sprinkled a lot of pass flags. I always feel that this is not right. Although the sea wolf defeated us last year, it has always been relatively restrained and has not spread a lot of this. Plant a flag, only their own ships will hold this flag to pass through our territory!

But recently, they suddenly did this, and there must be another plan! In addition, among the boats robbed these days, none of them belonged to the sea wolf, all of which were passing merchant ships, which is even more strange!

So I'm afraid it's not simple this time. Maybe this is the conspiracy of the guy surnamed Yu. My brother must be unprevented!"

After hearing this, Chen Jiu sighed and nodded and said, "You are right. That's what I think! This time, the surname Yu must have another plan, so he will do it!"

Chen Qian quickly asked, "So why did the brothers let the brothers act like this? Since we don't want to give them the handle, we should restrain our brothers. Why do we want them to let them go?

Chen Jiu smiled bitterly, stood up and shook his head behind his back and said, "Do you think I'm the former mixed river dragon? After the defeat of World War I last year, our two brothers have completely lost their faces!

Although these people still listen to me on the surface, many people are no longer convinced by me! A few days ago, I wanted to kill those two troublesome guys, but as you can see, everyone else is talking to them, and they are vaguely disrespectful to me!

What they are asking for is wealth. If I block their way of wealth, do you think they will continue to serve me as the Lord? Humph!

So I can't stop them now and prevent them from doing it recklessly! Otherwise, you and my brother will come to an end forever! I'm afraid I don't know how to die then!"

After hearing this, Chen Qian nodded with a bitter face and said, "That's what I said! Nowadays, the people below are indeed a little disrespectful to you! If they go on like this, I'm afraid someone will really have another plan! But if it goes on like this, what should we do?

Chen Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Since this is the case, we have to let go!" Yu must have had a plan. I guess he did this because he was thinking about our territory! In this case, let's stretch our heads with a knife, shrink our heads or a knife! You can't run away!

So at present, we have to fight to the death with them. If we win by chance, then you and my brother can still stand here, but if we lose, we can't stay here anymore!

You will go to Dayuwan today to find Ponson, ask Ponson to contact several colleagues in the north and come and help us box us. If we can defeat the sea wolf this time, I will give them half of the territory on Funing's side and allow them to do it from here to the mouth of the Minjiang River. Things!

Don't they always feel that there is no oil on their side? Then I'll give them oil and water!"

Chen Qian nodded and agreed, but then said a little worriedly, "It's easier to send God!" If they are invited, they will not leave, so what should we do in the future?

Chen Jiu stared at his brother and said angrily, "You idiot, why don't you think about it? Nowadays, we can't protect ourselves. Once we lose to the surname Yu, is our territory still ours? Now we have to block the surname Yu before we can talk about other things!

If we can defeat the sea wolf this time, then we can recover our vitality. Who dares not listen to me in this area in the future? If they don't give them any advantage, why do they want to punch us?

After Chen Qian was scolded by Chen Jiu together, he dared not say anything more, so he nodded repeatedly and agreed. Then after discussing for a while, Chen Qian turned around, went out of the stockade, ordered his men, boarded the ship and sailed to sea, left Shuangfeng Island, and drove north.

At the same time, on the territory controlled by sea wolves, a preparation is also quietly. Xiwanu Island, which has been silent for a long time, suddenly became lively again. Ships with sea wolf flags continue to come from everywhere and enter the bay south of Nishiu Island.

Since the Shark Gang gathered here and Qian Song led the team to Nangantang to lose the first battle, West Dog Island has been abandoned by the Shark Gang. For a long time, no one cares about it has become a desert island.

But recently, people began to move on Xihu Island again. Ships of sea wolves arrived here. Ants moved and unloaded a large number of goods on the island, and covered them with sheds reached by straw mats, sending people to be on duty day and night.

At a time when all kinds of materials were gradually increasing, more ships began to sail here and docked on the shore of Nishidog Island.

However, the south pole pond in the north of Xi Dog Island, it looks very quiet. In the past, there were four or five boats that often entered and exited the south pole pond, but now there are only two boats left in the south pole pond. The number of people in the village on the island seems to be reduced. In the past, there were some sea wolf soldiers running in line from the village every morning. Come out and run around the island.

And every morning and afternoon, there are sea wolves carrying out various training in a large open space on the shore, a scene of dragons and tigers leaping.

However, recently, the number of people on the island has been much less, and even half of the people in the past are insufficient, which makes the Nangantang, which has been lively for more than half a year, suddenly become colder, and even the people who stay here seem a little lazy.

Usually, there are still seven or eight small fishing boats left in Nangantang. As their sentry boats, they fish around the island to add food to the people on the island while monitoring the movement of passing ships on the sea.

During this period, the boats have also become idle. There are only three boats left to go to sea every day, and they no longer run far to monitor the sea.

The whole Nangantang feels lax and very lax!

At the same time, there seemed to be more fishing boats coming from the north, appearing around the south pole pond from time to time. Some fishermen cast nets on the boat while fishing, or fishing, while looking at the south pole pond from time to time.

After the sea wolf finds these fishermen, it will send a boat to drive them away, find out their identity, and pull them out of here.

Although it seems calm on the surface, careful people will find that the number of ships sailing from the north of Fuzhou has decreased a lot recently. Even if there is, they will choose to drive east first, and then turn north far away from the coast to avoid the original waterway near the shore.

There is a great risk of doing so. If there is a strong wind and waves on the sea, ships sailing in the sea far away from the coast are likely to find a shelter bay in time to avoid the wind and waves, resulting in the destruction of ships.

However, in order to avoid the increasingly rampant mixed river dragon's men during this period, they wantonly plundered the passing ships on the sea of Funing. These merchant ships going north would rather take great risks and go north in the sea outside than take the route near Funing.

Seawolves also completely stopped issuing all traffic flags through the coast of Funing, and even gave some flags issued by them, but they were robbed by the river dragon to rob merchant ships for some compensation as compensation for breach of contract.

This is an absolute rare thing. I have only heard of pirates robbing merchant ships, and no one has ever heard that pirates will compensate for the losses of merchant ships after collecting money.

So as soon as the news came out, it attracted a lot of discussion, but the overall discussion of the wind direction still fell to the sea wolf side.

Although the sea wolf forcibly collected the so-called tolls for passing ships, which made many sea merchants very unhappy and felt that it was an act of extortion, but on the other hand, they also felt that after paying the so-called toll, they did feel that safety could be guaranteed when they passed through the coastal area of Fuzhou. You don't have to drive tremblingly on the sea as before, and accidentally become the target of pirates.

So most of them are gradually willing to choose to pay the toll to buy a safety through the sea of Fuzhou.

A long time ago, the sea wolf made public the peace treaty signed between them and the mixed river dragon. One of them attracted the attention of sea merchants, that is, when the ship with the sea wolf issued the order flag passed through the sea of Funing, the mixed river dragon was not allowed to intercept it.

Therefore, after discovering that the sea wolf was very trustworthy, many sea merchants tried to get such a pass flag from the sea wolf so that they could safely go north through Funing. However, for a long time, when the sea wolf issued this kind of flag, it was very restrained and only sent to a limited number of ships that went north for them. With this kind of flag, it is difficult for merchant ships to get this kind of passage flag.

During this period, the sea wolf began to officially issue this kind of order flag to the past sea merchants, but what I didn't expect was that the mixed river dragon suddenly tore its face and no longer recognized the order flag issued by the sea wolf. On the contrary, it became worse. As long as you see a ship holding the sea wolf flag, one of them will rob the ship. Killing people.

This time, the mixed river dragon made people angry. Many of the injured ship owners looked for the sea wolf and asked the sea wolf to return justice. However, Yu Hailang actually took out a batch of silver as compensation for them in advance. Although the amount was not large, it was far from enough to cover their lost goods, but At least it allows them to give pension to the injured boatman's family first.

(Today, I also want to thank you for the reward of a wolf brother! In addition, the sad thing is that the condition was repeated again last night. The body temperature was already under control, and the fever reached 37 degrees and 4 degrees last night. I went! Is it hopeless? Never mind, whatever you want! I don't believe it. It can't be better by itself! I didn't take the last dose of medicine in a few days!)