Daming Haiku

Chapter 129 Kill the chicken and warn the monkey

In fact, this Linjia Village is also familiar to local immigrants. It is about 20 miles east of Majiabao, about 20 miles against the current. Their village is close to the Danshui River, which is also relatively early. At the same time, a village with a large number of villagers has always been relatively strong. With their large number of people, they have been together with the surrounding area many times. Some villagers from immigrant villages clashed.

The patriarch of Linjia Village is also from a pirate background, which is quite similar to Ma Ruyi's origin. They are all from strong people, but they are unlucky, not famous, and are bullied everywhere, so he took his men and clans to come here to occupy a place and shrink.

However, with a little more of them, their strong nature does not change. They are stronger here. Linjia Village is no better than Majiabao. They go deeper into the freshwater River, so they have no chance to see the battle of sea wolves.

Moreover, it was Majiabao who took the sea wolf to the people. The two families were already pointed at Mai Mang, and they did not obey each other, so when the people of Majiabao went to tell them that the big head of the sea wolf invited them to Majiabao to discuss things, and told them that this place will be under the jurisdiction of the sea wolf.

The people in Linjia Village didn't listen at all. On the contrary, they didn't say anything bad to each other. They still shot at Majiabao and the sea wolf people who accompanied them on the wall, and they didn't send anyone here afterwards.

Nowadays, Linjia Village has naturally become the object of Yu Xiaotian knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.

When the alarm gong sounded, Linjia Village suddenly became lively, because they saw the calm river and suddenly went up from the downstream. Three two-pout boats slowly arrived directly outside their Linjia Village, and approached the river and began to anchor.

Then the three ships put down the sampan and went down from the ship to the shore with more than 50 tough men. Judging from the clothes, it was a group of people who followed the people of Majiabao a few days ago and asked them to send people to Majiabao to discuss the matter.

That is to say, these people must be the sea wolves mentioned by the Ma family. Lin Fu, nicknamed Lin Zizi in Linjia Village, was a little panicked.

He knew that it had caused a big deal this time. Originally, he thought that Ma Ruyi was just contacting a group of small pirates, and he wanted to force him to bow his head, so when Ma Ruyi sent people here a few days ago, he didn't pay attention to them at all.

In recent years, there have been many conflicts between the Lin family and the Ma family because of the land grabbing, and the strength of the two sides are similar. However, Ma Ruyi is close to the mouth of the river and holds the business road, which makes the Lin family very jealous and tries to seize this business. For this reason, the two sides have been in constant conflicts, one small fight in three days and ten days. Now the two sides It can be said that it has reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.

Ma Ruyi sent someone to Majiabao to say that a sea wolf was coming. After this area, it would be the territory of other sea wolves. Lin Lav didn't believe it, but was not convinced.

In recent years, he has not known much about the land news. In addition, Yu Xiaotian's sea wolf rose late. He has never heard of the name of the sea wolf at all, so he is not too nervous.

But today, when he saw these boats going upstream and arriving at his Linjia Village, he knew that things were a little troublesome.

So he quickly greeted the young and strong people in Linjia Village, climbed the wall together, picked up all kinds of weapons they could find, and made a posture to resist. After all, he saw that the number of people on the other side was not large. Although it seemed that these sea wolves were relatively powerful, he still thought that as long as he stayed in the village, These people may not be able to do what they do.

What's more, Lin's lame feels that they came here because the emperor is far away, and they don't want to be under anyone's control anymore. Now who doesn't come here to say that this territory is under their control. His surname is Lin has to listen to others. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

In a word, if he surrender now, he will not do it, so he thinks arrogantly that he doesn't have to be too afraid today. If these people can't beat his Linjia Village, he will retreat in the face of difficulties.

So he greeted people to prepare bows and arrows, and went to carry out a few poles* in their village. They even chiseled two wooden earth cannons with a kind of hardwood produced locally.

This thing is not much to charge, it's not far away, and it's easy to blow up, but it's also quite powerful in this area.

Linjia Village has its own small iron workshop. Compared with other villages, they have certain advantages. They can build their own weapons, farm tools and other things. The iron hoop on this earth cannon is made by themselves.

So they are also used to it in the local area. Except for Majiabao, they can't do anything, and other villages should often look at their faces.

Yu Xiaotian was on a boat near the river and observed Linjia Village on the shore with a single telescope. When he saw the people of Linjia Village and found that they arrived, he did not immediately accept it, and even opened the posture of getting angry with them.

If it had been more than a year ago, it would have been a lot of difficulty for him to attack this village with this manpower.

But now he has changed his gun, and the quality of his firearms has been comprehensively updated, so that the level of weapon technology he currently has caught up with or even surpassed the most advanced countries of this era. In the next step, he may even develop a newer wirebore in the near future. Rifle, at his current level of equipment, if he can't even take this small village, it's really a joke.

What's more, his men are now strictly trained soldiers, and they are not a mob like before. If he touches his nose here today, then he can now pack up his things and take his brothers back to Nanri Island to wash and sleep.

Originally, he wanted to give this Linjia Village a salute first, but when he saw the other party's arrogant appearance, carrying cannons, arches and arrows, and putting on a posture of fighting to the end, Yu Xiaotian gave up this idea.

"Give me the order and tell the brothers who landed that I won't be polite to them today! Let's shell the village for them first, give them an hour, and take down the village for me. The rebels will be unforgivable, and the rest will be captured and brought back to Majiabao!" Yu Xiaotian put away the telescope in his hand. This thing doesn't work well. Because it is not sealed, there is often moisture on the lens inside, which affects observation. Therefore, he plans to find a way to solve this problem after going back, at least to keep the copper tube dry.

The soldiers immediately conveyed his order, and the 30 soldiers and more than 20 sailors who went ashore immediately moved to the left side of Linjia Village, freeing up space for the three ships on the shore to avoid accidental injury.

Linjia Village is actually close to the banks of the Tamsui River, only one hundred meters away from the river, which can make it convenient for them to fish or sail on the river. Therefore, such a distance has become the target of those cannons on the sea wolf ship, which can be easily and accurate. Hit this village.

After each ship received the order to shell, the sailors of the three ships immediately took action, began to remove the gun coats of the guns on each ship, quickly carried the ammunition from the bottom compartment to the deck, loaded the artillery, and prepared for the shelling.

These three ships are all bird boats or chase boats with small displacement. Each ship is not strong in firepower and can only be equipped with three six-pounder guns at most.

If you fire together, three ships can only operate six six-pound guns at the same time, but even so, such firepower is enough to deal with such a wooden fence village.

With Yu Xiaotian's order, the artillery on the three ships began to sound in turn, starting from the first ship and firing fire in turn.

I could only hear the bombard... Several bursts of cannons, and the three boats shook violently. Following Yu Xiaotian, the stewards of the immigration village who were forcibly invited to watch the battle on the ship, when they saw the sea wolf firing, they all turned pale with fear.

When have they seen such a battle? As soon as the gunfire sounded, the two timid guys fell directly on the deck, leaving the bolder ones. At this time, there were also two battles. They quickly found something to help them, for fear of making a fooling themselves on the spot.

However, the sea wolves and Yu Xiaotian on the ship were there one by one, and there was no feeling of tension. There was only the roar of the gunners on the ship, and they tried their best to fill them again, and then shouted the horn to push the cannon back to the gun door again and began to aim at Linjia Village on the shore again. Fire.

Originally, Lin was still shouting in the village, lame his wounded leg and holding a knife to cheer the villagers in the village. He greeted them that if the thief dared to attack the village, he would beat him to death.

But suddenly they heard a strange roar in the air, and then they felt that the wall suddenly vibrated. At this time, they heard a burst of gunfire from the river.

Looking at the wall of the village, a piece of debris suddenly flew up. A villager who was lying on the wall and looking out of the village wall turned into pieces in front of his chest. A shell impartially hit his position, instantly tore the villager's upper body into pieces, and his internal organs flew out all at once.

The villagers on the wall exploded and began to run around crying with fear.

When Lin saw such a scene, he was also scared on the spot. He didn't expect that this group of sea wolves were so fierce. He came over and let go without saying a fight. He didn't give them a chance at all, and the other party's cannon was so powerful that they actually hit him from so far away.

How can pirates have such a good cannon? Unexpectedly, he was so accurate. Looking at his village, a shell fell directly into the village, and a room was smashed down by the shell, causing dust and smoke.

Before the forest lame reflected, the second round of shells hit again. This time, the landing point of the shells was more accurately. It was basically concentrated on their wooden wall, and instantly bombarded several holes in the wall. The wooden wall made up of logs. The shell of the six-pound cannon was bombarded at this distance. The thick log at the mouth of the bowl stained the shell and was directly broken. Even the horizontal burden strengthened in the middle of the log could not withstand such bombardment and broke a few sections.

The original wall, which looked very strong, began to appear crooked after only two rounds of shelling. A section had become crumbling, which made the villagers who climbed on it exclaimed. Some people turned around and cried and jumped into the village, and Sa Ya fled to the village for their lives.

Lin was really scared and stood on the wall with a knife. He didn't come to his senses for a long time, but the shell then hit him from the thief ship by the river.

This time, the shell chose the wall door that went straight to the river bank. The two shells hit the wall door accurately. This wall gate could not withstand the bombardment of the shells at all. Even if the wall gate was opened with two basin-sized holes, the thick gate for closing the door was broken in an instant, and the gate was slowly knocked inward.

After Yu Xiaotian saw that the village gate was broken, he waved his hand and ordered to stop the shelling. The soldiers and sailors on the shore were now ordered to attack. More than 50 strong men, led by their leaders, let out a fierce roar and roared together to raise their weapons towards the village gate in Linjia Village. Go...

(The second update will arrive, and there will be another update in the afternoon, please stay tuned! Thank you very much!)