Daming Haiku

Chapter 114 Industry and Commerce

Of course, agriculture and fisheries are only one aspect of Yu Xiaotian's concern, and he has devoted more energy to the development of industry and commerce.

Since he entered Nanri Island, he has established a council hall, which is responsible for industry, commerce and agriculture. In the spring of the fourth year of the apocalypse, a commercial fleet was set up.

This commercial fleet uses some large-volume ships. With the name of sea wolves and trained sailors, this fleet has grown to the size of more than 20 or 30 ships by the autumn of the fourth year of the apocalypse.

The source of these ships is very simple, that is, that is, some sea merchants who are unwilling to pay their tolls are lucky enough to pass through the Fuzhou area. As a result, some people unfortunately hit the muzzle of the sea wolf, and the punishment is very serious, that is, all the ships and goods are confiscated and confiscated, becoming the assets of the sea wolf, and the personnel are put back. On land, he made him find a way to return home by himself.

So it is not difficult for the sea wolf to get a boat, and even don't have to think about building or buying it yourself. Just by this means, it can get enough merchant ships.

The sea wolf's merchant fleet is under the management of the board of directors and is under the management of Zhao Mazi. It is independent of Maoshengyuan, but they also have direct cooperation with Maoshengyuan. Their task is to pour out the specialties from south to the north. First, they go to the north, Zhejiang or even as far as Shandong, to collect goods and transport them back. Nanri Island.

Then, according to the needs of the south, the goods will be reconfigranged and shipped to Guangdong or Macao and Manila for trading.

The profit of trade activities at sea is very considerable. One stone is produced from raw silk in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the purchase price is only 40 to 50 taels of silver, and may even be as low as 20 to 30 taels of silver. However, once it is trafficked to Manila, raw silk can be sold for 100 taels or even 120 taels of silver per stone.

A catty of good tea, but a few taels of silver is even as low as one taels, but when it is shipped to Manila, its value has doubled several times.

There are also various porcelain, lacquerware, folding fans, paper, silk and other products, which are all good things that Westerners flock to. Once transported there, the value is very high and the profits are also very high.

So the merchant fleet directly under the sea wolf has made considerable profits in the past year, but so far, their strength is not very strong. Some pirates in the south do not recognize their names and often rob their merchant ships. Yu Xiaotian doesn't mind this. Anyway, their ships were also robbed and robbed. It's normal.

He set a special system for the sailors on the merchant ship. They don't have to fight against the enemy like warships. Once they find that the enemy is strong, they can't cope with it. They can choose to surrender and save their lives. It would be better if they could save the ship. As for the loss of goods, they will come back. In short, Their mission is different from other warships. They are mainly responsible for pouring goods and making profits. It is crucial to save their lives.

Of course, the people on these merchant ships also have an important task, that is, to collect information from various peers along the way, pay more attention to the area and scope of some large pirate forces, and lay the foundation for the future sea wolves to go south in advance.

The merchant fleet has only been a commercial component of the sea wolf for more than a year, accounting for a certain proportion. At the same time, there is Mao Shengyuan, a cooperative store with the Li family, which is also an important source of funds for the sea wolf.

After Maosheng was established, the main business scope was in Fujian. There was a force supported by the sea wolf behind Maoshengyuan. It was easy for Maoshengyuan to do business. In addition to taking out a large number of stolen goods for the sea wolf, they also nearly poured out all kinds of goods. Sometimes they received all kinds of goods directly from the sea wolf's governing hall. * sales on the shore, this area is very profitable, the sea wolf occupies the big head, and Li Yi gets the small head.

But even such a small head is also a huge wealth for Li Yi, which is much larger and much higher than his previous business.

So Li Yi is now completely determined to follow Yu Xiaotian all the way, basically pinning the future of the Li family on Yu Xiaotian.

Although Maoshengyuan is secretly the industry of the sea wolf, few people know the true details of Maoshengyuan on the surface. Li Yi wears a legal coat and does things for the sea wolf, so that the sea wolf has obtained a legal way to ship goods. At the same time, he also obtained a quite good intelligence network and used Maoshengyuan to replace it on land. Sea wolves collect various local and official information.

Now Mao Shengyuan has opened at least 14 or 15 sub-nominations in Fujian. In addition to the original stewmer and staff of the Li family, Yu Xiaotian also selected a group of shrewd subordinates from the sea wolf and sent them to various sub-signs. One is to learn how to do business, and the other is to collect intelligence as a sea wolf.

Maoshengyuan's business is actually very easy to do, especially after they launched the two fist products of glass products and soap, and it is even more like fish in water.

After the continuous improvement of the process of glass products produced by Nanri Island glass sites during this period, the transparency of glass has been continuously improved, and the decolorization of glass has become better and better. In addition, craftsmen have also continued to innovate and produced some more novel glassware, such quality glass products. It completely surpasses the quality of glass products shipped by Westerners from Europe.

Moreover, the price of glass products in Maoshengyuan is also cheaper than those glass products produced in Europe, and the style is more in line with the aesthetic needs of the Chinese people, and there are more and more styles, which has naturally become a commodity sought after by the aristocracy.

In particular, the glass mirror made of tin foil and mercury has become the object of the rich and powerful after its listing.

Nowadays, even if rich families can't afford a large glass mirror, they have to at least get a small glass mirror in their home to fill the facade. Anyone who doesn't have this in their home will be embarrassed to say that their family is rich or powerful.

This year, the governor of Fuzhou purchased some glass products, including large glass mirrors with a size of more than one foot on both sides, and shipped them to the capital as tribute for royal use. Now even merchants in the north also know that Maoshengyuan has this kind of good thing. Recently, they have begun to send people to Fujian to find Maoshengyuan to discuss purchasing goods and prepare for sale. To the north.

And through the circulation of goods, glass products quickly came to Guangdong and Guangxi, becoming a popular product in Guangdong and Guangxi, so that Yu Xiaotian made a lot of money from this income alone.

Nowadays, the glass field has been expanded again and again, but the product is still in short supply, and the supply has even been numbered until the end of next year, so that Maoshengyuan has to stop ordering and can only wait until the current supply is completed.

For this reason, there are also many merchants who try to inquire about the origin of Mao Shengyuan's glass products. Mao Shengyuan's consistent caliber from the inside to the outside is that this kind of thing is transported from a place called Australia thousands of miles away. The craftsmen there are good at making this kind of things. Mao Shengyuan inadvertently established contact with them, so They got this kind of goods in their hands.

However, this kind of thing is not easy to transport and is easy to be damaged, so the supply is limited. You must order in advance and can't get the goods after three months to half a year, so the merchants who order can only wait. In addition, they can find ways to find this so-called merchant ship in Australia to try to hook up with businessmen in Australia. Make a lot of money from it.

But for this kind of nihilistic thing, where can they find businessmen in Australia? Therefore, these merchants who tried to get a piece of the pie eventually spent a lot of money and failed to find out where the Australian island country was, where the merchant ships of the Australian island country were, let alone find the merchants in the Australian island country! In the end, it was just a bamboo basket and a game of water, and I had no choice but to pull it down.

Few people know that this kind of brilliant glass product was actually produced on the nearby Nanri Island. In this case, it is estimated that some merchants would have encouraged the government to send troops to attack Nanri Island to seize this production technology.

In addition, soap, a new product, gradually began to be known through continuous hype and publicity. It was also sent to the capital in the north as a tribute. In addition, Maoshengyuan deliberately did not sell goods, which formed the concept that this thing is absolutely good in the market, and the price is no longer It is an important element. As long as you get the goods, it will burn incense.

So since the four years of the apocalypse, soap has gradually become another and profitable commodity. It is still in short supply, and the price is even higher. A piece of pearl soap mixed with a little pearl powder has now been speculated to 100 taels of silver on the black market. The price is also priced and out of stock.

Of course, the women of rich families have become the pushers behind this. As long as the family has money, these big girls and little daughters-in-law will try their best to get their husbands to buy and use them. Otherwise, they will be embarrassed to tell those handkerchiefs that they have never used this thing.

So with these two fist products alone, Yu Xiaotian has earned countless money in the four years of the Apocalypse. Now it is even said that even the Portuguese and Spaniards and even the Dutch have heard of the glass products and soap of the lush source and began to take the initiative to inquire about it and want to buy some and ship them back to Europe. Go for money.

Glass products are not too rare for Europeans. After all, Tunisia and France are also produced now, and glass products are fragile and not suitable for long-distance transportation. However, soap, a new thing, is absolutely fresh, and it is also very convenient to transport, as long as it is not soaked in water and loaded into the knot. In the solid box, it can't be broken or squeezed, and there is no problem no how far the luck is.

In a word, Maoshengyuan, with these two beautiful goods, is now famous in Fuzhou and even in many places in the south, attracting many people's attention.

Of course, fame also has the disadvantages of fame. Some brocade guards and local eunuchs and even the government have also noticed the lush source and tried to squeeze out a little oil and water from it and get a little cheap.

Li Yi was a little scared about this. He mentioned this matter to Yu Xiaotian many times, and Yu Xiaotian was not stingy. Anyway, it was easy to make money, so Li Yi only had to spend a little money to send them.