Daming Haiku

Chapter 113 Fisheries and Agriculture Tax

In addition, potatoes and corn are also crops introduced by Westerners from the Americas. They were first introduced to the Americas, and then introduced to Asia by sea and were widely planted, but they were not widely planted in the Ming Dynasty during the late Ming Dynasty.

Although Nanri Island has freshwater resources, it is not rich in freshwater resources. It is only enough for people on the island to use, but it is not suitable for large-scale cultivation of rice that consumes more fresh water. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian repeatedly considered the choice of planting crops, and finally locked in dry rice, potatoes, corn and sweet potatoes. Several things, only a small amount of rice have been planted.

The crops such as potatoes, corn and sweet potatoes are very suitable for dryland cultivation, and the yield is relatively high. The important thing is that these things are more resistant to storage. If the conditions are suitable, they can be stored for a long time without breaking down.

So he asked people to find a way everywhere to buy a batch of seeds and blocks of potatoes and corn, and even accidentally got a little pepper seeds from merchants in Chuchuan.

This made Yu Xiaotian very happy. Before Yu Xiaotian came to this era, he liked spicy food, especially Sichuan hot pot, but after arriving here, he never had a chance to eat it again.

Other ingredients are easy to solve. Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, star anise and other ingredients can be bought, and even pepper, but he has never been able to find pepper. This time, he accidentally got such a little pepper seeds, which is great good news for Xiaotian, so he specially selected two families. Home, let them specially sow these pepper seeds, expand them and keep them, and prepare to plant them in a large area in the future. As one of their characteristic agriculture, it can at least satisfy his appetite.

He came to this world not only to suffer. If he has a chance, he has to find a way to satisfy his appetite. He has never eaten before, but now he has to find a way to taste it. Moreover, the food of this era can basically be said to be pure natural green food, with no pesticide residues and no fertilizer. There is no pollution. If you don't take the opportunity to eat well, you might as well be an ascetic.

So on Nanri Island, agriculture has developed very rapidly for more than a year. Under the hard work of immigrants, farmland has been gradually reclaimed and quickly planted crops.

The newly reclaimed land belongs to the raw field. The land fertility is very poor and the crop yield is very low, which gives Yu Xiaotian a headache, but this matter was quickly solved.

Because they live on the sea, many birds are very diverse on many desert islands. Many desert islands have accumulated a lot of bird manure resources over the years, and bird manure itself is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is an excellent natural fertilizer.

So Yu Xiaotian organized manpower ships to extract bird droppings from these islands rich in bird droppings, pulled them back to Nanri Island, and put them into the cultivated fields to improve the fertility of the soil.

In addition, after his hosting, the sanitary conditions in the area where people gather and live on the island have been strictly controlled. In the places where all people live, a large number of dry toilets have been established, and the manure excreted by people has undoubtedly become a popular commodity for farmers on the island.

Rotten people's feces have become the target of their struggle, and even peasants have fought in some parts of the island in order to grab some toilet feces.

In short, in the autumn of the fourth year of Apocalypse, the agricultural development of Nanri Island has been quite good. Although the grain crops produced in that year have not fully met the needs of all people in Nanri Island for a year, they have also met at least 70% of their food needs, which has reduced their large number of food purchases. Expenditure.

The land tax imposed by Yu Xiaotian on Nanri Island is ten draws three. Anyone who cultivates farmland on Nanri Island must pay 30% of the land tax to the sea wolf after harvest.

This tax rate is probably not small in later generations, but in this era, it is not high, because the land taxes collected by the Ming Dynasty officials are not high on the surface, but after being stripped off by officials at all levels, the burden on farmers is very heavy.

The salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were low, so they had to find a solution, so the immoral officials came up with various methods such as fire consumption and kicking the tip to strip them from the common people, making the burden very heavy.

More importantly, the local governments will often conscript corvée the people and send corvée to the people because of various things. In this way, the people are even more miserable. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the land annexation of the Ming Dynasty also reached the extreme, and a large number of ordinary people lost the land and a large amount of land on which they depended for their living. The land is concentrated in the hands of landlords and powerful people, so that ordinary people can only rent tenant farmland from them for farming, which aggravates their poverty.

So by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the south was still better. After all, it was relatively smooth. Although the people were poor and dying, they would not starve to death. However, in the Central Plains and the north, due to the influence of the climate of the small glacier period, there have been many years of droughts, locust plagues and other natural disasters, which made the people Liaosheng, so that it triggered a large-scale peasant riot and movement, which eventually became the root cause of the destruction of the Ming Dynasty.

So although Yu Xiaotian collected 30% of the land on Nanri Island, it is not too heavy for the immigrants who come here. They still have 70% of the food to deal with by themselves, which is enough to meet their needs for a year, and they even have a surplus to buy some other things.

At the same time, sea wolves have also implemented corvée on Nanri Island, but their corvée are mostly concentrated in their leisure time, and they take turns according to the farming situation of each family as much as possible, which does not affect their agricultural production.

Even the sea wolf launched that once there are immigrants and their parents and children who work among the sea wolves, their family's corvées can be completely free, and Tian Fu can also be exempted from half, so as to stimulate these immigrants to send their children to work in the sea wolf, so that they can gradually integrate with the sea wolf.

In addition to these food crops, Yu Xiaotian also promotes the cultivation of crops such as fruits and vegetables in some places on Nanri Island that are not suitable for farming. These crops try to manage some extensive things to reduce labor consumption and obtain many by-products.

For these agricultural and sideline products of fruits and vegetables, Yu Xiaotian also ordered direct purchase without forcibly expropriation, so that farmers can also get another income to support their families. Therefore, after the immigrants of Nanri Island arrived here, with the support of sea wolves, life can be said to be getting better and better, quite happy. The feeling of Shu.

In this way, the agricultural development on Nanri Island not only provided a relatively stable food supply for the sea wolf, but also enabled the sea wolf to obtain a stable fruit and vegetable supply channel.

In the past, when I worked on the ship, I basically used staple food and pickles. The sea wolf people lived a better life. They could get some salted fish and bacon on the boat every day to supplement nutrition, but few people could eat fresh vegetables or fruits.

But in the autumn of the fourth year of the Apocalypse, when the sea wolves went to work on the ship, their food became rich. When they went on a short voyage, they could almost all eat fresh vegetables. Potatoes are undoubtedly a very popular thing, and green vegetables are no longer scarce.

Even the sailors on the ship can eat an orange or a piece of grapefruit every day, and even occasionally eat things like lychee, which the sailors dare not think of in the past.

In addition to agriculture, the fishing industry on Nanri Island has also developed very rapidly. Originally, there were only two small fishing villages on Nanri Island. These two small fishing villages have a total population of only 1,200 people, and there are only about a dozen small fishing boats.

And in addition to being ripped and bullied by the shark gang, these fishermen should also be careful of some small pirates when they go to sea.

Some small pirates do not have the strength to grab large boats, so they can only choose small fishing boats to fish at sea. Fishermen around Nanri Island used to be frequently attacked by these small pirates. In addition to being seized fishing gear, sometimes even people and boats were forcibly plundered.

In addition, fishermen are still being exploited by land fishermen, and they have to find ways to buy fishing boats and fishing gear. Throughout the year, their income is bleak, and their lives are also precarious.

After the sea wolf entered Nanri Island, it reorganized all this, eliminated some boats, repaired them, and gave them to fishermen to use as fishing boats, so that they could have usable vehicles. At the same time, they also borrowed money to help them buy fishing gear for fishing.

In addition, the sea wolf strongly swept away the small pirate forces in the surrounding area and the sea, annexed or expelled them, accepted the fishermen's alarm, and acted as a maritime police. Once it found that there was a small pirate in a place, it immediately rushed to deal with it, so that the fishermen active on the sea got a relatively safe Environment.

Fishermen are no longer afraid of being robbed for fishing every day, and their catch has also been greatly improved with the improvement of boats and fishing gear. Although some of the catches have to be handed over to sea wolves as fishing tax, the catches are still much higher than before.

In addition, sea wolves began to store a large amount of ice, providing fishermen with some fish to store fresh fish at sea, which extended their time to sea, and the catch naturally increased significantly.

In addition, some famous fishermen along the coast were also warned or ruthlessly beaten by seawolves. Several fishermen who relied on their backs were inexplicably killed, greatly deterring some coastal fishermen, so that they no longer dared to bully and exploit the fishermen who sold fish on the shore as before. The fishermen's harvest Naturally, it is much higher.

Over the past year, there were only two small fishing villages on Nanri Island. In the autumn of the fourth year of the Apocalypse, three more fishing villages appeared on Nanri Island. Some fishermen nearby ran over and moved here voluntarily to accept the management and shelter of sea wolves.

The number of fishermen on the island has increased by leaps and bounds to six or seven hundred. Every day, sea wolves can obtain a large amount of fish fresh food. In addition to being available on the day, there are also a large number of surpluses. These catches are basically marinated, made into dried fish and stored, which can be used by sea wolves at any time when they go to sea.

This also provides a quite good nutritional supply for the sea wolf masses, which has greatly improved the physique of the sea wolf masses, and the combat effectiveness has naturally been greatly improved.

More importantly, these fishermen were also tied to the sea wolf's warship while receiving the protection of the sea wolf. They are also willing to help the sea wolf do things for their own interests. When they volunteer to fish at sea, they help the sea wolves monitor the sea. Once they find any wind and grass, they would rather give up fishing. He also ran back to Nanri Island quickly to report the news, and even preferred to light his sails and inform the sea wolf.

And the sea wolves have also given great rewards for their practices. Every time they encounter such a situation, in addition to giving them high remuneration, if the ship is damaged, they can also be sent to the boat for repair free of charge.

So in addition to providing a large number of meat products for sea wolves, fishermen have also become indispensable eyeliners on the sea surface.

Recently, a group of fishermen, under the persuasion of sea wolves, have set out to the area of Jilong Bay to settle down and fish for a living. Gradually, these fishermen are used to reduce the long-term patrol activities of the sea wolves stationed there.

(Today, I would like to thank the two brothers Hanjiang Xueyi and Qingyuzhiyi for their inciable rewards!)